Two-headed tsar’s eagle the Order of Saint Andrew all in Diamonds with a eight carat Diamond |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

From the list of Tobolsk:

6. Tsar’s diamond emblem with big diamonds 8 carats 22,000

Alexandra Fyodorovna’s Order of Saint Andrew all details, as the wings and the crown are setted in diamonds with an 8 carat diamond as center.

Two-headed tsar's eagle the Order of Saint Andrew all in Diamonds with a eight carat Diamond |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna
Two-headed tsar’s eagle the Order of Saint Andrew all in Diamonds with a eight carat Diamond |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

„For Faith and Loyalty“ an crowned black double-headed eagle bearing a St. Andrew’s Cross with St. Andrew crucified upon it; on the arms of the saltire were the Latin letters ‚SAPR‘ (‚St. Andrew, Patron of Russia‘) The Tsarina wore it as a pendant on the collar above.

Silver Wedding Present | Sapphire and Diamond Necklace Emperor Empress of Russia

SAPPHIRES DIAMOND COLLAR| Romanov Jewel Gift|British Royal Jewels History

SAPPHIRES DIAMOND COLLAR| Romanov Jewel Gift|British Royal Jewels History Sapphire and Diamond Choker Collier, Silver Wedding present - silver wedding gift to Queen Alexandra of England
SAPPHIRES DIAMOND COLLAR| Romanov Jewel Gift|British Royal Jewels History Sapphire and Diamond Choker Collier, Silver Wedding present – silver wedding gift to Queen Alexandra of Great Britain – Ireland England

Jewels of Queen Alexandra Sapphires Necklace Silver Wedding gift

HÉLÈNE D’ORLÉANS| DUCHESSE D’AOSTA| Royal Imperial Emerald Jewels History

The marriage of Princess Helene of Orleans, daughter of the late Comte de Paris, heir to the throne of Louis Philippe, King of the French, to the Duc d’Aosta, nephew to King Humbert of Italy, took place on Tuesday, June 25, 1895 in the small Roman Catholic Church of St. Raphael, at Kingston-on-Thames. More about the history:

Duchess Helene of Aoste Emerald and Diamond Necklace – from the Duc of Aosta| France Imperial Jewels |Princess of Orleans Presents Wedding |Royal Marriage Gift


Princess Helene of Orleans Duchess Helene of Aoste Emerald and Diamond Necklace - from the Duc of Aosta| France Imperial Jewels |Princess of Orleans Presents Wedding |Royal Marriage Gift


The marriage of Princess Helene of Orleans, daughter of the late Comte de Paris, heir to the throne of Louis Philippe, King of the French, to the Duc d'Aosta, nephew to King Humbert of Italy, took place on Tuesday, June 25,1895 in the small Roman Catholic church of St. Baphael, at Kingston-on-Thames.

THE PRESENTS of the House of ORLEANS HOUSE given to Princess Helene

the imperial emeralds the Duc d'Aoste have chosen for the Royal bride.

The necklace given the former consists of five square shaped diamonds and the same number of pear-shaped emeralds with an emerald clasp
Princess Helene of Orleans

The necklace given by the bridegroom to Princess Helene consists of five square shaped diamonds and the same number of pear-shaped emeralds, with an emerald clasp>>.

Countess Patricia Mountbatten| Royal Jewels

Als 2. Gräfin Mountbatten von Burma, Ururenkelin der Königin Victoria, Großnichte der letzten Zarin von Russland, Cousine ersten Grades von Prinz Philip und Tochter des letzten Vizekönigs von Indien, wurde die verstorbene Patricia Edwina Victoria Mountbatten 1924 in eine schillernde Dynastie königlicher und politischer Beziehungen hineingeboren. Während ihres bedeutenden Lebens inmitten des kulturellen Establishments Großbritanniens ist sie für ihre „unerschütterliche Beharrlichkeit und ihren mitreißenden Sinn für Humor“ bekannt und in Erinnerung geblieben.

