Emerald Tiara | Variation of the Emerald-Parure Queen of the Netherland|Royal Netherland Königin Beatrix und die Saphir-Parure ihrer Urgrossmutter Emma | |Dutch Royal Jewels History| Queen Betrix can be seen wearing it on the following photo Die zweite Version dieser Tiara als Hochzeits-Diadem von Prinzessin Mabel | Prinzess Mabel`s wedding-tiara, the second tiara-frame of this parure Königin Emma und ihre Saphir-Parure |Dutch Royal Jewels History| Queen Emma`s Sapphire Parure Königin Juliana mit dieser Juwelen-Garnitur ||Dutch Royal Jewels History| Queen Juliana wearing this parure Übersicht der Holländischen Juwelen | Dutch Royal Jewels History| More dutch royal jewels Mellerio Parure mit Rubinen getragen von : Queen Emma Royal Dutch Ruby Parure >> Queen Wilhelmina Royal Dutch Ruby Parure >> Queen Juliana Royal Dutch Ruby Parure >> Königin Juliana Royal Dutch Ruby Parure >> Queen Beatrix Royal Dutch Ruby Parure >> Königin Beatrix Royal Dutch Ruby Parure Netherlands >> Queen Emma Royal Wedding| Diamond Wedding Gifts and Presents Old Crown Parure Bow Brooch Queen of the Netherlands Dutch Royal Jewel History Queen Wilhelminas birthday present Royal Jewel History Diamond Necklace Prongs Diamond Devante de Corsage | Queen Emma Diamonds | Netherland Royal Jewels Königin Maxima | Queen Maxima | Diamond Devante de Corsage | Brooch wedding gift to Queen Emma| Dutch Royal Jewel History Königin Wilhelmina mit der Brosche | Queen Wilhelmina | Diamond Devante de Corsage || Dutch Royal Jewel History ENGLISH and SPANISH VERSION Queen Juliana | Diamond Devante de Corsage || Dutch Royal Jewel History ENGLISH and SPANISH VERSION Queen Julianas Diamond Bracelet| Dutch Royal Jewel Bracelet of the Colonies Smaragd Parure Holland | Emerald Paure Dutch Royal Jewels Pearl and Diamond Tiara and Pearl Brooch | The Royal Wedding Present to Pincess Luise of Prussia in 1825 From Her Father the King of Prussia | later known - Danish Pearl Poire TiaraEmerald Tiara | Variation of the Emerald-Parure Queen of the Netherland|Royal Netherland Smaragd Cabochon Königin von Holland | Queen of the Netherlands Large Emerald Cabochon Dutch Royal Jewels Diamond Bourbon-Parma Tiara | Princess Irene Queen Hortense Imperial Sapphire Parure |Jewel History Holland| Napoleon Bonaparte Queen Hortense Imperial Sapphire Parure Sapphire Tiara, Sapphire Belt, Sapphire Necklace, Sapphire Pins &Brooch|Jewel History Holland| Napoleon Bonaparte Pearl and Diamond Tiara and Pearl Brooch | The Royal Wedding Present to Pincess Luise of Prussia in 1825 From Her Father the King of Prussia | later known - Danish Pearl Poire Tiara
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