Wittelsbach Royal Pearl and Diamond Stomacher Brooch in the Residenz in München

Wittelsbach Royal Stomacher Brooch in the Residenz in München

Royal Bavaria - Wittelsbach Diamond  Pearl Stomacher Brooch  Königin von Bayern - Queen of Bavaria, Wittelsbach corsage
Royal Bavaria – Wittelsbach Diamond Pearl Stomacher Brooch

Made from silver, gold, gilt,diamonds, pearl-drops and pearl probably in Germany 1710-1720 and once owned by Kurfürstin Elisabeth Auguste von der Pfalz (1721-1794).
Stomachers were very height of fashion in the 18th century and again during the Edwardian period, i. e. the early 20th century. Sometimes a stomacher is called „devant de corsage“ or a „corsage brooch“….

Wittelsbach Royal Stomacher Brooch in the Residenz in München

In the typical triangular shape, it adorned the front of the bodice, from the décolleté to the waist.
Flower or ribbon ornaments were a popular motif and could be broken down into separate pieces for easier handling.
These sections, like this one of the Munich Residence, which consists of 3 parts.
The delicate fragments were sewn onto each dress and have no brooch, just eyelets on the back for attachment. The diamonds are openly set in silver „a-jour“, as was customary at the time, and together with the velvety, shimmering pearls, they formed a jewel for the big event with candlelight, because that’s when it unfolds its full splendor and sparkles inimitable.
Unfortunately little is known of this equisite piece. Unfortunately, there are no paintings with the valuable from that time either.

Stomacher were a standard piece of jewelery in the 18th century and very common at court and again during the Edwardian period, ie early 20th century. Sometimes a stomer is called a „devant de corsage“ or a „corsagebrooch“.

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