Archiv der Kategorie: Necklace | Important

Royal Historic Necklace | Important Royal Jewellery & Aristocratic Jewels Jewelry bijoux bijou jewelry gold joaillerie diamond jewelry jewelryhistory artdeco artdecojewelry haute joaillerie Colliers chain collier de chien, colliers, diamond bandeau,

Van Cleef & Arpels 1949 – Design Diamond Collier Design Maurice Duvalet

Maurice Duvalet, a great designer who worked for Cartier, Charlton & Co, Van Cleef & Arpels and the Rubel brothers, but whom all forgot to cite in their large books on the history of their house more about this talent follow the link of Jean Jacques information about him:

Maurice Duvalet

Van Cleef & Arpels 1949 - Design Diamond Collier Design Maurice Duvalet, M. Duvalet, New York jewels design VCA, VCA jeweller, design of jewels, Van Cleef and Arpels jewels, Important necklaces, Vancleef and arpels necklace, collier, earrings Van Cleef & Arpels 1949 - Design Diamond Earpendants Earrings Design Maurice Duvalet  York
Van Cleef & Arpels 1949 – Design Diamond Collier Design Maurice Duvalet York,

Princess Beatrice Emerald Jewels | Infanta Beatrice, Duchess of Galliera Emerald Necklace

Princess Beatrice of Saxon-Coburg-Gotha-Infanta of Spain, Beatrice of orleans bourbon, Baby Bee jewels, emerald necklace and emerald brooches, emerald sautoir,emerald collier,romanov emeralds from Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna her mothers wedding gift of the tsar. Romanov Jewels - Emerald Stomacher, Emerald Devante de Corsage, Russian Brooches Fernbrooch with diamond and Emerald
Princess Beatrice of Saxon-Coburg-Gotha Infanta of Spain, Beatrice of orleans bourbon

…..long emerald „pendentifs“ hanging on both sides of her face. Some superb emeralds and diamonds completed her attire…..the round emeralds were from the collection of his mother-in-law Infanta Eulalia of Spain.

Empress Josephine’s Pearls | Imperial Pearl Comb, Pearl Necklace, Pearl Bandeau and Pearl Tiara | France Beauharnais Leuchtenberg

The Imperial Pearls of Empress Josephine of France| Royal Jewel History
Pearls Tiara Diadem Bandeau Pearlstrings Empress Josephine Joyaux de l'Imperatrice Josephine|Empress Jospehine Jewels |French historic Jewelry Napoleons Erben in Bayern   Die Herzöge von Leuchtenberg
The Imperial Pearls of Empress Josephine of France| Royal Jewel History
Pearls Tiara Diadem Bandeau Pearlstrings Empress Josephine
|Empress Josephine Jewels |French historic Jewelry

Pearls Tiara Diadem Bandeau Pearl strings Empress Josephine Joyaux de l’Imperatrice Josephine|Empress Josephine’s Jewels |French historic Jewelry

Queen Marie of Romania|Star Sapphires Choker Diamond Necklace|Collier de Chien| Royal Jewel History

Queen Marie of Romania|Star Sapphires Choker Diamond Necklace|Collier de Chien| Royal Jewel History Regina Marie Royal Family Roumania - Collier de Chien, famous royal Jewellery, Romanian royals Hohenzollern
Birthday gift to Queen Marie of Romania in 1902 |Star Sapphires Choker Diamond Necklace|Collier de Chien| Royal Jewel History Regina Marie Royal Family Roumania

Queen Marie of Romania|Star Sapphires Choker Diamond Necklace|Collier de Chien| Royal Jewel History

Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany | Five row famous pearl necklace | Imperial Pearls

The royal and imperial collection resurfaces, astonishingly pristine and with all its pieces in their original design, for the first time in nearly a century, having only been recently discovered hidden away in a bank vault.

