Archiv der Kategorie: Austria | Österreich | Habsburg Imperial and Royal

Das Haus Habsburg, auch als Haus Hapsburg bekannt, war eine der bedeutendsten königlichen Dynastien in Europa und spielte eine entscheidende Rolle in der Geschichte Österreichs und Ungarns. Die Habsburger stiegen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte zu einer der mächtigsten königlichen Familien auf und regierten über das Austro-Hungarian Empire, das auch als Donaumonarchie bekannt war.
austria archduke wedding, imperial weddings;archduchess wedding;

Die Geschichte des Hauses Habsburg reicht bis ins Mittelalter zurück, und es war vor allem die Hochzeit von Maximilian I. mit Maria von Burgund im Jahr 1477, die den Grundstein für die Ausdehnung des Habsburger Reiches legte. Unter Kaiser Karl V. erreichte das Habsburgerreich seine größte territoriale Ausdehnung, und es erstreckte sich über weite Teile Europas.

Die Habsburger waren nicht nur Monarchen, sondern auch wichtige Förderer der Künste und der Wissenschaften. Wien, die Hauptstadt des Habsburgerreiches, wurde zu einem Zentrum der Kultur und des intellektuellen Lebens. Der Wiener Hof, auch bekannt als der „Imperiale Hof“, war berühmt für seine Pracht und seinen Glanz.

Zu den prominenten Mitgliedern des Hauses Habsburg gehörten Erzherzöge und Erzherzoginnen, Kaiser und Kaiserinnen von Österreich und Ungarn. Die bekanntesten darunter sind Kaiserin Maria Theresia und Kaiser Franz Joseph I. sowie seine Frau Kaiserin Elisabeth, auch als „Sisi“ bekannt.

Die Habsburger trugen auch eine beeindruckende Sammlung von königlichem Schmuck, zusammen, in der Schatzkammer ist, noch ein kleiner Teil davon zu sehen . Diese wertvollen Schätze waren Zeugen der Pracht und des Reichtums der Habsburgermonarchie.

Die Geschichte der Habsburger endete mit dem Zusammenbruch des Austro-Hungarian Empire nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Die Monarchie wurde abgeschafft, und die Habsburger gingen ins Exil. Dennoch bleibt ihr Erbe in Österreich und Ungarn bis heute lebendig, und ihre Geschichte ist eng mit der Geschichte dieser Länder verknüpft.

Es gab auch eine bemerkenswerte königliche Hochzeit im Hause Habsburg, als Erzherzog Karl von Österreich und Prinzessin Zita von Bourbon-Parma heirateten. Dieses Ereignis war von großer Bedeutung für die Dynastie und markierte einen wichtigen Moment in der Geschichte der Habsburger.

Insgesamt ist das Haus Habsburg ein faszinierendes Kapitel in der Geschichte von Österreich und Ungarn, das mit Kaiserinnen, Kaisern, königlichem Schmuck und einer reichen monarchischen Tradition verbunden ist.Austria Österreich Habsburg Hapsburg Oesterreich Erzherzog Erzherzogin Royal Jewellery & Aristocratic Jewels Imperial Court Royalty Donaumonarchie,Archduke of Austria, Archduchess of Austria, Kaiser, Kaiserin von Österreich, Ungarn, Donaumonarchie,Vienna court,Wien, Monarchy, Imperialer Hof, Haus Habsburg, austro-hungarian empire, austrian hungarian empire,
emperorofaustria empressofaustria zitaofbourbonparma habsburg bourbonparma emperor empress austriahungary kaiserinzita kaiserkarl royal royals monarchy houseofhabsburg houseofbourbonparma austria royalfamily royalwedding royalbride monarchia, Viennese jewellery ateliers Köchert, Emil Biedermann and Moritz Hübner; imperoaustroungarico österreich royalwedding royals royalty realeza archduke archduchess of Austria, Erzherzogin von Österreich,Mariage d’Autriche; Mariage d‘ archiduchesse d’Autriche; royal wedding archduke, imperial wedding archduke, imperial wedding austria Archduchess. sotheby’s jewels imperial royal court Vienna 1900: An Imperial and Royal Collection magnificent ceremonial court jewels worn by the women of Europe’s elite and royal families “Presented together, their superior craftsmanship and exquisite design brilliantly showcase the style and grandeur of the Habsburg court and permit us a rich and fascinating glimpse into the private lives of these European ruling houses when the court of Vienna was at its most powerful and opulent.”
Le Trésor impérial Vienne, Bijoux de la Vienne impériale |Les joyaux royaux viennois
bijoux de la autrich impériale| L’imposant diadème | Joyaux de l’empire d’Autriche| diadème de archiduchesse d’autriche

