Update from 2008 the engagement gift to Princess Emma from the King of the Netherlands. A large diamond with his portrait the pendant made by Oscar Massin.

oscar massin joaillier, Oscar Massin Jewels O. Massin joaillier fabricant 3 avenue de l’Opéra/Paris Oscar Massin supplied Baugrand Boucheron and Mellerio, but also Lemonnier, Kramer, Morel, Fontana, Crouzet
Oscar Massin tiara, Oscar Massin diadem, Oscar Massin diademe, Oscar Massin tiaras, bijouterie, Oscar Massin bracelet,Oscar Massin belt,Oscar Massin bangle, parure, Diademe,Oscar Massin brooch,stomacher,Oscar Massin headjewel, jewels, diamonds,Oscar Massin head ornaments,
fife tiara, Oscar Massin collier, Oscar Massinnecklace,jeweller, Oscar Massin jewellery
Joyaux Oscar Massin Oscar Sébastien Henri Massin| Massin, réalisé pour Lemonnier |O.Massin Oscar Massin à fourni Baugrand Boucheron et Mellerio, mais aussi Lemonnier, Kramer, Morel, Fontana, Crouzet diadème ait été fabriqué par O.Massin Oskar Massin Jewels
Update from 2008 the engagement gift to Princess Emma from the King of the Netherlands. A large diamond with his portrait the pendant made by Oscar Massin.
The Earl of Southesk and his fiancée Camille Ascoli were married on, 5 September 2020. The Countess of Southesk wore the Fife Fringe Tiara, which had been on exhibition at Kensington Palace, since 2018. The diamond tiara was taken off display for the Carnegie wedding.
It was the wedding gift of Queen Alexandra and King Edward to their daughter the Princess Royal Louise, Duchess of Fife.
Charles „Charlie“ Duff Carnegie, Earl of Southesk, was born on 1 July 1989. He is the eldest of three sons of David Carnegie, 4th Duke of Fife, and his wife, the former Caroline Ann Bunting. Charlie Southesk is a great-great-grandson of King Edward VII.
Anna Wintour is seen with a new treasure from her jewel box at the Met Gala 2019.
story about the collet diamond necklace:
Anna Wintour is seen with a new treasure from her jewel box at the Met Gala 2019.
Mrs Anna Wintour owns another historic jewel, the royal amethyst necklace, once part of Queen Mary’s Amethyst Parure.
Translated from Romanian to English by Google Translator.
The jewels of Queen Marie of Romania hidden in a villa in Moscow.
Besides treasury bills, values belonging to various Romanian private banks, commercial companies, private persons, art collections, documents and money, valued at 314,580,456, 84 lei gold, the Romanian officials decided to put in conditions safe and jewelry of Queen Maria, valued at 7,000,000 gold. The latter were stored in 2 boxes.
The fate of the Queen’s jewels has been the subject of many journalistic investigations in the interwar period. Lastny Novosti, the newspaper of Russian emigrants in Paris, makes an interesting account of the subject in 1933.
The royal family’s jewels were handed over to Mr. Constantin Dimandy, then the plenipotentiary minister at Petrograd.
In the spring of 1918, after the departure of ambassadors and foreign ministers from Soviet Russia, Diamandy gave precious objects to the American consul in Moscow. This, in turn, before leaving Russia, handed them over to the Norwegian Consul.
The Norwegian Consulate occupied at that time a villa on Charitonov Street no. 15.
At the end of 1918, Norwegian Consulate staff had to leave Russia. To save the treasure entrusted to him, the consul hid the boxes in a wall of the villa in the greatest mystery and hoping that later, Queen Marie’s jewelry boxes would be taken out of the secret hiding place and, of course, from Soviet Russia.
One man in Moscow knew about the treasure of the villa, a former servant of the Russian submissive consulate who could not leave with the rest of his staff in Norway. After a while, this servant died. But before closing his eyes, he told a German citizen, a certain K., about the existence of treasure, indicating exactly the place in the wall where the boxes were built.
