Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel History Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty princess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel Historyprincess marie of orleans,marie d'orleans,princess waldemar,princess viggo,set,tiara,bracelet,brooch,duchess de chartres,diamonds,royal jewellery,diamanten,koenigin,dänische Königshaus,crown jewels,kronjuwelen,denmark,danmark,collier,Juwelen sammlung daenemark,Jewels,princess marie of france,royals,royal jewels,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,Schmucksammlungen,danish royalty,countess rosenborg,mariage, cadeaux de mariage,cadeau,cobreille de mariage,royal marriage presents

Juwelen des dänischen Königshauses| Princess Marie de Orleans Hochzeit| Prinzessin Waldemar von Dänemark



Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel History


The religious ceremony in connection with the marriage of Prince Waldemar of Denmark with Princess Marie of Orleans took place yesterday at Eu.

The company included, besides all the Princes and Princesses of the Royal House of France, the Queen of Denmark, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark, the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, the Duchess of Cumberland, the Duchess of Coburg, the Count of Flanders, the Duke and Duchess of Montpensier, Prince George of Wales, Princesses Louise, Victoria, and Maud of Wales, Princess Czartoryska, Duke Philip of Coburg, Duke Ferdinand of Coburg, and Prince Antoine of Montpensier.

At a quarter past one all the guests assembled in the Grand Gallery on the ground floor of the chateau. There they were joined at past one by the bride and bridegroom, with the French princes and princesses, and a procession was formed the chapel. After pronouncing the marriage benediction, the Archbishop of Rouen delivered an address, dwelling particularly upon the historic ties between France and Denmark. From the chapel the company proceeded to the White Saloon, where a Protestant marriage ceremony took place, co~cluding with an address in Danish Pastor An Jansen, chaplain to the Queen of Denmark.

At the conclusion of this service, all the princes present signed the marriage ceitifica e. The company then returned to the Grande Salle de Guise, where the wedding breakfast was given.

At seven o’clock the bride and bridegroom left for the Due d’Aumale’s chateau at Chantilly, where the honeymoon will passed. The Daily News has the following about the bride's trousseau : One of the first subjects of remark is the almost flat form of the skirts, which are wholly guiltless of the hideous and unnatural prominences to which the eye has of late become but too well inured.

The gowns of the young bride have been cut in very different fashion. They mould the figure in lines that would enchant a sculptor. As every one knows, a French bride has the happiness of having three weddinggown —one for the civil marriage, one for the signing of the contract, and one for the religious ceremony.
On the first occasion Princess Marie wore a skirt of blue plush in the shade called Baltic blue, rather paler than peacock, but with similar sugges tions of green, like a shoaling sea. Over this skirt opened a tunic of ribbed silk in the same shade of blue with the plush. The bodice was also made of this silk, but it was partly covered by a Figaro vest of Baltic blue plush, which scarcely reached to the waist, and was trimmed with fine passementerie in the same shade of blue as the plush. A small capote of gathered plush completed the costume. It was lined with golden-brown velvet, and tied on with narrow strings of goldenbrown velvet ribbon. The travelling dress is of cloth in a beautiful shade of grey, known to modistes as “old silver.” The skirt is arranged in pleats which fall in straight and simple folds. The drapery of the tunic is formed by pleats which cross and resetoss each other. The casaque bodice is trimmed hussar-fashion with raised knots of old silver passementerie. A walking-dress is also grey, being made of velvet in the shade of that colour known as frightened mouse.” One of the visiting costumes is made of glace silk, the colour being that of the wild pink convolvulus. The pleated skirt is surmounted by a drapery of similar silk. The bodice is made with a plastron, collar, revers, and cuffs of velvet in the deep shade of reddish plum colour known as prune de Monsieur.”

The evening and dinner dresses are made with a simplicity which is all the more emphatic by reason of the richness of the materials and the dazzling brilliancy of the jewels with which they hate intended to be worn. dinner-gown of light ruby velvet, for instance, is made with a perfectly plain skirt, while the half-tow bodice and elbow sleeves have no trimming save a group of ruby-tinted feathers on the shoulder, the fronds of which are powdered with diamonds.

