Archiv der Kategorie: Dänemark | Denmark

Denmark danish Dänemark history Royal Jewellery & Aristocratic Jewels antique jewellery historian Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Gluecksburg Gottorp, dronning Margrethe, queen Margrethe, house of glücksburg, princessemarie princessmary detdanskekongehus danimarca Dronningen danishroyalfamily danishroyals danishroyalty denmark danmark crownprincess royal royals roaylty queen of denmark, queen margrete Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg Maria Georgijewna Romanowa

Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna | Romanov Sapphire Cabochon Brooch with four Diamonds

Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna | Romanov Sapphire Cabochon Brooch with four Diamonds
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna | Romanov Sapphire Cabochon Brooch with four Diamonds

über Königlichen Schmuck und deren Geschichte!

Als ich 2016 die ersten Bilder der Herzogin von Kent entdeckte und die erste Magazinseite entstand, wusste ich noch nicht, dass es sich um eine der wichtigen Schmuckstücke der Liste aus dem Verkauf der Romanov Juwelen von Zarinwitwe Maria Alexandrovna handelt.
1928, wurden sie nach einer Schätzung  des Juweliers Hennell London von ihrer Tochter Grossfürstin Xenia, zum Verkauf angeboten.  Es war eines der kostbaren Juwelenbroschen von Maria Feodorovna, der privaten Romanov Juwelen, keine Kronjuwelen. Ein weiters Schmuck-Rätsel ist gelöst.

When I discovered the first pictures of the Duchess of Kent in 2016 and the first magazine page was created, I did not yet know that this was one of the important jewels on the list from the sale of the Romanov jewels by Dowager Empress Maria Alexandrovna.
In 1928, according to an estimate by the jeweller Hennell London, they were offered for sale by their daughter Grand Duchess Xenia. It was one of the precious jewel brooches of Maria Feodorovna, the private Romanov jewels, not crown jewels. Another jewelry puzzle is solved.

More about the history of the famous brooch of the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna | Romanov Sapphire Cabochon Brooch with four Diamonds

later owned by the Duchesses of Kent:

Romanov Jewels|Russian Sapphire Cabochon Diamond Brooch| Duchess of Kent

Princess Thyra’s Diamond Choker Tiara|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts

Crown Princess Thyra's Diamond Choker Tiara Hannover , Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts koechert diamond choker royal jewel history jewellery Braunschweig Guelph Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts
Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland |Choker Collier de Chien Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts
 Glittering Wedding gifts to Thyra Duchess of Cumberland in 1878 – is there a secret about her diamond choker?
Is it a gift of the Emperor of Austria – or was it presented from her royal family….
Princess Thyra of Denmark|Crown Princess of Hanover| Duchess of Cumberland | Royal Wedding Imperial Marriage Gifts

Prinzessin Thyra | Brautgeschenke für die Herzogin von Cumberland | 1878 Welfenhochzeit

Eine dänische Prinzessin  heiratete 1878 den Sohn des letzten Königs von Hannover.

Als Kronprinzessin von Hannover  und Herzogin von Cumberland erhielt sie zahlreiche Geschenke zur Hochzeit Schmuck, Juwelen ..

Prinzessin Thyra von Dänemark |Kronprinzessin von Hannover | Herzogin von Cumberland | Royale Hochzeit Schmuck Geschenke
Prinzessin Thyra |Kronprinzessin von Hannover | Herzogin von Cumberland | Royale Hochzeit Schmuck Geschenke
Prinzessin Thyra |Kronprinzessin von Hannover | Herzogin von Cumberland | Royale Hochzeit Schmuck Geschenke

Royal Shamrock Diamond Tiara | Princess Olga of Hanover Clover leaf Trefoils Shamrock Kleeblatt Strawberry leaf Tiara Coronet Diadem
Royal Shamrock Diamond Tiara | Princess Olga of Hanover Clover leaf Trefoils Shamrock Kleeblatt Strawberry leaf Tiara Coronet Diadem
Royal Shamrock Diamond Tiara | Ducal Coronet of Princess Olga of Hanover

This diamond shamrock tiara was onced owned by the Princess Olga of Hanover and Cumberland, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg>>

Pictured on the right side is Ortrud Princess zu Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, nee' Isenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz
Royal Shamrock Diamond Tiara | Ducal Coronet of Princess Olga of Hanover
This diamond shamrock tiara was onced owned by the Princess Olga of Hanover and Cumberland, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg>>

Pictured on the right side is Ortrud Princess zu Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, nee‘ Isenburg-Büdingen-Meerholz
Shamrock Diamond Tiara | Ducal Coronet of Princess Olga of Hanover
Olga Prinzessin von Hannover | Kleeblatt Diamant Diadem – Ducal Coronet
Isabella Prinzessin von Hannover | Hochzeits – Diadem – Coronet| Fragment der Herzoginkrone von Friederike Herzogin von Cumberland

Isabella Prinzessin von Hannover | Diamant Kleeblatt Hochzeits – Diadem – Coronet

The Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg Fringe Tiara |Princess Benedikte

The Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg Fringe Tiara

Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg Fringe Tiara |Diamond Diadem | Fürstin Madeleine |Prinzessin Benedikte The Sayn Wittgenstein Fring Tiara , Kokoshnik  Princess Benedikte of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg's Fringe Tiara  Kreuter Tiara, Kreuter Koch tiara
Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg Fringe Tiara Diamond Diadem | Fürstin Madeleine Prinzessin Benedikte

Sunray Diamond Kokoshnik of Princess Benedikte of Denmark>>

From hidden Treasures & History of Royal Jewels | The story of important jewellery the Princely House of Sayn-Wittgenstein Berleburg

Schmuck und die Geschichte  | die Historie von:

Diamant Diadem der Fürstin von Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg>>