Wedding of the 2nd son of Patricia Knatchbull, 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma, Lady Brabourne of Mersham, Ashford, Kent. On the right side the honorable Mrs Hon. Michael-John Ulick Knatchbull, Melissa the noble bride with her bridal gown in broderie of dentelle de Nottingham, the wedding took place in 1985. She wore the bandeau, a family heirloom from her husband's paternal grandmother, on the wedding day. The bandeau is created from the choker and pendant as the center of the tiara, see above An Impressive Pair of Art Deco Diamond and Emerald Double Clip Brooches, of geometric design, dividing to form two small pairs one of which forms a brooch, each pave-set diamond openwork shield with a tringular emeralds and diamond collet centre with diamond collet and emeralds, ca 1925. 7,3cm. An Art Deco Diamond and Emerald Choker and Earrings, designed as a series of calibre cut emerald and pave set diamond central bombe section to pave-set diamond buckle connections, with a pair of pendant earrings en suite with baguette-cut diamond detail made in 1925, 34cm long. An Art Deco Diamond and Emerald Choker, the calibre cut emerald and pave-set diamond central bombe' sections to pave-set diamond buckle connections made in 1925. An Art Deco Diamond and Emerald Choker and Pendant, the calibre cut emeralds and pave set diamond buckle connecitons, made in 1925 31cm long, pendant 4,1cm wide.
Wedding of the 2nd son of Patricia Knatchbull, 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma, Lady Brabourne of Mersham, Ashford, Kent. On the right side the honorable Mrs Hon. Michael-John Ulick Knatchbull, Melissa the noble bride with her bridal gown in broderie of dentelle de Nottingham, the wedding took place in 1985. She wore the bandeau, a family heirloom from her husband’s paternal grandmother, on the wedding day. The bandeau is created from the choker and pendant as the centre of the tiara,

Als älteste Tochter von Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, und der glamourösen Erbin und Philanthropin Edwina Ashley (1900-1960), genoss Patricia eine unkonventionelle Erziehung, von Wochenendpartys mit König Edward III. und Wallis Simpson auf dem elterlichen Anwesen in Hampshire bis hin zur Evakuierung am Vorabend der deutschen Luftangriffe in London (Blitz), um bei Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt III. in ihrem palastartigen Apartment in der Fifth Avenue in New York unterzukommen.

Im Jahr 1943, im Alter von neunzehn Jahren, trat Patricia in den Women’s Royal Navy Service ein.

Dort lernte sie John Knatchbull, 7. Lord Brabourne (1924-2005), kennen und lieben – eine Begegnung, die zu einer dauerhaften Liebesbeziehung und einer fast sechzigjährigen Ehe führen sollte. Während seiner Zeit als Kapitän der Streitkräfte hatte Brabourne für Patricias Vater in Indien gearbeitet und wurde später ein für den Academy Award nominierter Filmproduzent, der hinter Titeln wie A Passage to India und den Agatha-Christie-Verfilmungen Death on the Nile und Murder on the Orient Express stand. Ihre Hochzeit in der Abtei von Romsey im Jahr 1946 wurde von tausenden Menschen verfolgt, die die Straßen säumten.
Der Erzbischof von Canterbury vollzog die Zeremonie, bei der auch der König und die Königin anwesend waren, die königlichen Prinzessinnen Elizabeth und Margaret unter den Brautjungfern und auch Prinz Philip.

Als Patricia die Adelstitel ihres Vaters erbte, wurde das Paar zu einem der ganz wenigen Ehepaare in England, die jeweils einen eigenen Adelstitel innehatten und die Hüter zweier großer Erbschaften wurden.

Zu Johns Erbe gehörte Mersham le Hatch, ein elegantes Haus von Robert Adam in der Landschaft von Kent, in dem sich die Familie Knatchbull im 15. Jahrhundert niedergelassen hatte. Ausgestattet von Thomas Chippendale in den 1770er Jahren, befanden sich dort Objekte mit außerordentlich unterschiedlicher Provenienz, unter anderem des Entdeckers und Botanikers Sir Joseph Banks, der mit Cooks erster Expedition nach Australien reiste, Jane Austens geliebter Nichte Fanny und der Marquesses of Sligo. Aus dem glamourösen Art-Déco-Penthouse ihrer Eltern in der Park Lane erbte Patricia kostbare Gegenstände, die mit ihren Eltern in Verbindung gebracht werden können – mit Kostbarkeiten von Edwinas Großvater mütterlicherseits, dem Finanzier Sir Ernest Cassel – und ihrer Zeit in Indien.

Im Laufe ihres Lebens war Lady Mountbatten Schirmherrin von über einhundert Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen. Sie bewältigte ihre eigenen Tragödien mit außerordentlichem Courage und Anmut und vermittelte dies in der Unterstützung von Menschen in Not.