A similar bunch of jewelled feathers is to be worn in the hair. An evening dress, made expressly to be worn with dog-collar of emeralds and diamonds given by the Duchesse de Chartres, is veritable cloud of reed-coloured tulle over satin of the same soft shade of green. A long trail of water-lilies appears to he fastening the draperies on one side of the skirt. The bodice, with its long point, has a flat ruche of tulle for trimming, which crosses in front like a fichu. It is dress for naiad.

The Princess’s presentation Court dress made with a petticoat of white satin embroidered with roses, carnations, and corn-flowers, all in silver thread. The bodice and train are of white brocade, the design roses being'embroidered in silver. The front of the pointed bodice is embroidered with an exquisite silver tracery of mingled roses, carnations, and corn-flowers. A tuft of white feathers powdered with silver is fastened on each shoulder. Round the entire train of dazzling silver brocade runs a double trimming of similar snowy plumes, each frond of which has its share of powdered silver. Diamonds are to be worn with this Court robe, which is a mass of very, snowy whiteness.

The gifts sent by relatives and friends could not be counted.

The Queen of England gave an artistic medallion, made of Prince Albert's hair. This object, enriched with brilliants, was brought by the Prince of Wales.

S. A. R. the prince of Joinville: silver surtouts and candelabras.

S. A. HE the princess of Joinville: a branch of holly, pearls and diamonds.

LL. AA. RR. the duke and duchess of Chartres : a complete set, rubies and diamonds, truly incomparable.

S. A. R. the duke of Aumale : a large necklace, sapphires and diamonds.

S. A. HRH the duke of Penthièvre : a bronze statue of Henri IV.

LL. AA. RR. the brothers and sisters of the bride: an artistic watch.

Also to be mentioned among the donors: HRH the Duke of Nernours. S. A. R. Prince Antoine, H. R. H. the Duke of Alençon and a large number of private individuals, in particular the Duchess of Uzès, who sent an artistic old silver font with a pretty little Virgin Mary; the Marquis de Beauvoir, the Duchess d" la Tromoille,

the Countess Paul de Sé-gtli-, who sent fans

Baroness de Rothschild, who gave an old watch decorated with brilliants, magnificent Sèvres vases, a large mirror framed in silver.





The gives a list of the wedding presents that were given & Princess Marie d'Orléans:

Duc d'AumaIe Sapphire necklace.

Duke of Montpensier Bracelet of large diamonds.

Prince Antoine Gold chain bracelet, head of a dog in diamonds holding a lapis tale

Prince de Joinville Table set from Odiot.

Duchesse de Chartres Ruby set, necklace, head ornament, brooch and bracelet.

Duke of Nemours Big pearl and gold bracelet.

Prince Ferdinand Ruby and diamonds bracelet

Duchess Saxe Coburg Gotha Sapphire, ruby and diamond brooch; large sapphire ring.

Duke of Alencon: Garnet bracelet.

Princess Czartoriska. Sapphire ring.

Princess Louise Brooch with pearl and diamonds.

M"" de Beauvoir Feather fan.

M"' E. Bocher Blonde tortoiseshell reading light.

Baroness de Rothschild Two old Sèvres vases.

Baroness L. de RothschiId Clock in a Sèvres pot.

Baroness N. de'Rothschild Louis XV chatelaine with watch.

E- de Rothschild Old silver mirror.


M°" Odier Fan, mounted in mother of pearl and gold.

M°" de Sëgur Fan, mounted in mother of pearl and gold.

M°" de Chazo le A fan representing a view of Chantilly.

Marquise d'Harcourt Clock.

M"" A.-C. d'Harcourt An old silver cup.

Countess of Chnchamp~. Countess of Barrai. Countess D. de Barrât, Countess of Chabanne Baroness of Saint-Didier Sainte-Viorco in silver holding the child Jesus in her arms. high cte t metre, inlaid with pearls, turquoise~ ~aP's, etc, made on the one which is in the church of Yvetot.

