Archiv der Kategorie: Queen Mary’s Jewels

The Edwardians: Age of Elegance

Exhibition at Buckingham Palace

From April 11 to November 23, 2025, The King’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace will host a major exhibition titled The Edwardians: Age of Elegance. This groundbreaking event explores the opulence, style, and societal shifts of the Edwardian era through the lives of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, and King George V and Queen Mary.

Two of Britain’s most fashionable royal couples – King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, and King George V and Queen Mary – from their family lives and personal collecting to their glittering social circles and spectacular royal events

The exhibition will showcase over 300 artifacts, many on display for the first time, including jewelry, fashion, art, and personal items.

Queen Mary’s Love Trophy Collar Diamond Choker Necklace Eduardian Style jewelry, eduardian design diamonds Queen mary british royal family historic jewellery  The Love Trophy Collar is comprised of seven rectangular panels made from gold & linked by vertical rows of diamonds. Each panel features three symbolic elements - a burning torch, a quiver of arrows & a bow. These elements, symbolising Cupid the god of love, combine to make the “amatory” or love trophy from which the choker gets its name. Each “love trophy” is surrounded by diamond laurel wreaths & suspended from a diamond ribbon which is tied with a diamond bow.  Queen Mary later gifted this diamond choker necklace to the Queen Mother when she was still Duchess of York. It was never publicly seen on her. After her passing in 2002, Queen Elizabeth II inherited the piece. Due to its design, a high neckline is required to wear it properly.1901diamond diamonds diamondplatnumz diamondjewelry  royal royalfamily royalwedding royals royalty princess princesses   tiara  tiaras rown  crowns         jewelry  jewellery  jewels  jewelrydesigner  jewelryaddict  royal  royalty  royalfamily  royaljewels  jewelry  queenmary  diamond  necklace style  history  fashion #england  uk  buckinghampalace  edwardian  monarchy  britishmonarchy  britishroyals  britishroyalfamily  british royal jewels
Queen Mary’s Love Trophy Collar Diamond Choker Necklace Eduardian Style jewelry update from the earlier version of 2015

Highlights include Queen Alexandra’s Dagmar Necklace, Queen Mary’s Love Trophy Collar, and exquisite works by Fabergé.

The display will recreate the lavish interiors of Marlborough House and Sandringham House, adorned with family photographs, decorative treasures, and society mementos.

 Egyptian scarab brooch
given to Alexandra by Edward following his tour of the Middle East in 1863

See an Egyptian scarab brooch
given to Alexandra by Edward following his tour of the Middle East in 1863.

Visitors can immerse themselves in Edwardian culture through paintings by luminaries like John Singer Sargent the Duchess of Connaught, Frederic Leighton, and Edward Burne-Jones, alongside new trends like Aestheticism and Art Nouveau. Personal items and souvenirs from royal travels and events will provide insight into the couple’s global influence and vibrant social lives. Photography, a burgeoning art form of the era, will also be featured, including works by pioneering female photographers and snapshots taken by Alexandra herself.

The exhibition captures the grandeur and transitions of a golden age brought to an abrupt end by World War I, offering a poignant glimpse into the lives, tastes, and artistic patronage of the Edwardian royals.

Countess of Kilmorey Ella Constance Countess of Kilmorey |Prince Francis of Teck’s last will British Nobel and Royal Heirloom Jewels

Cartier Diamond Tiara

Prince Francis of Teck, born in 1870 at Kensington Palace, was the second son of Francis, Duke of Teck, and Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge. Educated at Eton and Cheltenham College, Francis was known for his elegance and somewhat extravagant lifestyle. He became close to Ellen, Countess of Kilmorey, despite their significant age difference, and there was speculation about the nature of their relationship, although it appears to have been platonic. Francis had inherited the Teck family’s Cambridge emeralds and had loaned them to the Countess, which caused tension within his family, particularly with his sister, who later became Queen Mary.

After his death in 1910, it was discovered that Francis had bequeathed these emeralds to the Countess in his will, which was sealed, sparking rumors. The Countess eventually sold the famous Cambridge Emeralds back to Queen Mary. Ellen, Countess of Kilmorey, passed away in 1920, leaving behind a will that detailed the disposition of her estate, including the jewel given to her by Prince Francis.

