Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA |Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors  HarryWinston  PrincessAshrafPahlavi  pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Imperial Jewels History saphir,sapphires,safir,saphire,tiara,imperial,necklace,vca,van cleef arpels,collier,present,wedding,marriage,gift ,Pahlavi,Iran,persia,shah,schah,sister,gold,presents,Geschenk,jewel,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,jewels,jewelry,kaufen,verkaufe Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors  HarryWinston  PrincessAshrafPahlavi  pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors  HarryWinston  PrincessAshrafPahlavi  pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors   PrincessAshrafPahlavi  pahlavi  Princess Ashraf  Jewelry  Ashraf Pahlavi  Joyones  Pahlavi Family VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  Pahlavi Dynasty Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History  Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors   PrincessAshrafPahlavi  pahlavi  Princess Ashraf  Jewelry  Ashraf Pahlavi  Joyones  Pahlavi Family VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  Pahlavi Dynasty shahjewels Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History  Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors   PrincessAshrafPahlavi  pahlavi  Princess Ashraf  Jewelry  Ashraf Pahlavi  Joyones  Pahlavi Family VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  Pahlavi Dynasty Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History  Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors   PrincessAshrafPahlavi  pahlavi  Princess Ashraf  Jewelry  Ashraf Pahlavi  Joyones  Pahlavi Family VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  Pahlavi Dynasty Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Persia| Sapphires and Diamond Necklace Collier VCA | Imperial Jewels History  Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors   PrincessAshrafPahlavi  pahlavi  Princess Ashraf  Jewelry  Ashraf Pahlavi  Joyones  Pahlavi Family VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  Pahlavi Dynasty

Ihre Eltern waren Reza Schah Pahlavi und Tadj ol-Molouk. Ihr Zwillingsbruder war Mohammad Reza Pahlavi und ihre ältere Schwester war Shams Pahlavi. Zusammen mit ihrer Schwester legte sie 1934 den Schleier ab, was ganz im Gegensatz zur damaligen herrschenden Umgang, im Iran stand. Eine emanzipatorische starke Prinzessin.

Sie heiratete 1937 Ali Ghavam, von dem sie sich 1942 scheiden ließ; 1944 heiratete sie Ahmad Shafiq, von dem sie sich 1960 scheiden ließ.

1960 heiratete sie Mehdi Bushehri, oben im Bild, die Prinzessin, anlässlich dieser dritten Hochzeitsfeier in Paris.
Die Braut trägt ein bedeutendes Halsband von Van Cleef & Arpels, Paris möglicherweise das Hochzeitsgeschenk der Familie an Prinzessin Ashraf.

Die Front wurde in Form von fünf Clustern gestaltet, deren Größe von der Mitte aus mit einem achteckigen Saphir im Brillantschliff besetzt ist. Die Diamanten sind durch Diamanten in der Form einer Marquise miteinander verbunden, wobei die Mitte einen abnehmbaren birnenförmigen Anhänger mit einem gestufter Saphir mit 38,16 Karat in Brillantschliff, Seiten und Rückseite als Kette mit diamantbesetzten Blattmotiven, französisches Gold- und Platin-Markenzeichen Halsband und Anhänger sind signiert Van Cleef und Arpels - Nr. 85716 und 86494. Die Halskette und der Saphir- und Diamant-Cluster können auseinander genommen werden, und auch als Armband getragen werden. Aus dem Archiv von Van Cleef & Arpels ist das Gesamtgewicht der fünf ostagonalen Stufensaphire bekannt, die an der Kette befestigt sind,: 64,63 Karat und der Durchmesser des größeren Saphirs, der auf dem Anhänger befestigt ist, beträgt 38,16 ct.

Auch auf dem Hochzeitsbild zu sehen, eine Saphir-Diamant-Brosche in Form einer blühenden Kamelie aus Saphiren und Diamanten von Van Cleef & Arpels. Eine weitere Version der bühenden Kamlie als Brosche von Van Cleef Arpels mit Rubinen war im Besitz von Prinzessin Soraya, der zweiten Frau des Schahs von Persien,

Pahlavi hatte zwei Söhne und eine Tochter. Ihr Sohn Shahriar Shafiq (geb. 15. März 1945 in Rabat), wurde am 7. Dez. 1979 in Paris ermordet.


Princess Ashraf Palavi |Sapphire and Diamond Necklace Collier Van Cleef and Arpels | Imperial Shah Jewels

Princess Ashraf Pahlavi of Iran, the twin sister of Reza Shah Pahlavi, married in 1960 at Paris,Mehdi Bushehri, it was her third marriage.
The bride wore a new important necklace with sapphires, a wedding present, probably of the family.
The front designed as five flowerhead clusters graduated in size from the centre each set with an octagonal step-cut sapphire within a border of brillant-cut diamonds and connected by paired marquise shaped diamonds, the centre supperting a detachable pear-shaped pendant set with a step-cut sapphire weihing 38,16 carats in a brilliant-cut diamond border, the sides and back desigend as a chain of diamond-set foliate motifs, French gold and platinum marks neckace and pendant signed Van Cleef and Arpels - Nr 85716 and 86494 the necklace divides and the sapphire and diamond clusters may be worn as a bracelet. From the Van Cleef &Arpels archive, the total weight of the five ostagonal step-cut sapphires mounted on the necklace is: 64,63 caratd and the weiht of the larger sapphire mounted on the pendant is 38,16ct.

royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors     PrincessAshrafPahlavi   pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Important Royal Jewels Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors     PrincessAshrafPahlavi   pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Important Royal Jewels royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors     PrincessAshrafPahlavi   pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Important Royal Jewels royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors     PrincessAshrafPahlavi   pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Important Royal Jewels royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors     PrincessAshrafPahlavi   pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Important Royal Jewels royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors     PrincessAshrafPahlavi   pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Important Royal Jewels royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors     PrincessAshrafPahlavi   pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Important Royal Jewels royal jewel history shah jewels sapphire diamond CAMELIA BROOCH, BY VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Joyas  magnificentJewels  Jewels  GreatJewelryCollectors     PrincessAshrafPahlavi   pahlavi  PrincessAshraf  Jewelry  AshrafPahlavi  Joyones  PahlaviFamily VCA  RoyalJewels  Iran  RoyalJewellery  RoyalJewelry  PahlaviDynasty Important Royal Jewels

Also seen on the wedding picture, a sapphires diamond brooch in form of a camelia flower head of sapphires and diamonds
Designed as a flower blossom, centering upon a circular-cut diamond cluster pistil, extending overlapping oval-cut sapphire petals, trimmed with circular-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum and gold, very fashionable in the 60th.

Another version of the Camelia brooch was owned by Princess Soraya, the former Queen of Iran and second wife of the Shah.


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