M"" de Mussy Couret in old worked silver.

Countess de Lubersac Bracelet in gold and silver braid.

M"" Laugei Silver tea service.

Baroness de l'Espée Painted table.

M"" L. de Ségur: Embroidered screen.

M°" do Lasteyrie Small clock in old silver.

Marquise de Bouille A precious jewel box, Gold and silver couret from Froment-Meurice .

Duke Decazes: Bronze and Sevres tab with portraits of the kings of France.

Baroness G. de Rothschild: Old fan, cutaway sleeves.

Duchesse d'Uzês Silver stoup

Duc de Penthiévro Statue of Henri IV in bronze, marble base.

Countess de Chambrun Embroidered pouch and verse piece.

M"" du Parquet Purse.

M~'du Parquet: Cachet.

M"'de Geyer:Blotter.

Count of Flanders Old fan.

M"" de Beauvoir douairière: A missal in old silver.




The wedding festivities at Eu were continued last night by a brilliant reception in the apart- ment of the Chateau known as the Grand Gallery of the Guises. To-day the religious ceremony took place in the chapel of the Chateau. The illustrious company present included besides all the Princes and Princesses of the Royal House of France, the Queen of Denmark, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark, the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, the Duchess of Cumberland, the Duchess of Coburg, the Count of Flanders, the Duke and Duchess of Montpensier, Prince George of Wales, Princesses Louise, Victoria, and Aiaud of Wales, Princess Chartoryska, Duke Philip of Coburg, Duke Ferdinand of Coburg and Prince Antoine of Montpensier.

At a quarter-past one all the guests assembled in the Grand Gallery on the ground floor of the chateau. There they were joined at half-past one by the bride and bridegroom, with the French Princes and Princesses, and a procession was formed to the chapel. After pronouncing the marriage benediction the Archbishop of Rouen delivered an address, dwelling particularly upon the historic ties be- tween France and Denmark. From the chapel the company proceeded to the White Sdoon, where a Protestant marriage ceremony took place, concluding with an address in Danish by Pastor An Jansen, Chaplain to the Queen of Denmark. At the conclusion of this service all the Princes present signed the marriage certificate. The company then returned through the Grand gallery and ascended the staircase to the Grande Salle de Guise where the wedding breakfast was given. Among the plate decorating the table was the splendid service presented by the town of l'aris to the Duke of Orleans. At seven o'clock the illustrious bride and bridegroom left for the Duke Chateau at Chantilly, where the honeymoon will be passed.

A State dinner in celebration of Prince Waldemar's marriage was given this evening by the King at Fredensborg. "The Health of the Bride and Bridegroom" at the wedding breakfast was proposed by the Prince of Wales. COPENHAGEN, Oct. 22. A banquet was given this evening at the Royal Castle of Fredensborg in honour of the marriage of Prince Waldemar and the Princess Marie of Orleans. The King proposed " The health of the newly-married couple," and concluded by j expressing the hope that Prince Waldemar might prove' as good a husband as he was a son. Numerous congratulatory telegrams were re- ceived from all parts of the country from local authorities, clubs, and private individuals, while in most of the principal towns the day was observed as a holiday. A torchlight procession of the inhabitants of several neighbouring villages subsequently arrived at the Castle. The King, in reply to their congratulations, hoped that Princess Marie j would soon have the opportunity of personally | thanking them for their good wishes, and of I making herself at home among them.



Mariage du prince Waldemar de Danemark et la princesse Marie d'Orleans|France

La famille royale de Danemark et à la maison d'Orléans.

Après la cérémonie religieuse, le cortège a traversé la grande galerie du rez-dechaussée.

La princesse Marie portait un bouquet envoyé par les officiers du 12" régiment de chasseurs en garnison à Rouen.

Le mariage protestant a été ensuite célébré dans le salon blanc du château, aménacé à cet effet.