Famous Pearls, pearl strings, imperial pearl necklace, pearl collier, present from the emperor, for each born child - a string of pearls....the pear diver Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany 1844–1899
Famous Pearls, pearl strings, imperial pearl necklace, pearl collier, present from the emperor, for each born child – a string of pearls….the pear diver Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany 1844–1899
Archduchess Maria Immaculata of Austria-Tuscany, Duchess of Württemberg 1878-1968 wearing the famous pearl collection of her mother Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany 1844–1899 the imperial pearls köchert, 5 row pearl strings collier necklace Herzogin von Württemberg, Erzherzogin von Österreich Toskana Bijoux de la Vienne impériale |
Archduchess Maria Immaculata of Austria-Tuscany, Duchess of Württemberg 1878-1968 wearing the famous pearl collection of her mother Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany 1844–1899, the imperial pearls köchert.
5 row pearl strings collier necklace Herzogin von Württemberg, Erzherzogin von Österreich Toskana

Imperiales Perlen Collier Imperial Pearl Necklace Maria Immaculata Erzherzogin von Österreich| Archduchess of Austria, Koechert Important Natural Pearls from Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg

Imperiales Perlen Collier Imperial Pearl Necklace Maria Immaculata Erzherzogin von Österreich| Archduchess of Austria, Koechert Important Natural Pearls from Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg

Saxony Crown Jewels |Green Vault| Grünes Gewölbe Sachsens Kronjuwelen

Gems like the breast bow, „the Saxon white“ diamond, Queen Amalia Auguste’s diamond necklace, four coat buttons, the large diamond rose, and the sword blade are still missing.

Der im Dezember 2022 zurückgegebene Teil des Sachsenschatzes umfasste insgesamt 31 Einzelstücke, darunter der Hutschmuck Reiherstutz und der Bruststern des polnischen Weißen Adlerordens aus der Brillantgarnitur. 

 Es fehlen weiterhin unter anderem die bei dem Diebstahl beschädigte Diamant Epaulette mit dem „Sächsischen Weißen“ (Diamanten), die Große Brustschleife aus Diamanten der Königin Amalie Auguste sowie die Klinge des historischen Degens.
Broken, rusted, scratched: The loot that was seized from the Green Vault is in worse condition than expected. This also affects the deal that the alleged thieves negotiated with the prosecutors. Prachtstücke wie die Brustschleife, der Sächsische Weiße, das Brillantcollier von Amalia Auguste, vier Rockknöpfe, die große Diamantrose und die Degenklinge fehlen noch immer.
Fehlt das Brillantcollier von Königin Amalia Auguste || The important diamond necklace of Queen Amalia Auguste of Saxony Wettin Royal Jewels

Broken, rusted, scratched: The loot that was seized from the Green Vault is in worse condition than expected. This also affects the deal that the alleged thieves negotiated with the prosecutors.

When it became known in December that the jewels had emerged from the Green Vault. Three years earlier, thieves had broken into the Dresden Residential Palace and stolen numerous sets of jewels from a display case. Shortly before Christmas, the pieces of jewelery were seized and there was hope that Augustus the Strong’s treasure would soon be complete again. Perhaps the euphoria was a little premature.

As came out on 10th January, in the process of breaking into the Green Vault, a number of pieces of jewelry are more damaged than expected.

Mrs Eve Begov is a restorer at the Dresden State Art Collections. When she tells the district court how she first saw the pieces of jewelry in the State Criminal Police Office, she doesn’t let the art-historical significance of this situation be noticed. Objectively, she tells how the three of them bent over the jewelry packed in bags – and saw traces of the devastation. Moisture damage, rust and dripping under gemstones. The epaulette, which had given its name to the police investigative group, was broken into five pieces, had scratches and a torn rivet pin. And the breast star of the Polish Order of the White Eagle, set with diamonds and originally said to be intact, is also deformed and lacks a ray tip.

This is not only of great importance in terms of art history, but also from a legal point of view. Because the stones were returned by the alleged thieves themselves. Six young men have been on trial in Dresden for the theft since early 2022. However, this also depends on how much damage has been repaired.

jewelry saxony royal house.This is what the pieces of jewelry from the Green Vault in Dresden looked like before they were stolen. The sword, for example, is battered and broken into nine pieces
The Green Vault at Dresden. This is what the pieces of jewelry from the Green Vault in Dresden looked like on display, before they were stolen. The sword, for example, is battered and broken into nine pieces.

The court begins the day of the hearing with the words: „A lot has happened.“

That might be the understatement of the year, just handing over the jewels was cinematic. A chief inspector a tells how he found out in mid-December that he could pick up the jewels in Berlin. Late at night, his team of prosecutors rushed into a Berlin law firm, and they were lying on the conference table: 31 pieces of jewelry, many more parts than were stolen. „As a layman“ that surprised him at first, but he quickly realized that numerous jewels had simply broken into pieces. The sword, for example: It was disassembled into nine individual parts, 23 stones were gone, the blade was missing completely.

