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Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaievna of Russia, Queen of Wuerttemberg | Royal Imperial Jewel History


Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaievna of Russia, Queen of Wurttemberg Famous Pearls - Pearl Tiara Royal Wuertemberg - Romanov
Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaievna of Russia, Queen of Wurttemberg
Famous Pearls

Magnificent pearls and large pearl strings, choker, pearl cascades at the corsage and her Pearl-Diamond Tiara owned the Queen of Wuertemberg,

Perlen und Perlenschmuck der Königin von Württemberg Grossfürstin Olga Nikolajewna

Gold Geschenk des Zaren an seine Tochter Olga Königin von Württemberg |

Imperial buckle of gold with gems of the Queen Wuerttemberg

More Famous Pearls:

Marie Princess of Leuchtenberg Beauharnais, daughter of emperor Nicolas I.

Queen Victoria’s Turquoise Sévignés | Royal Jewels

The story of Queen Victoria’s private royal jewels:

Queen Victoria’s Turquoise Sévignés | Royal Jewels

Below the jeweled linked hands of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert is typical of the type of ‚love-token‘ painting created at this time, especially of the Royal pair.  The Queen wore a ring with an oval tourquoise and an bangle setted with round tourquoises.

Queen Victoria's Turquoise Sévignés | Royal Jewels | Love Token
Queen Victoria’s Turquoise Sévignés | Royal Jewels | Love Token



Wedding Jewels and Fountain Tiara of Hilda Armada y Falco | Diadema conde de Güemes more about the jewel history:





Fountains – Art Deco Diamond Tiara | Cartier | Feathers Diamond on Top


FABERGÉ – The tsar’s jeweller and the connections to the Danish royal family | Exhibition

At the royal castle Koldinghus, on Thursday, 12 May,  Denmark opens a special exhibition.

This is the first time, the Fabergé objects belonging to the Danish royal family have been on display side by side in a single exhibition.

World-renowned jeweller’s art from the Danish royal family’s private homes on display at the royal castle Koldinghus.

 'FABERGÉ - Juwelier der Zaren und die Verbindungen zur dänischen Königsfamilie

‚FABERGÉ – Juwelier der Zaren und die Verbindungen zur dänischen Königsfamilie
’FABERGÉ – The tsar’s jeweller and the connections to the Danish royal family

Carl Fabergé (1846-1920) was court jeweller to the Russian tsar and best known for the extravagant, diamond-encrusted Easter eggs he created for the tsar and his family from 1885 until the Russian revolution in 1917.
Fabergé’s first imperial egg was inspired by an older gold egg, a gift from the Russian tsar to his Danish-born wife, Empress Dagmar.

The exhibition at Koldinghus presents 100 items borrowed from members of the Danish royal family, who have inherited numerous Fabergé objects via their family ties to the Russian tsar. The exhibits include bejewelled eggs, letter openers and large champagne coolers but none of the imperial eggs. The exhibits have only rarely been put on public display, because they are in private ownership and are still used by the members of the Danish royal family.

One section of the exhibition are focuses on Fabergé’s jeweller’s art, featuring utilitarian objects and works of art, including little boxes, cigarette cases and pen trays decorated with precious and semi-precious gemstones and gold-mounted rubies and diamonds.

The second section presents large official works by Fabergé presented to members of the Danish royal family in connection with coronations, anniversaries or royal weddings. This includes a large gilt champagne cooler, a gold wedding anniversary for King Christian IX and Queen Louise in 1892, that was also in use a hundred years later at the silver wedding anniversary of Denmark’s current royal couple.

The third section focuses on close relations and private gifts, such as jewellery and picture frames. With a family photo, the frames made a highly personal gift for storing shared memories.

An introductory film and an animated genealogical table tells the story of the close personal ties between the two families, and visitors can mount their own portrait or a family photo in a Fabergé frame.

‚The exhibition is opened on Thursday, 12 May at 15:00 by H.R.H. Princess Benedikte with the attendance of H.H. Duchess Donata of Mecklenburg von Solodkoff and Mr. Alexander von Solodkoff, Count Ingolf and Countess Sussie and H.H. Princess Elisabeth.

The exhibits are kindly lent to the exhibition by H.M. Queen Margrethe II, H.R.H. Prince Henrik, H.R.H. Princess Benedikte,  H.M. Queen Anne-Marie, H.H. Princess Elisabeth, Count Ingolf and Countess Sussie of Rosenborg, Det Kongelige Løsørefideikommis, Den Kongelige Livgardes Officerskorps Fond, The Royal Danish Collection Amalienborg and Cartier Collection in Paris.

A catalogue with dual Danish and English text will be published in connection with the exhibition.

from 13 May – 25 September 2016

The Danish Royal Jewel Expert Bjarne Steen Jensen will held an lecture on 17th May!


‚FABERGÉ – Juwelier der Zaren und die Verbindungen zur dänischen Königsfamilie

Am Donnerstag, den 12. Mai 2016 öffnet in Dänemark’s Königsburg Koldinghus eine Fabergé Sonderausstellung. Die Fabergé-Objekte der dänische Königsfamilie sind zum ersten Mal in einer Einzelaustellung zu sehen.

Carl Fabergé (1846-1920) war Hofjuwelier der russischen Zaren und am besten bekannt für die extravaganten, mit Diamanten besetzte Ostereier die er für den Zaren und seine Familie von 1885 bis zu der russischen Revolution im Jahre 1917 geschaffen hat.
Fabergés erste kaiserliches Ei wurde von einem älteren Gold-Ei inspiriert, ein Geschenk des russischen Zaren an seine in Dänemark geborene Frau, Kaiserin Dagmar.

Die Ausstellung im Koldinghus präsentiert 100 Objekte, alle von Mitgliedern der dänischen Königsfamilie ausgeliehen, die, die zahlreichen Fabergé-Objekte über ihre Familienbande zum russischen Zaren geerbt haben.
Zu den Exponaten gehören mit Juwelen besetzte Eier, Brieföffner und großen Champagnerkühler, aber keines der Kaiserlichen Eier.
Weil sich die Exponate hauptsächlich im Privatbesitz befinden, werden sie immer noch von den Mitgliedern der dänischen Königsfamilie verwendet und deshalb selten verliehen und ausgestellt.

Aus der Fabergé Werkstatt, kamen vielerlei Arten von Objekte, neben den berühmten Ostereier.

Fabergés Zeitgeschmack und seinem Sinn fürs Detail, seinen Ideenreichtum und seine genialen Kreativität, war er in der Lage, königliche und kaiserliche Wohnzimmer in prächtige Schatztruhen zu verwandeln.
Feuerzeuge der Natur nachempfunden, Ornamente wie  winzige Hirschhufe und Bänder aus Diamanten und Rubinen, während Bilderrahmen für Familienfotos mit Silber und Gold mit Laub und bunten Emailwerk geschmückt waren.
Die Ausstellung gliedert sich in drei Abschnitte. Man konzentriert sich auf Fabergé Juwelierkunst, aus Gebrauchsgegenstände und Kunstwerke, darunter kleine Schachteln, Zigarettenetuis und Federschalen verziert mit Edelsteinen und Halbedelsteinen und Gold gefassten Rubinen und Diamanten.

Der zweite Teil stellt große offizielle Werke von Fabergé an die Mitglieder der dänischen Königsfamilie – im Zusammenhang präsentiert mit Krönungen, Jubiläen oder königliche Hochzeiten. Dazu gehören ein großer vergoldeter Champagner-Kühler, eine  Geschenk zum Goldenen Hochzeitstag von König Christian IX und Königin Luise im Jahre 1892, der auch hundert Jahre später bei der Silberhochzeit von Dänemarks aktuellen Königspaar in Gebrauch war.

Der dritte Abschnitt konzentriert sich auf enge Beziehungen und private Geschenke, wie Schmuck und Bilderrahmen.
Ein Einführungsfilm und eine animierte Ahnentafel erzählt die Geschichte der engen persönlichen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Familien, und die Besucher können ihre eigenen Porträt oder eine Familie Foto in einem Fabergé Rahmen montieren.

Die Ausstellung wird am Donnerstag  den 12. Mai 2016 um 15:00 Uhr von H.R.H. Prinzessin Benedikte eröffnet, in  Anwesenheit von H. H. Herzogin Donata von Mecklenburg von Solodkoff und Herr Alexander von Solodkoff, Graf Ingolf und Gräfin Sussie und H.H. Prinzessin Elisabeth.

Die Exponate  zur Ausstellung wurden von Königin Margrethe II, H.R.H. Prinz Henrik, H.R.H. Prinzessin Benedikte, H. M. Queen Anne-Marie, H.H. Prinzessin Elisabeth Graf Ingolf und Gräfin Sussie von Rosenborg, Det Kongelige Løsørefideikommis, Den Kongelige Livgardes Officerskorps Fond, The Royal Danish Sammlung Amalien und Cartier-Sammlung in Paris, ausgeliehen.

