Russian Sapphire Diamond Brooch | Duchess of Kent | Royal Jewels – Romanovbrooch

Russian Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Katherine & Marina Duchess of Kent | Royal Jewels
Russian Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Katherine & Marina Duchesses of Kent

Marina Duchess of Kent | Royal Jewels

Russian Sapphire Diamond Brooch | Marina Duchess of Kent

Hochzeit und Trauung| Royal Wedding, the royal bride

Hochzeitsgeschenke | Royal Wedding and the Gifts

Marina Herzogin von Kent| The Engagement Ring and Weddingrings

Grossen Perlentropfen | Pearshaped Pearls of Grand Duchess Vladimir

Margeriten Blumenbroschen | The Diamond Daisy Brooches

Smaragd-Brosche | The Argyll -Emeraldbrooch

Diamantsterne | The Diamond Stars

Smaragd der Herzogin von Agryll | Princess Louise Duchess of Argyl

Katherine Duchess of Kent | Royal Jewels

Die Kent Aquamarine |
The Aquamarines

Russian Sapphire Diamond Brooch | Katherine Duchess of Kent | Saphir Herzogin Marina von Kent

Diamond Bracelet Marriage presented f. Town of Windsor |Duchess of Argyll | Jewels Duchess of Kent

Smaragd-Brosche Herzogin von Kent| Katherine Duchess of Kent |The Argyll -Emeraldbrooch

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