Imperialer Rubinschmuck Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Württemberg | Erzherzogin von Österreich | Imperial Austria Jewels

Imperialer Rubinschmuck Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Württemberg | Erzherzogin von Österreich | Imperial Austria Jewels
Imperialer Rubinschmuck Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Württemberg | Erzherzogin von Österreich | Imperial Austria Jewels

The diamond and ruby parure was made by the austria court jeweler Koechert. It was part of her wedding presents,  later owned by the Duchess of Wurtemberg, Diana of France.

In the orginal version of 2009, it was not known which was the presenter of that costly jewelry – now the update:

Another wedding gift to the Duchess Maria Immaculata  was this important ruby jewel:

Rubin und Diamant Parure der Erzherzogin Maria Immaculata, Herzogin von Württemberg | Imperial Royal Jewel History| Ruby-Diamond Parure Duchess Robert of Wurtemberg

Eine myhrthengeschmückte, jugendholde Braut zieht abermals aus der ehrwürdigen Burg der Habsburger in die Fremde, in das stammverwandte Schwaben, um daselbst eine neue Heimat zu finden.
Erzherzogin M a r i a  R a i n e r i a folgt dem Manne ihrer Herzenswahl, Herzog Robert von W ü r t t e m b e r g, ins weinbergumkränzte Stuttgart, ins schöne Württemberg, das Land, welches den Deutschen so viele große Dichter und Denker geschenkt. Reinste Herzensneigung, nicht staatsmännische Raison, bat die fürstliche Waise aus Habsburgs Stamme, das Mündel des allverehrten Herrn Erzherzogs Rainer, bestimmt, die Werbung ihres erlauchten Bräutigams anzunehmen.
An den Vermählungsfeierlichkeiten im Allerhöchsten Kaiserhause nahmen teil:
Seine Majestät, der Kaiser von Österreich;
S. k. Hoheit, Herzog Nikolaus von W ü r t t e m b e r g, als Vertreter S. Majestät, König W i l h e l m II.
Ihre k. und k. Hoheiten, Erzherzogin Elisabeth M a r i e, Frau Erzherzogin-Witwe M a r i e T h e r e s e mit den Erzherzoginnen
A n n u n z i a t a und E l i s a b e t h  A m a l i a,  Herr Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand, Herr Erzherzog Otto und Frau Erzherzogin M a r i a Jo s e p h a.
Herr Erzherzog F e r d i n a n d K a r l, Herr Erzherzog L u d w i g
V i c t o r, Herr Erzherzog F e r d i n a n d Großherzog von Toscana
und Frau Erzberzogin Alice mit den Herren Erzherzogen
L e o p o l d, J o s e p h F e r d i n a n d,  P e t e r und H e i n r i ch
und den Erzherzoginen A n n a  und  M a r g h e r t a,  Herr
Erzherzog Leopold S a l v a to r und Frau,  Erzherzogin
B l a n c a, Herr Erzherzog F ranz S a l v a t o r.
Herr Erzherzog F r i e d r i ch und Frau Erzherzogin I s a b e l l a mit den Erzherzoginnen Ch r i st i n a  und  M a r i a A n n a, Frau Erz ­
herzogin M a r i a T h e r e s i a, Herr Erzherzog E u g e n, Frau
Erzherzogin K l o t i l d e mit Erzherzogin E l i s a b et h H e n-
r i e t t e , Herr Erzherzog R a i n e r und Frau Erzherzogin

Ihre k. Hoheiten, Herzog Philipp und Herzogin
M a r i a The r e s i a von W ü r t t e m b e r g mit den Herzogen
A l b r e ch t und U l r i c h, Prinz  Don Alfonso Graf von
Ca s e r t a und Prinzessin Donna Antonia  mit den Prinzessinnen
Donna Maria Immacvlata und Donna Maria della
G r a z i a P i azensa. Ihre Hoheiten, Prinz A u g u st L e o-
p o I d und Prinzessin Carola von S a ch s e n – C o b u r g
und Prinz A l b r e ch t  zu  S ch a u b u r g – L i p p e.

