Lady Mary Grosvenor, Cambridge,teck,duchess,tiara,diadem,Diamond,geschenk,schmuck,diamant,diamonds,princess,present,gifts,schmuck,jewels,wedding,marriage great britain,england royal jewels history england english noble jewelry britishroyaljewels Teck Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Present Antiker Schmuck Antikschmuck Historie great britain,england royal jewels history england english noble jewelry britishroyaljewels brooch,necklace,bracelet  royal jewels - jewellery - historique bijoux joaillerie diadem diademe crown crowns tiaras Antiker Schmuck Antikschmuck Historiegreat britain,england royal jewels history england english noble jewelry britishroyaljewels great britain,england royal jewels history england english noble jewelry britishroyaljewelsTeck Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Present Antiker Schmuck Antikschmuck Historie Teck Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Present brooch,necklace,bracelet  royal jewels - jewellery - historique bijoux joaillerie diadem diademe crown crowns tiaras Antiker Schmuck Antikschmuck Historie great britain,england royal jewels history england english noble jewelry britishroyaljewels Teck Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Present great britain,england royal jewels history england english noble jewelry britishroyaljewels Antiker Schmuck Antikschmuck Historie royal jewels - jewellery - historique bijoux joaillerie diadem diademe crown crowns tiaras Antiker Schmuck Antikschmuck Historie
Teck Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Presentgreat britain,england royal jewels history england english noble jewelry britishroyaljewels

Teck Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Royal Wedding Gift and other Jewels as Present


In the private chapel of Eaton Hall, Prince Adolphus of Teck, brother of the Duchess of York, was married to Lady Margaret Grosvenor, third daughter of the Duke of Westminster. It was the great social event of the year 1894, and Eaton Hall, where the ceremony took place, is the grandest of all the stately homes of England.

Although the wedding was considered more private than public, there assembled in the chapel of Eaton Hall a distinguished company. In the pew facing the altar were the Duke and Duchess of York, the Duke and Duchess of Teck, the Duke of Cambridge, and the Duchess of Westminster.

Prince Adolphus wore the uniform of his regiment, the Seventeenth Lancers, in which corps he held the rank of Lieutenant, and, though not over-handsome, he looked exceedingly well. He is twenty-seven years old. He was attended as best man by his brother, Prince Francis, two years his junior, who wore the showy uniform of his regiment, the First Dragoons.

The bride, who entered the chapel on the arm of her father, cannot be classed as a beauty. Her face is rather heavy, and much resembles that of her mother, the former Lady Constance Gertrude Leveson-Gower, daughter of the Duke of Sutherland, but her beautiful complexion, golden hair, and blue eyes, redeem the un-classical outlines of her face.

Lady Margaret, now Princess Adolphus of Teck, is five years younger than her husband, and is said to be very clever and accomplished. She was attended by six bridesmaids, all chosen from her own family. They were her half-sisters, Lady Mary Grosvenor, aged eleven, and Lady Helen Grosvenor, aged six – and her four nieces – Lady Constance Grosvenor, daughter of the Earl and Countess Grosvenor; Millicent Grosvenor, daughter of Lord Henry Grosvenor; Lady Beatrice Butler, daughter of the Marquess and Marchioness of Ormonde, and the Hon. Lilah Cavendish, daughter of Lord and Lady Chesham.

The chapel at Eaton Hall, though small, is richly magnificent in its beauty, and was made still more brilliant by the bridal procession, the wedding being a “blue and white” one. Lady Margaret wore a splendid white satin gown, somewhat severe in style, Brussels lace, that must have been worth a farmer’s fortune, and the ever necessary orange blossoms.

The bridesmaids were dressed in white thick colored glace ondine silk, which had a very rich appearance. Their dresses had pointed vests of white pleated chiffon, lost beneath girdles of pale sky blue velvet. The vests were bordered on either side with bands of thick cream colored Italian lace. They wore folded collars of blue velvet, narrowly edged with sable, and the long narrow cuffs from the elbows were finished with bands of blue velvet, narrowly edged with similar fur. The top portions of the sleeves, arranged in ample hanging puffs from the shoulders to the elbows, were of accordion pleated chiffon, having bands of the lace inserted down them at intervals. The little girls’ dresses were similar in all respects, save that the whole bodices were of accordion pleated chiffon, with points of the rich looking cream colored lace inserted down both bodice and sleeves, while, instead of velvet girdles, the child bridesmaids wore sashes of pale sky blue silk, tied at the back in large handsome bows. The hats were of ivory white felt, with soft round Tudor crowns of pale sky blue velvet. The brims were lifted at one side, and caught up with groups of snowy ostrich plumes, while similar plumes were laid upon the brim at the back. The bridesmaids wore heart brooches of blue and white enamel, gifts of the bridegroom. The only deviation from pale blue and white – the blue being the favorite color of the bride – was the bouquet of the bridesmaids, which were of pink carnations from the Eaton Hall conservatories.

The wedding presents were numerous, and of a costliness in accordance with the high positions of the donors.
Queen Victoria sent by special messenger from Windsor Castle a diamond brooch in shape of swallow and a huge silver salver, accompanied by a congratulatory letter of the most cordial description, which was considered a very special mark of Royal favor, given probably because Lady Margaret’s father is one of Her Majesty’s aides-de-camp.

