Queen Mary Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangular sapphire and two diamonds sapphire brooch

Queen Mary’s Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangular sapphire and two diamonds sapphire brooch| History of a Romanov Sapphire Brooch

Tsarina Maria Feodorovna Sapphire Brooch, later Queen Mary Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangular sapphire and two diamonds sapphire brooch
Tsarina Maria Feodorovna Sapphire Brooch later bought by Queen Mary |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangular sapphire and two diamonds sapphire brooch

Queen Mary Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangle sapphire and two diamonds sapphire brooch |Sapphire clasp pearl necklace Princess Michael


Queen Mary Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangular sapphire and two diamonds sapphire brooch. The jewel was later altered and now used as sapphire clasp pearl necklace by Princess Michael.

empress maria fedorovna oval-brooch octaconal sapphire diamonds Queen Mary Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangular sapphire and two diamonds sapphire brooch |Sapphire clasp pearl necklace Princess Michael It was probably bought by Queen Mary in the year 1929 April 7th , from the Romanov jewels of Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia. There is a picture of the Empress Marie Feodorvna with an similar bar brooch. The notes from the Hennell list: of Empress Maria Feodrovna's jewels Tsarina Maria Feodorovna Sapphire Brooch
Tsarina Maria Feodorovna Sapphire Brooch | Empress of Russia’s oval-brooch octaconal sapphire diamonds Queen Mary Sapphire Diamond Brooch |Marina Duchess of Kent rectangular sapphire and two diamonds sapphire brooch |Sapphire clasp pearl necklace Princess Michael

More of Queen Mary’s Sapphire Brooches

Queen Mary’s Sapphire Diamond Cluster Brooch |Large Sapphire in four bows setting 1911 Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Queen Mary's Sapphire Diamond Cluster Brooch |Large Sapphire in four bows setting 1911 Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England 
 Queen Mary would later wear the brooch in two tiaras - the Honeysuckle Tiara now worn by The Duchess of Gloucester and a diamond bandeau. 
  later owned by Princess Margret, Countess of Snowdon
Queen Mary’s Sapphire Diamond Cluster Brooch |Large Sapphire in four bows setting 1911 Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England later owned by Princess Margret, Countess of Snowdon

Queen Mary’s Sapphire Diamond Cluster Brooch |Large Sapphire in four bows setting 1911 Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

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