Archiv der Kategorie: Fringe Tiara | Tiare Russe| Diamond Kokoshnik

Fringe Tiara | Tiare Russe| Diamond Kokoshnik, strahlentiara, diamant strahlen diadem, history Royal Jewellery & Aristocratic Jewels antique jewellery historian, diadèmes de style russe, sunburst tiara, runrise tiara, sunrise diamond tiara, sunburst diamond tiara, sunbeam tiara, fringe diadem, diademe, diademes, diadema, sunrise diadem, diadems,diádema, diamanti a forma di spiga.
halo-shape fringe tiaras, sun tiara

Grand Duchess Anastasia Mihailovna’s Romanov Imperial Fringe Tiara | Diamond Kokoshnik Tiare Russe Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Grand Duchess Anastasia Mihailovna's  Romanov Imperial Fringe Tiara | Diamond Kokoshnik Tiare Russe Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Grand Duchess Anastasia Mihailovna Romanov Imperial Fringe Tiara | Diamond Kokoshnik Tiare Russe Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

The Imperial Diamond Kokoshnik of Grand Duchess Anastasia Mihailovna Romanov

Queen Alexandrine|Sapphire and Diamond Brooch, Sapphire Necklace, Romanov Sapphire Clusters| Denmark Royal Jewelry|Queen Margrethe

Queen Alexandrine|Sapphire and Diamond Brooch,Sapphire Necklace,Romanov Sapphire Clusters| Denmark Royal Jewelry|Queen Margrethe

Grand Duchess Anastasia Mijailovna’s Fringe Tiara and Sapphires

Queen Alexandrine|Sapphire and Diamond Brooch,Sapphire Necklace,Romanov Sapphire Clusters| Denmark Royal Jewelry|Queen Margrethe

Princess Xenia of Croÿ | Diamond Fringe Wedding Tiara

Princess Xenia of Croy| Diamond Fringe Tiara Royal Diadem | Duchess of Croy German Royal Jewels  Wedding - Princess of Croy edding of Guy delle Piane and Princess Xenia von Croy, Dülmen, Germany, 28 September 2024  -Diamond Kokoshnik Taras Diademe
Princess Xenia of Croÿ| Diamond Fringe Tiara Royal Diadem | Duchess of Croy German Royal Jewels Wedding|

Princess Xenia of Croy| Diamond Fringe Tiara Royal Diadem | Duchess of Croy German Royal Jewels

A diamond fringe tiara worn by Archduchess Isabella of Austria Teschen – born Princess of Croÿ:

Diamond Crescent Moon Brooch |Archduchess Isabella of Habsburg Teschen Croy

and another fringe tiara is known in the Princely House of Salm-Salm, the eldest daughter of Archduchess Isabella….

Wedding of Duke Adolf Friedrich of Mecklenburg-Schwerin | Princess Feodora von Reuß-Schleiz 1917

1917 Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin wedding - marriage Princess Feodora zu Reuss-Schleiz - Herzogin von Mecklenburg Fringe Tiara wedding bridal jewels Royal Tiaras Diademe Kokoshnik as necklace Joyas reales German Royal Family - Diademe, Tiare, Joyas, Kokoshnik, Brautkrone Herzogin Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Bridal Crown Mecklenburg-Schwerin Duchess
Princess Feodora zu Reuss-Schleiz – Duchess von Mecklenburg |Bridal Crown Mecklenburg-Schwerin
1917 Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin wedding - marriage Princess Feodora zu Reuss-Schleiz - Herzogin von Mecklenburg Fringe Tiara wedding bridal jewels
1917 Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin & Prinzessin Feodora zu Reuss-Schleiz | Herzogin von Mecklenburg Fringe Tiara wedding bridal jewels Royal Tiaras

Feodora Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin| Princess Victoria Feodora of Reuss-Schleiz|Bridal Crown Wedding in 1917|Royal Imperial Jewelry

Viktoria Feodora Herzogin zu Mecklenburg-Schwerin| Prinzessin Viktoria Feodora zu Reuss-Schleiz|Mecklenburg-Schwerin Diamant-Brautkrone 1917|Royal Imperial Jewelry

Queen Amalie of Portugal’s Diamond Fringe Tiara |Rainha de Portugal Jóias| Diamond Wedding Jewels

The historical tiara of Amelia of Orleans, last queen of Portugal,

Infanta Maria Francisca de Bragança, Duchess of Coimbra, has married lawyer Duarte de Sousa Araújo Martins in 2023 and wore Queen Amalie’s Diamond Tiara. The bridal gown, a spectacular princess dress, was made by Luzia do Nascimento.