Imperiales Türkis und Diamanten Diadem der Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Wuerttemberg | Württemberg Deutschland
Koechert Tiara with Turquoise Diamonds Imperial Austria| Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Herzogin Sophie| Hochzeit Tiara Württemberg Deutschland | Imperiales Köchert Diamanten Diadem Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Wuerttemberg
Duchess Sophie | Royal Wedding Diamond Tiara without the Turquoise | Imperial Austria| Köchert | Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Gold Geschenk des Zaren an seine Tochter Olga Königin von Württemberg |Imperial buckle of gold with gems of Queen Wurtemberg
Königin Olga und ihr herrlicher Perlenschmuck Königlicher Perlen | Royal Perl Collection of Queen Olga of Wurtemberg

Diamond Tiara Archduchess Maria Immaculata of Austria | Royal Wedding Gifts | Jewels Wuerttemberg

Archduchess Maria Immakulata of Austria - Duchess of Württemberg, Herzogin von Wurttemberg, Pearls and Diamond Tiara Diadem Royal Tiaras History  Vienna 1900: An Imperial and Royal Collection
Archduchess Maria Immakulata of Austria – Duchess of Württemberg, Herzogin von Wurttemberg, Pearls and Diamond Tiara Diadem Royal Tiaras History Diamonds

When Duchess Sophie of Württemberg weds Maximilien d’Andigné

in 2018 October 20th at lake Tegernsee,

Koechert Tiara with pearls and Diamonds Imperial Austria| Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Koechert Tiara with Turquoise Diamonds Imperial Austria| Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Duchess Sophie of Wurtemberg Hochzeit Vermählung Wedding Marriage Count Maximilien of Andigne
Duchess Sophie of Wurtemberg Hochzeit Vermählung Wedding Marriage Count Maximilien of Andigne

she wore the altered Diamond Tiara from Archduchess Maria Immaculata Raineria of Austria.
Once a wedding gift the her,  made by Köchert.

In 1900 the tiara was made for her imperial  trousseau, it could be setted with turquoises or opals, as well as pearls and added with diamonds –

instead of the gems.

The imperial marriage present was given to the Archduchess Maria Raineria Immaculata when she weds  Robert Duke of Wuerttemberg.
The couple has no children so she left the tiara to the  Dukes of Wurtemberg more about the history>>

When I prepared the two magazin side, about Archduchess Maria Immaculata Rainera, Duchess of Württemberg  in 2009 – I missed a clear picture of the details of the nice tiara. Now we had a wonderful closeup.


Imperiales Türkis und Diamanten Diadem der Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Wuerttemberg | Württemberg Deutschland
Koechert Tiara with Turquoise Diamonds Imperial Austria| Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Herzogin Sophie| Hochzeit Tiara Württemberg Deutschland | Imperiales Köchert Diamanten Diadem Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Wuerttemberg
Duchess Sophie | Royal Wedding Diamond Tiara without the Turquoise | Imperial Austria| Köchert | Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Gold Geschenk des Zaren an seine Tochter Olga Königin von Württemberg |Imperial buckle of gold with gems of Queen Wurtemberg
Königin Olga und ihr herrlicher Perlenschmuck Königlicher Perlen | Royal Perl Collection of Queen Olga of Wurtemberg


Elisabeth „Sisi“ Kaiserin von Österreich|Wittelsbacher Juwelen und Schmuck | Royal Jewels

Elisabeth "Sisi" Kaiserin von Österreich|Wittelsbacher Juwelen und Schmuck | Royal Jewels
Elisabeth „Sisi“ Kaiserin von Österreich| Wittelsbacher Juwelen und Schmuck | Royal Jewels

Hochzeit Brautschmuck | Elisabeth „Sisi“ Kaiserin von Österreich|Wittelsbacher Juwelen und Königlicher >>  

Elisabeth „Sisi“ Empress of Austria | Wittelsbacher Jewellery and Royal Jewels

Entry into Vienna – 23 April – Her Royal Highnesses the Serenest Bride Princess Elisabeth of Wittelsbach  and Duchess Louise in Bavaria. Her Royal Highness the Princess wore a round pink atlas dress with a white surface, a lace sash around her neck, a diadem of diamonds in her hair, surrounded by a wreath of white and red roses.

On the day of her marriage, April 24, 1854, Sisi wore a white silk dress Moire antique, with rich embroidery in gold and silver, and a long, gold-embroidered court train, which was fixed as an independent element over the dress.
Waist and sleeves were richly decorated with silver blondes. A precious veil of Brussels waved down from the beautiful hair of the most garish princess.
This train, at the top of the picture, was kept as a special memento of Sisi’s favourite daughter Archduchess Marie Valérie and could be purchased in 1989 from the descendants of the Archduchess for the wardrobe depot.