Princess Xenia of Croÿ | Diamond Fringe Wedding Tiara

Princess Xenia of Croy| Diamond Fringe Tiara Royal Diadem | Duchess of Croy German Royal Jewels  Wedding - Princess of Croy edding of Guy delle Piane and Princess Xenia von Croy, Dülmen, Germany, 28 September 2024  -Diamond Kokoshnik Taras Diademe
Princess Xenia of Croÿ| Diamond Fringe Tiara Royal Diadem | Duchess of Croy German Royal Jewels Wedding|

Princess Xenia of Croy| Diamond Fringe Tiara Royal Diadem | Duchess of Croy German Royal Jewels

A diamond fringe tiara worn by Archduchess Isabella of Austria Teschen – born Princess of Croÿ:

Diamond Crescent Moon Brooch |Archduchess Isabella of Habsburg Teschen Croy

and another fringe tiara is known in the Princely House of Salm-Salm, the eldest daughter of Archduchess Isabella….

Opal Diamond Brooches Opal Stomacher Opal Devante de Corsage|Princess Helene of Thurn und Taxis, Herzogin in Bayern

Opal Brooches, Royal Wedding Gift from Queen Elisabeth of Prussia

Opal Diamond Brooches Opal Stomacher Opal Devante de Corsage|Princess Helene of Thurn und Taxis Herzogin in Bayern| Royal Wedding Gift

Devante de Corsage Brustschmuck großes Diamant Blumenbouquet|Hochzeit Prinzessin Elisabeth von Bayern Kronprinzessin von Preußen|Königin| Hohenzollern-Preussen

Large Devante de Corsage of Diamond Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria | Crown Princess of Preussen|Queen of Prussia Hohenzollern
Pearl and Diamond Tiara | Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria | Crown Princess of Preussen|Queen Hohenzollern-Preussen
Perlen Diamant Tiara | Prinzessin Elisabeth von Bayern Kronprinzessin von Preußen|Preussische Königin| Hohenzollern-Preussen
Rubinschmuck, Rubin Parure mit Rubinhalsband, Ohrringen, Armband| Prinzessin Elisabeth von Bayern Kronprinzessin von Preußen|Königin der Königin| Hohenzollern-Preussen
Ruby jewelry, Ruby Parure with ruby collar, earrings,brooches, choker | Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria, Crown Princess of Prussia | Queen of the Queen | Hohenzollern-Prussia
Prussian Ruby Parure | Ruby jewelry, Ruby Parure with ruby collar, Ruby earrings, Ruby bracelet, Ruby Cluster Brooches| Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria, Crown Princess of Prussia | Queen of the Prussian| Hohenzollern-Prussia
Preussen Rubin Parure Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria| Hochzeitsgeschenk des König Max von Bayern an Königin Elizabeth von Preussen |Royal Jewel History

The Emperor of Austria’s Pearl and Diamond Brooch given to Prince Franz of Teck | Imperial Christening present

Francis (‚Frank‘) Joseph Leopold Frederick, Prince of Teck, born at Kensington Palace, London, 9 January 1870, the second son of Francis, Prince and Duke of Teck, by his wife Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, the daughter of Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge the seventh son of King George III. His father had been created Duke of Teck by the King of Württemberg in 1863, a title recognized in Austria in 1864.

He was named after his God father, the Emperor Franz Josef of Austria.