After all, the police got clues from the defenders as to where to look: in the Neukölln shipping canal, where upon police divers got into the water there on the Christmas holidays.

It was now also known in court what had been going on behind the scenes since the summer. Accordingly, from August, there were exploratory talks between defense attorneys and the public prosecutor’s office about a possible return of the jewelry.

At the beginning of December, the defense lawyer for a defendant who had already confessed to being involved in the coup came forward.

Defense attorneys and the public prosecutor’s office then discussed the cornerstones of a procedural agreement, also known as a „deal“. In return, for confessions and the return of 18 of the 21 pieces of jewelry, a certain range of punishment should be guaranteed, and pre-trial detention should be suspended when the verdict is announced. The jewelry was handed over on December 17th.

But the deal didn’t quite meet the prosecutor’s expectations. Three fewer pieces were returned than stated. In addition, some pieces of jewelry were damaged and some were „significantly affected“, apparently also when cleaning was attempted.

It will still take some effort to bring the art treasures back to their old condition. Mrs Begov estimates the cost of the restoration alone at 126,000 euros, not including the numerous precious stones that need to be replaced.

And gems like the breast bow, the Saxon white diamond of 49,84 ct., Queen Amalia Auguste’s diamond necklace, four coat buttons, the large diamond rose and the sword blade are still missing.

large rose cut diamond Große Diamantrose

Diamantrose von ca. 12,812 ct., Silber

Die große Diamantrose wurde am 25.11.2019 aus dem Juwelenzimmer des Historischen Grünen Gewölbes entwendet.

Die Diamantrosengarnitur wurde in alle den Jahren mehrmals modernisiert und der Mode angepasst. im Jahre 1719 machten die Rock- und Westenknöpfe aufgrund ihrer diamantbesetzten Knopfeinfassungen die Kostbarkeit der Garnitur aus. Der Wert des Ensembles wurde im selben Jahr auf 1.4 Millionen Taler geschätzt. 1749 sollte der Schweizer Juwelenkünstler Jean Jacques Pallard die qualitativ weniger guten Steine aussondern und durch reinere Exemplare ersetzen. Zwischen 1782 und 1789 wurde die Garnitur vollendet mit der Erweiterung um folgende Komponenten: je zwei Knie- und Schuhschnallen, ein Hofdegen mit Scheide, eine Hutkrempe mit vier dazugehörigen Litzen, eine darauf abgestimmte Epaulette und ein Kleinod des Polnischen Weißen Adler- Ordens. Nie waren die Stücke einer Juwelengarnitur so üppig mit großen reinen Diamanten besetzt.
The large rose cut diamond of 12,812ct

Quoted from the Süddeutsche Zeitung / Grünes Gewölbe Dresden.

Princess of Wales | Queen Elizabeth II Four Row Japanese Pearl Choker and Bahrain Pearl and Diamond Ear pendants

The pearls, which belonged to the late monarch Queen Elizabeth II. It is a poignant tribute to both Her Majesty and Diana, Princess of Wales.

Princess of Wales | Queen Elizabeth II Four Row Japanese Pearl Choker and Bahrein Pearl Ear pendants Queens funeral 2022
Princess of Wales | Queen Elizabeth II Four Row Japanese Pearl Choker and Bahrein Pearl Ear pendants Queen’s funeral 2022

The State Funeral for Her Majesty The Queen took place at Westminster Abbey on Monday 19th September at 11am. The Funeral Service and the associated ceremonial arrangements paid tribute to The Queen’s extraordinary reign, and Her Majesty’s remarkable life of service as Head of State, Nation and Commonwealth.

Around her neck, Catherine now the Princess of Wales, wore a four-strand diamond-and-pearl choker, the Queen commissioned Garrard to create the unusual clasped charm using pearls gifted to her by the Japanese government in the ’70s.

