Andean Emerald Cross| Infanta Beatrice of Spain| Torlonia| Weiller

Rare emerald cross of 45 carats from Empress Eugenie of France | Queen Victoria | Princess Beatrice of Great Britain Battenberg| Queen Eugenia Victoria of Spain .

Carved from one single gem, the cross, named ‘The Andean cross’

Andean Emerald Cross| Infanta Beatrice of Spain| Torlonia| Weiller
Princess Torlonia Civitella-Cesi| Princess  Donna Isabella Olimpia #infantabeatriz#infantabeatrizofspain#infantabeatrizdeborbonybattenberg#infantadeespaña#españa#principessatorlonia#españa#roma#palazzotorlonia#torlonia#spanishroyalfamily#spanishroyals#spanishroyalty#familiarealespañola#royal#royals#reyalfonsoxiii#reinavictoriaeugenia#reyjuancarlos#reyfelipevi#kingjuancarlos#casareal#casarealespañola#doñabeatriz#royalty
Andean Emerald Cross| Infanta Beatrice of Spain| Princess Torlonia Civitella-Cesi| – with her daughter Donna Olimpia Torlonia dei Principi di Civitella-Cesi Weiller

Imperial Andean Emerald Cross –

The present to Infanta Beatriz of Spain, Princess of Civitella-Cesi, Doña Beatriz Isabel Federica Alfonsa Eugénie Cristina Maria Teresia Bienvenida Ladislàa de Borbón y Battenberg; 22 June 1909 – 22 November 2002 was a daughter of King Alfonso XIII of Spain and Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, wife of Alessandro Torlonia, 5th Prince di Civitella-Cesi.⁣⁣⁣

Above with her youngest daughter she married Paul-Annick Weiller in1965.

The Andean Cross was sold in 1937 from the Princess Torlonia to bought by Mr Simon Patiño.

The family bought the emerald cross back probably in 1975, when Mrs Patino sold it to Van Cleef and Arpels.

Emerald Cross – Imperial Emerald cross of the Andean | Princess Beatrice of the UK Royal Presents| Princess Henry of Battenberg

Emerald Cross – Imperial Emerald cross of the Andean | Princess Beatrice of the UK Christening Present granddaugther Infanta Beatrice

Emerald Cross – Imperial Emerald cross of the Andean | Infanta Beatrice of Spain| Princess Torlonia Civitella-Cesi| Daughter Donna Olimpia Torlonia dei Principi di Civitella-Cesi Weiller

Royal Spanien Smaragd Erbschaft

Emeralds Emerald Jewels of Queen Victoria Eugenia|Famous Emerald Collier |Jewels Royal Spain

Emerald-Necklace in long Version with the Emerald Cross | Jewelry History Königlicher Smaragd Schmuck der Kaiserin von Frankreich

Royal Spanish Emeralds of Queen Victoria Eugenia | Royal Jewels History

Royal Emeralds cross of Queen Isabella II. – Madame Patiño | Royal & Imperal Emeralds Jewel History

Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara |Maureen Guinness Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts

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Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara |Maureen Guinness Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts

Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara |Maureen Guinness Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts
Maureen Guinness Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts

Maureen Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara |Maureen Guinness Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Marriage |Wedding Gifts

Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara |Maureen Guinness Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts
Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara |Maureen Guinness Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts – Coronation Tiaras

Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara |Maureen Guinness Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts

Vicereine Of India | Royal Gifts and Jewels | Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava| Jewelry Stories

Stories of Jewels

Clover Coronet, Clover Tiara, Clover  Diamond Tiara, Clover jewelry, shamrock tiara, royal tiara,shamrock coronet, shamrock diamond coronet, heirlooms,

Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara | Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts Marriage Presents - Presents to the Vicereine of India

Hariot Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava

Marchioness of Dufferin & Ava Clover Leaf Tiara | Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts Marriage Presents – Presents to the Vicereine of India Hariot Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava

Vicereine of India | Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara | Diamond Trefoil Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Presents

Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara | Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts

click for more stories about noble jewellery

Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Clover Leaf Tiara | Diamond Shamrock Diadem |Noble Jewelry Royal Wedding Gifts

Hariot Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava Vicereine of India
Lady Hariot Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava

Andean Cross Emerald History | Christening of Infanta Beatrice of Spain

Andean Cross famous history of an important emerald cross

Andean Cross Emerald History | Christening of Infanta Beatrice of Spain Emerald Cross - Imperial Emerald cross of the Andean | Princess Beatrice of the UK Royal Presents| Princess Henry of Battenberg #infantabeatriz#infantabeatrizofspain#infantabeatrizdeborbonybattenberg#infantadeespaña#españa#principessatorlonia#españa#roma#palazzotorlonia#torlonia#spanishroyalfamily#spanishroyals#spanishroyalty#familiarealespañola#royal#royals#reyalfonsoxiii#reinavictoriaeugenia#reyjuancarlos#reyfelipevi#kingjuancarlos#casareal#casarealespañola#doñabeatriz#royalty
Andean Cross Emerald History | Christening of Infanta Beatrice of Spain 1909

Emerald Cross – Imperial Emerald cross of the Andean | Princess Beatrice of the UK Royal Presents| Princess Henry of Battenberg

Emerald Cross – Imperial Emerald cross of the Andean | Princess Beatrice of the UK to her granddaughter Infanta Beatrice of Spain

The Women of Hampshire Pendant Brooch| Spray or Honeysuckle Aigrette|Queen Mary Royal Wedding Gift

The Women of Hampshire Pendant Brooch| Head ornament| Honeysuckle Aigrette|Queen Mary Royal Wedding Gift

The future Queen Mary and her marriage presents, a mystery is solved…

In the honeymoon the Duchess of York was at Osborne and wrote to her mother, about her jewels which she wore, sometimes she used a brooch as head ornament, she noted in her letters, as the „Hampshire pendant brooch“ and the „Richmond pendant“

The Women of Hampshire Pendant Brooch| Honeysuckle Aigrette|Queen Mary Royal Wedding Gift
The Women of Hampshire Pendant Brooch| Honeysuckle Aigrette|Queen Mary Royal Wedding Gift

Queen Mary Royal Jewels | The Woman of Hampshire Diamond Brooch>>

Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch Pendant| Royal Marriage Presents Queen Mary

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From the Town of Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch| Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

From the Town of Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch| Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England
Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch Queen ElizabethII | Present Royal Wedding Gifts from the Town of Richmond| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England
From the Town of Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch| Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch Queen ElizabethII | Present Royal Wedding Gifts from the Town of Richmond| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

From the Town of Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch| Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England
Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch Queen ElizabethII | Present Royal Wedding Gifts from the Town of Richmond| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England
Funeral Brooch Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Richmond Diamond Pearl Brooch Queen ElizabethII | Present Royal Wedding Gifts from the Town of Richmond| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Devonshire Ball Diamond Jewels Royal Jewels|Pearl Necklace Queen Mary Marriage Presents

Princess Elisabeth Ludovika Princess of Bavaria| Crown Princess of Prussia| Queen of Preussen|Royal Jewel History Hohenzollern

Large Devante de Corsage of Diamond Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria | Crown Princess of Preussen|Queen of Prussia |Hohenzollern-Preussen

The history of a royal wedding gift!

