Der Juwelenhändler Jacques Bienenfeld hatte um eine weitere
Auktion des verbleibenden Lobanow-Schmuckes im April zu vermeiden,
diesen für 1,4 Millionen Francs angekauft. Mit dem stolzen Totalerlös
von 3 470 000 Frances, für diesen Nachlass, trotz massenhafter
Verkäufe ruinierter russischer Adliger in den zwanziger Jahren.
Das erste Diadem
wurde später von Irene Herzogin von Aosta getragen
Manifique diadème joaillerie rinceaux, brillants, surmonté d'un
gros brillant. Diadème en brillants, rinceaux feuilles d'acanthe;
au centre, un très beau brillant pesant environ neuf carats, accompagné
notamment de dix autres moins importants Diadème empire, dessin russe,
bande feuilles de laurier, ruban brillants et roses.
Manifique diadème joaillerie rinceaux, brillants, surmonté
d'un gros brillant.
Diadème en brillants, rinceaux feuilles d'acanthe; au centre,
un très beau brillant pesant environ neuf carats, accompagné
notamment de dix autres moins importants.
Diadème empire, dessin russe, bande feuilles de laurier, ruban
brillants et roses
Princess Vera Nikolajewna Lobanov Rostovsky (1836-1914). Born Schablickine,
she married the prince Jacques Lobanoff de Rostoff in 1858 at Saint
Petersburg. The prince and princess were among the first of what was
to become the Russian colony in Cannes, living at Villa Tropicale,
Allée des Bleuets, from 1903 to 1914.
Princess was married, at the age of 16, to the younger brother of
prince Alexis Borisovitch Lobanoff de Rostoff, ambassador of Russia
to the courts of Vienna, London and the Sublime Door, and later Russian
foreign minister.
Princess Vera was herself a princess Dolgorouky, from the Rurik dynasty
the first member of which was grand-duke lvan of Russia, who lived
in the 800s, and the last of which was Ivan IV, known as Ivan the
Terrible, Czar of all Russias.
Princess Vera's mother was a Chatilow, belonging to an ancient family
of the nobility of the government of Toula. Known as the "Violet
of Pétersbourg", her beauty was legendary.
Vera Lobanoff de Rostoff, became a widow at a very young age, and
was left with a great fortune. Being a woman of independent means
allowed her to pursue her passion for the arts.
She lived in a beautiful palace in Moscow, surrounded by a vast park.
In this residence, which she liked to call "her small Hermitage",
she accumulated a large collection of beautiful and interesting things
imported from all over the world. She also possessed an important
gallery of family portraits. Her house was a model of Slavic elegance
and refined luxury.
She also developed a passion for the beautiful jewellery; which she
purchased with great enjoyment, everywhere she went. To those who
were astonished by her purchases, she answered: "They are wise
investments; I am not squandering anything; on the contrary, I am
building a second fortune from the first one".
The first Tiara
was later worne of Irene Duchess of Aoste
Special thanks for translation to Robert!