Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry Historybeauchamp,lygon,viscoutess elmely,countess,kronjuwelen,imperatice,france,Crown Jewels,french,france,Napoleon III,diamants,diamonds Empress Eugenie,Jewel,Kaiserin Eugenies Diamant,bow-brooch,tassels,Bijoux de couronne,historic jewelry,st esprit,devante de corsage,stomacher,brustschmuck,wedding,bride,bridal,royal gifts,royal presents Countess of Beauchamp Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Diamants de la Couronne |Kaiserin Eugenie Schmuck Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History beauchamp,lygon,viscoutess elmely,countess,kronjuwelen,imperatice,france,Crown Jewels,french,france,Napoleon III,diamants,diamonds Empress Eugenie,Jewel,Kaiserin Eugenies Diamant,bow-brooch,tassels,Bijoux de couronne,historic jewelry,st esprit,devante de corsage,stomacher,brustschmuck,wedding,bride,bridal,royal gifts,royal presentsCountess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History
Countess of Beauchamp | Empress Eugenie Tassel-Bow-Brooch |Imperial Diamants de la Couronne |Devante de Corsage Stomacher| Historic Jewels | Jewelry History

Gräfin von Beauchamp|Kaiserin Eugnie's Imperial Devant de Corsage-Brosche

Historische Diamanten aus dem französischen Kronschatz

Grosse Brillant Schleifen Brosche der Kaiserin Eugenie von Frankreich, die aus den Beständen der "Diamants de la Couronne" entnommen wurden, 1855 von Kramer gefertigt.

1902 heiratete Lady Lady Lettice Grosvenor, Schwester des Herzogs von Westminster den 7ten Earl von Beauchamp. Aus dieser Zeit existieren sehr ausergewöhnliche Schmuckstücke. Ein grosses Diamant-Perlen Diadem und Perlen-Diamantcollier wie auch diese Devant de Corsage, ehemals Bestand der französischen Kronjuwelen. Der Herzog von Westminster schenkte seiner Schwester zur Hochzeit eine "sehr grosse Schleifenbrosche"....

Gräfin Lettice von Beauchamp, ist links im Bild, mit dem Schmuck abgebildet. Rechts ihre Schwiegertochter "Mona" Gräfin von Beauchamp im Jahr 1938.

1989 war die Brosche als Leihgabe in der Ausstellung "Pariser Schmuck" in München zu sehen, man konnte sich einen bleibenden Eindruck machen von dem aussergewöhnlichen Schmuckstück, zu dem noch das Orginaletui aus rotem Leder mit der Goldprägung existiert. mehr>>

Countess of Beauchamp Imperial Devante de Corsage - The Empress Eugenie Tassel Bow Brooch

This spectacular antique diamond bow brooch, originally part of the “Diamants de la Couronne”, was made for Empress Eugénie by François Kramer.

William Lygon 7th Earl of Beauchamp married Lady Lettice Grosvenor in 1902. She was the sister of the Duke of Westminster and pictured on the left side on top.

In 1938 the stomacher was worn by Else "Mona" Countess of Beauchamp wife of the 8th Earl of Beauchamp, in the portrait on the right side.

Viscount William Elmley succeeded the peerage as the 8th Earl Beauchamp on his father's death in 1938.

"After the departure of the wedded couple, the guests had an opportunity of inspecting the splendid collection of wedding presents. 
They numbered over 800, Lord Beauchamp's alone amounting to 215. 
They were displayed in the library, a handsome room opening out of the main corridor. It is 92 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 23 feet high, and its most notable features are two magnificent chimney-pieces, with their historical carvings, and a fine organ case in inlaid walnut. 
The whole room is panelled with walnut. Above the bookcases, which contain 13,000 volumes, are five grand historical paintings by Benjamin West, representing remarkable events in English history."

A case was set apart to display the jewels which Lord Beauchamp had given his bride

"The family jewels were exceptionally magnificent, and very interesting were the opal ornaments, from the fact that they were composed of stones collected by Lord Beauchamp while in Australia. Conspicuous among the presents was a handsome clock from the Princess Wales. 
The Countess Beauchamp's present was a ruby and pearl necklace.
The Prime Minister and Miss Balfour, an old silver-gilt box.
The Eaton, Chester, and Halkyn tenants were invited to see the gifts Monday, the cottage tenantry Tuesday, and the local gentry and neighbours on Wednesday. All were hospitably welcomed by the Duke and Duchess, and the band of the Westminster Rifles played each day on the terrace."

Lord Beauchamp and Lady Lettice were present on each occasion.