Countess of Kilmorey   Ella Constance Countess of Kilmorey Prince Francis of Teck's last will British Nobel and Royal Heirloom Jewels Cartier Tiara, Cartier Chocker, Cartier Diamond Diadem, Cartier Diamond Dog Collar, Cartier Diamond Tiaras,Cartiertiaras, lady who was left the the famous emeralds from the Cambridge Emeralds - Queen Mary bought back.
Countess of Kilmorey wearing her Cartier Diamond Tiara and Cartier Diamond Dog Collar: Ella Constance Countess of Kilmorey Prince Francis of Teck’s last will British Nobel and Royal Heirloom

Countess of Kilmorey seven line Diamond Tiara and six line diamond dog collar | Ella Constance Countess of Kilmorey Prince Francis of Teck’s last will British Nobel and Royal Heirloom Jewels

Prinz Francis von Teck, geboren 1870 im Kensington Palace, war der zweite Sohn von Francis, Herzog von Teck, und Prinzessin Mary Adelaide von Cambridge. Er wurde in Eton und am Cheltenham College ausgebildet und war für seinen eleganten und extravaganten Lebensstil bekannt. Francis entwickelte eine enge Beziehung zur deutlich älteren Ellen, Gräfin von Kilmorey, wobei spekuliert wurde, ob die Beziehung platonisch war. Francis hatte die Cambridge Smaragde seiner Familie geerbt und sie der Gräfin geliehen, was Spannungen innerhalb seiner Familie auslöste, insbesondere mit seiner Schwester, die später Königin Mary wurde.

Nach seinem Tod im Jahr 1910 stellte sich heraus, dass Francis diese Smaragde der Gräfin in seinem Testament vermacht hatte, das versiegelt wurde und Gerüchte auslöste. Die Gräfin verkaufte schließlich die Smaragde an Königin Mary. Ellen, Gräfin von Kilmorey, verstarb 1920 und hinterließ ein Testament, das die Verteilung ihres Nachlasses, einschließlich des von Prinz Francis erhaltenen Juwels, detailliert beschrieb.

The Emperor of Austria’s Pearl and Diamond Brooch given to Prince Franz of Teck | Imperial Christening present

Francis (‚Frank‘) Joseph Leopold Frederick, Prince of Teck, born at Kensington Palace, London, 9 January 1870, the second son of Francis, Prince and Duke of Teck, by his wife Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, the daughter of Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge the seventh son of King George III. His father had been created Duke of Teck by the King of Württemberg in 1863, a title recognized in Austria in 1864.

He was named after his God father, the Emperor Franz Josef of Austria.

A.E.Koechert Design - Brooch 1870 -Godfather present - imperial Gift to Prince Francis Franz of Teck, worn by his mother the Duchess of Teck, Cambridge  - later Queen Mary - Queen Elizabeth II british royal jewel history
Courtjeweller A.E.Koechert Design – Brooch 1870 -Godfather present -splendid imperial Gift to Prince Francis Franz of Teck, worn by his mother the Duchess of Teck, Princess of Cambridge -used by the Countess of Kilmorey left to Princess Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland  later in the possession of Queen Mary – and left to Queen Elizabeth II

ROYAL CHRISTENING. Royal Christening. —On Thursday, the second son of his Serene Highness the Prince and her Royal Highness the Princess of Teck was christened at Kensington Palace. The ceremony was performed by the Right Reverend the Bishop of London, assisted by the Rev. Evan Nepean and the Rev. Mr. Bullack. The infant Prince received the names Francis Joseph Leopold Frederick. The sponsors were the Emperor of Austria, represented his Excellency the Austrian Ambassador bis Royal Highness Prince Leopold, his Royal Highness Prince Frederick of Württemberg, the Queen of the Belgians, represented by her Serene Highness the Princess Claudine of Teck, her Royal Highness Princess Christian, her Royal Highness Princess Louise, and Miss Burdett Coutts. There were present their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince Albert Victor, and Prince George; their Highnesses Prince and Princess Christian, her Royal Highness Princess Louise, his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, traditional an imperial christening gift was presented.

Gemeinde-Zeitung: unabhängiges politisches Journal 16. März 1870 – Am 11. d. M. fand im Palast von Kensington die Taufe des
zweiten Sohnes, der jüngst dem Fürsten von Teck geboren wurde, statt.
Taufpathen waren der Kaiser von Oesterreich (vertreten durch den Botschafter Grafen Apponyi), Prinz Friedrich von Würtemberg, Prinz Leopold,die Königin, (vertreten durch die Prinzessin Claudine v. Teck), die Prin-
zessinen Christina und Louise und Fräulein Burdett Coutts. Der Prinz von Wales nebst Gemalin und Kindern und die übrigen hier anwesenden Mitglieder der königlichen Familie waren bei dem Taufakte zugegen, den der Bischof von London vollzog. Das Kind erhielt den Namen Franz Josef Leopold und Friedrich. Ein Taufgeschenk des Kaisers wurde übergeben.