In 1923, K., a refugee in Germany, contacted the Soviet Embassy in Berlin. This individual, K., the secretary of the Soviet Embassy, Iakubovici, and the second secretary, Mirov, concluded a verbal agreement under which K., as a reward for his denunciation, guaranteed a certain percentage of the value of the treasury.
The agreement was confirmed in the presence of the representative of the Soviet State Bank, Sergheev-Romm, specially sent to Berlin for this purpose.
It seems that German K, born and raised in Moscow, recognized Sergheev-Romm as an old high school colleague. Among friends, the business has settled without difficulty. The formalities were
resolved quickly, and K. left for Moscow. Here he was directed to a certain Stein who was given the representative of the Soviet Ministry of Finance.
Stein confirmed his understanding between K. and the Soviet Embassy in Berlin through the representatives of Iakubovici and Mirov on the one hand and the bank through its representative, Sergeyev-Romm.
The villa on Charitonov Street was at that time occupied by the Czechoslovak Mission. For this reason, he was told by K., coming from Germany, that he can not start looking for the treasure, because the matter is too delicate and he must for now give up.
Incidentally or not, in three months, Soviet officials found the treasure.
In the Czechoslovak Mission’s building the guilds appeared, under the pretext that they are workers from the water pipes. They showed a Soviet order in Moscow that had the immediate repair of the upper pipes, otherwise the building would have been threatened to collapse.
The treasure was built in a wall on the first floor. During the repairs, the Czechoslovak Mission moved to the second floor. Within a few days, in September 1923, the jewels were discovered and transported to the Soviet warehouse.
In 1928, K. learned, by chance, that the treasure was found and that he was practically pulled on the string. Consequently, he addresses a Berlin lawyer, Bruno Marwitz, asking him to sue a Soviet trial.
Marwitz, before commencing the action, addresses the Soviet Embassy in Berlin to confirm whether there was any agreement between K and the Embassy. Iakubovici admits, in a rather imprudent way, that he really spoke to Mr. K. about the treasure, and that, after this conversation, K. left for Moscow.
Yakubovich could no longer remember any formal obligations towards K. The process threatens to become embarrassing for the Soviet government, especially since the intervention of the Romanian government, which until then knew nothing of the fate of Queen Mary’s jewels, was inevitable.
In order to get rid of a lawsuit, the Soviet Embassy in Berlin intervened with the German Foreign Ministry, which took the necessary steps with the Ministry of Justice. Interventions were successful, as the process ended with no result: censuses could not be handed over to Ban.
Das Zarensilber im Coburger Residenzschloß
Perlenketten, Brillantbroschen und Armbänder in der Prunkausstellung
Fringe Tiara, Diamantschmuck und Saphir-Juwelen
Der Schmuck der Prinzessinnen Victoria Melitta, Marie und Beatrice
the theses is the center sapphire of the sapphire tiara of Queen Marie was the Ruspoli Sapphire.
Precious Wedding Gifts Royal Jewellery and Imperial Bonaparte Wedding on 23 May 1868
Princess Salome sent me a depesche: „Share my luck, I just got engaged to Prince Achille Murat“.
I was told how the whole thing came.
Last winter, Empress Eugenie and Princess Ekaterina Dadiani had already considered it, and the matter had been brought to a close last week.
The emperor, Napoleon III, took it upon himself to give his nephew 50000 francs of Apanage annually, which harmonized excellently with the same income of the bride, and furthermore to pay his debts. Well, debts…that the young man was one of the most wasteful men of life in Paris, was well known in the city, among the diamonds, the then so celebrated – beautiful Helena, Hortense Schneider, was many a piece of jewellery laid at her feet by Prince Achille Murat. The whole marriage was arranged by one of the relatives on both sides, and she had only seen her groom three or four times, but in those circles, especially in France, it is customary for marriages to be arranged this way. She was downright in love with the young man and was looking forward to becoming „Princess Achille Murat„ >>
Die Toiletten der Damen waren von großer Pracht.
