Princess Charlene, wore it also as wedding jewel tells: "Princess Caroline has lent me some beautiful diamond hair clips which belonged to her grandmother."
Eine antique Demi-Parure, die sowohl als Brosche, Haarbandeau, Diadem und Devante de Corsage getragen werden kann. Ein Schmuckstück aus naturalistischen Blüten, Knospen und Blättern aus Diamanten, Gold und Silber gefertigt.
Der Schmuck ist aus dem Besitz von Prinzessin Caroline von Monaco, Prinzessin von Hannover. Sie trug die Brosche zusammen mit passenden Ohrgehängen aus Rosen in Diamanten 1990 auf dem Rosenball in Monaco.
Sie trug es in ähnlicher Weise auf dem Rotkreuzball, mit Stefano und im November 2003 auf der Monegegassischen Nationaltag, der Abendgala.
The jewels above worne by the Princess, are part of the rose flower and buds spray brooch demi parure of diamonds, in naturalistic style of Princess Caroline of Monaco, the details of the diamond ornaments is not very clear.
Princess Charlene, wore it also as wedding jewel tells about the guirlande: "Princess Caroline has lent me some beautiful diamond hair clips which belonged to her grandmother."
She wore it in a similar way on the rose ball with Stefano in 1990 and on the Red Cross Ball.
And in November 2003 on the National Day Gala.
The piece of diamond jewelry she was wearing in her hair is part of the so called “Traine de corsage“.
She lent it to Princess Charlene,which wore it for her wedding>>
Traine de corsage is the french expression by which these jewels were known at the end of the XIXth century. Those jewels which generally consist in a serie of brooches (generally diamonds leaves and flowers) which can be assembled to form a traine around the décolleté of the lady who wears them. Princess Caroline rebuild a part of it as matching earpenants of rose flowers, she wore it often on different occassions.
Sources: U.Butschal;Cartier;Princepaute de Monaco, Palais de Princier Monte-Carlo;
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