Subjoined a list of the wedding gifts:

From the Earl Beauchamp:
cross, with diamonds
amethyst and old paste parure,

Case family jewels, consisting of a 
smaller diamond tiara
diamond tiara
diamond and pearl tiara (diamond crown with large pearl spikes>> coronet of pearls,
diamond and pearl necklace,
three row pearl necklace, 
diamond and ruby brooch, 
diamond and pearl brooch,
two ruby rings, 
pearl earrings,
diamond earrings blue enamel wings with diamonds, 
old "Saint Esprit" necklace,
Indian bracelet,
Venetian laced old paste locket, 
Indian stuffs, 
two jewelled pendants and chains, 
opal pansy brooch, purse,
opal enamel and diamond parure, 
wreath of jasmine enamel and diamonds,
"Saint Esprit" brooch in rubies and diamonds, 
turquoise ring, 
ring of emeralds, and 
diamond ring.

-Gifts from the family to the bride: 

Katharine Duchess of Westminster, star sapphire and diamond cross

Duke of Westminster, large diamond bow - (see above the stomacher in the picture) 
Duchess of Westminster, gold vases, and jewelled St. Esprit brooch.
Countess Beauchamp, ruby and pearl necklace.
Col. Cornwallis West, jewelled umbrella handle.
The Hon. Mrs. Norman Grosvenor, amethyst buttons.
Countess Grosvenor, diamond cross.
Lord and Lady Arthur Grosvenor, opera glasses.
Countess Grosvenor, jewelled bracelet.
Lady Edith Ashley, brooch.
Earl and Countess of Bradford, brooch
Adeline Duchess of Bedford, cross of amethysts and diamonds.
Lady Windsor, amethyst brooches.
Captain and Mrs. Clive Behrens, old scent bottle.
Lady Florence Bridgeman, jewelled "Saint Esprit" pendant
Mrs. Rupert Beckett, old gold Louis XVI box
T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, brooch
T.R.H. the Princesses Margaret and Victoria Patricia of Connaught, bracelet.
Lady Kathleen Cole, tortoiseshell umbrella set.
Mr. Victor Corkran, jewelled pendant. 
Lady Cunard, bracelet.
Miss Dooley, old paste buttons. 
Mrs. Dobede, silver box with turquoise.
M. et Madame de Warn, lapis box
La Comtesse Isabella Deym, jewelled parasol
Miss Sybil Drummond, amethyst bracelet and brooch.
Mr. and Mrs. George Drummond, enamel brooch with pearls and diamonds
Marquis and Marchioness of Exeter, watch. 
Earl of Enniskiilen, brooch
Lady Albert Leveson-Gower, jewelled parasol handle
The Hon. Algernon aud Mrs. Grosvenor, goblets. 
Lady Susan Gordon Gilmour, Brussels lace. 
Mr. Hamilton Gatliff, jewelled and enamel buckle
Viscountess Galway, enamel box.
Lady Gore-Booth, jewelled enamel pendant
Captain and Mrs. Heneage, sapphire and enamel pendant
Sir David and Lady Harrel, Irish lace.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Harvey, jewelled brooch
Miss Howson, crystal " Saint Esprit" cross
Mr. Rob. Hilton, jewelled and enamel clasp
Mrs. Meynell Ingram, brooch
Mrs. Townsend Ince, bracelet
The Hon. E. andl Mrs. Johnstone, jewelled pencil.
The Hon. Mrs. Granville Knox, two hat pins
Earl and Countess of Mar and Kellie, jewelled buttons.
Ladies Mary, Agnes, and Maud Lygon, Brussels lace. 
Dowager Lady Lamington, silver belt. 
The Hon. Mrsi. H. Littleton, enamel frame.
Commodore the Hon. Hedworth Lambton, jewelled paper knife.
Miss Milner, Malachite locket and empire purse.
Earl and Countess Manvers, earrings
Lord and Lady Magheramorne, gold and crystal vases
Viscount Mahon, ostrich feathers. 
The Rev. T. M. Bulkeley Owen, paste buckle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Portal, enamel buttons
Mr. and Lady Beatrice Pretyman, brooch.
The Hon. Mrs. E. Portman, bracelet.
Sir Thomas and Lady Kathleen Pilkington, enamel buttons. 
Messrs. Gerald, Arthur, Geoffrey, and Wilfrid Parker, hat-pin.
Mr. Russell, jewelled safety pin.
Lady Rothschild, jewelled parasol.
Mr. Cecil Rochfort, jewelled scent bottle.
Lady Rayleigh, enamel buttons.
Countess of Shaftesbury, opal, ruby and pearl locket
Lady Sybil Vivian Smith, paste buckle
Earl and Countess Stanhope, jewelled chatelaine.
Lord and Lady Savile, brooch.
The Hon. Philip Stanhope and Countess Tolstoi, diamond and emerald brooch.
Earl and Countess of Scarborough, jewelled parasol handle
Earl and' Countess of Shaftesbury, star ruby brooch, with diamonds. 
The Lord Stalbridge, ruby and diamond crescent brooch.
Lady Bateman Scott, tortoiseshell combs.
Mrs. Tomkinson, old paste and enamel brooch. 
The Right Hon. George Wyndham, M.P., emerald and diamond ring
Marquis and Marchioness of Zetland, jewelled chain.
Ladies Of Chester, wheat sheaf pearls.

