A magnificent crown of large diamonds
Princess Aglaë Margarete Tatiana Mary of Baden, the niece of Margrave Max of Baden married in the summer of 2019, in Amorbach, Mr Wolf of Trotha.
The bride wore a Fleur de Lys diadem and the bridal gown of her mother, the Austrian Princess Marianne von Auersperg-Breunner, from 1967, when she married Prince Ludwig of Baden, the Margrave’s brother. The 200-year-old bridal veil also comes from Auersperg-Breunner’s estate.
The diadem is a surprise from the treassures of the Baden family, because it is probably the wedding present of the Emperor Franz-Joseph of Austria, from 1900, when the then Princess Marie – Luise of Hanover, Prince Max of Baden (Prince Maximilian Alexander Friedrich Wilhelm of Baden * 10 July 1867 † 6 November 1929, 1918 was the last Chancellor of the German Empire and the last heir to the throne of the Grand Duchy of Baden), married.
From the press at that time is to be read:
Gmunden Austria, July 1900. The wedding gifts, received from Princess Marie Luise, were displayed in a small salon of Cumberland Castle on long, white-covered tables for inspection.
„Emperor Franz Joseph had sent a magnificent crown of large diamonds“ …. nothing was known, about it, for a long time.
Princess Marie-Luise, although often wore two large Fleur de Lys brooches studded with large diamonds, on her dress, as can be seen above in the picture, but the matching crown, was never seen in public.
Now a descendant of her, has solved the mystery, the tiara in the form of a diamond crown of five Fleur de Lys lilies, is still in the family, and property of the house Baden and will hopefully be seen more often now as tiara.
The court jeweler of Emperor Franz Joseph was most A.E Köchert , in this time, but also court jeweler Biedermann.
For me it looks like for another A.E. Köchert diamond tiara.
Royal Jewel History :
The wedding gift of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria | Royale and Imperial Gifts Princess Marie Louis Duchess of Cumberland Margravine of Baden
Prinzessin Aglaë von Baden | Royale Hochzeit Kö|Diamant Fleur de Lys Braut Diadem
Königliche Juwelen und Schmuck der Markgräfin von Baden |Geschichte und Historie
Royale und Imperial Geschenke zur Hochzeit | Mitgift der Prinzessin Marie Louise von Hannover Herzogin von Cumberland, Herzogin von Braunschweig Lüneburg
Princess Marie Louise|Baden Hanover Cumberland |Royal Wedding Gifts Imperial Marriage Presents|Diamond Tiara Diadem Brooch
Royale and Imperial Gifts Princess Marie Louis Duchess of Cumberland Margravine of Baden| Historic Royal Jewelry
Prinzessin Marie Louise von Hannover Herzogin von Cumberland Markgräfin von Baden |Diamant Halsband Choker| Hochzeitsgeschenk Köchert Wien
Tiara Diadem aus den preussischen Diamanten | Baden Germany |Royal Jewel History
Garland Diamant Diadem der Großherzogin Marie Luise von Baden | Royal Jewel History
Juwelen der Grossherzogin von Baden| Historie| Königliche Juwelen
Großherzogin Hilda von Baden Diamant Schmuck| Devante de Corsage, Brosche |Diamant Stomacher
Imperial Diadem der Grossherzogin von Baden, Stephanie de Beauharnais| Royal Imperial Jewel History
Palmetten Diamant Tiara der Großherzogin Luise von Baden
Prinzessin Thyra von Dänemark |Kronprinzessin von Hannover | Herzogin von Cumberland | Royale Hochzeit Schmuck Geschenke
Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts
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