THE MARRIAGE of the Duke of Orleans and the Archduchess Maria Dorothea of Austria was celebrated in the Chapel of the Hofburg, Vienna, at eleven o'clock on the 6th Nov 1896.
At the appointed hour the invited guests assembled in the chapel, while the Emperor Francis Joseph, the Queen of Portugal, the Duke of Orleans and the bride-elect, the members of the Imperial House, and the foreign Princes awaited, in the Mirror Hall of the State apartments, the signal from the Master of the Ceremonies for the procession to start. As soon as this was given the cortege went through the State apartments, which were lined by Life Guards, to the chapel. Amid a flourish of trumpets and the roll of drums, the Imperial and Royal personages entered, and were received at the entrance by the Prince Archbishop Cardinal Gruscha, who sprinkled the Imperial party with holy water.
The bride and bridegroom knelt at the prie-dieu in front of the high altar, and the Emperor and the other Imperial and Royal personages took the seats reserved for them. The Papal Nuncio occupied a prie-dieu in the presbytery of the church.
After a short prayer had been said, during which the wedding rings were blessed by the officiating priest, the latter addressed the prescribed questions to the bride and bridegroom, and when these were answered the Court Chaplain handed the rings on a golden weaver to the Duke and Archduchess, who placed them on each other's fingers and then clasped hands. After the recital of the customary prayers, during which all present knelt, the newlymarried pair were sprinkled with holy water, and the Mass "Pro Sponsis " was celebrated.
After the "Ite Mises, Eat" DOROTHEA bad been pronounced, the Benediction was given to the bride and bridegroom, who were again sprinkled with holy water. The officiating priest then blessed the other illustrious personages. The Te Denm was sung at the conclusion of the Mass.
The bride wore the magnificent diamond crown which was presented to her by the Royalist ladies of France.
The Duke of Orleans was in plain evening dress, and wore the Golden Fleece on his breast and an orchid in his buttonhole. A flourish of trumpets and the roll of drums announced the arrival at the chapel of the procession, which consisted of forty Imperial and Royal personages. They were received at the entrance by the Prince Archbishop Cardinal Gruscha.
This stately and splendid edifice of a somewhat severe and formal architecture was built on the outskirts of Vienna by the Emperor Joseph I. and Archduchess Maria Theresa, as a convenient and worthy summer residence of the Austrian Court.
It has for the present become the happy and sumptuous home of the newly-wedded pair, the Duc et la Duchesse d'Orleans, who hold it from their uncle the Emperor Francois Joseph. Not so very long ago, however, by some strange coincidence, Schönbrunn had been chosen as the abode of another French exile, the ill-fated Petit Roi de Rome, Duke of Reichstadt, grandson of the Emperor Francis I., and son of the great Napoleon and Marie Louise, whose sad and untimely death occurred in this delightful spot in July, 1832.
His father, Napoleon, himself resided a few days in the same palace, when, in October, he signed a treaty of alliance between Austria and France.
WEDDING VEIL OF THE ARCHDUCHESS MARIA DOROTHEA, NOW DUCHESS OF ORLEANS. This splendid veil, of point d'Alencon lace, was presented to the Austrian Archduchess by the French Legitimist ladies.
It is a real masterpiece of feminine handicraft, executed by the best lace makers, under the guidance of M. Lefebure. The net foundation, cut square at the lower part and oval at the top, is bordered with exquisite lace stitches delineating the emblematic roses de France and delicate sprays of lilies of the valley, which in the centre of the square end are made to describe a floriated arabesque, recalling a fleur de-lies, the proper frame to the double shield bearing the arms of France and Habsburg, and headed with the Royal crown.
THE DUC D'AUMALE'S WEDDING GIFT TO H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF ORLEANS. (IF THE MANY COSTLY PRESENTS to the Archduchess Maria Dorothea, perhaps none surpassed the princely gift of H. the Duc d'Aumale , of which we give, see above in the picture.
It consisted a collection of jewels—pearls and diamonds of a size and quality which are rarely met with, and far beyond the means of the ordinary collector of these costly - gems. The principal ornament, the necklace, contained thirty-eight pearls, each pearl being of the exact size of the illustration.
The three large brooches were each composed of one huge pearl surrounded by brilliants, with a correspond- ingly large pear-shaped pearl pendant. A pair of earrings of single brilliants , with a large pendant drop pearl, completed this beautiful gift.
