The Women of Hampshire Pendant Brooch| Spray or Honeysuckle Aigrette|Queen Mary Royal Wedding Gift

The Women of Hampshire Pendant Brooch| Head ornament| Honeysuckle Aigrette|Queen Mary Royal Wedding Gift

The future Queen Mary and her marriage presents, a mystery is solved…

In the honeymoon the Duchess of York was at Osborne and wrote to her mother, about her jewels which she wore, sometimes she used a brooch as head ornament, she noted in her letters, as the „Hampshire pendant brooch“ and the „Richmond pendant“

The Women of Hampshire Pendant Brooch| Honeysuckle Aigrette|Queen Mary Royal Wedding Gift
The Women of Hampshire Pendant Brooch| Honeysuckle Aigrette|Queen Mary Royal Wedding Gift

Queen Mary Royal Jewels | The Woman of Hampshire Diamond Brooch>>

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