Imperial Diadème | Princesse Salome Dadiani
Precious Wedding Gifts Royal Jewellery and Imperial Bonaparte Wedding on 23 May 1868

Princess Salome sent me a depesche: „Share my luck, I just got engaged to Prince Achille Murat“.
I was told how the whole thing came.
Last winter, Empress Eugenie and Princess Ekaterina Dadiani had already considered it, and the matter had been brought to a close last week.
The emperor, Napoleon III, took it upon himself to give his nephew 50000 francs of Apanage annually, which harmonized excellently with the same income of the bride, and furthermore to pay his debts. Well, debts…that the young man was one of the most wasteful men of life in Paris, was well known in the city, among the diamonds, the then so celebrated – beautiful Helena, Hortense Schneider, was many a piece of jewellery laid at her feet by Prince Achille Murat. The whole marriage was arranged by one of the relatives on both sides, and she had only seen her groom three or four times, but in those circles, especially in France, it is customary for marriages to be arranged this way. She was downright in love with the young man and was looking forward to becoming „Princess Achille Murat„ >>
Prinzessin Salome Dadiani, Prinzessin von Mingrelia| Prinz Achille Murat Neffe des Kaisers Napoleon III. >>
Kostbare Hochzeitsgeschenke Royaler Schmuck und Kaiserliche Hochzeit am 23. Mai 1868>>
Die Toiletten der Damen waren von großer Pracht.
Die Braut trug einen Schleier, der für sie in Brüssel angefertigt worden und in dem das Familienwappen, das Goldene Vliess, eingewebt war.
Der Schleier wallte von einem Diamantdiadem herab, das Hochzeitsgeschenk der Kaiserin Eugenie – in griechischem Meander Ornamenten.
Diadème dit „eglantine“ par Massin | Princesse Catherine Dadiany
Massin Oscar en Russie
Diadème dit „diadème aux eglantines“ par Oscar Massin
Le début de projet Oscar Massin a été acheté par la princesse Ekaterina Chavchavadze-Dadiany vers 1860 à Paris. Princesse Ekaterina Chavchavadze épousé une princesse géorgienne Dadiany David I, qui a régné jusqu’à sa mort en 1853, la Mingrélie Principauté.
Diamond Devante de Corsage and Diamond Tiara made by Massin for Ekaterina Dadiani | Catherine Dadiany |Dadianov Jewels