Criss-cross diamond pave pearl clasp with a 4 row pearl cuff link - Royal Jewel HIstory Catherine Princess of Wales pearl jewellery - royal jewels british royal family heirlooms
In addition, she wore a four row  pearl bracelet, set with round cut sparkling diamonds to create a wide form bracelet, the clasp is like a star-fish in diamond pavee. Probably the bracelet was passed onto Prince William after his mother died and now belongs to Kat
Criss-cross diamond pavee pearl clasp with a 4 strand pearl bracelet, each knot is setted with a diamond – Royal Jewel History

In 1982, she loaned it to Princess Diana. The monarch was most famously pictured wearing it at an engagement in Bangladesh during a royal tour in 1983 and a gala with Margaret Thatcher.

In addition, she wore a four row pearl bracelet, set with round cut sparkling diamonds to create a wide form bracelet, the clasp is like a star-fish in diamond pavee. The bracelet was worn by Diana in 1982 and seen on Queen Elizabeth II in the year 1999.

Queen Elizabeth II - wearing the  Japanese Pearl Choker
Queen Elizabeth II – wearing the 4-row Japanese Pearl Choker

The Queen loaned the necklace to Kate for the first time in 2017 on the occasion of her 70th wedding anniversary to the late Duke of Edinburgh. Kate wore it again last April at Prince Philip’s funeral with the same Bahrain pearl drop earrings she is wearing in 2022 on the „Queen’s state funeral“. The round diamond studs were part of the Queen’s royal collection.

The Queen’s Bahrain pearl drop earrings, crafted from a cache of seven pearls that the then Princess Elizabeth received from Hakim of Bahrain on her wedding day in 1947.

Kate Middleton - Duchess of Cambridge Catherine Elizabeth Middleton

Princess of Wales | Queen Elizabeth II Four Row Japanese Pearl Choker and Bahrain Pearl and Diamond Ear pendants
Funeral of Prince Philipp Duke of Edinburgh in 2021 – the Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Princess of Wales | Queen Elizabeth II Four Row Japanese Pearl Choker and Bahrain Pearl and Diamond Ear pendants

Grand duchess Stephanie von Baden | Emeralds Grand Duchess Stephanie de Beauharnais| Royal Imperial Emerald Necklace Collier Earrings| Mrs Robert Hudson Viscountess Hudson

Grand duchess Stephanie von Baden | Emeralds Grand Duchess Stephanie de Beauharnais| Royal Imperial Emerald Necklace Collier Earrings| Mrs Robert Hudson Viscountess Hudson

Grandduchess Stephanie von Baden | Emeralds Grand Duchess Stephanie de Beauharnais| Royal Imperial Emerald Necklace Collier Earrings| Mrs Robert Hudson Viscountess Hudson mrs robert hudson,emerald set,smaragd,smaragde,emeralds,emerald,Grossherzogin,Baden,Empire,Diadem,Stephanie,Beauharnais,Gold,Empire,diamond,tiara,Grand Duchess,kaufen,verkaufen,schmuck,princess,napoleon,german royals,josephine,emeraud,bijoux imperial,kaiser,frankreich,königin,dronning,schweden,norwegen,sweden,hamilton,lady hamilton,important emeralds,important emerald parure,historic emeralds,robert hudson,viscount hudson,lord hudson,lady hudson,royalty,aristocratic,noble jewels,peeresses,peeress,lord,lady,viscoutess,jewel history,beauharnais emeralds parure,napoleonic jewels
Grand duchess Stephanie von Baden | Emeralds Grand Duchess Stephanie de Beauharnais| Royal Imperial Emerald Necklace Collier Earrings| Mrs Robert Hudson| Viscountess Hudson|Gerda Frances Marion Bushell

Grand Duchess Stephanie – Emerald Necklace – Parure

close-up of the Beauharnais Imperial Emerald Diamond Necklace>>

close-up of the Historic Napoleonic Emerald Diamond Parure>>

Weiteres Bild der Napoleonic Emerald Parure Smaragdgarnitur >>

Beauharnais Smaragd Parure| Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden Imperial Emeralds >>

Grandduchess Stephanie von Baden | Emeralds Grand Duchess Stephanie de Beauharnais| Royal Imperial Emerald Necklace Collier Earrings| Mrs Robert Hudson Viscountess Hudson


Emerald Tiara Jewels | Auguste Amalie de Beauharnais, Duchess of Leuchtenberg | Princess of Bavaria| Royal Imperial History

Auguste Amalie Beauharnais |Smaragd Juwelen der Herzogin von Leuchtenberg|Kaiserliche Diamanten und Royaler Schmuck

