Pearls Tiara Diadem Bandeau Pearlstrings Empress Josephine
|Empress Josephine Jewels |French historic Jewelry
Emperor Imperial Napoleonic, Napoleon Bonaparte, Royal Jewellery & Aristocratic Jewels Jewelry Schmuck Juwelen Family of Napoleon, napoleonic jewels, napoleonic tiara, napoleonic diadem, Princess Napoleon, Empress Napoleon, napoleonic jewelry, beauharnais, Marie-Étienne Nitot French jeweller, official jeweller to the Emperor Napoleon, jeweller Foucier, M.Foucier, Napoleonic jewels, Napoleon, Napoleon Bonaparte’s gift.
the first posting of this jewels is from the year 2007…the ruby and diamond brooch, wearable as wreath diadem….
Auguste Amalie Beauharnais| Herzogin von Leuchtenberg |Imperial Emeralds History
Auguste Amalie war die älteste Tochter des Königs Maximilian I. Joseph von Bayern (1756–1825) und der Prinzessin Auguste Wilhelmine von Hessen-Darmstadt (1765–1796). Sie war im Januar 1806 mit dem Vizekönig von Italien Eugène de Beauharnais (1781–1824), dem zukünftigen Herzog von Leuchtenberg und Fürsten von Eichstätt, verheiratet. Eugène war der Sohn der Kaiserin Josephine (1763–1814), der ersten Ehefrau von Napoleon I. (1769–1821). Sieben Kinder wurden in diese Verbindung geboren, darunter
Prinzessin Josephine die spätere Königin von Schweden und Amelia, geboren am 31. Juli 1812 und würde Kaiser Don Petro heiraten. Peter I. von Brasilien (1798–1834) im August 1829.
Imperial historical jewellery
Update the website from the year 2006/2020
Grand duchess Stephanie von Baden | Emeralds Grand Duchess Stephanie de Beauharnais| Royal Imperial Emerald Necklace Collier Earrings| Mrs Robert Hudson Viscountess Hudson
Cameos of layered agate, jasper and jasper agate as an Imperial Jewel, not anymore as lent to the Victoria and Albert Museum.
These jewels are once owned by Napoleon’s wife Joséphine de Beauharnais, Empress of France,
CHF 437,500 the Sapphire and Diamond Necklace
CHF 56,250 the Sapphire and Diamond Pendant
CHF 37,500 2nd Sapphire and Diamond Pendant
CHF 75,000 the large Sapphire and Diamond Brooch
CHF 20,000 smaller Sapphire and Diamond Brooch
CHF 175,000 the Sapphire and Diamond Earrings
CHF 112,500 the Sapphire and Diamond Bracelet
CHF 77,500 the Sapphire and Diamond Ring
A cord in writing, found between the boxes of jewels, stated that these sapphire jewels were given to Grand Duchess Stephanie of Baden, by her cousin Hortense de Beauharnais, Queen of Holland.
Such an origin is very likely. In many paintings Queen Hortense of Holland, and her mother Empress Josephine, can be seen wearing precious belts. Furthermore, Hortense’s financial papers, which are kept in the Napoléon archive in Paris, give evidence of her fortune between 1817 and 1837, the year she passed away. They show that she left Paris in 1816 with little money, but a lot of jewellery.
After Grand Duchess Stephanie’s of Baden death in 1860 the sapphire parure described as
‘necklace, pendant, earrings, seven pins and a belt’
was inherited by Stephanie’s second daughter, Josephine, Princess of Hohenzollern Sigmaringen.
See at the coronation picture, the sisters of Napoleon Caroline, Pauline, Elise and Hortense are in court gown with „jeweled belts“ and „bandeau head ornaments“ also stetted with large pins of precious centers, like the brooches and pins.
Under Napoléon’s court, belts decorated with precious stones were part of any jewellery parure, as fashion dictated that the waist was very high on dresses and court ladies needed a belt which was placed just under the décolleté. More about the history: