Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, Grand Duchess of Hesse by Rhine, wearing her pearl jewels – the pearl string collier with a diamond pearl clasp, a pair of pear shaped ear pendants a pearl brooch a pearl pendant, from her wedding gifts, later called the „Battenberg Pearls“, it’s known the royal pearls are presented from Queen Victoria, to her daughter Princess Alice the Grand Duchess of Hesse, as wedding gift and later presents.
Emerald Wedding Gifts Pearshaped Emerald Gold Enamel Tiara Duchess of Sachsen Coburg |Princess Alice Grand Duchess of Hesse by Rhine|Royal Marriage presents |England German Royal Jewels

A small gold tiara is in her hair, probably the wedding gift from the Duchess of Sachsen-Coburg ,notice the emerald clasp on the wrist, we had in a post before as center of a necklace and I will do an addition about it, as well as the emerald drop on the side.