Die Braut trug einen Schleier, der für sie in Brüssel angefertigt worden und in dem das Familienwappen, das Goldene Vliess, eingewebt war.
Der Schleier wallte von einem Diamantdiadem herab, das Hochzeitsgeschenk der Kaiserin Eugenie – in griechischem Meander Ornamenten.
Massin Oscar en Russie
Diadème dit „diadème aux eglantines“ par Oscar Massin
Le début de projet Oscar Massin a été acheté par la princesse Ekaterina Chavchavadze-Dadiany vers 1860 à Paris. Princesse Ekaterina Chavchavadze épousé une princesse géorgienne Dadiany David I, qui a régné jusqu’à sa mort en 1853, la Mingrélie Principauté.
Mit dem „Accient in Lieu“ -System können Briten – Steuerpflichtige wichtige Kunstwerke und andere Kulturgüter in öffentliches Eigentum überführen, während sie die Erbschaftssteuer oder eine ihrer früheren Formen zahlen. Der Steuerpflichtige erhält den vollen offenen Marktwert des Gegenstands, der dann einem öffentlichen Museum, Archiv oder einer Bibliothek zugewiesen wird. Dies wurde nun von dem Arts Council England für die Fife Tiara akzeptiert!
Die Geschichte dieses Diadem von Oscar Massin ist hier zu finden:
Prinzessin Louise von Wales Hochzeitsgeschenke
Princess Royal Louise Duchess of Fife | Massin Diamond Tiara
Prinzessin Royal Louise Herzogin von Fife | Royal Wedding gifts
Prinzessin Royal Louise Herzogin von Fife | Marriage presents|Schmuck Hochzeitsgeschenke
Princess Royal Louise Duchess of Fife | Jewels, Diamond Comb
Princess Royal Louise Duchess of Fife | Forget-me-nots jewels
Princess Royal Louise of England | Arrow Diamond Brooch |Gifts and Presents
The Acceptance in Lieu scheme enables taxpayers to transfer important works of art and other heritage objects into public ownership while paying Inheritance Tax or one of its earlier forms. The taxpayer is given the full open market value of the item which is then allocated to a public museum, archive or library.
ssion of her daughter:
Alexandra Duchess of Fife | Diamond Jewels Fringe Tiara | Princess Arthur of Connaught
Royal Wedding Jewels Diamond Tiara | Alexandra Duchess of Fife | Princess Arthur of Connaught
Alexandra Duchess of Fife| Aigrette Royal Wedding Jewels | Diamond Bracelet Bandeau Collar Necklace
Wedding Gifts | Jewels | Royal Marriage
Wedding Presents | Jewels | Princess Louise Duchess of Fife | Royal Marriage Gifts
Princess Royal Louise Duchess of Fife | Massin Tiara
Prinzessin Royal Louise Herzogin von Fife | Wedding gifts
Prinzessin Royal Louise Herzogin von Fife | Marriage presents|Schmuck Hochzeitsgeschenke
Princess Royal Louise Duchess of Fife | Jewels, Diamond Comb
Princess Royal Louise Duchess of Fife | Forget-me-nots jewels
The Saphire parure, worn by the new Queen of Netherlands Maxima, was a gift of King Willem III to his wife Queen Emma in 1881.
The design is probably by the famous jewelery-designer Oscar Massin who also worked for the Paris jewelery-firm of Mellerio. The history and story behind that jewel, worn by Queen Emma :
Queen Juliana with the Massin Sapphire Tiara
Die Saphire Parure, der neuen Königin Maxima der Niederlande, war 1881 ein Geschenk von König Willem III an seine Frau Königin Emma.
Entworfen von dem bekannten Juwelen-Designer Oscar Masin der unter anderem auch für die Pariser Juweliere Mellerio arbeitete…
Die Tiara getragen von Königin Juliana>>
Königin Beatrix mit der Saphir Tiara der holländischen Königin Emma>>