Jayne Wrightsman Jewelry | Famous Important Jewels History Orient pearls Emeralds
Archiv für den Monat: April 2019
Prinzessin Marie von Preussen| Sapphire Parure Diadem Tiara Diamond Jewelry|Royal Imperial Oranien-Nassau Jewels | Princess Heinrich of the Netherlands
Prinzessin Marie von Preussen
Sapphire Parure Diadem Tiara Diamond Jewelry|
Royal Imperial Oranien-Nassau Jewels | Princess Heinrich of the Netherlands>>
Prince Henry of the Netherlands was one of the richest Princes in the world. A silver mine in America brings him a princely income and he has many Dutch, Russian and other bonds, with 99 properties in Holland – the maximum number, for the King alone can own 100 – and some in other countries.
His royal Bride has got the richest jewels …the oranien nassau diamonds….
As a gift from the Emperor and the Empress, the Princess Bride Marie, a 9-star brilliant tiara, is enough; the same is made by the court jewelers S. Friedeberg & Sons, after the diadem which Princess Elizabeth received during her marriage. According to the composition of the individual parts, 24 different forms, u. A. also representing a necklace, to be a masterpiece of jewelry.
By contrast, the very same jewelry gifts have been carried out by the same company in private compositions, which the prince Heinrich venerated his bride. It is a double jewelry: tiara, corsage and necklace in sapphires and diamonds, as in diamonds to wear.
The stones supplied by the prince are among the greatest rarities, and a large sapphire and a large diamond below are estimated at 100,000 each; the whole decoration has a value of more than 1 000 000.
The tasteful and dignified execution of the work is a high honor to our local arts and crafts. The prince has offered his bride, as a wedding gift, a wealth of diamonds and other gemstones, as he would seldom appear in such abundance and beauty even in princely weddings
The Berlin industry has been particularly honored to be entrusted with the creation of the jewelery, which was supplied by the court jewelers S. Friedberg Sons.
The whole Corbeille de mariage consists of a diadem, a corsage (big brooch), a necklace with 11 pendulum oques and an extension of the same to the corsage as so-called. Esclavage, which ends in two shoulder brooches.
This jewelery, made after drawings by Holbein, can be worn in two ways, with sapphires or all in brilliants.
The large sapphires and diamonds supplied by Prince Heinrich are among the rarities that hardly any of the most famous treasure troves in the world have.
The great sapphire of the corsage, weighing about 200 ct, of the most beautiful purest blue of more than 100,000 ct in value, is of no less beauty than a second sapphire cabochon of over 100 cts, which is matched by the five large sapphires of the diadem.
The large brilliants to be screwed in place of the sapphires, solitaires from 10 to 30 carats a piece, are of the purest water as they are brought to Brazil only in the earliest time to days.
All jewelry is protected from a value of one million marks.
Star Tiara Diadem|Princess Elisabeth Anna of Prussia| Grand Duchess of Oldenburg|Germany|Royal Imperial Jewelry
Grand Duchess Vladimir’s Emeralds | Second most beautiful large emerald in the world
News about the historic emerald!
The stone was reputed to be the second most beautiful large emerald in the world, surpassed only in weight, by another emerald owned by Catherine the Great.
In 1796, it passed to Tsar Paul I who owned it from 1796 to 1801, then Tsar Alexander I from 1801 to 1825,
Tsar Nicholas I 1825 to 1855,
Tsar Alexander II 1855 to 1874,
Grand Duchess Vladimir 1874 to 1920,
Grand Duke Boris 1920 to 1927,
Maison Cartier 1927 to 1954,
John D Rockefeller Jr from 1964 and then changing hands several times, Esmerian a.s.o until today in the collection of a distinguished private collector.
This legendary pear-shaped gem weighing today 75.61 carats was part of the Russian Imperial collection for over 100 years before it was given by Tsar Alexander II of Russia to Grand Duchess Vladimir, born Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1854-1920 (Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna), on the occasion of her wedding to his son Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia in 1874.
Grand Duke Boris, her son, who got all her emerald jewels, sold this emerald, upon his mother`s death, to Cartier in 1927.
Will be auctioned at Geneva in May 2019 by Christie’s Estimate $2.3-3.5m.
More about the history
Duchess of Edinburgh | Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna | Romanov Ruby Parure
Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrowna of Russia | Duchess of Edingburgh|Romanov I MPORTANT SUITE OF RUBY AND DIAMOND
Fürstin Margarita zu Hohenlohe Langenburg, geb Prinzessin von Griechenland und Dänemark trug diese Garnitur noch in den 60er Jahren zu glanzvollen Events.