Am 24. März 2021 werden über 350 Lose –  darunter Juwelen, Möbel, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Bücher, Silber, Porzellan und Vitrinenobjekte –  aus Newhouse, Patricias and Johns charmanten Haus aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, bei Sotheby’s zum Verkauf angeboten, wobei die Schätzpreise von £ 80 – 100,000 reichen. Mit jedem Los haben Betrachter und Besucher die Möglichkeit, die Welt einer bedeutenden Familie durch die Kunst und Objekte, mit denen sie lebten, zu erkunden und so die Wege der bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts zu kreuzen.

„Sie hatten diese Vorkehrungen mit uns besprochen, und wir setzen einfach ihre Pläne in die Tat um. Natürlich werden wir viele Dinge aufbewahren, darunter vor allem Gegenstände, die einen sentimentalen Wert haben und die wir sehr lieben.“ äußert sich die Familie Mountbatten dazu.

Zum Verkauf kommt auch die Banks Diamanten – eine historische Brosche -der Familie Knatchbull.

Countess Mountbatten of Burma’s treasures on sale!

The Banks Diamond brooch, a historic jewel passed down through the Knatchbull Baronets which commemorates Sir Joseph Banks

The  Banks  Diamond:  A  historic  jewel  passed  down  through  the  Knatchbull  Baronets  which  commemorates Sir Joseph Banks
The Banks Diamond: A historic jewel passed down through the Knatchbull Baronets which commemorates Sir Joseph Banks

Lady Brabourne | Diamond and Emerald Art Deco Jewellery Suite| Necklace, Bracelet, Chocker, Brooch, Bandeau

Lady Brabourne | Diamond and Emerald Art Deco Jewellery Suite| Necklace, Bracelet, Chocker, Brooch, Bandeau

Spectacular jewelry belonged first to Lady Doreen Brabourne, third daughter of the 6th Marquess of Sligo,wife of the Governor of Bombay.

Norton Cecil Knatchbull-Hugesson, 5th Baron Brabourne 1895 - 1939

Lady Brabourne |Diamond Art Deco Tiara|Noble Jewelry | Heirloom Jewels History

Lady Patricia Mountbatten Knatchbull | Lady Brabourne Diamond Art Deco Suite Jewel| Nobel and Royal Heirloom Jewels History

Famous Emerald Parure - Important Emeralds Art deco Emeralds - Brabourne famous emeralds Patricia Mountbatten Knatchbull Lady Brabourne Diamond Art Deco Suite Jewel Nobel and Royal Heirloom Jewels History Coronation Tiara
Famous Emerald Parure – Important Emeralds Art deco Emeralds – Brabourne famous emeralds Patricia Mountbatten Knatchbull Lady Brabourne Diamond Art Deco Suite Jewel Nobel and Royal Heirloom Jewels History Coronation Tiara

Doreen Knatchbull Hugessen Bridal Jewellery | Nobel Bride Melissa Knatchbull| Lady Brabourne Diamond Art Deco Suite Jewel|Royal Heirloom Jewels History

Diamond Tiara Diamond Tiaras Diamond Diadem Diamond jewels Doreen, Lady Brabourne's spectacular diamond tiara, was designed as a series of diamond-set geometric panels to the central oldcut diamond penant and quatrefoil cluster, which was detachable to form a brooch. It was probably made in 1925. For Lady Brabourne, some sketches and drawings of the time for variation of the tiara are known. The art deco diamond tiara was sold in the year 2002. Joyas reales, Diadema, Diademas, Diademe
Diamond Tiara Diamond Tiaras Diamond Diadem Diamond jewels Doreen, Lady Brabourne’s spectacular diamond tiara, was designed as a series of diamond-set geometric panels to the central oldcut diamond penant and quatrefoil cluster, which was detachable to form a brooch. It was probably made in 1925. For Lady Brabourne, some sketches and drawings of the time for variation of the tiara are known. The art deco diamond tiara was sold in the year 2002. Joyas reales, Diadema, Diademas, Diademe

Wedding Victoria of Hesse | Royal Gifts and Presents | Hochzeit Milford-Haven

Amethyst Tiara Victoria of Hesse| Royal Jewelry History | Hochzeitsgeschenke| Battenberg Milford-Haven

Diamond Stars Tiara | Royal Jewelry History |Diamant Sterne als Schmuck und Diadem>>