The wedding dress was donated after the wedding to the pilgrimage basilica Maria Taferl and is now exhibited in its treasure chamber in the form of a messcoat.

The golden wedding jewellery of Empress Elisabeth is a sumptuous floral wreath made of gold spun as hair jewellery, a chest buckle and two combs (the horn part of the combs can be seen in the upper picture), which were stuck into the hair behind the ear and thus also served as ear jewellery.

The bridal jewellery was donated by Prince Konrad of Bavaria to the pilgrimage chapel Altötting, the youngest son of Gisela and grandson of the empress, who mentioned that both his mother Gisela (on the occasion of her marriage to Leopold of Bavaria) and his grandmother Sisi (on 24 April 1854 in the Augustinian Church in Vienna) wore this bridal jewellery.

Unfortunately there is no clear wedding picture of the two marriages, so Elisabeth as the bride was not decorated with precious jewellery as one would have expected from an empress, but with this rather simple bridal wreath made of gold.

Her dowry amounted to 50,000 gulden in cash, and her dowry list also included jewellery, precious objects and jewellery, gold utensils, jewellery, silver and of course wardrobe worth 70,000 gulden, but was very modest for a future empress.

In addition there was a diamond tiara, an attention of her husband to the value of 100,000 gulden. In return, however, she was asked to sign a clause in her marriage contract stating that her Bavarian relatives were not entitled to the inheritance – which, according to tradition, the empress did hesitantly and weeping. „Sisis“ annual Apanage amounted to 100,000 gulden (that of the Empress Mother 50,000 gulden).

In the official festive programme, the bridal jewellery was wrongly described as follows: The bridal wreath, wound from fresh myrtle and orange blossom, was held by a splendid diamond tiara worn by Her Imperial Highness Archduchess Sophie on Her Majesty’s Day. On the shoulders precious brilliant-cut diamonds held the coat…..there was no coat on the pictures – but the train.

On the evening of 26 April, the Court Opera Theatre offered the magnificent sight of a glittering feast. The cream of all the awards that the higher circles of the Residence had received, and the tickets that were issued, was gathered in the evening and competed in the shine of diamonds and pearls, order stars and uniforms Her Majesty the Empress a light blue silk dress with white echarpe and a pink diamond-studded wreath in her hair.

Court Ball at the Wedding – The highest and most distinguished guests of Her Majesties were invited to this magnificent feast, which took place on 27 April in the Imperial and Royal Hall of Knights. The most beautiful wreath of our noble ladies adorned the ballroom, the wealth and splendour of the toilets, which shone with jewels and flowers, the manifold uniforms of the diplomatic corps embroidered with gold and silver, the civil servants and the generality, with the shining signs of their glory and their merits, offered a magnificent sight. Wherever the eye looked, brilliant-cut diamonds and precious stones of the most precious kind shone.

Sr. Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, wearing the English general’s uniform, was given the honour of leading Her Majesty the Empress by the arm into the hall, Her Majesty wearing a white moire dress that evening, the lap of which was littered with floral garlands and diamonds. A precious belt of diamonds wrapped around the waist.
Her Majesty the Empress opened the ball with the Duke of Cambridge. Her Majesty still rested to dance with several lords archduke and the prince Allersberg. Also Se. Majesty the Emperor rested to take lively antheil at the dance.

Translated with

Royal Wedding Princess Eugenie | Queen Victoria’s brillant Ears of wheat | Queen England

On the second occassion of her marriage, Princess Eugenie is wearing another historic jewel from the Queens vault, the Queen Adelaide’s Ears of Wheat Brooches/Hair ornaments.

Diamond Ears of Wheat Brooches Hair Ornaments... Princess Eugenie also wore a hair slide belonging to Her Majesty The Queen, the Wheat-Ear Brooches.
Diamond Ears of Wheat Brooches Hair Ornaments…
Princess Eugenie also wore a hair slide belonging to Her Majesty The Queen, the Wheat-Ear Brooches.| Tiara Ears of Wheat in diamonds

King William IV commissioned a set of six diamond ears of wheat to be used as brooches or hair ornaments in 1830 for Queen Adelaide, using 580 diamonds from King George III`s collection, they were among the heirloom jewels handed over by Queen Adelaide to Queen Victoria in 1837. Due to the King of Hanover`s successful claim against Queen Victoria for Queen Charlotte`s jewels, three of these had to be remade in 1858.