Large Devante de Corsage of Diamond Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria | Crown Princess of Preussen|Queen of Prussia |Hohenzollern-Preussen
Large Devante de Corsage of Diamond Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria | Crown Princess of Preussen|Queen of Prussia |Hohenzollern-Preussen

Elisabeth von Bayern| Kronprinzessin von Preussen| Königin von Preussen | Hohenzollern Schmuck

Elisabeth von Bayern| KronPrinzessin von Preussen| Königin von Preussen | Hohenzollern Schmuck
Elisabeth von Bayern| Kronprinzessin von Preussen| Königin von Preussen | Hohenzollern Schmuck

Devante de Corsage Brustschmuck großes Diamant Blumenbouquet zur Hochzeit Prinzessin Elisabeth von Bayern Kronprinzessin von Preußen|Königin| Hohenzollern-Preussen

Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders | Belgium Royal Jewel History

Der Badische Beobachter von 1867 schreibt: Die Edelsteine, welche der Graf von Flandern seiner jetzigen Gemahlin Marie Luise zu Hohenzollern als Brautgeschenk überreicht hat, repräsentieren einen Werth von 1,000,500 Franken. Diese Kleinodien bilden einen Theil des Schmucks der Prinzessin Charlotte, der ersten Gattin Leopold’s I. von Belgien, welcher sie dem Grafen von Flandern schenkte. Der Graf besitzt übrigens eine große Auswahl von Edelsteinen, darunter ein Malteserkreuz, welches 1408 Brillanten enthält.

Find out more about the jewelry of the Countess of Flanders…

Fleur de Lys Diamond Tiara Wedding Gift Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders |Reine de Belgique Queen Belgium Royal Jewel History

Fleur de Lys Diamond Tiara Wedding Gift Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flandern |Reine de Belgique Queen Belgium Royal Jewel History
Fleur de Lys Diamond Tiara Wedding Gift Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flandern |Reine de Belgique Queen of Belgium Royal Jewel History

Bourbonen Lilien Tiara | Prinzessin Marie von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen | Gräfin von Flandern | Königliche Hochzeit Schmuck & Juwelen | Königin und Prinzessin von Belgien

Stern Diamant Diadem Brosche |Prinzessin Marie von Hohenzollern| Gräfin von Flandern |Schmuck & Juwelen des belgischen Königshauses

Big Star Brooch Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders Wedding Gift |Reine de Belgique| Queen Belgium Royal JEWELS, joyaux royaux,
Big Star Brooch Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders Wedding Gift |Reine de Belgique| Queen Belgium Royal JEWELS

Big Star Brooch Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flandern Wedding Gift |Reine de Belgique| Queen Belgium Royal JEWELS

Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flandern Famous Emerald Stomacher Brooch |Reine de Belgique Queen Belgium Royal JEWELS

Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders Famous Emerald Stomacher Brooch |Reine de Belgique Queen Belgium Royal JEWELS Belgische-koningshuis
Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders Famous Emerald Stomacher Brooch |Reine de Belgique Queen Belgium Royal JEWELS Belgische-koningshuis

Große Smaragd Diamant Brosche Königin Louise von Belgien|Prinzessin Marie von Hohenzollern |Gräfin von Flandern|Historie Königlicher Schmuck

Emeraudes 140ct Emerald Brooch | Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders |Reine de Belgique| Queen of Belgium Royal Jewels
Emeraudes 140ct Emerald Brooch | Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flandern |Reine de Belgique| Queen of Belgium Royal Jewels

Emeraudes 140ct Emerald Brooch | Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flandern |Reine de Belgique| Queen of Belgium Royal Jewels

Zwei Große Smaragde 140ct Diamant Brosche|Prinzessin Marie von Hohenzollern |Gräfin von Flandern|Historie Königlicher Schmuck

Broschen Armbänder und Saphire |Prinzessin Marie von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen | Gräfin von Flandern | Königliche Hochzeit Schmuck & Juwelen

Sapphire Pendant, Bracelets and Brooches |Royal Presents to Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders |Reine de Belgique Queen Belgium History
Sapphire Pendant, Bracelets and Brooches |Royal Presents to Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flanders |Reine de Belgique Queen Belgium History

Sapphire Pendant, Bracelets and Brooches |Royal Presents to Princess Marie of Hohenzollern| Countess of Flandern |Reine de Belgique Queen Belgium History