Princess Beatrice of Great Britain and Ireland | Wedding Jewels

New details and information about  the Wedding Presents & Marriage Gifts of Princess Bebattenberg-princess-beatrice-royalatrice of Great Britain and Ireland are added to the Royal Magazin websites.
And we have changed the picture of the royal bride with her jewels and stars with diamonds, the presents of her mother the Queen Victoria.
Princess Beatrice of Great Britain and Ireland | Royal Wedding Jewels

Die Hochzeitsgeschenke der Prinzessin Beatrice von Grossbritannien und Nordirland

Tiara with diamonds and Sapphires | Prinzessin Beatrice von Battenberg

Indian turquoise and pearl necklace | Türkis und Perlenschmuck|  Prinzessin Beatrice

The Princess Beatrice – Pearls | Perlenschmuck

Diamond Tassel Brooches | Die Drei Broschen mit Diamant Quasten

Strawberry Leaf Coronet | Tiara Queen Victoria | Königin Viktoria mit dem Orginal Rubin-Diamant Diadem>>

Strawberry Leaf Coronet | Tiara Queen Victoria Eugenia | Königin Victoria Eugenia mit dem Rubin – Diamant Diadem >>

Strawberry Leaf Coronet | Tiara Princess Beatrice | Prinzessin Beatrice von Battenberg mit dem Diamant-Diadem>>

Strawberry Leaf Coronet |Tiara | Marchioness von Carisbrooke mit dem Diamant-Diadem>>

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