The Emperor of Austria Pearl and Diamond Brooch gift to Queen Mary's Brother Francis of Teck |Queen Elizabeth II Brooches|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland
The Emperor of Austria Pearl and Diamond Brooch gift to Queen Mary’s Brother Francis of Teck |Queen Elizabeth II Brooches|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland

The Emperor of Austria Pearl and Diamond Brooch gift to Queen Mary’s Brother Francis of Teck |Queen Elizabeth II Brooches|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland

Queen Mary’s Edinburgh Diamond Thistle Pendant | 1911 Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Queen Mary's Edinburgh Diamond Thistle Pendant | 1911 Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England
Queen Mary’s Edinburgh Diamond Thistle Pendant | 1911 Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Queen Mary’s Edinburgh Diamond Thistle Pendant | 1911 Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Queen Mary’s Diamond and Aquamarine Art Deco Bracelet | Bracelets of Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Mary's art deco Aquamarine and Diamond Bracelet, left to Queen Elizabeth II, worn on her birthday - Aquamarine and Diamond Bracelet, royal jewels, aquamarine jewels, queens bracelets, diamond bracelets,
Queen Mary’s Aquamarine and Diamond Art Deco Bracelet, left to Queen Elizabeth II, worn on her birthday

Queen Mary’s Diamond and Aquamarine Art Deco Bracelet | Aquamarine Bracelets of Queen Elizabeth II Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland

Brazilian Aquamarine Parure – Tiara-Collier-Brooch-Bracelet|Royal Aquamarine |Queens Jewels  
Queen Elizabeth II. Aquamarines Parure, Diadem The Brazilian Aquamarine Tiara  Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Parure Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Tiara Necklace Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Aquamarine Earrings Aquamarine Bracelet large crown small Aquamarine tiara Aquamarine diadem Aquamarine
First Aquamarine Tiara + Aquamarine Brooch | Royal Jewel England  
Queen Elizabeth II. Aquamarines Parure, Diadem The Brazilian Aquamarine Tiara  Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Parure Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Tiara Necklace Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Aquamarine Earrings Aquamarine Bracelet large crown small Aquamarine tiara Aquamarine diadem Aquamarine Aquamarine Brooch
  Royal Aquamarine| Small Aquamarine Tiara + Aquamarine Bracelet
Aquamarine Diamond Tiara

The aquamarine and diamond tiara was given to The Queen by the Governor of São Paulo in 1968 Queen Elizabeth II. Aquamarines Parure, Diadem The Brazilian Aquamarine Tiara  Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Parure Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Tiara Necklace Queen Elizabeth II's Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Aquamarine Earrings Aquamarine Bracelet large crown small Aquamarine tiara Aquamarine diadem Aquamarine small scroll tiara
Aquamarine Diamond Tiara
The aquamarine and diamond tiara was given to The Queen by the Governor of São Paulo in 1968

Queen Mary’s Diamond Thistle Brooch | Platinum Thistle Pin Ornament | British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Queen Mary's Diamond Thistle Brooch | Platinum Thistle Pin Ornament Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England
Queen Mary’s Diamond Thistle Brooch | Art deco Platinum Thistle Pin Hat Ornament | British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Queen Mary’s Diamond Thistle Brooch | Platinum Thistle Pin Ornament Queen Consort Camilla Royal Jewels History| British Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Queen Mary’s carved emerald Brooch from the Maharanis of India

Queen Mary's carved emerald Brooch from the Maharanis of India Royal Jewels History - Queen of England Brooches, Queen's Brooches - Emerald Brooch- Mugal Brooch, Emerald and Diamond brooch
Queen Mary’s carved emerald Brooch from the Maharanis of India Royal Jewels History – Queen of England Brooches, Queen’s Brooches – Emerald Brooch- Mugal Brooch, Emerald and Diamond brooch

Queen Mary’s carved emerald from the Maharanis of India| England Royal Jewels

Queen Mary's carved Emerald and Diamond brooch from the Ladies of India - Maharanis -Durbar 1911- Queen Elizabeth II heirloom -Queen Camilla Ascot 2024
Queen Mary’s carved Emerald and Diamond brooch from the Ladies of India -the Maharanis -Durbar 1911- Queen Elizabeth II heirloom |Queen Consort Camilla Emerald brooch

Queen Camilla’s earrings are not the Diamond Navette Flower Earrings from the late Queen Mother. We see small pavee setting in the closeup.