Diamond Stars Wedding Tiara | Diamant Sterne als Hochzeits Diadem>>

Princess Alice of Greece | Aquamarine Parure| Imperial Jewels| Wedding Gift of the Czar

Princess Alice of Battenberg| Star Jewels |Bridal Jewelry | Princess Andrew of Greece | Victoria Marchioness of Milford-Haven

Prinzessin Alice von Battenberg | Imperiale Aquamarin Parure Royaler Schmuck| Griechenland|Hochzeitsgeschenk des Zaren

The Mountbatten Jewels | Royal Jewelry | Mountbatten Schmuck >>

Lady Edwina Ashley Mountbatten | Royal Wedding Jewels | Marriage Gifts >>

Pearls Battenberg Mountbatten Jewels | Royal Jewelry History |Mountbatten Perlen Schmuck >>

Art Deco-Diamond Necklace-Bracelets |Royal Jewelry History |Art Deko Diamant Halsband >>

Emerald – Brillant Diamond Necklace | Royal Jewelry History |Smaragd Brillant Diamant Halsband >>

Art-deco Emerald – Brillant Diamond Necklace | Artdeko Smaragd Brillant Diamant Halsband >>

The Diamond Tiara | Royal Jewel History| Mountbatten Diadem>>

The Viceroy and the Viceraine at the coronation| Royal Jewelry History | Anlässlich der Krönung>>

About the „Fruit-Salad-Style Royal Jewelry History | Der Tutti-Frutti oder Fruchtsalat Stil >>

Countess Nadejda Torby | Wedding Battenberg Mountbatten Milford-Haven | Ruby Diamond Tiara Kokoshnik | Royal Jewels

Königlicher & Imperialer Schmuck der Countess Nada Torby | Hochzeitsgeschenke | Rubin Diamant Diadem Kokoschnik

Princess Kira Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany

Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland

Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Empress Auguste Victoria Prussia | Royal Jewels | Germany

Princess Kira Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany Clover leaf Trefoils Shamrock Kleeblatt
Princess Kira Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany Designed as Clover leaf Trefoils Shamrock Kleeblatt

Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany

Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Großfürstin Kira mit den Juwelen der Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland

Grand Duchess Kira|Clover Sapphire Diamond Parure Sapphire Necklace Sapphire Brooch|Kaiserin Auguste Victoria von Preussen|Imperial Royal Hohenzollern-Prussia

Royal Prussian Clover Sapphire and Diamond Necklace Parure| Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria |Empress of Prussia

Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland

Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Empress Auguste Victoria Prussia | Royal Jewels | Germany

 Clovertiara Clover leaf Shamrock Trefoils Kleeblatt Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland Clovertiara Clover leaf Shamrock Trefoils
Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland Clovertiara Clover leaf Shamrock Trefoils
Die Geschichte zum königlichen Schmuck der Kaiserin….

Die Brosche mittig ist aus einem Cluster, des Colliers gefertigt und hat einen großen Cabochon.

Im Gegensatz zu der Brosche die von Kaiserin getragen wird und einen facettierten großen Saphir als Zentrum hat.

Large Sapphire Diamond Stomacher Brooch | Empress Auguste Victoria Prussia | Royal Jewels | Germany

Large Sapphire Diamond Stomacher Brooch | Empress Auguste Victoria Prussia | Royal Jewels | Germany

Auguste Viktoria Friederike Luise Feodora Jenny of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg was the wife of Emperor Wilhelm II and as such from 1888 to 1918 German Empress and Queen of Prussia.

Large Sapphire Diamond Stomacher Brooch | Empress Auguste Victoria Prussia | Royal Jewels | Germany

The empress often wore this large oval diamond brooch and Devante de Corsage and was shown in different pictures. The large faceted oval sapphire is framed by 20 evenly sized diamonds and two larger diamonds on the short lengths. A large, even pearl hangs movable on the brooch with an eyelet and three diamonds. There are flourishes made of diamonds on both sides.

