Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Manchester ruby,rubies,,consuelo duchess of manchester, gift,Diamond,geschenk,reine,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,montagu,manderville,schmuck,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,,royal family diamonds and ruby,rubies,consuelo duchess of manchester, ,jewels,english,royalty,Queen,british,england,manchester jewels,royal family,gilded age,american heiress,dollarprincess,famous jewels,important jewels,magnificent wedding gifts Duchess of Manchester Jewellery| Royal Jewels| Consuelo Yznaga | Montagu | Vicountess Manderville | Wedding Marriage Bride | Hochzeitsgeschenke

Rubin und Diamant Armband |Rubin Schmuck

Schmuck und Juwelen - Rubin Diamant Armband aus dem Nachlass der Herzogin von Manchester, Consuelo Yznaga.

Wedding Gifts | Jewellery of the Duchess of Manchester


Jewels of Consuelo Montagu, Duchess of Manchester


In 1876, Lord Mandeville heir apparent to the title and possessious of his father, the sixth duke of Manchester married in Grace Church NY to Miss Consuelo, daughter of Senor Antioni Yznaga del Valle, of Orange New Jersey a rich Cuban merchant.
The groom ist 23 years and of best Englisch blood. The Viscounts mother, who was the Countess Louise Frederica Augusta von Alten of Hanover. The future american duchess is a most beautiful women and had a wedding dowry of $100 000 from her father.

A large assemblage was present, in fine wedding trim.
The bridal dress was of magnificent workmanship and made by Madam Cantel of NY., the front was of white satin, beautifully enveloped with point lace. The back was of satin and damsk. The waist was of the same with open square and the sleeves were of striped satin and pearl passamenteries.
She wore a point lace veil with diamond stars and crescents and orange blossems in the hair, as well as diamond ear-rings and pearl necklace. Carried a bouquet of white lilacs.

Lord and Lady Mandeville received elegant wedding gifts, they was on display in the 262 Fith avenue, Mr Yznaga's temporary residence.

The bride's sisters and her brother sent two large diamond crescents.

A band bracelet studded with large solitaire diamonds, a set of very old and valuable lace - from relatives in Cuba.
All the jewelery worn by the bride at the wedding, excepting the pearl necklace (worth $30000) are family treasures of great age and value.

Diamond earrings from Mr. and Mrs James p. Kernochan

Solitaire diamond ring from Mr Mrs L.P. Morton

Jewelled Maltese cross from Miss Barlow

Diamond and sapphire bracelet from Mr William Cutting

Diamond and ruby bracelet from Luckmyer

Diamond Butterfly from Mr W.P. Douglass

Jewelled locket and sleeve buttons form Mr Gordon Bennett

Carved necklace from Mr and Mrs Onativia

Diamond ring from Mr Francklyn

Diamond ring from Mr Tighe

Pearl and diamond ring from Miss Stockwell

Gold bracelet form Mr Leonard Jerome Gold Bangles from Mr Romily

Gold bracelet from Mr Yznaga

Gold bracelet from Miss Keteltas

Gold bracelet form Miss Gilbert

Haevy gold sleeve buttons from Mr and Mrs Onativia

Point lace van gift from William H. Vanderbilt and

Isaac Bell.


Noble Rubies | Diamond and Ruby Bracelet Consulo Duchess of Manchester

Among the bequests contained in the will of Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester,in 1909, is one of

"My ruby and diamond bracelet which I would ask her Majesty Queen Alexandra to be graciously pleased to accept as a token of my respectful affection and regard."
Free of all duties! The estate of Late Dowager Duchess of Manchester valued at $1,624,330.

The Duchess was a member of the Marlborough House set and friend of the Queen.

She left to Louise Duchess of Devonshire a ruby and diamond tassel and a sapphire necklace to her grandson Viscount Mandeville.
A box marke "Alice" and the contents to the second daughter of her son the Duke of Manchester.
A box marked "Mary" and it's contens to Lady Mary Alva Montagu and if she shall attain to the age of 18 years, her necklace of fifty-three Oriental pearls, seen in the picture worn by the Dowager Duchess.
Source:The Washington Post ,Philadelphia Bulletin;Daily Evening Bulletin San Francisco 1876; The Scotsman;New York Times Dec 1909;



Wedding Gifts | Bridal Jewellery of the Duchess of Manchester

Ruby Bracelet | Jewels of Consuelo Montagu, Duchess of Manchester

Emerald and Diamond Necklace |Duchess of Manchester | Consuelo Yznaga | Montagu | Vicountess Manderville

Duchess of Manchester Diamond Jewels | Manchestertiara|Cartier Diamond Tiara and Cartier Choker | Dog Collar

Manchestertiara|Cartier Diamond Tiara Diadem | Jewels Helene Duchess of Manchester | Large Diamond Drops Corsage Brooch

Queen Alexandras Wedding gifts:

Brooch of the Ladies of North Wales | Royal Wedding present >>

Emerald Brooche and Emerald earpendant a gift of the Ladies of North Wales>>

Rundell Tiara | Das Rundell Diadem der englischen Königin >>

Alexandras Indian Necklace of Diamonds and Emeralds | Indisches Halsband >>

National Token of South Wales of Diamonds and Emeralds | Gift of the Ladies of South Wales >>

Dagmar Necklace with Pearls | Dagmar Kreuz Collier mit Perlen >>

Demi Parure with Opals | Opalschmuck - Geschenk der Königin Victoria >>

Diamond necklace and earrings presented by the Corporation of the City of London >>

Cambridge Diamond Bracelet | Turquoise Bracelet | Armbänder >>

Bridesmaids Bracelet | Armband - Geschenk der Brautmädchen >>

Parure of Landgrave William of Hesse and Chamberlain Juel | Parure im altenglischen Design vom Landgraf von Hessen und Juel >>

Solid Gold Parure in Runic design | Goldschmuckset mit Runen von den Einwohnern der Insel Laaland und Falster >>

Wedding Memorials and Token | Erinnerungsgeschenke an die Hochzeit von Königin Alexandra

Pearl Parure of Queen Alexandra | Perlen der Königin Alexandra

Ruby Diamond Choker & Bangles | Ladies of South Australia silver wedding gift | Geschenk der Damen von Süd Australien zur Silberhochzeit

more jewels :

Amethyst - Tiara | Queen Alexandras Amethyst Necklace | Amethyst Schmuck

Sapphires - Collar | Silver-Weddinggift of Tsar Alexander III. | Saphir Collier

Diamond -Butterfly Brooch | Silver Wedding present from the Grand Lodge of Freemasons

Royal Diamond - Stars Brooches Queen Alexandra | Sterne mit Diamanten als Broschen

Coronation Jewels | Crown and Diamonds | Krönungsschmuck der Königin Alexandra

Queen Victorias Diamond Jubilee Link-Chain and Bracelets | Queen Alexandra Jewels | Resille Chocker | Diamant Halsschmuck der Königin Alexandra

Ruby, Rubies | Royal - Jewels of Queen Alexandra | Rubin Schmuck der Königin Alexandra von England



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