Ouhd Necklace |Royal Gifts and Presents to Princess Royal Victoria

Victoria, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom–later Empress Friedrich-Imperial Pearls Princess Royal | Prussia Hohenzollern History
update für die Preussischen Perlen und Kaiserlichen Juwelen:
Perlen der Kaiserin Friedrich | Prussia Royal Imperial Pearls

Hochzeit Vicky | Wedding Victoria Princess Royal

Hochzeitsgeschenke an Victoria Princess Royal| Marriage gifts and Weddinglist

The bride was Victoria, or “Vicky, Princess Royal” the oldest child of England’s longest serving queen, Queen Victoria, and her husband, Prince Albert. The groom was Frederick, or “Fritz,” the son of King William of Prussia.
Diamond open shells and sunbeam Tiara | 8 diamond shells and 9 diamond sunbeams as a large diadem of 240ct in diamonds

Lapisarmband und Diamant-Diadem | Lapislazuli-bracelet and diamond tiara

Kaiserin Friedrichs grosse Perlenkette| Empress Frederick´s Pearls
Schmuck der Kaiserin Friedrich | Jewels of Empress Frederick

Historische Perlen der Preussen | Hohenzollern | Prussian Royal Imperial Pearls