Large Sapphire Diamond Stomacher Brooch | Empress Auguste Victoria Prussia | Royal Jewels | Germany

Große Saphir Diamant Brosche|Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland

Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany

Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Großfürstin Kira mit den Juwelen der Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland

Dagmar Necklace | Princess of Wales – Queen Alexandra| England Wedding Gift

The Dagmar Necklace 1863

Given by King Frederick VII of Denmark, to his daughter Princess Alexandra, as wedding present

Queen Alexandra’s Dagmar Necklace | Royal Jewelry Princess of Wales

Queen Alexandra's Dagmar Necklace | Royal Jewelry Princess of Wales  The necklace and facsimile of the Cross of Dagmar was presented by King Frederick VII of Denmark to Princess Alexandra upon her marriage to the Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII) in 1863. It is set with 118 pearls and 2,000 diamonds.
Queen Alexandra’s Dagmar Necklace | Royal Jewelry Princess of Wales The necklace and facsimile of the Cross of Dagmar was presented by King Frederick VII of Denmark to Princess Alexandra upon her marriage to the Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII) in 1863. It is set with 118 pearls and 2,000 diamonds.
Queen Alexandra's Dagmar Necklace | Royal Jewelry Princess of Wales

The necklace and facsimile of the Cross of Dagmar was presented by King Frederick VII of Denmark to Princess Alexandra upon her marriage to the Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII) in 1863.
It is set with 118 pearls and 2,000 diamonds.
Queen Alexandra’s Dagmar Necklace | Royal Jewelry Princess of Wales

The Dagmar Necklace |Royal Jewel History Queen Elizabeth II

Necklace and Earrings presented by the Corporation of the City of London

The necklace ". . . consists of 32 Golconda diamonds
Necklace and Earrings presented by the Corporation of the City of London
The necklace „. . . consists of 32 Golconda diamonds

Necklace and Earrings presented by the Corporation of the City of London | Royal Wedding Present to Alexandra the Princess of Wales

Cambridge Gold Bracelet with Diamond Enamel Buckle Alexandra Princess of Wales Queen Alexandra

Cambridge Gold Bracelet with Diamond Enamel Buckle Alexandra Princess of Wales Queen Alexandra from the duke of Cambridge -
Cambridge Gold Bracelet with Diamond Enamel Buckle Alexandra Princess of Wales Queen Alexandra from the Duke of Cambridge

Bracelet of turquoises and brilliants, by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Hesse

Gold buckle bracelet, which has a clasp of enamel and diamonds, was presented by HRH Princess Mary of Cambridge.

Cambridge Gold Bracelet with Diamond Enamel Buckle Alexandra Princess of Wales Queen Alexandra from the Duke of Cambridge

Cambridge Bracelet | Queen Alexandra British Royal Jewelry

Cambridge Bracelet | Queen Alexandra British Royal Jewelry 

Emerald Diamond flower Brooch | Royal Wedding Present | Duchess of Cambridge

Emerald Diamond flower Brooch | Royal Wedding Present | Duchess of Cambridge

Queen Alexandra| Royal Wedding Presents

India Diamond Emerald Necklace of Queen Alexandra | Indian Collar Resille Edwardian Style|Queen Victoria Royal Wedding Gift

Queen Alexandra, at the Duchess of Devonshire’s costume ball, is wearing another wedding present.

India Diamond Emerald Necklace of Queen Alexandra | Indian Collar Resille Edwardian Style|Queen Victoria Royal Wedding Gift

Queen Alexandra, at the Duchess of Devonshire’s costume ball, is wearing another wedding present.

In 1863, she received from Queen Victoria this suite of Indian ornaments, comprising a collar, armlet and two bracelets, made from uncut emeralds, diamonds and pearls. The seven-row collar of pearl and emerald beads was hung with a multitude of pearl drops and diamond pendants, which were enamelled on the back.

The suite Indian ornaments, consisting corsage, pair bracelets, and armlet, entirely composed of pearls, emeralds, and diamonds, the gift of the Queen.
These are, indeed, " barbaric gold and genu," for all the jewels having been cut and set in India are of course ia the pure Oriental style—that is to say, the diamonds are flat and lustreless, and the fine are drilled through and spoilt by holes in fact, though the value of this present must be very great, it is much more curious than beautiful, and the much resemble coramon glass as it is ia the power of such rich and rare gems do.
Queen Alexandra on the Devonshire Coronation Jubilee Ball – Diamonds and Pearls – Indian pearl necklace

In 1863, she received from Queen Victoria this suite of Indian ornaments, comprising a collar, armlet and two bracelets, made from uncut emeralds, diamonds and pearls. The seven-row collar of pearl and emerald beads was hung with a multitude of pearl drops and diamond pendants, which were enamelled on the back.

The suite Indian ornaments, consisting corsage, pair bracelets, and armlet, entirely composed of pearls, emeralds, and diamonds, the gift of the Queen…..