Hochzeitsgeschenke Hochzeit Trauung Hannah Rothschild mit dem Earl of Rosebery .
The pearl necklace of five rows is most extraordinary collection of large round lustrous pearls, and accompanying it are a diamond clasp, diamond eglantine spray brooch and earrings, which complete the set.
The heavy richness of gold and silver plate, and the greater brilliancy of precious stones, was artistically toned down by the deep borders of flowers which surrounded the tables on which the wedding gifts glimmered and glowed. Within a second enclosure of yellow roses and rare orchids lay the presents of the bridegroom to his betrothed, including the Rosebery diamonds, the magnificent new set especially designed for the occasion, a tiara, two bracelets, and a. triple necklace of brilliants of great splendour, a large spray of diamonds, designed to represent a "rose " and berry," and many other jewels of the most beautiful description.
Sources: Sotheby's Noble Jewels;Durham County Advertiser;Habeiage Of Lobs Bosebbet Derbyshire Advertiser;
Jewel Treasure
Mountbatten Jewels
Queen Mary Jewels
Queen Alexandras Wedding gifts