Diamond Tiara | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon and Bow Devante de Corsage | Stomacher | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge beaufort,royal,royalty,Lady Mary, Cambridge,teck,duchess,tiara,diadem,ribbon,bow,stomacher,brooch,devante de corsage, history,Diamond,geschenk,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,schmuck,jewels,wedding,marriage Diamond Tiara | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon and Bow Devante de Corsage | Stomacher | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge hochzeit königliche Familie königsfamile england krönung stomachers Diamond Tiara | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon and Bow Devante de Corsage | Stomacher | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Tiara | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon and Bow Devante de Corsage | Stomacher | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Tiara | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon and Bow Devante de Corsage | Stomacher | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Tiara | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon and Bow Devante de Corsage | Stomacher | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Diamond Bow Stomacher  | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge
Diamond Tiara | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon and Bow Devante de Corsage | Stomacher | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge Hochzeit Vermählung in der königsfamile von England Great Britain

Diamond Bow Stomacher | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Royal Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge

The Duchess of Beaufort's tiara, worn in Westminster Abbey at the Coronation, contains a series of diamond rosettes, which form the bandeau and rise into high ornamental scrolls in the front.

The King and Queen presented Lady Mary with a single stone diamond necklace - in the above photo, the Duchess wears a diamond riviere.

Queen Alexandra presented the bride with a pendant - probably that which is hanging from the diamond riviere necklace, above.
From the Prince of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of York, Prince Henry and Prince George, Princess Mary and Lord Lascelles a diamond brooch - could it be the stomacher above??
The press notes from the royal wedding of Queen Elizabeth II in December 1947 - The Duchess of Beaufort in blue velvet and a short blue-fox coat, wearing the most wonderful diamond corsage ornament.
Dowager Empress of Russia, sapphire surrounded diamonds - clear to see on the right shoulder, the cluster sapphire brooch.
From the Marquis and Marchioness of Cambridge, diamond bracelet - a bracelet is seen in the picture above.

The Duke of Beaufort, large single-stone diamond drop ear-rings - the Duchess is wearing something like a single stone diamond drop earring.

Sources: The Times; The Bystander;


Royal Marriage | Victoria Constance Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Royal Wedding of Princess Mary of Teck- The Lady Victoria Constance Mary Cambridge


Diamond Tiara | Royal Jewels| Victoria Constance Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck- Cambridge

Diamond Stomacher | Diamond Jewelry| Ribbon and Bow Devante de Corsage | Tiara | Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Princess Mary of Teck Cambridge

Eleven Leaves Antique Bandeau with Pearls and Diamonds |Mary Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort | Royal Wedding Present to Lady Mary Cambridge

Diamond Tiara Francesca Somerset | Lady Caroline Georgina Somerset |Wedding Diamond Diadem| History| Duke of Beaufort


Teck Royal Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Present
Diamond Pearl Bracelets - Choker | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Royal Teck Jewels | Wedding Gift Present
Diamond Pearl Tiara | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Royal Teck Jewellery | Royal Wedding Gift Present from the Citizens of Chester
Diamond Pearl Jewels| Royal Jewellery History | Duchess Margaret of Teck | Marchioness of Cambridge
Diamond Aigrette Tiara Marchioness of Cambridge |Royal Wedding Gift Present|Teck Jewels | Lady Margaret Grosvenor
Diamond and pearl crescent, the gift of the Prince and Princess of Wales |Marchioness of Cambridge |Royal Wedding Gift Present|Teck Jewels| Lady Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor
Diamond Aigrette Tiara Marchioness of Cambridge |Royal Wedding Gift Present|Teck Jewels | Lady Margaret Grosvenor



Lady May Cambridge Abel Smith | Athlone Jewels| Royal Marriage Gifts & Presents

Lady May Cambridge Abel Smith | Diamond Tiara | Royal Wedding Gifts & Jewel Presents

Lady May Abel Smith | Art deco Diamond Sautoir | Royal Wedding Jewel

Wedding Princess Alice | Teck Ears of Wheat Tiara | Countess Athlone Jewels| Royal Wedding Gifts & Presents

Princess Alice | Diamond necklace in a bow and festoon design | Princess Alexander of Teck| Countess Athlone | Jewels Royal Wedding Gifts & Presents

Princess Alice | Diamond pearl tiara | Necklace Brooch | Princess Alexander of Teck| Countess Athlone | Jewels Royal Wedding Gifts & Presents

Diamond Palmetta Tiara | Princess Alice | Countess Athlone Royal Jewels | Prinzessin Alice Diamant Palmetten Diadem

Princess Alice of Athlone Jewels | Helen Duchess of Albany | Fuchsia Diamond Wedding brooch

Princess Alice | Amethyst diamond necklace brooch earrings| Queen Victoria's Amethysts| Countess Athlone | Jewels Royal Gift & Present

Princess Helen’s Snake Bracelet | Prinzessin Helene’s Schlangenarmband aus Brillanten
The Wedding gifts of Duchess Helen | Die Hochzeitsgeschenke der Herzogin Helen Albany engl.
Princess Waldeck -Pyrmonts Portrait a gift of the Queen | Geschenkeliste zur Vermählung in Deutsch

Bracelets | Wedding presents to Helen Princess of Waldeck-Pyrmont | Armbänder| Geschenke zur Hochzeit
Rose of York Diamond Brooch | Duchess of Albany Jewels | Brautschmuck der Herzogin von Albany
Ruby Diamond Tiara | Helen Duchess of Albany |Jewels| Queen Victorias Indian Ruby and Diamond Tiara  

Queen´s Jewel Treasure

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Large Diamond Stomacher Brooch


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