As the second daughter of the pretender to the Portuguese throne, Infanta María Francisca was expected to shine with an ornate family tiara on her head.

The infanta has finally walked to the altar with a creation that dates back to 1887 and was made for Amelia de Orleans with 800 diamonds set in silver and gold, fringes,fleur-de-lis motifs and several rows of diamond necklaces. The previous year, Amelia had married the heir to the Portuguese throne, Prince Charles, Duke of Braganza, becoming the new Duchess of Braganza, so the Portuguese Royal Family ordered the house Leitão & Irmão, named Official Jewelers of the Portuguese crown for King Louis I, the making of a luxurious tiara. In fact, it was the King himself who chose his daughter-in-law’s design, which is why she baptized it “le diadème Dom Luis.”

Queen Amalie of Portugal's Diamond Fringe Tiara |Rainha de Portugal Jóias| Diamond Wedding Jewels una ornamentada tiara familiar sobre su cabeza para complementar su espectacular vestido de princesa. Como adelantaban medios portugueses, finalmente ha caminado hacia el altar con una creación que data de 1887 y fue elaborada para Amelia de Orleans con 800 diamantes engastados en plata y oro, motivos de flores de lis y varias hileras de collares de diamantes.

Maria Francisca wore the same solitär diamond earrings that were worn by her mother on her wedding day. They were a gift from the Duchess of Braganza’s mother, Raquel Pinheiro de Castro Curvello.

The Royal Wedding Gifts and Royal Imperial Presents | Jewels

Queen Amalie of Portugal |Rainha de Portugal Jóias| Diamond Wedding Jewels

Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Aquamarine Diamond Tiara |Princess of Connaught

One of the prettiest tiaras, that we know, is the diamond and aquamarine diadem in kokoshnik design from the Swedish royal family.

Princess Madeleine of Sweden, royal jewel history - Crown Princess Margaret  of Sweden Aquamarine Diamond Tiara |Princess of Connaught -  Friedrich Kreuter Hanau - workshop sketch - Wilhelm Homburg 1904 kokoshnik - Aquamarine diamond Diadem Tiara Bernadotte Royal House
Princess Madeleine of Sweden| Royal jewel history – Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Aquamarine Diamond Tiara |Princess of Connaught – Friedrich Kreuter Hanau – workshop sketch – Wilhelm Homburg 1904 kokoshnik – Aquamarine diamond Diadem Tiara

I found a match in the design sketches of the workshop Friedrich Kreuter & Co Hanau, Archive, made by their Designer Wilhelm Homburg on 8./9. May 1908.

He designed 5 sketches for a first view to set five (smaller) oval Aquamarines in a tiara with a fine diamond trelliswork.

The Aquamarine Kokoshnik was later made with 5 larger oval facetted Aquamarine and a smaller but higher trellis ornament between, as in the first sketch, for the Crown Princess Margareta of Sweden, Princess of Connaught.

Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Aquamarine Diamond Tiara |Princess of Connaught - Friedrich Kreuter Hanau - workshop sketch - Wilhelm Homburg 1904 kokoshnik - Aquamarine diamond Diadem Tiara
Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Aquamarine Diamond Tiara |Princess of Connaught – Friedrich Kreuter Hanau – workshop sketch – Wilhelm Homburg 1904 kokoshnik – Aquamarine diamond Diadem Tiara

It’s known Crown Princess Margareta Margaret Victoria Charlotte Augusta Norah; 15 January 1882 – 1 May 1920) was Crown Princess of Sweden as the first wife of the future King Gustaf VI Adolf. She was the elder daughter of Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, third son of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, and his wife Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia. Known in Sweden as Margareta

Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Wedding Jewels|Royal Marriage Presents

Boucheron Laurier Necklace Tiara | Margaret of Connaught Crown Princess of Sweden Jewels

Crown Princess Viktoria Sweden |Royal Jewels| Boucheron Laurel Tiara with Diamonds

Brosche an einer Diamantriviere als Collier, aus dem ehemaligen Besitz der Königin Josephine von Schweden>>

Crown Princess Margareta’s Egyptian Necklace with Safir, Ruby and Emerald Scarabäus

Diamond Half-Hoop Bracelet | Wedding Gift Windsor | Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Royal Jewels History

THE ETON BOY’S PRESENT to Princess Margaret| Crown Pincess of Sweden Royal Marriage Presents

Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Royal Jewels |History Diamond Serpent Bracelet

Ruby Diamond Bow Ribbon Loversknots Necklace |Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Wedding Jewels|Royal Marriage Presents

Aquamarine Diamond Kokoshnik Tiara Diadem| Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden Princess of Connaught|Royal Jewel History Princess Madeleine

Cartier Diamond Sunburst Tiara |Countess Suffolk|Dollarprincess Daisy Leiter| England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History

Cartier Diamond Sun Tiara |Countess Suffolk|Dollarprincess Daisy Leiter| England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History  Dec. .26. — Miss Marguerite Hdye Leiter, popularly known as "Daisy," the youngest and only unmarried daughter of the late Levi Z. Leiter, was married to-day at noon to Henry Mollneaux Page Howard, nineteenth Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. Miss Leiter is the third daughter'of the house to contract a marriage with a noble family of England. Her eldest sister, who was Miss Mary, married Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India. Her other sister, Miss Nancy, married Major Colin Campbell, a cousin of the Duke of Argyle, on November 29 last. While to-day's wedding was extremely quiet, it lacked none of the glamour of music, lights and flowers. The stately drawing-room, library and dining-room of the Leiter mansion were fragrant with delicate white blossoms, which were banked against a background of smilax and palms, while the suggestion of the Christmas season was given by the holly and brilliant poinsettia that adorned the din-ing-room. ■ *

While the strains of a string orchestra sounded sweetly through the house, the silken rustle of the bridal gown proclaimed the approach of the bride. Long known as one of the beauties of the capital, Miss Leiter never looked lovelier than to-day in her soft clinging gown of Libertin satin, veiled with exquisite point de Venice lace, over which fell her tulle veil, held In place by a tiara of diamonds. This tiara is one of the handsomest jewels of a rare collection of family heirlooms, which the Earl presented to his bride. A long rope of pearls, the favourite Jewel of the bride and which was the gift of her mother, was worn around her throat. She carried a graceful loose cluster of white orchids and roses.

Escorted by her brother, Joseph Leiter. she approached the window recess where the Earl and his best man, Lionel Guest, a son of Lord Winborn of England, awaited her. The Rev. Dr. Roland Cotton Smith, rector of St. John's Church, which the family attends, performed the ceremony according to the Episcopal ritual.

Mrs. Leiter. Mrs. Colin Campbell, Lady Nina Howard, a sister of the Earl, .who has been with him since his arrival in this country, were the only other persons to witness the ceremony.

After the ceremony the party, repaired to the dining-room, where a wedding breakfast was served. The Earl and Countess of Suffolk left Washington late in the afternoon for New York and will sail on Wednesday for England, probably having for their companions Major and Mrs. Campbell. The Earl will take his bride to Charlton Park, his country seat, at Malmesbury, in Wiltshire. It is said to comprise 10,000 acres and Is rich in Historical memories.
Cartier Diamond Sunburst Tiara |Countess of Suffolk|Dollar princess Daisy Leiter| England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History

Cartier Diamond Sun Tiara |Countess Suffolk|Dollarprincess Daisy Leiter| England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History

Cartier Diamond Sunburst Tiara |Wedding Gifts Countess Suffolk|Dollarprincess Daisy Leiter| England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History
Cartier Diamond Sunburst Tiara |Wedding Gifts Countess Suffolk|Dollar princess Daisy Leiter| England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History

Cartier Diamond Sunburst Tiara |Wedding Gifts Countess Suffolk|Dollarprincess Daisy Leiter| England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History

Miss Marguerite Hdye Leiter, popularly known as „Daisy,“ the youngest and only unmarried daughter of Levi Z. Leiter, was married in 1904, to to Henry Mollneaux Page Howard, nineteenth Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. Miss Leiter is the third daughter of the house to contract a marriage with a noble family of England. Her eldest sister, who was Miss Mary, married Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India.

