Royal & Imperial Sapphires |Saphir Historische Safire

Royal Jewels - Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires
Royal Jewels – Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires||Habsburg Saphir Parure und Diadem| Hochzeitsgeschenk des Kaisers Franz an seine Tochter Marie-Louise

Royal & Imperial Sapphires | Jewels Jewelry | Saphir Schmuck Historische Safire

Jewel history in the older part of the Royal Magazin, with some updates:

Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Imperial Austrian Bourbon Piacenza TiaraRoyal Jewels - Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires
Marie-Louise of Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Imperial Austrian Bourbon Piacenza Tiara Royal Jewels – Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires

Sapphire Parure of the Marie-Louise Empress of France, Archduchess of Austria | Imperial Habsburg

Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Empress Marie Louise Sapphires

Saphir Schmuck der Kaiserin Marie-Louise | Sapphire Parure of the Marie-Louise Empress of France

Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Imperial Austrian Bourbon Piacenza TiaraRoyal Jewels - Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires
Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Imperial Austrian Bourbon Piacenza TiaraRoyal Jewels – Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires

Sapphire Parure for the Imperial and Royal Court | Chaumet:

Lanckoronski sapphires stomacher

Lanckoronski Sapphires brooch

Lanckoronski Sapphires tiara and necklace

Frankreich | France Saphires joyaux de Couronne |


Les saphirs de la famille d’Orléans

 Empress Josephine’s Sapphire Parure

Sapphire Diamant Parure Crown Jewels of France


Bonaparte Sapphires Jewelery | Mellerio

Sapphire and Diamond Parure of Princess Eugenie of Greece

Sapphires Brooch Mellerio | Royal Jewels | Princess Bonaparte

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