Gladys Vanderbilt Countess Szechenyi | Cartier Diamond Tiara Coronation Jewels Garland Choker Stomacher| Dollar Princess Golden Age

Gladys Vanderbilt Wedding Jewels| Countess Gladys Szechenyi | Important large Diamond of 62,09ct Diamond Necklace |Imperial-Royal Austria Hungary Jewel History

Gladys Vanderbilt Wedding Jewels| Countess Gladys Szechenyi | Important large Diamond of 62,09ct Diamond Necklace |Imperial-Royal Austria Hungary Jewel History
Gladys Vanderbilt Wedding Jewels| Countess Gladys Szechenyi | Important large Diamond of 62,09ct Diamond Necklace |Imperial-Royal Austria Hungary Jewel History harry Winston
Amethyst Tiara Cartier Tiara Gladys Vanderbilt Wedding Jewels| Countess Gladys Szechenyi | Important large Diamond Amethyst Choker |Imperial-Royal Austria Hungary Jewel History
Amethyst Tiara Cartier Tiara Gladys Vanderbilt Wedding Jewels| Countess Gladys Szechenyi | Important large Diamond Amethyst Choker |Imperial-Royal Austria Hungary Jewel History
Amethyst Tiara Cartier Tiara Gladys Vanderbilt Wedding Jewels| Countess Gladys Szechenyi | Important large Diamond Amethyst Choker |Imperial-Royal Austria Hungary Jewel History
Amethyst Tiara Cartier Tiara Gladys Vanderbilt Wedding Jewels| Countess Gladys Szechenyi | Important large Diamond Amethyst Choker |Imperial-Royal Austria Hungary Jewel History
Cartier Choker Stomacher vanderbilt Gladys Vanderbilt Countess Szechenyi-Vanerbilt, Devante de corsage belle epoque stomacher, garland stomacher, with Amethysts, February birthday gemstones, collier de chien, dog collar
Cartier Choker Stomacher Vanderbilt Gladys Vanderbilt Countess Szechenyi-Vanderbilt, Devante de corsage belle epoque stomacher, garland stomacher, with Amethysts, February birthday gemstones, Cartier Dog Collar|Collier de Chien

Princess Clémentine of Orléans, Princess of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, Duchess in Saxony | Orleans Royal Jewels

Princess Clémentine of Orléans, Princess of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, Duchess in Saxony (1817 – 1907) was the youngest daughter of Louis-Philippe King of France, the last French king, and his wife Marie Amalie of the Two Sicilies.

The royal RubyParure was sold, the ruby and diamond necklace, the ruby and diamond tiara and ruby and diamond brooch, the ruby and diamond ear pendants – all separately.

The earpendants are bought by the Prince of Thurn – und Taxis.

The Ruby and diamond tiara was later offered as necklace, see the part below.

xe-Coburg Ruby Parure - Necklace, Tiara, Brooch, Earpendants
Princess Clémentine of Orléans, Princess of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, Duchess in Saxony (1817 - 1907) was the youngest daughter of Louis-Philippe King of France, the last French king, and his wife Marie Amalie of the Two Sicilies.
Clementine of Saxe-Coburg Ruby Parure – Necklace, Tiara, Brooch, Earpendants
Princess Clémentine of Orléans, Princess of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, Duchess in Saxony (1817 – 1907) was the youngest daughter of Louis-Philippe King of France, the last French king, and his wife Marie Amalie of the Two Sicilies.

Jewels of Princess Clementine of Orleans | Herzogin Klementine von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha Kohary

Princess Clementine of Orleans | Brooches Brilliants & Pearls | French Crown Jewels

Clementine of Saxe-Coburg Ruby Parure – Necklace, Tiara, Brooch, Earpendants | Rubine Rubin-Schmuck Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha Kohary

Duchess Clementine of Saxe-Coburg | Royal Jewel History|Ruby Parure – Necklace, Tiara, Brooch, Earpendants



Kokoshnik Sonnenstrahlen Diamant Diadem Grand Duchess Saxe Coburg |Jewel History| Imperial Sunray or Fringe Tiara

Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna Sachsen-Coburg Gotha Edinburg Royal Imperial Diamant Diadem | Diamond Tiara

Faberge Diamant Diadem | Grossfürstin Marie Romanov Herzogin von Edinburgh | Grand Duchess of Russia, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha | Faberge Pearl Tiara

