circlet diadem tiara ragnhild,prinsessan ingeborg,maerthe,norway,pearl,perlen,kette,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Sammlung,jewels,sweden,schweden,Princess ,royalty,jewels,royals,stockholm,courtjeweller,boucheron,monarchie,swedish Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara Princess Ragnhild of Norway Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara circlet diadem tiara Princess Ingeborg of SwedensBoucheron Loop-Tiara  Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara circlet diadem tiara Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Princess Ingeborg of Swedens Boucheron Loop-Tiara |Prinzessin Ragnhild von Norwegen |  Boucheron Diadem mit Diamanten und grossen Perlen Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara Princess Ragnhild of Norway circlet diadem tiara Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Princess Ingeborg of SwedensBoucheron Loop-Tiara |Prinzessin Ragnhild von Norwegen |  Boucheron Diadem mit Diamanten und grossen Perlen circlet diadem tiara Princess Ragnhild of Norway Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara Princess Ingeborg of Swedens Boucheron Loop-Tiara circlet diadem tiara Princess Ragnhild of Norway  Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Princess Ingeborg of SwedensBoucheron Loop-Tiara |Prinzessin Ragnhild von Norwegen |  Boucheron Diadem mit Diamanten und grossen Perlen circlet diadem tiara Princess Ragnhild of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara Diadem circlet diadem tiara

Princess Ragnhild of Norway| Princess Ingeborg Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara

This jewel was given to Princess Ragnhild of Norway by her grandmother, Princess Ingeborg. Princess Ingeborg’s eldest daughter, Princess Margaretha also wore it as did her second daughter, Crown Princess Martha.

The Boucheron diamond tiara was a gift from Prince Carl of Sweden who bought it for his wife Ingeborg at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900. The diamond tiara in the form of large and small loops is made in platinum.
Princess Ingeborg wore the jewel in later years decorated with 3 large pearls in diamond clusters, at the same time as Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna sold her jewels and her Hallberg-Pearl Tiara >>

Princess Ragnhild, Mrs Lorentzen 1930 – 2012 was the eldest child of King Olav V of Norway and Princess Märtha of Sweden. She was the older sister of King Harald V and Princess Astrid. In 1953 she married the industrialist Erling Lorentzen, a member of the Lorentzen family of shipping magnates.

When Princess Ingrid Alexandra celebrated her 18th birthday in January 2022, the Boucheron Loop Diamond and Pearl Tiara was presented from the Lorentzen Family to the Princess.

Source: Norwegian magazine Se og Hør.



Boucheron Schlaufen Diadem| Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara

Dieses Diadem hat Prinzessin Ranghild von Ihrer Grossmutter erhalten, Prinzessin Ingeborg bekam dieses bildschöne Diadem von Ihrem Gatten Prinz Carl von Schweden, der es 1900 in Paris auf der Weltausstellung von Boucheron gekauft haben soll. Oben links ein Bild im Orginalzustand.

Das Diadem mit grossen Schlingen und kleineren Schlaufen die wie kleine Brezel die grossen Schwünge verbindet, hat die Prinzessin in den späteren Jahren mit 3 sehr grossen Perlen in Diamantfassung getragen, just zu dem Zeitpunkt als ihre Schwägerin, die russische Grossfürstin Maria Pavlovna ihren Schmuck und die Juwelen verkaufen musste, es könnte sich um die Romanoff-Perlen handeln.

Many thanks to Monica Hansen for this rare pictures and information!
Princess Ragnhild of Norway| Royal Boucheron Pearl and Diamond Loop Tiara|Circlet Diadem
Princess Ingeborg of Sweden | Royal Boucheron Pearl and Diamond Loop Tiara| Circlet Diadem
Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara| Royal Jewel History ,Diadem Circlet
Prinzessin Margarethe von Dänemark Schmuck| Royal Jewels Tiara
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Princess Astrid of Norway | Turquoise Stars | Queen Maud Jewels | Royal Turquoises
Türkisschmuck von Königin Maud von Norwegen | Diadem, Halsband, Armband, Broschen, Choker, Sterne mit Türkisen besetzt
Royal Wedding Gifts and Jewel Present | Maud of Wales |Queen of Norway
Queen Maud of Norway Royal Jewels | Coronation Jewellery

Princess Ingeborg | Princess Carl of Sweden and Norway | Fringe Necklace Tiara Diadem of Diamonds | Prinzessin Ingeborg Diamant Schmuck

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Norwegen Schmuck des Königshauses
Smaragd Tiara Prinzessin Ingeborg von Schweden | Grossherzogin Stephanie von Baden - Smaragd Halsband Tiara - Parure

eine weitere Tochter der Herzogin Pauline von Nassau:

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