Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdondiamond,Queen Elizabeth,queen mother, greville,verkaufen,schmuck,verkauft,diamant,diamonds,jewels,england,royals,royal,royalty,Great Britain Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother
Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady Sarah Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother
Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady Sarah Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady Sarah Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon
Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady Sarah Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady Sarah Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother Princess Margaret auf Great Britain, Countess Snowdon flower brooches, sprays, lady sarah snowdon Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Jewels | Diamond Spray Brooch | Jewels of Elizabeth Queen Mother


Schmuck der englischen Königin Elizabeth, der Königin Mutter Blumen und Blütenzweig aus Diamanten

Elisabeth die Königinmutter von England, hatte eine grosse Brosche aus Diamanten mit Blüten, Knospen, Blättern und Zweigen mit Diamanten besetzt. Die Brosche könnte um die Zeit 1878 entstanden sein. Damals war ein solcher Schmuck, grosse Mode und die schönsten Stücke wurden auf der Weltausstellung vorgestellt. Die Firma Massin hatte ein ganzes Schaufenster mit solchen Blütenvariationen dekoriert. Meist sind die Broschen auseinanderzunehmen und in einzelnen Teilen tragbar, oder sie sind auf Spiralen gesetzt - als sog. "Zitterbroschen" und auf einen Rahmen gesteckt als Diadem tragbar.

Ab den 1960er Jahren wurde die Brosche an Prinzessin Margret gesehen, vielleicht ein Verlobungsgeschenk ihrer Mutter, denn Sie trug sie in der Zeit vor der Hochzeit mit Lord Snowdon und einmal zusammen mit Ihrer grossartigen Poltimore Tiara, als Collier.
Man kann beobachten, dass Prinzessin Margret, die Gräfin von Snowdon, die Brosche meist an für sie wohl wichtigen Terminen anlegte, so auch als sie das erste Mal auf die Beatles traf - kein modernes Schmuckstück trug sondern diese Brosche. Als Exzentrikerin und sehr moderne Person mit viel Lebenslust, war sie das "It-Girl" ihrer Zeit und die ganze Presse verfolgte alle Schritte von der bildschönen Prinzessin.snowdon tiara stomacher spray diamond brooch

Es ist bekannt, dass sie viele Blütenbrosche besass, vor allem in Form von Rosen und auch Margariten, denn sie hiess Margret Rose.
Als ihre Tochter heiratete, trug sie die Brosche ebenfalls und Ihre Tochter nutzte die Snowdon-Blüten Tiara als Brautdiadem, das ebenfalls ähnlich bei Massin auf der Weltaustellung 1878 abgebildet war.



Diamond Spray Brooch| Jewels of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother| Princess Margaret Countess of Snowdon | Lady Sarah | Royal Jewellery History Windsor

Elizabeth, the Queen Mother of England, had a large diamond brooch with flowers, buds, leaves and twigs set with diamonds. The brooch could have been made around 1878. At that time there was such jewelry, great fashion and the most beautiful pieces were presented at the world exhibition. The Massin company had decorated an entire shop window with such flower variations. Usually the brooches can be taken apart and worn in individual parts, or they are placed on spirals - as so-called "trembling brooches" and can be worn on a frame as a diadem.

From the 1960s the brooch was seen on Princess Margret, perhaps an engagement present from her mother, because she wore it in the time before the wedding with Lord Snowdon and once together with her great Poltimore tiara, as a necklace. One can observe that Princess Margret, the Countess of Snowdon, usually put the brooch on on important dates for her, including when she first met the Beatles - not a modern piece of jewelry, but this brooch. As an eccentric and very modern person with a zest for life, she was the "It-Girl" of her time and the whole press followed every step of the beautiful princess. It is known that she owned many flower brooches, especially in the form of roses and daisies, because her name was Margret Rose.

When her daughter got married, she also wore the brooch and her daughter used the Snowdon blossom tiara as a bridal diadem, which was also shown similarly at Massin at the 1878 World's Fair



Canadian Mable Leaf Gold Brooch | Princess Margaret of England Great Britain Countess Snowdon| Royal Jewel History

Saskatchewan Head of Wheat Gold Brooch | Princess Margaret of England Great Britain Countess Snowdon| Royal Jewel History

Suffolk Regiment Badge-brooch of Emeralds and Rubies and Diamonds set in Platinum | Princess Margaret of England Great Britain Countess Snowdon| Royal Jewel History

Queen Alexandra's Nursing Corps Badge Brooch| Princess Margaret of England Great Britain Countess Snowdon| Royal Jewel History

Diamond Dahlia Brooch Dr Williamson| Princess Margaret of England Great Britain Countess Snowdon| Royal Jewel History


Royal Sapphires |Wedding Gifts & Presents| Duchess of York | Sapphires Jewels of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Princess Margaret's Royal Sapphires and Diamond Brooch | Lady Sarah Snowdon-Chatto

Sunburst Diamond Brooch Pendant | Duchess of York | Royal Engagement Gifts & Presents | Jewels Queen Mother England

Pearl and diamond sautoir of pearls diamond side-pieces, diamond triangular endpiece and pearl drop| Marriage - The gift of Citizens of London

Pearl and diamond platinum sautoir necklace, emerald and diamond tassel | Royal Jewels | Wedding gift of the Countess of Strathmore

Wedding Gifts & Royal Presents| Duchess of York | Jewels of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother England

Diamond Spray Brooch | Royal Jewels Queen Mother |England British Royal Family| Princess Margaret Countess Snowdon

Art deco leaf brooch with Sapphire, diamond, emerald, amethyst and ruby | Cartier | Royal Jewels England

Diamond Gifts for the Royal Family 8.55ct solitaire marquise diamond was presented to Queen Elizabeth| England

Greville Diamond earrings and pearshaped Diamond pendants| England Royal Jewels

Greville Emerald and Diamond Koskoshnik|Boucheron Tiara | Royal Wedding Princess Eugenie England| Jewels of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Greville Pearl and Diamond Triangle Earrings | Mrs Greville Bequest of Jewels | Royal Jewel History of Queen Mother, Princess Margareth and Lady Sarah Snowdon Chatto

Queen Victoria's Household Diamond Jubilee Diamond and tear-drop Pearl Brooch| Royal Historic Jewelry

Diamond Jubilee Sapphire Brooch | Queen Victoria | British Royal Jewels

The Diamond Jubilee Bracelet| Royal Imperial Jewels of Queen Victoria

The Diamond Fringe Brooch| Royal Jewels | Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

Queen Victoria's Diamond Fringe Brooch| Royal Imperial Jewelry | Königin Victoria's Diamantbrosche

Queen Victoria's Emerald Jewels |Royal Jewel History | Königin Victoria's Smaragd Schmuck

Royal Weddings| England U.K British Royals | Hochzeiten im englischen Königshaus

Sapphire and Diamond Brooch with Laurel wreath Border | Duchess of York | Royal Wedding Gifts & Presents | Diamond Jewels Elizabeth Queen Mother

Art deco Carved Rock Crystal Diamond Brooch Pendant with Onyx | Duchess of York | 1923 Royal Wedding Gifts & Presents | Diamond Jewels Elizabeth Queen Mother

Halo Tiara Cartier Diamond Tiara |Diamond Scroll Diadem|Royal Wedding Princess of Wales| Jewels of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Princess Margarets Cartier Ruby and Diamond Flower Head Brooches | Princess of England Great Britain Countess Snowdon| Royal Jewel History


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