The jewels are made by Messrs Hunt and Roskell, New Bondstreet
The description of the tiara offered by the French ladies to the Archduchess Marie-Dorothée. An open band, enriched with large diamonds, serves as a base for eight fleur-de-lys, which rest on eight powerful arches also enriched with large diamonds. These arches rise gracefully as they become thinner and come to their point of junction to support a magnificent fleur-de-lis, whose peak is an enormous diamond measuring no less than seven centimeters in circumference with its very thin setting. This tiara, by the happy arrangement of its lines and by the delicacy of its original ornamentation, constitutes a real work of art.
The ladies of France, present in Vienna, were received by the Archduchess Marie-Dorothée who wore a pink dress with lily and court coat. The most commented incident of the day yesterday was the presentation of a superb diamond crown, offered by the ladies-royalists of France to the Archduchess Marie-Dorothée.
This presentation took place in the afternoon, at the Hofburg, that is to say in the very palace of the emperor, after the renunciation ceremony and after the signing of the contract. Archduchess Marie-Dorothée was very touched. Holding the crown in front of her in her hands, she firmly said the following words: “I am very happy to receive this crown. I pray to the good Lord that one day it will descend on the head of my dear Philippe. On that day, I will know how to assist him and do all my duty.
The description of the tiara offered by the French ladies to the Archduchess Marie-Dorothée.
An open band, enriched with large diamonds, serves as a base for eight fleur-de-lys, which rest on eight powerful arches also enriched with large diamonds. These arches rise gracefully as they become thinner and come to their point of junction to support a magnificent fleur-de-lis, whose peak is an enormous diamond measuring no less than seven centimeters in circumference with its very thin setting.
This tiara, by the happy arrangement of its lines and by the delicacy of its original ornamentation, constitutes a real work of art.
The Women of France, on the initiative of the young and very charming Duchesse de Luynes, had decided that a crown would be offered to the Archduchess Marie-Dorothée.
This crown, a marvel of taste and elegance, was executed entirely in diamonds; at the top, a fleur-de-lis accentuates its lightness.
Everyone agrees in recognizing its happy proportions and the delicacy of its form.
The work of art does honor to the Maison Chaumet , responsible for its execution.
Madame la Comtesse de Paris: a magnificent set of sapphires mounted with perfect taste. This ornament belonged to Queen Marie-Antoinette.
A magnificent set of diamonds and rubies offered by Archduke Joseph
Madame la Comtesse de Paris, Queen Amélie, Princesses Isabellie and Louise and the Duc de Montpensier donated a superb service of modern silverware, Renaissance style, estimated at five hundred thousand francs, and a reduction of the bronze of Joan of Arc by Dubois.
The Duchess of Montpensier: a very beautiful old clock and a service of honor including a centerpiece in silver and mirrors, a basket, two candelabra, four plates, all of the purest Louis XVI.
The former service of the Count of Paris: office
The Zouaves of Charette (Charette, sick, sent in the name of his Zouaves the gift of the regiment) : a brooch-sword in brilliants and rubies.
The royalists of the Gironde had Madame la Comtesse Eugène de Lur-Saluces, born of Mac-I Mahon, present a magnificent brooch in their name. This jewel is made up of the three crescents of the city of Bordeaux, paved with very beautiful brilliants. From the top of these crescents rise, linked together by a knot also paved with brilliants, several vine branches with their leaves all set with brilliants and supporting seven bunches of grapes in fine pearls. These branches winding through the crescents, give the brooch a graceful and regular shape which allows it to end in a point with a very beautiful fine pearl.
Mr. d'Escurolles de Charnacé presented the gift of the White Carnation.
Among the many gifts sent to Vienna on the occasion of the marriage of the Duke of Orléans, we particularly noticed that of OEilletBlanc:
a delightful Louis XV fan, bearing on one side a view of the park of Versailles and a tuft of white carnations; from the other. the arms of France and. from Austria. This fan was handed over to Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess Marie-Dorothée on Wednesday by Baron de Charnacé, president of the group, along with a safe address which included the names of all the members.
Chabron d’Ecurolles de Charnacé, president of Lillet Blanc, guest at the wedding of the Duc d’Orléans, was asked to deliver, on behalf of the group, a souvenir to Archduchess Marie-Dorothée.
It is a superb fan either from the workshops of Voisin-Richard, rue de la Paix, and of which here is the description: The front sheet is divided into two parts; on the left a large sheaf of white eyelets; on the right a motif representing the Latona fountain with a view of the green carpet, the grand canal and the park of Versailles. The back sheet includes a garland of conrant lilies around the fan in the middle, the adjoining crests of France and Austria surmounted by the royal crown. Everything was painted with as much art as finesse by MBe Rélin. The setting is made up of champÔJss subjects, Louis XV style, in gold, applied to mother-of-pearl leaves. This magnificent work of art is enclosed in a white satin case, the lid of which is decorated with the monogram of the Archduchess painted in colour, in the Marie Antoinette style, and surmounted by the royal crown. The fan is accompanied by an address written on a double sheet of vellum; the first is adorned with the joined escutcheons of France and Austria surmounted by the royal crown and supported by two cupids; at the bottom a gold shell on which is engraved the date of marriage November 5, 1896; all around a garland of lilies.
