England | Great Britain, Noble Jewels |Nobility, Queen Elizabeth II Brooch| Royal Brooches Collection, Turquoise | Royal Turquoise Jewels Queen Elisabeth II Turquoise and Diamond Shamrock Brooch | Wedding Gift from the Dowager Duchess of Portland | Queen’s Brooches 21. März 2024 royalmagazin Schreibe einen Kommentar Queen Elisabeth II Turquoise and Diamond Shamrock Brooch | Wedding Gift of the Dowager Duchess of Portland | Queen’s Brooches Princess Elizabeth the future Queen of Great Britain and Ireland | Royal Wedding Gifts and Presents 1947 Queen Elisabeth II Turquoise and Diamond Brooch | Wedding Gift of the Dowager Duchess of Portland | Queen’s Brooches older posts Queen Victoria's Turquoise Sévignés | Royal JewelsThe story of Queen Victoria's private royal jewels: Queen Victoria's Turquoise Sévignés | Royal Jewels… Queen Elizabeth II | Confirmation Brooch Turquoise and Diamond Brooch gift of Queen Mary 1942|Royal Jewels Great Britain and IrelandState visit in Germany - Berlin 2023 - Camilla Queen Consort wore the confirmation brooch…