The Royal Wedding 1891 | Princess Louise signing the register in the green drawing room.
When the great State ceremony was over in St. Georg’s Chapel, Windsor, the blessing having been invoked by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Princess Aribert passed to the Queen and knelt before her.
Her Majesty raised the bride and affectionatly kissed her, as did the Princess Christian and the Duke and Duchess of Anhalt.
Then giving his hand to his wife, Prince Arbibert led her down the aisle to the strains of Mendelsohns Wedding March and a hearty cheer greeted the as the passed out of the west door on their way to the castle.
The Queen the German Emperor and Empress, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the other Royal guests left the the Chapel immediately after the bride and bridgegroom.
Thte fomality to sign in the register was transacted in the Green Drawing-room.
Shortly after six o’clock the Prince and Princess Aribert left for Cliveden, the Duke of Westminster having lent them his beautiful house ther, the grounds attached to which are unrivalled for their woodland and river scenery. They soon reched the charming residence where they are to spend the first part of the honeymoon.
In the evening a Venetian Fete, with a procession of illuminated boats, was held upon the Thames at Windsor. The town, too was full of life and animation, there was a display of fireworks and a performance by the Queen’s privat ban.
More about the marriage, presents and gifts to the royal bride:
Indian Cartier Tiara | Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein| Princess of Great Britain
Diamond Jewels | Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein | Princess Christian 25th wedding gift