L'incident le plus commenté de la journée d'hier a été la présentation d'une superbe couronne en diamants, offerte par les dames-royalistes de France à l'archiduchesse Marie-Dorothée. Cette présentation a eu Jieu l'après-midi, à la Hofburg, c'est-à-dire dans le palais même de l'empereur, après la cérémonie de renonciation et après la signature du contrat. L'archiduchesse Marie-Dorothée s'en est montrée fort touchée. Tenant la couronne devant elle dans ses mains, elle a prononcé d'un ton ferme les paroles suivantes : « Je suis très heureuse de recevoir cette couronne. Je prie le bon Dieu qu'elle descende un jour sur la tête de mon cher Philippe. Ce jour-là, je saurai le seconder et faire tout mon devoir. »
Tel est le texte exact et vérifié, qu'il n'a pas été facile d'obtenir et d'établir, car les dames royalistes assistaient seules à la cérémonie, et leurs récits recueillis différaient un peu. Tous donnaient cependant au langage de l'archiduchesse une allure générale d'affirmation et d'espérance monarchiques. Quoi qu'il en soit, ces paroles étaient confirmées le soir à Schoenbrunn, de la source la plus sûre et en quelque sorte officielle.
La description du diadème offert par les dames françaises à l’archiduchesse Marie-Dorothée .
Un bandeau à jour, enrichi de gros diamants, sert de base à huit fleurs de lys, lesquelles s’appuient sur huit puissants arceaux enrichis également de gros diamants. Ces arceaux s’élèvent gracieusement en s’affinant et viennent à leur point de jonction supporter une magnifique fleur de lys, dont le faite est un énorme diamant ne mesurant pas moins de sept centimètres de circonférence avec sa très fine monture.
Ce diadème, par l'heureuse disposition de ses lignes et par la délicatesse de art.
Les Femmes de France, sur l'initiative de la jeune et toute charmante duchesse de Luynes, avaient décidé qu'une couronne serait offerte à l'archiduchesse Marie-Doro- thée.
Cette couronne, merveille de goût et d'élégance, a été exécutée toute en diamants; au sommet, une fleur de lys en accentue la légèreté.
Tout le monde s'accorde à reconnaître ses heureuses proportions et la délicatesse de sa forme.
L'œuvre d'art fait honneur à la maison Chaumet, chargée de son exécution.
Madame la Comtesse de Paris : une magnifique parure en saphirs montée avec un goût parfait. Cette parure a appartenu a la reine Marie-Antoinette.
Une magnifique parure de diamants et rubis offerte par l’archiduc Joseph
Madame la comtesse de Paris, la reine Amélie, les princesses Isabellie et Louise et le duc de Montpensier ont donné un superbe service d'argenterie moderne, style Renaissance, estimé cinq cent mille francs, et une réduction du bronze de la Jeanne d’Arc de Dubois.
La duchesse de Montpensier : une très -belle pendule ancienne et u-n-service d’honneur comprenant un surtout en argent et glaces, une corbeille, deux candélabres, quatre assiettes, le tout du plus pur Louis XVI.
L’ancien service de Monsieur le comte de Paris : bureau
Le prince Ferdinand de Bulgarie : une Fleur de Lys en rubis.
Les zouaves de Charette : une broche- épée en brillants et rubis.
Les royalistes de la Gironde ont fait remettre, en leur nom, par Mme la comtesse Eugène de Lur-Saluces, née de Mac-I Mahon, une magnifique broche.
Ce bijou se compose des trois croissants de la ville de Bordeaux, pavés de très beaux brillants. Du sommet de ces croissants partent reliés ensemble par un nœud également pavé de brillants, plusieurs rameaux de vigne avec leurs feuilles toutes serties de brillants et supportant sept grappes de raisin en perles fines. Ces rameaux serpentant au travers des croissants, donnent à la broche une forme gracieuse et régulière qui lui permet de se terminer en pointe par une très belle perle fine.
Quelle:Le Soleil;Moniteur Universel;Figaro;Archive Ursula Butschal;The Graphic;The Queen;
Emerald and Diamond Parure |Royal France |Jewels Queen Marie Amelie |Joyaux de la Reine Marie-Amélie