Ein Katalog mit dänischen und englischen Text wird in Zusammenhang mit der Ausstellung veröffentlicht. Dauer der Ausstellung 13. Mai – 25. September 2016

Hochzeit im Königshaus Württemberg & Bulgarien | Royal Wedding | Princess Nadejda of Bulgaria

Hochzeit Königshäuser Württemberg Bulgarien Princess Nadejda, Princess Nadejda of Bulgaria Wedding, Princess Nadejda of Bulgaria A Tsar’s Treasure daughter of Ferdinand of Bulgaria
Hochzeit Königshäuser Württemberg Bulgarien
Royal Wedding of Princess Nadejda of Bulgaria and Duke Albrecht Eugen of Württemberg

Zwei Königskinder – zweier Königsfamilien heirateten 1924 in Bad Mergentheim. Die Braut, Princessin Nadeshda (Princess Nadejda of Bulgaria), wurde von der Großmutter des Bräutigams, Herzogin Maria Theresia und ihrer Schwester der Prinzessin Eudoxie von Bulgarien und der Bräutigam von seinem Vater Herzog Albrecht von Würtemberg und dem ehemaligen Zaren Ferdinand von Bulgarien dem Vater der Braut, zum Altar geführt.
Unter den Gästen befanden sich die Geschwister des Bräutigams Herzog Philipp Albrecht und Herzogin Marie Margarete, ferner Herzog und Herzogin Robert sowie Herzog Ulrich von Württemberg. Kyrill von Bulgarien der Bruder der Braut und Prinz und Prinzessin Johann Georg von Sachsen, der Herzog von Coburg mit Tochter und die Familien der Häuser Hohenlohe und Leiningen.
Die Prinzessin Nadeshda trug Familienschmuck, der vorher ihrer Grossmutter der Prinzessin von Frankreich,  Herzogin Clementine von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha gehörte. Mehr zu der Geschichte und der Historie von den Juwelen und Schmuck>>

Princess Nadejda of Bulgaria Wedding

Royal Wedding of two royal families in 1924 in Bad Mergentheim. The bride Princess Nadejda of Bulgaria, was led by the grandmother of the groom, Duchess Maria Theresia and her sister Princess Eudoxie of Bulgaria and the groom from his father Duke Albrecht of Wurtemberg and the Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria, to the altar.
Among the guests were the sisters of the bridegroom Duke Philipp Albrecht and Duchess Marie Margarete, also Duke and Duchess Robert and Duke Ulrich of Württemberg. Kyrill of Bulgaria the bride’s brother and Prince and Princess Johann Georg of Saxony, the Duke of Coburg with daughter and the families of the homes Hohenlohe and Leiningen.
The princess wore family jewelry that belonged to her grandmother Princess of France, Duchess Clementine of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha >>

Princess of France | Duchess Clementine of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha | French Crown Jewels

Princess Clementine of Orleans, Duchess August of Saxe-Coburg-and-Gotha, was the joungest daughter of Louis-Philippe, King of the French
Princess Clementine of Orleans, Duchess August of Saxe-Coburg-and-Gotha, was the joungest daughter of Louis-Philippe, King of the French

Diamants, Perles et Pierreries provenant de la Collection des Joyaux de la Couronne

>>Princess Clementine of Orleans | Brooches Brilliants & Pearls | Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha| French Crown Jewels  more about the Jewel History

>>Schmuck Der Prinzessin von Frankreich, Clementine Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha Die Perlen Brosche aus den fränzösichen Kronjuwelen – Mehr über die Geschichte



Carved Ruby,Gold and Diamond Brooch | Andrew Grima |Gift from the Duke of Edinburgh | Queen Elizabeth II. Diamonds Queens Jewels

Carved Ruby, Gold and Diamond Brooch | Grima |Gift from the Duke of Edinburgh
Carved Ruby, Gold and Diamond Brooch | Grima |Gift from the Duke of Edinburgh

Carved Ruby,Gold and Diamond Brooch | Andrew Grima |Gift from the Duke of Edinburgh | Queen Elizabeth II. Diamonds Queens Jewels


Exhibition opens today  at the Palace of Holyroodhouse on Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th birthday

 This brooch will be on display at the first of three special exhibitions, Fashioning a Reign: 90 Years of Style from The Queen’s Wardrobe, opens today (Thursday, 21 April) at the Palace of Holyroodhouse on the 90th birthday of Her Majesty The Queen.

The group of outfits, which chart Her Majesty’s life and reign from childhood to the present day, and represent family, official and ceremonial occasions, is the largest display of The Queen’s dress ever shown in Scotland.