See Queen Victoria with three of the ears of wheat, each on the side of her gown, on the top left. More about the royal jewel and the history of the ears of wheat in diamond>>

Teck Ears of Wheat in Diamonds | Tiara | Wedding Princess Alice | Alexander of Teck| Countess Athlone Jewels| Royal Wedding Gifts & Presents| England

Greville Diamond and Emerald Kokoshnik Tiara | Princess Eugenie Royal Wedding

Princess Eugenie, daughter of the Duke of York and his former wife Duchess Sarah, on her wedding day, wearing the Greville Diamond Kokoshnik Tiara, lent by her grandmother the Queen.

The royal tiara was made for Mrs Greville a famous jewellery collector, by Boucheron and bequeted to Elizabeth The Queen Mother in 1942, she wore it not in public, „In the bad time“… instead after the war.

Closed friends, from the beginning – Margaret Greville rose to become a millionairess and prominent society hostess and friend to the royalty and politicians. A ‚beeress‘, her father making millions from McEwans lager, following an advantageous marriage to one of Edward VII’s best friends, Captain Ronald Greville, Mrs. Greville created two magnificent houses, Polesden Lacy  now National Trust  and  the  opulent luxury, 16 Charles Street, Mayfair.
Mrs. „Ronnie“ Greville  courtship the Mountbattens and the Duke and Duchess of York, who became King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, and in fact,  both are honeymooned at Polesden Lacy. Among her friends she numbered Edward VII, Queen Mary, George VI and Queen Elizabeth, Queen Ena, Sir Ernest Cassel, the Rothschild and Mussolini. She lived  of tumultuous historic events, as  the halcyon years of the Edwardian era, the Roaring 20s, the Depression, two World Wars, and the London Blitz.

Dame Greville had no children and originally intended to leave – a lot of her jewellery was beyond beautiful, was bequeathed to the Royal Family who still wear it,

Greville Emerald Tiara Kokoshnik Princess Eugenie Royal Wedding
Greville Emerald Tiara Kokoshnik Princess Eugenie Royal Wedding Greville bequest –

Greville Emerald Tiara Kokoshnik Princess Eugenie Royal Wedding Mrs Greville wore the tiara on some royal occassion, as well as pictured on top in the second row in 1937, like a bandeau.

check for more details about the history of the amazing Greville Diamond and Emerald Kokoshnik Tiara >>

QUEEN MOTHER’S JUWEL CASKET – Greville Diamond Necklace Collier Boucheron | Her Majesty the Queen Mother wearing the five row necklace, also a gift of Mrs Greville

Royal Sapphires |Wedding Gifts & Presents| Duchess of York | Sapphires Jewels of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Princess Margaret’s Royal Sapphires and Diamond Brooch | Lady Sarah Snowdon-Chatto

Sunburst Diamond Brooch Pendant | Duchess of York | Royal Engagement Gifts & Presents | Jewels Queen Mother England

Pearl and diamond sautoir of pearls diamond side-pieces, diamond triangular endpiece and pearl drop| Marriage – The gift of Citizens of London

Pearl and diamond platinum sautoir necklace, emerald and diamond tassel | Royal Jewels | Wedding gift of the Countess of Strathmore

Wedding Gifts & Royal Presents| Duchess of York | Jewels of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother England

Diamond Spray Brooch | Royal Jewels Queen Mother |England British Royal Family| Princess Margaret Countess Snowdon

Art deco leaf brooch with Sapphire, diamond, emerald, amethyst and ruby | Cartier | Royal Jewels England

Diamond Gifts for the Royal Family 8.55ct solitaire marquise diamond was presented to Queen Elizabeth| England

Greville Diamond earrings and pearshaped Diamond pendants| England Royal Jewels

Greville Emerald and Diamond Koskoshnik|Boucheron Tiara | Royal Wedding Princess Eugenie England| Jewels of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Queen Victoria’s Household Diamond Jubilee Diamond and tear-drop Pearl Brooch| Royal Historic Jewelry

Diamond Jubilee Sapphire Brooch | Queen Victoria | British Royal Jewels

The Diamond Jubilee Bracelet| Royal Imperial Jewels of Queen Victoria

The Diamond Fringe Brooch| Royal Jewels | Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

Queen Victoria’s Diamond Fringe Brooch| Royal Imperial Jewelry | Königin Victoria’s Diamantbrosche

Queen Victoria’s Emerald Jewels |Royal Jewel History | Königin Victoria’s Smaragd Schmuck