- Gifts to the Bridegroom: 
From the Bride, pin
Mrs. Henry Allhusen, gold pencil.
The Hon. G. H. and Lady Mildred Allsopp, tortoiseshell-handled walking stick.
Sir Windham and Lady Carmichael Anstruther, mother-of-pearl and ruby waistcoat buttons
Adeline, Duchess of Bedford, amethyst and diamond studs and links
Lady Brownlow, gold and turqtioise box .
Lord Ronald Gower, cameo ring.
Countess Grosvenor, pearl pin.
Lord and Lady Ampthill, leather dressing case, fitted tortoiseshell and gold.
Mrs. Heneage, gold-mounted walking stick. 
Canon Mrs. Montefiore, gold-handled walking stick.
Lady Northcote, enamel box. 
Capt. Mrs. Arthur Pakenham, links and waistcoat buttons.
Mr. Pandelli Ralli, gold and enamel chain
Ladies Emily and Stanhope and Hon. Richard Stanhope, mother-of-pearl and enamel sleeve links
Earl and Countess of Shaftesbury, blue enamel and pearl sleeve links
pair of silver candlesticks.
Mrs. Vincent, cushions and gold photo frame.
M Tenants, gold candelabra. 
Malvern Cycling Club, gold watch chain


Eccleston Church, near Chester, looked lovely on Saturday, when decorated for the marriage of Lord Beauchamp and Lady Lettice Grosvenor, the younger daughter of Lady Grosvenor, and sister of the Duke of Westminster. And all the houses round were filled with parties of friends come to assist at the marriage, which has caused much interest in the neighbourhood, where the bride is very popular. The Bishop of Worcester performed the ceremony, being assisted the Rev. Prebendary Villiers, Vicar of St. Paul’s, Knightsbridge.

The bride, who was given away by her brother, the Duke of Westminster, wore a picture dress of white satin, made with a high Venetian collar of old Brussels lace, whilst the bodice was draped with Brussels, and the front of the skirt covered with silver lace.
There was full Court train hung Empire fashion from the shoulders, and made of old silver lace, and the veil was of lace worn over a wreath of orange-blossom, myrtle, and jessamine. 
Her jewels consisted of a pearl necklace and earrings, a Saint-Esprit brooch, and a bracelet given to the late Countess Beauchamp, on her marriage, by the people of Malvern (all these the gifts of the bridegroom), a splendid diamond bow by the Duke of Westminster, and a diamond cross from the Countess Grosvenor.

The bridesmaids were the Ladies Agnes and Maud Lygon (sisters of the bridegroom); Lady Mary Grosvenor, daughter of Katherine, Duchess of Westminster; Lady Constance Butler, Lady Florence Bridgeman, Miss Lilah Cavendish. Miss Dorothy Grosvenor (cousins of the bride). Miss Margaret Wvndham (sister of Lord Leconfield). Miss Gilmour (niece of the bridegroom), Miss Cecily Parker, Miss Victoria Lloyd, and Miss Gertrude Torr. 

Each wore a pretty dress of white glace, embroidered in silver, and they wore wreaths of jessamine with tulle veils.Their ornaments, the gift of the bridegroom, were brooches, each composed of three sprays of jessamine, held together by a coronet, and the name "Lettice", all in enamel, set with diamonds and pearls. Lord Leconfield acted as best man.

After the ceremony Lady Grosvenor held a reception at Eaton Hall, which was largely attended, the guests including the Princesses Margaret and Patricia of Connaught, the Duchess of Teck, Adeline, Duchess of Bedford, Lord and Lady Shaftesbury, Lady Beauchamp, Lord Ormonde and Lady Constance Butler, Prince and Princess Henrv of Pless, Lord and Lady Ebury, Lord and Lady Zetland, Lord Ronald Gower, the Dowager Lady Scarborough, Lady Arthur Grosvenor, General Sir Reginald and Lady Pole Carew, Mrs. Percy Wyndnam, and Colonel and Mrs. Cornwallis West. 

Later in the afternoon Lord and Lady Beauchamp left for Madresfield Court, the bridegroom’s place near Malvern, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride travelled in dress of white glacé trimmed with lace and guipure, and a large hat. 

On the arrival of the Earl and Countess at Malvern by special train, an address was presented to his lordship and a 
diamond brooch-pendant, consisting of a ring of pearls enclosing the letters "L.B." in diamonds, and surmounted by a coronet of pearls and diamonds to the Countess, representing Malvern. A number of tenantry escorted the Earl and his bride to Madresfield.

Source:North Devon Gazette, 1902; The Tatler;La Vente des Diamants de la couronnel,Worcestershire Chronic;

More of the Diamants De La Couronne >>

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