A.E.Koechert Design - Brooch 1870 -Godfather present - imperial Gift to Prince Francis Franz of Teck, worn by his mother the Duchess of Teck, Cambridge  - later Queen Mary - Queen Elizabeth II british royal jewel history
Courtjeweller A.E.Koechert Design – Brooch 1870 -Godfather present -splendid imperial Gift to Prince Francis Franz of Teck, worn by his mother the Duchess of Teck, Princess of Cambridge -used by the Countess of Kilmorey left to Princess Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland  later in the possession of Queen Mary – and left to Queen Elizabeth II

ROYAL CHRISTENING. Royal Christening. —On Thursday, the second son of his Serene Highness the Prince and her Royal Highness the Princess of Teck was christened at Kensington Palace. The ceremony was performed by the Right Reverend the Bishop of London, assisted by the Rev. Evan Nepean and the Rev. Mr. Bullack. The infant Prince received the names Francis Joseph Leopold Frederick. The sponsors were the Emperor of Austria, represented his Excellency the Austrian Ambassador bis Royal Highness Prince Leopold, his Royal Highness Prince Frederick of Württemberg, the Queen of the Belgians, represented by her Serene Highness the Princess Claudine of Teck, her Royal Highness Princess Christian, her Royal Highness Princess Louise, and Miss Burdett Coutts. There were present their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince Albert Victor, and Prince George; their Highnesses Prince and Princess Christian, her Royal Highness Princess Louise, his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, traditional an imperial christening gift was presented.

Gemeinde-Zeitung: unabhängiges politisches Journal 16. März 1870 – Am 11. d. M. fand im Palast von Kensington die Taufe des
zweiten Sohnes, der jüngst dem Fürsten von Teck geboren wurde, statt.
Taufpathen waren der Kaiser von Oesterreich (vertreten durch den Botschafter Grafen Apponyi), Prinz Friedrich von Würtemberg, Prinz Leopold,die Königin, (vertreten durch die Prinzessin Claudine v. Teck), die Prin-
zessinen Christina und Louise und Fräulein Burdett Coutts. Der Prinz von Wales nebst Gemalin und Kindern und die übrigen hier anwesenden Mitglieder der königlichen Familie waren bei dem Taufakte zugegen, den der Bischof von London vollzog. Das Kind erhielt den Namen Franz Josef Leopold und Friedrich. Ein Taufgeschenk des Kaisers wurde übergeben.

The Emperor of Austria Pearl and Diamond Brooch gift to Queen Mary's Brother Francis of Teck |Queen Elizabeth II Brooches|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland
The Emperor of Austria Pearl and Diamond Brooch gift to Queen Mary’s Brother Francis of Teck |Queen Elizabeth II Brooches|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland

The Emperor of Austria Pearl and Diamond Brooch gift to Queen Mary’s Brother Francis of Teck |Queen Elizabeth II Brooches|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland

Archduke Pal of Habsburg-Lothringen & Archduchess Antonia wedding 2024 Bridal Tiara Diamond Oak Leaves Tiara Diadem

Archduke Pal of Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduchess Antonia wedding 2024 Bridal Tiara Diamond Oak Leaves Tiara Diadem - Erzherzog Pal und Antonia Lütz Erzherzogin von Österreich Hochzeit Bonn 2024 Diamant Diadem Tiara Eichenblatt Diadem Tiara aus Diamanten
Archduke Pal of Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduchess Antonia wedding 2024 Bridal Tiara Diamond Oak Leaves Tiara Diadem – Erzherzog Pal und Antonia Lütz Erzherzogin von Österreich Hochzeit Bonn 2024 Diamant Diadem Tiara Eichenblatt Diadem Tiara aus Diamanten

Alexandra Princess of Hanover’s Diamond Collier de Chien made by Köchert| Wedding Gift from the Emperor of Austria

a mystery is solved, update of my website with the picture of the choker, I had only the sketch before.

princess Alexandra - Princess of Hanover's  Diamond Collier de Chien made by Köchert| Wedding Gift from the Emperor of Austria
Duchess of Cumberland Duchess of Brunswick

Diamant Chocker Collier de Chien by Koechert | Jewels from the Emperor of Austria Wedding Gift| Princess Alexandra of Hanover-Cumberland Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Princess Ileana of Romania| Archduchess of Austria |Royal Presents |Imperial Wedding Gifts Jewels Habsburg

