Faberge Tiara with Aquamarine Diamond |Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin |Princess Alexandra of Cumberland-Hanover

Over more of four centuries, this amazing tiara was hidden in the vault of the royal family….

Now it got to the light again, and some details of the history

Faberge Aquamarine Diamond Tiara wedding gift marriage present of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin  to his bride Princess Alexandra of Cumberland-Hanover
Ein Portrait der  Grossherzogin Alexandra von Mecklenburg-Schwerin , im Alter, mit ihrem Hochzeitsgeschenk, dem Faberge Diamat Diadem mit  9 grossen Tropfen Aquamarinen
Aquamarine Diamant Diadem von Faberge |Prinzessin Alexandra von Hannover-Cumberland Grossherzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin

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