türkis,turquoise,kreuter hanau,diadem,tiara,Princes,Fürsten,Thurn und Taxis,deutsche,royal jewels,schmuck,jewellery,diamant,diamonds,princess,eulalia,fürstin,phillip ernst,hochzeit,history,geschichte Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry Princess eulalia jewelhistory princess Phillip Ernst Hanauer Juwelenfabrikation Fr. Kreuter & Co. wurde von Georg Friedrich Kreuter 1815-1902 und seinem Bruder Wilhelm Karl Ludwig Kreuter im Jahre 1842 gegründet Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry jewelhistory koch hofjuwelier atelier juwelen schmuck Fa.Friedrich Kreuter & Co. Hanau  
-- Eulalia's bandeau was designed as a peacock with large cabochon turquoise set in it's wings Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry princess Phillip Ernst Hanauer Juwelenfabrikation Fr. Kreuter & Co. wurde von Georg Friedrich Kreuter 1815-1902 und seinem Bruder Wilhelm Karl Ludwig Kreuter im Jahre 1842 gegründet  jewelhistory koch hofjuwelier atelier juwelen schmuck Fa.Friedrich Kreuter & Co. Hanau  
-- Eulalia's bandeau was designed as a peacock with large cabochon turquoise set in it's wings Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry alter Schmuck  princess Phillip Ernst Hanauer Juwelenfabrikation Fr. Kreuter & Co. wurde von Georg Friedrich Kreuter 1815-1902 und seinem Bruder Wilhelm Karl Ludwig Kreuter im Jahre 1842 gegründet Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry jewelhistory koch hofjuwelier atelier juwelen schmuck Fa.Friedrich Kreuter & Co. Hanau  
-- Eulalia's bandeau was designed as a peacock with large cabochon turquoise set in it's wings jewelhistory koch hofjuwelier atelier juwelen schmuck Fa.Friedrich Kreuter & Co. Hanau  
-- Eulalia's bandeau was designed as a peacock with large cabochon turquoise set in it's wings Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry  princess Phillip Ernst Hanauer Juwelenfabrikation Fr. Kreuter & Co. wurde von Georg Friedrich Kreuter 1815-1902 und seinem Bruder Wilhelm Karl Ludwig Kreuter im Jahre 1842 gegründet jewelhistory koch hofjuwelier atelier juwelen schmuck Fa.Friedrich Kreuter & Co. Hanau  
-- Eulalia's bandeau was designed as a peacock with large cabochon turquoise set in it's wings jewelhistory koch hofjuwelier atelier juwelen schmuck Fa.Friedrich Kreuter & Co. Hanau  -- Eulalia's bandeau was designed as a peacock with large cabochon turquoise set in it's wings Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry  princess Phillip Ernst Hanauer Juwelenfabrikation Fr. Kreuter & Co. wurde von Georg Friedrich Kreuter 1815-1902 und seinem Bruder Wilhelm Karl Ludwig Kreuter im Jahre 1842 gegründet Princess eulalia of Thurn und Taxis, princess Phillip Ernst Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry Princess eulalia of Thurn und Taxis, princess Phillip Ernst Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry

Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry

Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels| Jewelry |Schmuck und Diamanten des Fürstenhauses Thurn und Taxis

Princess Margaret of Thurn-Taxis, Archduchess of Austria could draw upon the extensive and unusual jewels of the Princely House of Thurn and Taxis which was  a very high collection. The princess created sculpture and was very open-minded to the new fashion current of the 1920s, even wearing a modern pageboy hairstyle.

For their youngest daughter-in-law Eulalia, the Fürst and Fürstin decided to give a turquoise and diamond parure with an absolutely avant-garde peacock bandeau.

The bandeau's central focus is the peacock, with wings outspread, adorned with shimmering rose diamonds. The bird's tail feathers' "eye" markings are represented by large oval turquoises surrounded by shimmering diamond plummage.

The peacock tiara was produced by Kreuter, Hanau 1926 with the original sketch of the jewel by Heinrich Wagner.

In the company record Archive No. 66149, the cost was estimated at 8786 marks for the fine jewels and 100 grams of platinum and 70 grams of gold. The draft provides further information as to the number of stones and their sizes:

8 large oval turquoises of 31.8 grams together with

1098 diamonds................71.89ct
107 rose cut diamonds......1.50ct
7 rose cut diamonds......... 0.30ct
19 rose cut diamonds....... 0.10ct
137 rose cut diamonds..... 0.23ct
50 rose cut diamonds....... 0.47ct
69 rose cut diamonds....... 0.80ct

The turquoise necklace details >>

The accompanying classic pendant earrings consist of three clusters terminating in large oval turquoises surrounded by diamonds.

It is not known if the tiara/bandeau jewel still exists; the last picture of it is from the 1950s.