Princess Ileana of Roumania| Archduchess of Austria |Royal Presents |Imperial Wedding Gifts Jewels Habsburg - The diamond sautoir necklace granddaughter of Queen Victoriafrom the Roumanians 1931 royal wedding gifts imperial marriage presents donation of the Romanian peoples, Nationalspende, Erzherzog, Erzherzogin | Bridal Jewels, Bride gown
Princess Ileana of Romania| Archduchess of Austria |Royal Presents |Imperial Wedding Gifts Jewels Habsburg – The diamond sautoir necklace donation from the Romanian Nation, 1931 imperial marriage

Princess Ileana of Roumania| Archduchess of Austria |Royal Presents |Imperial Wedding Gifts Jewels Habsburg

Princess Johann of Saxony , Duchess Isabella of Wuerttemberg – Herzogin von Sachsen| Impressive Ruby and Diamond tiara ca 1896

Princess Johann of Saxony-Duchess Isabella of Wuerttemberg, Duchess - Herzogin von Sachsen||Impressive ruby and diamond tiara ca 1896 kochert schleife 1886 - Diademe Köchert Tiara, Herzogin Maria Isabella von Württemberg | Koechert Diademe
Princess Johann of Saxony-Duchess Isabella of Wuerttemberg, Duchess – Herzogin von Sachsen||Impressive ruby and diamond tiara ca 1896

The first wife of Prinz Johann Georg von Sachsen – Herzogin Maria Isabella von Württemberg on her wedding day.

Herzogin Sophie von Württemberg - Duchess Sophie von Wuerttemberg - tiara of the first wife of Princess Johann of Saxony-Duchess Isabella of Wuerttemberg, Duchess - Herzogin von Sachsen||Impressive ruby and diamond tiara ca 1896 kochert schleife 1886 - Diademe Köchert Tiara, Herzogin Maria Isabella von Württemberg | Koechert Diademe bijoux de la Vienne impériale
Herzogin Sophie von Württemberg – Duchess Sophie von Wuerttemberg – tiara of the first wife of Princess Johann of Saxony-Duchess Isabella of Wuerttemberg, Duchess – Herzogin von Sachsen

This magnificent piece was subsequently passed down to her nephew, Albrecht Eugen, Duke of Württemberg (1895-1954).

Above we see his daughter, Duchess Sophie of Württemberg wearing the tiara in the 1960s and she wore it again in the 1990s.

It will be offered from Sotheby’s, at auction in the year 2023 „Vienna 1900 An Imperial and Royal Collection“ at Geneve.

It was sold for 762,000 CHF

Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany | Five row famous pearl necklace | Imperial Pearls

The royal and imperial collection resurfaces, astonishingly pristine and with all its pieces in their original design, for the first time in nearly a century, having only been recently discovered hidden away in a bank vault.

Famous Pearls, pearl strings, imperial pearl necklace, pearl collier, present from the emperor, for each born child - a string of pearls....the pear diver Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany 1844–1899
Famous Pearls, pearl strings, imperial pearl necklace, pearl collier, present from the emperor, for each born child – a string of pearls….the pear diver Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany 1844–1899
Archduchess Maria Immaculata of Austria-Tuscany, Duchess of Württemberg 1878-1968 wearing the famous pearl collection of her mother Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany 1844–1899 the imperial pearls köchert, 5 row pearl strings collier necklace Herzogin von Württemberg, Erzherzogin von Österreich Toskana Bijoux de la Vienne impériale |
Archduchess Maria Immaculata of Austria-Tuscany, Duchess of Württemberg 1878-1968 wearing the famous pearl collection of her mother Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany 1844–1899, the imperial pearls köchert.
5 row pearl strings collier necklace Herzogin von Württemberg, Erzherzogin von Österreich Toskana

Imperiales Perlen Collier Imperial Pearl Necklace Maria Immaculata Erzherzogin von Österreich| Archduchess of Austria, Koechert Important Natural Pearls from Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg

Imperiales Perlen Collier Imperial Pearl Necklace Maria Immaculata Erzherzogin von Österreich| Archduchess of Austria, Koechert Important Natural Pearls from Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg

The Queen Elizabeth II Brooch|Bridesmaid Aquamarine and Diamond Brooch1934

When she was bridesmaid in 1934 on the wedding of Princess Marina of Greece and Prince Georg of Great Britain, the Duke and Duchess of Kent.

The bridesmaids, in white crêpe marocain, were all wearing the dainty brooches, with the initial of the bride M+G
and bridegroom entwined, that had been the bridegroom’s gift, to them, and white bandeau.

BROOCHES FOR THE BRIDESMAIDS. Eight small parcels were despatched from York House last evening containing the Duke Kent's presents to the bridesmaids. Each parcel contained a triangular brooch of diamonds and acquamarincs set in platinum. the centrepiece of the brooch are the letters G and M—the initials of the and Princess Marina. The bridesmaids wore these brooches at the wedding.

Lady Mary Cambridge;

Princess Elisabeth of York, later Queen Elizabeth II;

Princess Iris of Mountbatten

Princess Juliana of the Netherlands;

Bridemaids brooch diamond Aquamarine Brooch - 1934Lady Mary Cambridge; 

Princess Elisabeth of York, later Queen Elizabeth II;

Princess Iris of Mountbatten

Princess Juliana of the Netherlands;

Grand Duchess Kira of Russia;

Princess Eugenie of  Greece 

 Princess Catherine of  Greece

Princess Irene of  Greece
Bridemaids brooch diamond Aquamarine Brooch – 1934Lady Mary Cambridge; Princess Elisabeth of York, later Queen Elizabeth II; Princess Iris of Mountbatten Princess Juliana of the Netherlands; Grand Duchess Kira of Russia; Princess Eugenie of Greece Princess Catherine of Greece Princess Irene of Greece

Grand Duchess Kira of Russia;

Princess Eugenie of Greece

Princess Catherine of Greece

Princess Irene of Greece

Hochzeit und Trauung| Prinzessin Marina | Kent Jewels |Royal Wedding, the royal Bride Marina
Ruby Wedding Gifts | Jewels Duchess of Kent | Rubin Schmuck der Herzogin von Kent
Hochzeitsgeschenke Prinzessin Marina | Kent Royal Jewels | Royal Wedding and the Gifts
Diamond Sautoir Royal Wedding Gifts | Jewels | Ruby Bracelet | Marina Duchess of Kent
Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara | Kent Royal Marriage Presents | Diamond Rivière
Kent Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara | Royal Wedding Lady Gabriella Windsor|Royal Jewels Duchess of Kent
Marina Herzogin von Kent | Kent Royal Jewels | The Engagement Ring and Wedding rings
Diamond Fringe with Pearls Tiara | Royal Marriage Presents | Diamond Bracelet
Romanov Diamond Girandoles from the Duchess of Kent | Royal Imperial Jewels
Diamond and Pearl Scroll Tiara Bandeau Necklace | Romanov Jewel |Imperial Marriage Present
Grossen Perlentropfen Romanoff | Kent Royal Jewels | Pearshaped Pearls of Grand Duchess Vladimir
Art Deco Diamond Bandeau Tiara wedding gift from the Duke of Kent Royal Jewel History
Margeriten Blumenbroschen Duchess Marina | Kent Royal Jewels | The Diamond Daisy Brooches
Smaragd-Brosche Kent |Royal Jewel History| The Argyll -Emerald Brooch
Smaragd-Brosche Herzogin von Kent| Katherine Duchess of Kent |The Argyll -Emerald Brooch
Diamantsterne Broschen und Haarschmuck| Kent Royal Jewels | The Diamond Stars
Smaragd der Herzogin von Agryll |Royal Historic Jewelry Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll
Kent Aquamarin Diadem | Königlicher Schmuck |Royal Historic Jewels | Kent Tiara with Aquamarines
Pearl Necklace and Pearl Brooch Royal Engagement | Royal Betrothal Marina Duchess of Kent
Pearl Necklace Royal Engagement Princess Marina of Greece| Royal Betrothal Duchess of Kent
Royal Engagement Ring | Sapphire Diamond Cartier Ring| Marina Duchess of Kent
Kent Pearl and Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara| Royal Spike Diadem |Royal Jewels Katherine Duchess of Kent
Queen Mary Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangle sapphire and two diamonds brooch |Sapphire clasp pearl necklace Princess Michael
Pearl Necklace and Pearl Brooch Royal Engagement | Royal Betrothal Marina Duchess of Kent
Pearl Necklace Royal Engagement Princess Marina of Greece| Royal Betrothal Duchess of Kent
Royal Engagement Ring | Sapphire Diamond Cartier Ring| Marina Duchess of Kent
Kent Pearl and Diamond Fringe Kokoshnik Tiara| Royal Spike Diadem |Royal Jewels Katherine Duchess of Kent