A particularly handsome box of silver tableware was sent, with best wishes, from “Albert Edward, Alexandra, George and May, Louise and MacDuff, Victoria and Maud.”

Separately, the Duke and Duchess of York presented the bride with a superb Princess’ coronet, a circle of gold bordered with ermine, with fleurs-de-lys, crosses-pattee, and strawberry leaves alternately and a Diamond brooch with two turquoise hearts.

The Prince and Princess of Wales sent a diamond and pearl crescent and a flag brooch.

The Duchess of Teck gave Daisy brooch in diamonds and a heirloom bracelet with rose diamonds with a miniature of Queen Adelaide as seen above. The heritage bracelet with a miniature of Queen Adelaide from 1800-30 Watercolour on ivory, rose diamonds and enamel 1.7 x 1.7 cm
Later  purchased by Queen Mary from Adolphus, Marquess of Cambridge, in March 1919 and given to Albert, Duke of York, later King George VI.

Duke and Duchess of Teck, the Duchess of York and the Duke and Duchess of Fife: a coronet
(Morning Post: Princess Mary Adelaide and the Duchess of York, a joint gift of a superb diamond tiara formed of seven stars with fleurs-de-lys between)

The Prince Adolphus of Teck an Engagement ring of diamonds and pearls also a Gold bracelet with red enamel heart and diamond in centre and a diamond pendant with pearls drop in centre convertible into brooch.

The Duke of Teck bonnet pin composed of a large star Sapphire encircled with rubies and studded with diamonds; and diamond brooch in shape of two wings with cornelian heart centre.


The Duke of Westminster a collar of pearl and diamonds, convertible into bracelets, pearl and diamond ring, and a gold mounted dressing-case, the fittings beautifully chased and set with turquoise circles;
and also presented the young couple with one of His Grace’s new houses in Carlos Place


The Duchess of Westminster a Ruby and diamond ring
Marchioness of Ormonde Scarfpin with "D" in diamonds
Marquis & Marchioness of Ormonde, Lord & Lady Chesham, Lord & Lady Arthur Grosvenor; Lord Gerald Grosvenor splendid diamond aigrette
The gift of the Citizens of Chester, a Tiara of Diamonds and Pearls also wearable as a Necklace>>
Princess Victoria and Maud of Wales Heart-shape brooch green enamel and true lovers knot
Prince Francis and Prince Alexander of Teck a pearl and diamond bracelet
Lady Constance Grosvenor- Brooch in shape of flower with four stones
Lord Hugh & Lady Mary Grosvenor a sapphire and diamond ring
Mr George Wyndham Gold bracelet set with star rubies and diamonds, cabochon ruby, moonstone
Countess Grosvenor Long gold chain linked with clusters of moonstones
Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart Pearl and diamond bracelet with eleven pearls
Lady Cromarty Smelling scent bottle with gold top set with turquoise and diamonds
Duchess of Northumberland Gold bracelet with pearls and onyx
Sir and Lady Loch Brooch with pearls and red a heart enamel
Hon Charles, Hon. Lilah, Hon. Margery and Hon John Cavendish Clover-leaf links set in crystal and gold
Lady Chesham Heart brooch in diamonds with sapphire "D" in centre
Lady Constance Harris Gold Cupid with sapphire and diamonds
Lady Macclesfield bracelet with chrysoprase and diamonds
Duke and Duchess of Sutherland splendid diamond and turquoise spray aigrette
Eleonor, Duchess of Northumberland gold bracelet with pearls and onyx
Hon R Ward gold curb Chain bracelet with three large sapphires and diamonds
Sir Stafford and Lady Northcote diamond brooch with red, white and blue enamel round in shape
Marquis of Londonderry scarf pin with diamonds and pink pearl
Hon Regina Ward a diamond brooch in form of a shell with pearls in the center
Mr Alfred Rothschild a brooch formed of a lovely diamond shell containing a large pearl
Leopold Rothschild sent three magnificent silver salvers in different sizes with coats of arms
Baroness Burdett-Coutts a uniquely perfect set of chinchilla furs.
Halkyn Flintshire tenantry a combination diamond heart and ribbon pendant with 55 stones>>
Countess of Macclesfield a bracelet with chrysoprase and diamonds
Lord Houghton gold cross pendant set with diamonds and rubies
Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart handsome pearl and diamond bracelet
Mr. & Mrs Porter of Kingsclere, pearl locket with a heart-shaped diamond in the center
Hon. Mrs. Meynell Ingram brooch in diamonds, pearls and blue enamel
Henry White pearl and enamel necklace
Lady Mary Parker gold horn brooch
Lady & Sir Philip Grey Egerton long gold chain studded with turquoises
Mrs Willie James, four brooches one set with two diamonds, the second with a sapphire and diamond, the third with a turquoise and diamond and the fourth with a ruby and diamond.

Sources:Royal Collection,Manchester Guardian, Liverpool Mercury, Hampshire Telegraph; Observer;

Teck Royal Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Present
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Diamond Aigrette Tiara Marchioness of Cambridge |Royal Wedding Gift Present|Teck Jewels | Lady Margaret Grosvenor
Diamond and pearl crescent, the gift of the Prince and Princess of Wales |Marchioness of Cambridge |Royal Wedding Gift Present|Teck Jewels| Lady Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor



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