Bolin Rubin Parure mit Diadem | Marie Grand Duchess of Russia, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha | Imperial Historic Jewelry Bolin Ruby Diamond Parure with Tiara

Royal Falize Tiara of Marie Grand Duchess of Russia, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha |Wedding Present of Queen Victoria

Falize Diamant Diadem Hochzeitsgeschenk der Queen Victoria |Königliche Schmuck | Sachsen Coburg Gotha Grossfürstin Marie-Alexandrovna


Prachtausstellung: Der Sachsen-Coburg- Juwelen

Das Zarensilber im Coburger Residenzschloß |Romanov Jewels |Imperial Historic Jewelry

Romanoff Perlenketten, Brillantbroschen und Armbänder in der Prunkausstellung|Romanov Pearls Jewels |Imperial Historic Jewelry

Fringe Tiara, Diamantschmuck und Saphir-Juwelen|Trousseau with Diamonds Sapphires, Koskoshnik Romanov Jewels |Imperial Historic Jewelry

Königlicher Schmuck der Prinzessinnen Victoria Melitta, Marie und Beatrice|Princess Victoria Melitta, Crown Princess Marie and Infanta Beatrice Romanov Dowry Jewels |Imperial Historic Jewelry

Die goldene Schmuckkassette der Herzogin Marie Alexandrovna |Tsar Trousseau Romanov Jewels |Imperial Historic Jewelry




Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg | Königlicher Schmuck – Juwelen

Duchess Clementine of Saxe-Coburg | Royal Jewel History|Ruby Parure – Necklace, Tiara, Brooch, Earpendants

Alexandrine Duchess of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha| Saxe-Coburg-Gotha| Queen Victorias Wedding Gift – Emerald Parure Tiara Necklace
Alexandrine Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha| Prinzessin von Baden Hochzeit und Diamant Schmuck| Königliche Vermählung und Royaler Hochzeitschmuck
Alexandrine Duchess of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha| Golden Wedding Saxe-Coburg-Gotha| Queen Victorias Marriage Present – Emerald Parure Tiara Necklace
Alexandrine Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha| Goldene Hochzeit Smaragd Diamant Schmuck| Königliche Vermählung und Royaler Hochzeitschmuck
Alexandrine Duchess of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha| Royal Marriage Saxe-Coburg-Gotha| Queen Victorias Marriage Present the Emerald Parure Tiara Necklace
Alexandrine Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha| 1842 Hochzeit Königlicher Smaragd Schmuck| Königliche Juwelen und Royaler Hochzeitschmuck
Duchess Viktoria Adelheid of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha | Royal Emerald Tiara Emerald Brooch Emerald Parure | Royal Jewel History
Herzogin Viktoria Adelheid von Sachsen Coburg und Gotha | Königliche Smaragd Tiara , Smaragd Brosche, Smaragd Parure | Juwelen Geschichtel History
Herzogin Viktoria Adelheid von Sachsen Coburg und Gotha | Königliche Smaragd Tiara , Smaragd Brosche, Smaragd Parure | Juwelen Geschichtel History
Duchess Victoria Adelaide of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha | Royal Wedding Tiara Diamond Marriage Presents and Gifts | Royal Jewel History
Herzogin Viktoria Adelheid von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha | | Royale Hochzeit Diamant Tiara Juwelen zur Vermählung Königliche Geschenke| Royal Jewel History
Diamanthalsband der Herzogin von Albany |Royal Historic Jewelry Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Diamond Necklace
Turquoise Diamond Parure Necklace, Tiara, Earpendant | Royal Jewel History|Duchess of Saxen-Coburg and Gotha
Royaler Türkisschmuck |Königliche Schmuck Parure mit Türkisen der Herzogin Victoria Adelheid von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha
Erbprinzessin Kelly Sachsen Coburg Gotha Diamanten | Diamant Braut Schmuck | Diamond Jewellery of the Duchess of Saxen-Coburg and Gotha


Louise Duchess von Sachsen-Coburg Saalfeld| Royal Wedding Gift,Loop Tiara Necklace, Diamond Circlet Ornament |Royal Jewel History
Luise Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg Saalfeld| Hochzeit und Diamant Schmuck| Königliche Vermählung und Royaler Hochzeitschmuck