Jayne Wrightsman’s jewels Jayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman,mrs,greatjewellerycollector,Jewelry,Famous Important Jewels History,jewel history,royals,necklace,brooch,pearlstrings,necklace,collier,antique,important,history,imperial,royal jewels,jewellry,jewellery,diamant,diamonds,jewelry history romanov historic jewelsJayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman,mrs,greatjewellerycollector,Jewelry,Famous Important Jewels History,jewel history,royals,necklace,brooch,pearlstrings,necklace,collier,antique,important,history,imperial,royal jewels,jewellry,jewellery,diamant,diamonds,jewelry historyJayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsmans jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN Jayne Wrightsman  jewels mrs wrightsman famous jewelry collection of historic jewels emerald emeralds pearl real pearl orient pearls MRS. CHARLES WRIGHTSMAN 17th century and once belonged to the Saxon Royal Family. It is set with 70 Colombian emerald beads interspersed by gold rondelles set with table cut diamonds suspending a pendant set with five double-cabochon emeralds and numerous table-cut diamonds, within gold surrounds applied with black and white enamel. In its original form the 17-inch long necklace suspended an emerald pendant carved with the Annuncation

Jayne Wrightsman | Famous Emerald Jewels | Historic Jewelry Collection

Above a rare picture of Jayne Wrightsman. 

One of the spectacular pieces of Mrs. Wrightsman’s famous jewelry collection was a multi-strand natural pearl, emerald and diamond necklace. 

It is not known who made this item. The design is of traditional Indian jewels. The seven-strand necklace composed of 311 pearls measuring approximately 14.0 by 13.8 mm to 7.4 by 7.3 mm, spaced by numerous fluted and round emerald beads and decorative openwork gold rondelles of Indian inspiration, accented throughout by numerous round and rose-cut diamonds, suspending emerald taviz and briolettes, suspending a pear-shaped cabochon emerald drop weighing approximately 97.00 carats, length 15 inches. The necklace sold for $518,500 at auction.


Royal Emeralds Emerald Rosary of the Queen of Saxony

A rosary onced owned by the Royal Family of Saxe. 

The Saxon Royal Family Queen Maria Antoinette of Saxony, born Princess of Bavaria (1805-1877), married to King Friedrich August of Saxony(1797-1854), thence by descent to Prince Ernst Heinrich (1896-1971), third son of King Friedrich August III, the last King of Saxony. The jewel was formerly in the Grünes Gewölbe, Dresden. 

In its original form, this rosary suspended an emerald pendant carved with the Annuncation, the reverse of which contained a particle of the True Cross inscribed Lig. S+ 

The rosary in Mrs. Wrightsman’s collection dates from the late 17th century It is set with 70 Colombian emerald beads interspersed by gold rondelles set with table cut diamonds suspending a pendant set with five double-cabochon emeralds and numerous table-cut diamonds, within gold surrounds applied with black and white enamel. The jewel sold at Sotheby’s for $842,500
 Sources: Sotheby’s; U.Butschal;


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