Elizabeth the Queen Mother's Diamond Navette Flower Earrings are first seen in public on her in 1948,  Queen Camilla's diamond earrings Flower Design. Ascot 2024 - Diamond pendant earrings Queen of England - british royal jewel history - Monarchy, the Queen - royal jewels - royals
Elizabeth the Queen Mother’s Diamond Navette Flower Earrings |

Elizabeth the Queen Mother’s Diamond Navette Flower Earrings are first seen in public on her in 1948, on the occasion of Pamela Mountbatten’s wedding.

The Diamond Earrings are one of the favorite jewels of Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.

Not sure but probably also from the Greville legacy.

Queen Mary’s Turquoise and Diamond openwork Brooch -with small leaves| Wedding Gift in 1893 Royal Jewels History

Queen Mary's Turquoise and Diamond openwork with small leaves Brooch - Wedding Gift in 1893 Royal Jewels History
Queen Mary’s Turquoise and Diamond openwork Brooch, with small leaves – Wedding Gift in 1893 Royal Jewels History

Queen Mary’s Turquoise and Diamond openwork with small leaves Brooch – Wedding Gift in 1893 Royal Jewels History

Queen Elizabeth II | Confirmation Brooch Turquoise and Diamond Brooch gift of Queen Mary 1942|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland

Queen Elizabeth's Confirmation Brooch Turquoise and Diamond Brooch gift of Queen Mary 1942|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland State visit in Germany The brooch in question is in the shape of a flower and features turquoises and diamonds - Berlin 2023 - Camilla Queen Consort wore the confirmation brooch of Queen Elizabeth II.
State visit in Germany – Berlin 2023 – Camilla Queen Consort wore the confirmation brooch of Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II | Confirmation Brooch Turquoise and Diamond Brooch gift of Queen Mary 1942|Royal Jewels Great Britain and Ireland

Queen Mary's Teck Turquoise Tiara Queen Mary Turquoises -The three brooches had originally been a confirmation present in December 1850 to Queen Mary's mother.
Royal Wedding gifts
Es ist wahrscheinlich Teil ihres eigenen türkisfarbenen Hochzeitsgeschenks ihrer Eltern, des Herzogs und der Herzogin von Teck, das auch aus drei Broschen bestand, die ursprünglich im Dezember 1850 ein Konfirmationsgeschenk für die Mutter von Königin Mary gewesen waren. Die Größe und Form der Türkise ähneln der Spitze ihrer türkisfarbenen Tiara.
(später als Hochzeitsgeschenk für die Herzogin von Glouchester geändert).

Queen Mary’s Teck Turquoise Tiara |The three brooches of Queen Marys Turquoise Parure, had originally been a confirmation present in December 1850 to Queen Mary’s mother, the Duchess of Teck.

Queen Mary’s Turquoise Jewels, Turquoise Parure with Turquoise and Diamond Tiara Turquoise Brooches and Turquoise Necklace |Royal Jewel History

Queen Mary’s Turquoise and Diamond Brooch| Prince of Wales Royal Wedding Gift

Turquoise centre and diamond floral scroll brooch

Turquoise and diamond ornament brooch| Royal Wedding gift from the Prince and Princess of Wales to Princess Mary of Teck
Turquoise and diamond ornament brooch| Royal Wedding gift from the Prince and Princess of Wales to Princess Mary of Teck

Turquoise and diamond ornament brooch| Royal Wedding gift from the Prince and Princess of Wales to Princess Mary of Teck.

The jewel was a wedding gift in 1893 from Queen Mary’s in-laws, the Prince and Princess of Wales, later King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra.

The center of the ornament is a large round turquoise cabochon, surrounded from 14 diamonds.

Above on the left in the picture, Queen Mary wearing the Turquoise Diamond Cluster Brooch with a pendant, it looks like one of the  „chips“, the smaller parts  of the Cullinan Diamonds.

After her death, in 1953 the turquoise brooch, was inherited by her granddaughter, Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II, wore the Turquoise and Diamond Brooch three times, at least on 5th April in 2020 when she had addresses to the UK and Commonwealth in a special broadcast recorded at Windsor Castle.
More  History:

Queen Mary |Royal Wedding Gifts and Marriage Presents 

Queen Mary's Turquoise Brooch,wedding gift of the Prince of Wales. worn in 2024 Ascot - Queen Camilla - heirloom of the Queen, Queens brooches. She wore it with a pair of turquoise and diamond earrings, in horseshoe design, with double row of diamonds. royal ascot
Royal Ascot 2024- @gettyimages Turquoise centre and diamond floral scroll brooch

Queen Mary’s Turquoise Brooch, wedding gift of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Worn in 2024 Ascot – Queen Camilla – heirloom of the Queen.

She wore it with a pair of turquoise and diamond earrings, in horseshoe design, with double row of diamonds.