Princess Katharina Bagration pictured with a large cluster and diamond shoulder brooch, in the size of the center stone – in the spinel diamond comb of her spinel and diamond parure.
Probably she could change the stones and the spinel are wearable as single brooch.
Spinel & Diamond Bagration Parure the video:
Princess Catherine Bagration-Skavronskaya| Bagration Spinel Diamond Parure
Die Bagration Parure | The amazing Bagration Parure Duchess of Westminster | Royal Jewel History

Bagration Spinell Diamant Parure Hochzeitsgeschenk an die damals zukünftige Herzogin von Westminster
Bagration Spinell Diamond Parure| Royal Imperial Jewel History

Princess Bagration Diamond and Spinell Tiara Necklace Comp and Brooch I

Wedding Gift to the Duchess of Westminster | Spinell diamond Diadem, Spinell Diamond Earpendants, Spinell diamond Necklace, Spinell Diamond Comb