Le pasteur Janhenson a prononcé en danois une allocution, dans laquelle il a parlé de la jeunesse du prince dont il a été le professeur pendant huit ans.

A trois heures, un lunch a été servi dana la grande galerie des Guises.

Le prince de Galles a porté un toast aux mariés.

Le comte do Paris a 'remercié tes princes qui eont venus à. Eu pour le.nmriage. La musique de la ville a loué sous les fenôtres du château, et l'orphéon a chanté plusieurs morceaux.

Les nouveaux époux sont partis à sept heures pour Chantilly..



Les cadeaux envoyés par les parents et par les amis ne pourraient se compter.

La reine d'Angleterre a donné un médaillon artistique, c.uttenaitt des cheveux du prince Albert. Cet objet, enrichi de brillants, a été apporté par le pt'inCe. de Galles.

S. A. R. le prince de Joinville : des surtouts et Candélabres d'argent.

S. A. IL la princesse de Joinville : une branche de houx, pertes et diamants.

LL. AA. RR. le duc et la duchesse de Chartres : une parure complète, rubis et diamants, vraiment incomparable.

S. A. R. le duc d'Aumale : un large collier, saphirs et diamants.

S. A. R. le duc de Penthièvre : une statue en bronze d'Henri IV.

LL. AA. RR. les frères et sœurs de la mariée : une montre artistique.

A citer encore parmi les donateurs : S. A. R. le duc de Nernours. S. A. R. le prince Antoine, S. A. R. le duc d'Alençon et grand nombre de particuliers, notamment Mme la duchesse d'Uzès, qui a envoyé un bénitier artistique vieil argent avec une tort jolie petite sainte Vierge ; le marquis de Beauvoir, la duchesse d" la Tromoille, la comtesse Paul de Sé-gtli-, qui ont envoyé des éventails ( celui de la duchesse de la Trémoïlle est la représentation fort artistique d'un épisode de chasse à Rambouillet), la marquise de Beauvoir, qui a remis à la fiancée un superbe livre d'heures relié en plaques d'argent ; la comtesse de Chazellcs, qui, avec plusieurs amies, a offert une Vierge (l'argent de. grande stature ; la baronne de Rothschild, qui a donné une vieille montre ornée de brillants, des vases de Sèvres magnifiques, un grand miroir encadré d'argent.




Le donne une liste des cadeaux de noces qui ont été faits & la princesse Marie d Orléans:

Duc d'AumaIe Collier Saphir.

Duc de Montpensier Bracelet de gros diamans.

Prince Antoine Bracelet chaîne d'or, tête de chien en diamans tenant une conte lapis

Prince de Joinviile Surtout de table de chez Odiot.

Duchesse de Chartres Parure do rubis, collier, ornement de tête, broche et bracelet.

La reine Victoria Médaillon en diamans avec ses cheveux.

Duc de Nemours Bracelet grosse perle et or.

Prince Ferdinand Bracelet rubis et diamans

Duchesse Saxe C. G. Broche saphirs, rubis. diamans; bague gros saphir.

Duc d'Alencon: Bracelet grenat.

Princesse Czartoriska. Bague saphir.

Princesse Louise Broche perle diamans.

M"" de Beauvoir Eventail en plumes.

M"' E. Bocher Liseuse en écaille blonde. chiure diamans.

Baronne de Rothschild Deux vases de vieux Sèvres.

Baronne L. de RothschiId Pendule dans un pot de Sèvres.

Baronne N. do'Rothschild Châtelaine Louis XV avec montre.

E- de Rothschild Miroir en vieil argent travaillé.

Duchesse la Trémoïllee Eventail de de Penne. représentant la chasse de Rambouiilet, monté sur écaiile Monde.

M°" Odier Eventail, monté en nacre et or. M°" de Sëgur Eventail, monté en nacre et or. M°" de Chazo le Un éventail représentant une vue de Chantitty.

Marquise d'Harcourt Pendule.

M"" A.-C. d'Harcourt Coup& en vieil argent.

