England | Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth II Brooch| Royal Brooches Collection Platinum Jubilee Diamond Brooch from the Goldsmiths‘ Company| Queen Elizabeth II Brooches Jewels 3. Juni 2022 royalmagazin Schreibe einen Kommentar Platinumjubilee Diamond Brooch from the Goldsmiths Company| Queen Elizabeth II Brooches Jewels , brooch given to her to mark her Platinum Jubilee. Queen Elizabeth II | Platinum Jubilee Diamond Brooch from the Goldsmiths‘ Company | Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland older posts Diamond Spray Brooch from the Royal staffs in England | Princess 21st Birthday GiftQueen of England Personal Jewels Royal Gifts for Princess Elizabeth | The Birthday Presents....More about… Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Yellow Diamond Rose Brooch | Romanov | Jewels of the TsarsАлександра Фёдоровна Roses for Valentines - Find out the history of this special jewel: Empress… French Crown Jewels | The Imperial Comb with the "Hortense" DiamondEmpress Eugenie of France Imperial large Comb with Fringes of Diamonds and the Hortense Diamond…