Heidi Horten Important Jewels| Extraordinary Emerald and Diamond Necklace rectangular-shaped emerald 68.13ct Harry Winston| Royal Jewel History Famous Jewellery

Emeralds from the Sultan Abdul Hamid -Cartier-the Maharaja of Nawanagar -Princess Anastasia of Greece -Harry Winston to Mrs Heidi Horten

Muzo emeralds are found in the Muzo mines of Colombia.

Heidi Horten Important Jewels| Extraordinary Emerald and Diamond Necklace rectangular-shaped emerald 68.13ct Harry Winston| Royal Jewel History Famous Jewellery
Heidi Horten Important Jewels| Extraordinary Emerald and Diamond Necklace rectangular-shaped emerald 68.13ct Harry Winston| Royal Jewel History Famous Jewellery

The journey of the Sultan’s collection of muzo emeralds from its origins in the Ottoman Empire to its current place in the possession of Mrs. Heidi Horten has been a long and fascinating one. The emerald was initially part of a collection owned by Abdul Hamid II, the last sultan of the Ottoman Empire. When the sultan was forced to abdicate in 1909, his collection of gems was sold at auction in Paris, and his emeralds were purchased by Cartier.

Over the years, the emerald changed hands several times, eventually ending up in the possession of Harry Winston. In 1959, Winston purchased a collection of 17 emeralds from the Maharaja of Nawanagar, six of which were used to create a necklace that included the Sultan’s emerald.

Maharaja of Nawanagar emeralds to Anastasia Princess of Greece Leeds Famous Emeralds - the emeralds of Abdul Hamid - Heidi Horten Important Jewels| Extraordinary Emerald and Diamond Necklace rectangular-shaped emerald 68.13ct Harry Winston| Royal Jewel History Famous Jewellery
Maharaja of Nawanagar emeralds Famous Emeralds – the emeralds of Abdul Hamid – Heidi Horten Important Jewels|

The necklace, which also included pear-shaped and round diamonds, was valued at one and a half million dollars at the time of its creation. Although several potential buyers expressed interest, only one South American seriously negotiated for it, but he ultimately decided to invest his money elsewhere.

Anastasia Princess of Greece Leeds Famous Emeralds - the emeralds of Abdul Hamid - Heidi Horten Important Jewels| Extraordinary Emerald and Diamond Necklace rectangular-shaped emerald 68.13ct Harry Winston| Royal Jewel History Famous Jewellery
Anastasia Princess of Greece Leeds Famous Emeralds – the emeralds of Abdul Hamid | Royal Jewel History Famous Jewellery

The necklace was eventually sold to a European connoisseur, who had it mounted in its current form.

Mr. Horten later purchased the necklace for his wife, who wore it until her death in 2022. Now, the necklace is set to be offered at auction at Christie’s in Geneva in May 2023.

The story of the Sultan’s emeralds is a testament to the enduring appeal of rare and beautiful gems. Despite changing hands many times over the years, the necklace has remained a coveted piece of jewelry, admired for its exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance.

For the details of the history:::

Heidi Horten Important Jewels| Extraordinary Emerald and Diamond Necklace rectangular-shaped emerald 68.13ct Harry Winston| Royal Jewel History Famous Jewellery