England gave a very welcome to Princess Marina, the fiancée of Prince George, yesterday afternoon, when she came to London for the first time since the Royal engagement was announced. Within a few minutes of the arrival of the train the Royal group passed through the waiting room to the station yard, where three motor-cars were in line by the pavement. Prince George and Princess Marina entered the first of the three, which had wide windows, and at a signal from the police the car began to move. Within 20 yards, however, at the request of Prince George, the driver pulled up. Miss Helen Stamataki, in the uniform of the 5th Vauxhall Troop of the Girl Guides, had been waiting for more than an hour to offer to Princess Marina a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Greek Ladies' Club in London. Their arrival at King's Cross was preceded by round after round of cheering as the crowds round the station approaches caught a glimpse of them. With Prince George and Princess Marina were Prince and Princess Nicolas of Greece, and as they walked along the platform the cheers were continuous. Both the Prince and Princess. We know from the picture of the day, Princess Marina also wore also pearl earrings and a nice pearl and diamond brooch, pinned on her hat. It could be from her mother or her family as gift on her betrothal to Prince George. She wore the pearl and diamond brooch, when she was pictured with her new family the King and Queen Mary, and her mother Elena Vladimirovna and Prince Nicolas of Greece and Denmark, at Balmoral Castle, on this day.
The late Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, was pictured with her daughter Princess Alexandra when the latter's engagement was announced in November 1962. On that day she wore her "engagement pearl and diamond brooch" seen in the picture on the right side, with the pearl earrings and pearl necklace.
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