Comtesse de Chnchamp~. comtesse de Barrai. comtesse D. de Barrât, comtesse de Chabanne baronne de Saint-Didier Sainte-Viorco en argent tenant l'enfant Jésus dans ses bras. haute cte t mètre, incrustée de perles, turquoise~ ~aP's, etc, faite sur celle qui est dans l'églised'Yvetot.

Comtesse Pajot Pouff brodé lys et roses

M"" de Mussy Couret en vieil argent travaillé.

Comtesse de Lubersac Bracelet en galon do vénerie or et argent.

M"" Laugei Service à thé en argent.

Baronne de l'Espée Table peinte.

M"" L. deSégur: Ecran brodé.

M°" do Lasteyrie Petite pendule en vieil argent travaillé.

Marquis de Bouille Couret or et argent de chez Froment-Meurice.

Duc Decazes: Tabte bronze et Sèvres avecportraitsdesroisde France..

Baronne G. de Rothschild: Vieil éventai), manchescutpte.

Duchesse d'Uzês Bénitier en argent

Duc de Penthiévro Statue de Henri IV en bronze, socle marbre.

Comtesse de Chambrun Pochette brodée et pièce de vers.

M"" du Parquet Porte-monnaie.

M~'du Parquet: Cachet.

M"'deGeyer:Buvard. Comte de Flandre Vieil éventail.


M"" de Beauvoir douairière: Un missel en vieilargent.




Sources:Daily Telegraph Courier; London Daily News ;London Evening Standard; ST. JAMES'S GAZETTE;Le Monde;La Petite presse journal;Norra Skaane, 30 October 1885;The New York Times;


Juwelen des dänischen Königshauses| Princess Marie de Orleans Hochzeit| Prinzessin Waldemar von Dänemark

Royal Wedding Gifts Princess Marie of Orleans France|Princess of Denmark|Mariage Presents Royal Jewel History

Mariage du prince Waldemar de Danemark et la princesse Marie d'Orleans|Royal France

Opal and Diamond Tiara Princess Marie of Orleans|Opal Parure Duchess of Chartres|Royal Jewels Denmark

Opal Choker Diamond Ruby and Sapphire Necklace Princess Marie of Orleans |France |Princess of Denmark|Royal Jewel History



Crownprincess Mary - Jewels|Royal Denmark| Royal Jewel History | Diamond Weddding Tiara

Die Kronjuwelen des dänischen Königshauses Königin Caroline Amalie | Königliche Diamanten und Schmuck

The Crownjewels Denmark | Diamonds Queen Caroline Amalie |Royal Jewels

Danish Crown Jewels - Emeralds | Emerald Parure Tiara Necklace Earings Brooch| Denmark Royal Jewelry

Smaragd Garnitur von Königin Caroline Amalie|Königliche Juwelen von Dänemark Kronjuwelen

Dänische Kronjuwelen mit Smaragden | Königin von Dänemark| Royal Jewel History

Royal Wedding Duchess Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Imperial Marriage Jewels |Sapphire Diamond Necklace Choker Tiara Present of the Czar and Czarina

Royale Hochzeit Herzogin Alexandrine von Mecklenburg-Schwerin | Juwelen des dänischen Königshauses

Die Brautgeschenke an die spätere Königin Alexandrine von Dänemark| Royal Jewel History| Dänisches Königshaus

Moonstone and Diamond Tiara Princess Marie of Orleans|Moonstone Parure Duchess of Chartres|Royal Jewels Denmark

Moonstone Choker Diamond Ruby and Sapphire Necklace Princess Marie of Orleans |France |Princess of Denmark|Royal Jewel History

Queen Alexandrine|Sapphire and Diamond Brooch,Sapphire Necklace,Romanov Sapphire Clusters| Denmark Royal Jewelry|Queen Margrethe

Princess Thyra of Sweden Sapphire and Diamond Tunget Tiara | Princess Caroline Mathilde and Princess Elisabeth of Denmarks Jewellery


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