Fürstin Margarita, Princess of Greece and Denmark wearing the Romanov Ruby Parure
Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna | Romanov Juwel und die Geschichte der Hochzeit in english | Duchess Edinburgh Saxe-Coburg The Imperial and Royal Wedding| Ruby Parure
Die Rubin-Tiara von Bolin im Detail |Romanov Ruby Parure Jewellery |The Imperial Ruby-Tiara made by Bolin
Imperiale Collier mit Romanov Rubinen und Diamanten |Duchess of Edinburg|Saxe-Coburg-Gotha The magnificent Burmese Ruby Parure with the matching necklace Romanov
Rubin Diamant Collier aus der Romanov Rubin Parure der Grossfürstin Marie Alexandrowna| Duchess of Edinburgh
Königliche Juwelen und Imperiale Schmuck Geschenke zur Hochzeit für Prinzessin Alexandra von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, Herzogin zu Sachsen| Fürstin Hohenlohe-Langenburg
Royal Wedding Gifts & Presents | Jewels of Alexandra Princess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha| Princess of Hohenlohe – Langenburg
Fürstenhaus Hohenlohe Royaler Schmuck und Juwelen | Royal Jewel History >>
Herzöge Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha >>
Imperial Fringe Tiara of Marie Grand Duchess of Russia, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Kokoshnik Sonnenstrahlen Diamant Diadem Grand Duchess Saxe Coburg |Jewel History| Imperial Sunray or Fringe Tiara
Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna Sachsen-Coburg Gotha Edinburg Royal Imperial Diamant Diadem | Diamond Tiara
Faberge Diamant Diadem | Grossfürstin Marie Romanov Herzogin von Edinburgh | Grand Duchess of Russia, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha | Faberge Pearl Tiara
Bolin Rubin Parure mit Diadem | Marie Grand Duchess of Russia, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha | Imperial Historic Jewelry Bolin Ruby Diamond Parure with Tiara
Royal Falize Tiara of Marie Grand Duchess of Russia, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha |Wedding Present of Queen Victoria
Falize Diamant Diadem Hochzeitsgeschenk der Queen Victoria |Königliche Schmuck | Sachsen Coburg Gotha Grossfürstin Marie-Alexandrovna
Diamanttiara der Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha| Boucheron Diamond Tiara of the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Fürstin Alexandra von Hohenlohe Langenburg rechts | Großfürstin Marie Alexandrovna, Herzogin von Edinburgh, Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha.
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll |Royal Historic Pearls | Princess of Great Britain and Irland
SpannendeGeschichte und Geschichten zu historischen Juwelen und Schmuck!
The story of Princess Louise royal jewels, daughter of Queen Victoria:
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll |Saxon Coburg Pearls |Royal Historic Pearls
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll | Wedding | Hochzeit
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll | Weddinggifts | Hochzeitsgeschenke
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll | Marriage presents | Schmuck zur Hochzeit
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll | Tiara | Diadem
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll | Jewels with Pearls| Schmuck mit Perlen
Tiara Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll Tiara| Herzogin von Argyll | Diamantdiadem
Diamond Bracelet Marriage presented f. Town of Windsor |Duchess of Argyll | Jewels Duchess of Kent
Hochzeit und Trauung| Royal Wedding, the royal bride
Hochzeitsgeschenke | Royal Wedding and the Gifts
Marina Herzogin von Kent| The Engagement Ring and Weddingrings
Grossen Perlentropfen | Pearshaped Pearls of Grand Duchess Vladimir
Margeriten Blumenbroschen | The Diamond Daisy Brooches
Smaragd-Brosche | The Argyll -Emerald brooch
Diamantsterne | The Diamond Stars
Die Juwelen der Herzogin von Argyll | Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll
Die Kent Aquamarine | The Aquamarines
Faberge Tiara with Aquamarine Diamond |Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin |Princess Alexandra of Cumberland-Hanover
Over more of four centuries, this amazing tiara was hidden in the vault of the royal family….
Now it got to the light again, and some details of the history
Faberge Aquamarine Diamond Tiara wedding gift marriage present of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin to his bride Princess Alexandra of Cumberland-Hanover
Ein Portrait der Grossherzogin Alexandra von Mecklenburg-Schwerin , im Alter, mit ihrem Hochzeitsgeschenk, dem Faberge Diamat Diadem mit 9 grossen Tropfen Aquamarinen
Aquamarine Diamant Diadem von Faberge |Prinzessin Alexandra von Hannover-Cumberland Grossherzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
50tes Jubiläum | Sotheby’s Germany
Anekdoten und Geschichten vermitteln einen kleinen Einblick in die tagtägliche Arbeit.