Her other sister, Miss Nancy, married Major Colin Campbell, a cousin of the Duke of Argyle, on November 29 last. Miss Leiter never looked lovelier than in her soft clinging gown of Libertin satin, veiled with exquisite point de Venice lace, over which fell her tulle veil, held In place by a tiara of diamonds. This tiara is one of the handsomest jewels of a rare collection of family heirlooms, which the Earl presented to his bride, probably the gemset tiara above.

A long rope of pearls, the favourite Jewel of the bride and which was the gift of her mother, was worn around her throat. She carried a graceful, loose cluster of white orchids and roses.

Countess Suffolk| Dollarprincess Daisy Leiter |Diamond family jewels of the house of Suffolk and Berkshire | England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History

Countess Suffolk| Dollarprincess Daisy Leiter |Diamond family jewels of the house of Suffolk and Berkshire | England Aristocratic Noble Jewel History

Royal Wedding Prince Gustav zu Sayn-Wittgenstein Berleburg and Carina Axelsson | Hochzeit Royal Jewels

4. Juni 2022 Schloss Berleburg . Princess Carina zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg is wearing the Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg Diamond Spike Collet Tiara.

 Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg   is wearing the Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg Diamond Spike Collet Tiara. Hochzeit Fürst   Prinzessin
Royal Wedding at Berleburg. Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg is wearing the Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg Diamond Spike Collet Tiara. Hochzeit Fürst Prinzessin

Diamond Spike and Collet Tiara | Carina Axelsson Princess Sayn Wittgenstein-Berleburg| Royal Jewels

Diamant Spikes Diadem| Juwelen und Schmuck des Hauses Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg


Fringe Tiara of Diamonds | Royal Wedding Gifts | Royal Jewels

Diamant Strahlen Diadem| Juwelen und Schmuck des Hauses Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg

Diadem von Margariten aus Diamanten und Perlen | Tiara of Marguerites, Daisies in Diamonds and Pearls

Denmark Royal Jewels Tiara Diadem| History

Marianne Fürstin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn | Flower Diamond Tiara Diadem Necklace | Princess Sofia zu Sayn-Wittgenstein Sayn Wedding Tiara| German Princess

The Kent Pearl and Diamond Fringe Tiara | Royal Tiaras History

Duchess of Kent Pearl and Diamond Fringe Tiara is on display by Sotheby’s

Power & Image: Royal & Aristocratic Tiaras.

Exhibition: 28 May–15 June 2022 • London. Representing a rare and historic gathering of fine jewels, …

The Kent Pearl and Diamond Fringe Tiara | Royal Tiaras  History British Royals England The Queen Jewels Royal Family UK royal jewels Diadem Lancet spike Tiara
Duchess of Kent Pearl and Diamond Fringe Tiara

Kent Pearl and Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara| Royal Spike Diadem |Royal Jewels Katherine Duchess of Kent

Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik|Queen Alexandra’s Kokoshnik Tiara|Silver Wedding Gift|Princess of Wales|England Royal Jewel History

more about the :

Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik of Queen Alexandra Royal Diadem|Silver Wedding Gift|Princess of Wales|England Royal Jewel History

Queen Alexandra's Kokoshnik Tiara  Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik|Queen Alexandra Royal Diadem|Silver Wedding Gift|Princess of Wales|England Royal Jewel History
Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik|Queen Alexandra Royal Diadem|Silver Wedding Gift|Princess of Wales|England Royal Jewel History

Queen Alexandra’s Kokoshnik Tiara, one of the favorite Diamond Tiaras of Queen Elizabeth II from England, could be also worn as necklace in the time of Queen Alexandra, but later fixed only for a tiara and reduced 16 Diamond-Fringe….more…