Türkis Collier mit Diamanten, Halsband mit Türkisen der Parure mit Türkis Pfauen Diadem | Fürst Thurn-Taxis Schmuck Juwelen

Royal Peacock Turquoise Tiara with Diamonds| Fürst Thurn-Taxis Jewels | Jewelry

Pfauen-Diadem |Türkis-Diamant Diadem| Princessin Eulalia von Thurn-Taxis |Schmuck & Juwelen

Prinzessin Eulalia von Thurn und Taxis Hochzeit | Schmuck und Juwelen | Jewels | Wedding

Parure Empire Style Diamant Diadem | Historic Diamond Tiara of the Princes of Thurn and Taxis

Empire Style Diamant Saphir Diadem | Sapphire Diamond Tiara of the Princes of Thurn and Taxis

Turquoise Jewels with Diamonds| Jewelry | Fürstin Therese von Thurn-Taxis | Schmuck

Sapphire Diamond Bow Brooch Stomacher | Thurn and Taxis Royal Jewels

Smaragd Diamant Brosche | Schmuck Thurn und Taxis| Jewels stomacher devante de corsage emerald brooch made by Hancocks

Emerald Diamond Tiara of the Princes of Thurn and Taxis Diadem | Emerald Drop | Hancock Diadem

Fürstin Margarethe:Diamant Diadem mit Smaragdtropfen |Hancocks Emerald and Diamond Tiara

Fürstin Gloria:Diamant Diadem mit Smaragdtropfen | Hancocks Emerald and Diamond Tiara

Bericht über die grosse fürstliche Juwelen-Auktion | The auction of the princely Jewels Thurn and Taxis

Thurn und Taxis Jewels | Schmuck Ein Teil der versteigerten Ring-Collection | Jewelry The Ring Collection

Saphir-Diamant-Schmuck | Thurn und Taxis Jewel History| Royal Sapphire - Diamond Jewels Bracelet

Smaragd-Ohrringe der Grossfürstin Wladimir | Imperial Jewels | Romanov Emerald Earrings of the Grand Duchess Wladimir

Diamant-Collier und Starbust Halsband der Versteigerung | Jewels Jewelry Princes Thurn and Taxis Diamond-Collier Starbust Necklace

Emerald and Ruby Dogcollar | Diamond Choker | Collier de Chien with Diamonds,Emeralds,Rubies |Princess Margarete of Thurn und Taxis

Das historische Smaragd-Rubin-Diamant Halsband des Fürsten von Thurn und Taxis | Royal Jewels| Emerald Ruby Choker with Diamonds of the House Thurn and Taxis

Die historische Smaragd Diamant Brosche des Fürsten von Thurn und Taxis | Royal Jewels| Emerald Brooche, Stomacher, Devante de Corsage with Diamonds of the House Thurn and Taxis

Smaragd Corsage Brosche mit Diamanten | Emerald Devant de Corsage | Royal Jewel Jewelry of the Princess of Thurn and Taxis

Kleine Diadem mit Diamanten und Brillanten der Fürstin Therese |Royal Imperial Jewels| Small diamond tiara of Fürstin Therese Thurn and Taxis

Smaragd Corsage Brosche mit Diamanten | Emerald Devant de Corsage | Royal Jewel Jewelry of the Princess of Thurn and Taxis

Kleine Diadem mit Diamanten und Brillanten der Fürstin Therese |Royal Imperial Jewels| Small diamond tiara of Fürstin Therese Thurn and Taxis

Diamant Diadem in Schleifenform | Schmuck| Thurn und Taxis Jewels |Princess Maria Josephas Diamond Bow, Garland Tiara

Das Rubin Cabochon Diamant Halsband im Stil der 40er Jahre von Fürstin Gloria | Rubies Ruby Necklace with Diamonds | Imperial Royal Jewelry | Princess of Thurn and Taxis

Brosche Devante de Corsage der Kaiserin Marie Louise von Frankreich | Imperial Jewels Thurn Taxis Jewelry | Empress Marie Louises diamond stomacher

Das Köchert Fuchsien Diadem | Thurn & Taxis Jewels | The Diamond Fuchsia Tiara made by Koechert

Das grosse Diamant Empire Diadem der Fürstin Margarethe | Large Diamond Empire Tiara

Die Rubin - Ohrringe aus dem Haus Orleans | Ruby Earrings Earpendants with Diamonds Princess Thurn and Taxis Rubies

Bericht über die grosse fürstliche Juwelen-Auktion | The auction of the princely Jewels

Das Perlen Diamant Diadem der Kaiserin Eugenie von Frankreich | Royal Imperial Pearl and Diamond Tiara of Empress Eugenie | Jewel History

Fürstenhochzeit mit dem Diadem | Princess Thurn and Taxis Wedding | Historic Jewels Pearls

Perlen Diamant Devant de Corsage |Historic Pearl Jewels| Imperial Royal Jewelry | Thurn&Taxis Diamond Pearl Devant de Corsage

Laurel Leaf Tiara with Diamonds| Princess Antonia of Thurn-Taxis Jewels | Royal Jewelry

Lorbeerkranz-Bandeau | Lorbeer Blatt Diamant Diadem | Prinzessin Antonia von Thurn-Taxis |Schmuck & Juwelen

Royal Sapphire and diamond tiara Palmette Diadem Princess Thurn & Taxis |Infanta Maria Teresa von Braganza| Princess Karl Ludwig Thurn und Taxis |Wedding

Saphir und Diamant Palmetten Tiara der Prinzessin von Thurn & Taxis |Infanta Maria Teresa von Braganza| Prinzen Hochzeit Braut Geschenk

Königliche Hochzeit, Infantin Maria Theresa von Portugal Sapphire und Diamant Palmetten Tiara der Prinzessin von Thurn & Taxis | Maria Teresa von Braganza| Prinzen Hochzeit Braut Geschenk

Opal Diamond Brooches Opal Stomacher Opal Devante de Corsage|Princess Helene of Thurn und Taxis Herzogin in Bayern| Royal Wedding Gift



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