Prinzessin May Helen Emma von Teck wurde 1906 geboren und ist das einzig überlebende Kind aus der Verbindung von
Prinz Alexander von Teck und Prinzessin Alice. Ihre Mutter war die Tochter von Leopold, Herzog of Albany, dem jüngsten Sohn Königin Victorias.
Lady May Abel Smith trägt eine Smaragd Diamant Cluster Brosche. Der große Cabochon hat einen schmalen Diamantrand und weitere Diamanten sind in einem breiten, durchbrochenen Gittermuster gefasst, als Schliesse für ihre vierreihige Perlenkette.
Es ist keine der Broschen aus den Saphir Broschen Set bzw Smaragd Set der als Cambridge Stomacher, von Mary der Herzogin von Teck, getragen wurde.
Prinzessin Louise von Argyll schenkt Lady May einen Smaragd-Diamant Anhänger zur Hochzeit, vermutlich ist es dieses Schmuckstück.
Die grosse Brosche mit Diamanten und Perlen, stammt ebenfalls von ihrer Mutter Prinzessin Alice.
Diese Perlen und Diamant Devante de Corsage wurde in den späteren Jahren nicht mehr an Prinzessin Alice gesehen.
Die Diamant Ohrringe in Form von Quasten stammen ebenso von Prinzessin Alice und wurden von ihr bis ins hohe Alter genutzt und zuletzt 1951 fotografiert.
Lady May Cambridge, daughter of Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone and the Earl of Athlone, the only surviving brother of Queen Mary, married Captain Henry Abel Smith in October 1931.
Above on the left Lady May is pictured with some interesting royal jewels.
The diamond tassel earrings and pendants were owned by Princess Alice and worn by her, as seen on the right side, into her old age as well as the diamond spray brooch.
The pearl and diamond stomacher was one of the key pieces of the jewel collection of her mother Princess Alice, the granddaughter of Queen Victoria.
A choker with an large cabochon gem, probably an emerald as center, bordered with a line of small diamonds, in an fine openwork setting.
It was probably the wedding gift to her from her aunt Princess Louise of Argyll, the daughter of Queen Victoria, who presented it to her as a pendant with emerald and diamonds.
It's not from the sapphire or emerald brooches, which are used for the cambridge stomacher.
To compare a similar Romanov cluster in his orgin, on the left and without the diamond border, which was offered in the Fersman catalogue, of diamonds and gems of the Romanovs.
The original description 1925:
A beautiful, somewhat bulky, oval brooch with a
dark emerald-cabochon. The emerald is of a dark
water, with some defects, in the form of an egg-shaped
cabochon, a little scratched and obviously of ancient
The stone was evidently among the first
Columbians procured. (Weight 153 3/4 m. c.).
Dimensions: of the brooch 5,8x5,1 cent.; of
the stone 3,4x3,1 cent.
Diamonds: 20 very good old Brazilian stones, about
35 m. c. Roses.
Setting: silver a-jour with a small golden gallery
at the base.
The central part with the emerald can be taken
out and worn separately.
The workmanship belongs to the first part of the
XIX-th century, probably to the reign of Alexander I.
Not mentioned in the early Inventories. Inv. 1922 -- 173/145 A.
Procured by the Cabinet in 1913 from among the
jewels of the Grand-Duchess Alexandra Iossifovna.
Special thanks to Laura for her help
Sources: The Times Court Circular; The Romanov heirlooms, Property of the Sovietic Republics |The Diamond Treasure. Inventory items |History of the Diamond Treasure with items concerning some celebrated stones |Description of the Russia's Treasure of Diamonds and precious stones. By A. E. FERSMAN;