In ihren Blogbeiträgen feiern die ExpertInnen von Sotheby‘s das 50-jährige Jubiläum auf persönliche Art und Weise und blicken dabei auf legendäre Ereignisse und unvergessliche Momente zurück.
Manchmal können Märchen tatsächlich wahr werden.
Anlässlich des 50ten Jubiläums, kommen die schönsten Geschichten zutage; so beispielsweise vor vier Jahren, als die Expertin im Rahmen eines Schätztages in Deutschland während eines Haubesuches auf eine seltene und große, feuervergoldete Bronzefigur des Buddhas Vairocana stieß, datiert aus dem 15. Jahrhundert.
Wie sich zeigte, ist lediglich ein weiteres Exemplar dieses Modells aus dem 15. Jahrhundert bekannt, das sich in der Sammlung des Newark Museums in NewJersey befindet. Die aus einer deutschen Privatsammlung in die Pariser Auktion eingelieferte imposante Bronzefigur, geschätzt auf € 300.000-500.000, wechselte 2015 für sagenhafte € 3.4 Millionen ($ 3.85 Millionen) in den Besitz eines asiatischen Sammlers.
Erzählt werden möchte auch die Geschichte einer Familie, die einige Zeit nach dem Tod der Verwandten eine Zeichnung fand, jahrelang in einer Schublade unter Geschenkpapier verdeckt und sich nach der Begutachtung durch die Expertin als wahrer Schatz herausstellte:
Eine schöne Arbeit von Wassily Kandinsky mit dem bezeichnenden Titel Leise.
Taxiert auf£ 100.000-150.000erzielte die geometrische Komposition des Künstlers 2017 in London mit £ 308.750 mehr als das Dreifache des unteren Schätzpreise.
2003 besuchte der Experte das Anwesen eines Adelsgeschlechts in Deutschland. In der Bibliothek bemerkte er eine schöne Tischuhr von einem der bekanntesten Uhrenhersteller der Welt – Thomas Tompion(1639-1713).
Obwohl sich die Uhr bereits seit Generationen an ein und demselben Ort befand, kannten die Besitzer nicht den Wert und rechneten daher nicht mit der damaligen Bewertung. 2003 erzielte dieses seltene Exemplar in der Auktion in London ein Ergebnis von £ 901,600 und avancierte zur damals teuersten jemals in Europa verkauften Uhr.
Wir gratulieren!!
‘Manami Star’ Spectacular 88.22-Carat Oval Diamond | named after his daughter
Spectacular 88.22-Carat Oval Diamond ar sold for
US$13.8 Million / £10.6 Million to a Japanese Private Collector who names the stone, the ‘Manami Star’ after his eldest daughter
*Perfect according to Every Critical Criterion: Colour, Clarity, Cut and Carat*
One of only three Oval Diamonds over 50 Carats to appear at Auction in Living Memory
Three clients from the region competed for the stone – testament to the strong demand for diamonds of this quality in this part of the world.
At 88.22 carats, this lucky stone now carries the name of the fortunate child whose father has chosen to give it her name. A happy moment in the journey of one of the earth’s greatest, oldest treasures
Finding a rough diamond that allows the cutter to fashion a stone of over 80 carats is a true and very rare discovery. The 242-carat rough stone which yielded the diamond was discovered in Botswana in the mine of Jwaneng, a mine owned in partnership by De Beers and the government of Botswana and known for producing roughs of the highest quality. Following its discovery, the rough was cut and polished over a period of intense months to produce a symmetrical and striking oval brilliant diamond. Given the elongated shape of the rough the oval shape was chosen to preserve the greatest amount of weight. Great skill and precision was needed to cut a stone of this importance – a level of expertise and craftsmanship possessed by only a small handful of cutters in the world.
A symbol of perfection and eternity, often associated with prosperity, the number eight is considered a lucky number in China and other Asian cultures. The Chinese pronunciation of 8 (bā), similar to that of 發 (fā) meaning wealth or fortune, is welcomed as a blessing of affluence. In its duality – 88 – it is believed to bring good wishes in abundance. There is also a visual resemblance between 88 and 囍 (literally: „double joy“), a popular decorative design composed of two stylized characters 喜 („joy“).