THE TIMES today reported: Hedge fund millionaire saves Queen Victoria’s coronet

The Winterhalter painting showing Victoria and the coronet

Queen Victoria’s beloved diamond and sapphire coronet, designed by Prince Albert.  More about the royal jewel>> and the story behind…..



Duchess of Manchester | Important Jewels Ruby Diamond Bracelet | Queen Alexandra Royal Rubies

Duchess of Manchester Ruby Diamond bracelet left to Queen Alexandra
Duchess of Manchester Ruby Diamond bracelet left to Queen Alexandra  – which royal is now the owner

The story behind the royal rubies and ruby jewels of Queen Alexandra of Great Britain:

Duchess of Manchester Ruby Diamond bracelet | Queen Alexandra Royal Rubies>>

Which royal grand-grand-granddaughter or grand-grand-grandson is now the lucky owner?

Die Historie hinter den Rubinen und dem Rubin-Schmuck der Königin Alexandra von England:

Die Herzogin von Manchester hinterliess ein Rubin-Diamant-Armband  zu Gunsten der Königin Alexandra von Great Britain>>

Welche königliche Ur-Urenkelin oder Ur-Urenkel ist jetzt der glückliche Besitzer?

Wedding Gifts | Bridal Jewellery of the Duchess of Manchester
Ruby Bracelet | Jewels of Consuelo Montagu, Duchess of Manchester
Emerald and Diamond Necklace |Duchess of Manchester | Consuelo Yznaga | Montagu | Vicountess Manderville
Duchess of Manchester Diamond Jewels | Cartier Diamond Tiara and Cartier Choker | Dog Collar
Cartier Diamond Tiara Diadem | Jewels Helene Duchess of Manchester | Large Diamond Drops Corsage Brooch
Wedding Gifts | Bridal Jewellery of the Duchess of Manchester
Ruby Bracelet | Jewels of Consuelo Montagu, Duchess of Manchester
Emerald and Diamond Necklace |Duchess of Manchester | Consuelo Yznaga | Montagu | Vicountess Manderville
Duchess of Manchester Diamond Jewels | Cartier Diamond Tiara and Cartier Choker | Dog Collar
Cartier Diamond Tiara Diadem | Jewels Helene Duchess of Manchester | Large Diamond Drops Corsage Brooch   Gilded Age Jewels: The Duchess of Manchester's Cartier

The Duchess of Manchester Diamond Tiara made by Cartier

Wedding Gifts American Heiress | Bridal Jewellery of the Duchess of Manchester

Ruby Bracelet | Jewels of Consuelo Montagu, Duchess of Manchester

Emerald and Diamond Necklace |Duchess of Manchester | Consuelo Yznaga | Montagu | Vicountess Manderville

Wedding Gifts | Bridal Jewellery of the Duchess of Manchester Ruby Bracelet | Jewels of Consuelo Montagu, Duchess of Manchester Emerald and Diamond Necklace |Duchess of Manchester | Consuelo Yznaga | Montagu | Vicountess Manderville Duchess of Manchester Diamond Jewels | Cartier Diamond Tiara and Cartier Choker | Dog Collar Cartier Diamond Tiara Diadem | Jewels Helene Duchess of Manchester | Large Diamond Drops Corsage Brooch
Emerald Jewellery the Duchess of Manchester | Jewels of Consuelo Montagu, Duchess of Manchester Emerald and Diamond Necklace |Duchess of Manchester | Consuelo Yznaga | Montagu | Vicountess Manderville Duchess of Manchester Diamond Jewels |Gilded Age Jewels

Duchess of Manchester Diamond Jewels | Cartier Diamond Tiara and Cartier Choker | Dog Collar

Cartier Diamond Tiara Diadem |Festoon Tiara Duchess of Manchester Jewels |Helene Duchess of Manchester
The Manchestertiara | Duchess of Manchester Diamond Tiara | Manchester Cartier Tiara | Gilded Age Tiara | Ducal Manchester Diadem Cartiertiara Duchess of Manchester Jewels Festoontiara
The Manchester Festoon Tara | Duchess of Manchester Diamond Tiara | Manchester Cartier Tiara | Gilded Age Tiara | Ducal Manchester Diadem Cartiertiara

What’s about the diamond anchoor brooches of Empress Eugenie of France?

What’s about the diamond anchors of the Empress of France? Hatte die französiche Kaiserin Eugenie blaue Diamanten?

Hatte die französiche Kaiserin Eugenie blaue Diamanten?

Die Geschichte der spektakulären Diamant Broschen  in Form von Stockankern oder Admiralitätsankern, waren Teil ihrer privaten Juwelen.
Als Symbol steht der Anker für die Treue, in der christlichen Symbolik für die Hoffnung.
Der untere Teil eines Ankers – die

Stockanker Ancre à jas :
A : manille
B : organeau
C : jas D : verge
E : bec
F : patte G : diamant
H : pelle

Verbindung zwischen den zwei Schaufeln nennt man in Frankreich „DIAMANT“ :

The fascinating history of Empress Eugenie’s jewellery…

Diamants bleu Anchor Brooches |Empress Eugénie – Imperial Royal Jewel History France | Paar Diamant Anker Broschen Kaiserin Eugenie von Frankreich>>

Schmuck und Juwelen der Deutsche Fürstenhäuser | Royal Jewels – Historical Jewerly and Treasure of Royals and Aristocracy | bijoux historiques| исторические драгоценности