Austria | Österreich | Habsburg Imperial and Royal, Bourbon-Parma |Borbón-Parma| Bourbon-Parme, Fringe Tiara | Tiare Russe| Diamond Kokoshnik Empress Maria Theresia Bow Brooch |Royal Diamond Brooch |Archduchess Isabella of Habsburg-Teschen Croy 13. November 2018 royalmagazin Schreibe einen Kommentar Empress Maria Theresia Bow Brooch Empress Maria Theresia Bow Brooch |Royal Diamond Brooch |Archduchess Isabella of Habsburg Teschen CroyRoyal Jewels from the Bourbon Parma Family| Bow Brooch Ribbon| Jewelery Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria |Royal Diamond Brooch |Archduchess Isabella of Habsburg Teschen Croy>> Royal Jewels from the Bourbon Parma Family| Bow Brooch Ribbon| Jewelery Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria >> older posts Queen ElizabethII Waterford Orchid BroochIrish historic official visit to Britain Today the Queen is wearing a coat of sky… Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna | Romanov Sapphire Cabochon Brooch with four Diamonds#украшения #драгоценности #сапфир #романовы #брошь #россия #история #шокконтент #брошьромановых #romanovbrooch Maria Feodorovna sapphire brooch romanovbrooch… Diamond Crescent Moon Brooch | Archduchess Isabella of Habsburg Teschen Croy Royal JewelsDiamond Crescent Moon Brooch | Archduchess Isabella of Habsburg Teschen Croy Royal Jewels from… Royal Jewels | Diamond Ribbon Devante de Corsage | Bow Stomacher | Duchess of Beaufort Lady Mary CambridgeAs member of the Royal Family, this Diamond jewels>> are worne at Coronation of King… Russian Sapphire Diamond Brooch | Duchess of Kent | Royal Jewels - Romanovbrooch#драгоценоости #украшения #бриллианты #россия #романовы #romanovjewels #royaljewellery #romanovbrooch #sapphires #casasreales #imperialhouses #monarchy #royalty royals #realezas