Royal Weddings| England U.K British Royals | Hochzeiten im englischen Königshaus

Russian Diamond and Sapphire Brooch | Presented to Queen Victoria on her diamond jubilee

Russia, Royalty & the Romanovs

In 1897 the grandchildren of Queen Victoria, all daughters and the son, from Princess Alice of Hesse:

Czar & Czaritsa of Russia , Grand Duke Louis & Grand Duchess
Victoria Melita of Hesse, Grand Duke Serge & Grand Duchess Elizabeth, Prince & Princess Louis of Battenberg

presented to her grandmother an extraordinary russian sapphire and diamond brooch>>

Russian Diamond and Sapphire Brooch | Presented to Queen Victoria on her diamond jubilee
Russian Diamond and Sapphire Brooch | Presented to Queen Victoria on her diamond jubilee












This brooch will be on public at the exhibition Russia, Royalty & the Romanovs at The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace from Friday, 9 Nov 2018 – Sunday, 28 Apr 2019

This is an update and I remember very well, when we find out the details of this brooch in 2011 see the sketch of the brooch and story>>

Empress Elisabeth of Austria Famous Diamond Stars | Sisi’s Diamond Stars

Gräfin Anna Theresa von und zu Arco-Zinneberg Diamant Sterne | Empress Sisi Diamond Stars
Gräfin Anna Theresa von und zu Arco-Zinneberg Diamant Sterne | Empress Sisi Diamond Stars

Hochzeit von Anna Theresa Gräfin von und zu Arco-Zinneberg

Gräfin Anna Theresa ist die älteste Tochter des Unternehmers Riprand Graf von und zu Arco-Zinneberg und Maria Beatrice Gräfin von und zu Arco-Zinneberg, Erzherzogin von Österreich-Este.

Die Braut trug zur Brautsoiree Diamant Sterne im Haar – eingesteckt in die üppige Frisur, wie ihre Vorfahrin Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich auf dem berühmten Winterhalter Bild.
Ist eine Diamant Sternen Garnitur im Besitz der Mutter der Braut oder der Familie, Maria Beatrice Erzherzogin von Österreich-Este.

Es sind verschiedenen Sternen Garnituren bekannt – unten eine Auswahl:

At her wedding soiree  Anna Theresa  Countess von und zu Arco-Zinneberg wore the „orginal diamond stars of Empress Elisabeth of Austria“

Which of the different star set is in the possession of her mother Archduchess Maria Beatrice of Austria-Este or the family?


A selection of the known diamond stars:

Die großen Diamantsterne von Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich I | Imperial Habsburg| The famous Diamond Stars of Empress Elisabeth of Austria I

Die Diamant-Perlen Sterne von Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich II | Imperial Habsburg| The Diamond Pearl Stars of Empress Elisabeth of Austria II

Die Diamant-Perlen Sterne von Koechert für Kaiserin Sisi | Habsburg Imperial Austria | The Diamond Pearl Stars made by Koechert for Empress Sisi

Das Diamant-Sterne-Set von Hofjuwelier Rozet &Fischmeister für Kaiserin Sissi |Habsburg Imperial| Empress Elisabeth The Diamond-Stars-Set made by Court-Jeweller Rozet & Fischmeister

Kaiserin Sisis Diamant-Sterne | Hochzeit | Schmuck Elisabeth Marie Erzherzogin von Österreich

Elisabeth Marie Archduchess of Austria | Imperial Wedding Gifts and Jewelry

Hochzeit Schmuck Geschenke Elisabeth Marie Erzherzogin von Österreich | Kaiserin Sisis Diamant-Sterne

Imperial Wedding Habsburg Jewels | Elisabeth Marie Archduchess of Austria | Windisch-Graetz

Köchert Tiara und Diamant Demi-Parure | Hochzeitsgeschenk Imperialer Schmuck der Fürstin zu Windisch-Graetz

Elisabeth Marie Archduchess of Austria | Marriage Trousseau Habsburg Imperial Jewelry

Gräfin Anna Theresa von und zu Arco-Zinneberg Diamant Sterne | Empress Sisi Diamond Stars
Hochzeit von Anna Theresa Gräfin von und zu Arco-Zinneberg empresssissi empresselisabeth sisi sissi royals royalty bayern Austria emperorfranzjoseph jewells jewellery heirloom  star diamonds Pear
Sissis Diamond Stars | Empress