For public appearances during childhood, Princess Elizabeth and her sister Princess Margaret often wore formal dress, such as the pink, princess-line coats and matching bonnets in the exhibition.  These outfits were worn by the Princesses, aged nine and five respectively, for a Service of Thanksgiving for the Silver Jubilee of their grandparents, King George V and Queen Mary, at St Paul’s Cathedral on 6 May 1935. Princess Elizabeth also wore the coat for an official visit to the Palace of Holyroodhouse with their parents King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937.

The largest exhibition of The Queen’s dress and accessories ever shown in Scotland,  at the Palace of Holyroodhouse will be followed by exhibitions at the Summer Opening of the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace from 23 July 2016 and at Windsor Castle from 17 September 2016.  In total, around 150 outfits worn by The Queen will be presented across the three Palaces, many chosen because of their close association with the location>>.


Greville Ivy Leaf Clips Brooches Royal Gifts for Princess Elizabeth| The Birthday Present

Queen of England Personal Jewels

the history of her  :

Royal Birthday gift | jewel presents | Queen Elizabeth II Jewels
Royal Birthday gift | jewel presents | Queen Elizabeth II Jewels

The Sapphire and Diamond 18th Birthday Bracelet |Princess birthday gifts 

Greville Ivy Leaf Clips Brooch | Princess Birthday Gift

 earlier owned and worne by Queen Mother Elizabeth, the

Duchess of York | Art deco leaf brooch with Sapphire, diamond, emerald, amethyst and ruby | Princess Birthday Gift


This photograph has been released to mark Accession Day 2022: the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty’s reign and the start of her Platinum Jubilee year.

Her Majesty is seen with one of her famous red boxes. Over the past 70 years, The Queen has received daily papers from her Private Secretaries, in person or via a red despatch box. The boxes hold documents updating Her Majesty on events in Parliament as well as overseas and Commonwealth matters, and State papers requiring her signature and Royal assent.

This photograph has been released to mark Accession Day 2022: the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty’s reign and the start of her Platinum Jubilee year.

Her Majesty is seen with one of her famous red boxes. Over the past 70 years, The Queen has received daily papers from her Private Secretaries, in person or via a red despatch box. The boxes hold documents updating Her Majesty on events in Parliament as well as overseas and Commonwealth matters, and State papers requiring her signature and Royal assent.

The Queen is wearing two diamond ivy leaf clips, which were a gift from The Queen Mother for the then Princess Elizabeth’s 21st birthday.
This photograph has been released to mark Accession Day 2022 the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty’s reign and the start of her Platinum Jubilee year.
The Queen is wearing two diamond ivy leaf clips, which were a gift from The Queen Mother for the then Princess Elizabeth’s 21st birthday.@chrisjacksongetty

The Queen is wearing two diamond ivy leaf clips, which were a gift from The Queen Mother for the then Princess Elizabeth’s 21st birthday.

The clips were made for Mrs. Greville by Cartier – one in 1930 and the other in 1937. They were bequeathed to The Queen Mother in 1942 and given to The Queen as a 21st birthday present by her parents.

Greville Ivy Leaf Clips Brooches Cartier |Royal Jewel History Queen Elizabeth II|Princess Birthday Gift

Diamond Spray Brooch from the Royal staffs in England | Princess 21st Birthday Gift

Diamond Spray Brooch from the Royal staffs in England | Princess 21st Birthday Gift
Diamond Spray Brooch from the Royal staffs in England | Princess 21st Birthday Gift

Queen of England Personal Jewels

Royal Gifts for Princess Elizabeth | The Birthday Presents….More about the jewel history: Designed as a spray of a wildrose as brooch

Diamond Spray Brooch from the Royal staffs in England | Princess 21st Birthday Gift>>

Graving Dock Diamond Brooch | Gift from the South African Railways and Harbour Administration| Royal Jewels History

Graving Dock Diamond Brooch | Gift from the South African Railways and Harbour Administration
above – on the Graving Dock Diamond Brooch | Gift from the South African Railways and Harbour Administration Queen’s Personal Jewels

To honour the Queen’s 90th birthday I had add some new websites about her personal jewels. Which Queen Elizabeth got as present or gift to her 18th and 21th birthday and between:

Graving Dock Diamond Brooch | Gift from the South African Railways and Harbour Administration >>

While the Royal Family was on tour in South Africa, the South African Railways and Harbour Administration presented a gift to Princess Elizabeth after she opened the then new East London Graving dock on 3 March 1947. 
The present was "five large diamonds from Government mines on the Orange River, flawless stones exquisitely cut" (two half-moon and three emerald-cut diamonds), valued at £3700 for mounting in a bar brooch. See the picture above for the brooch and the casket on display. 
At first in the newspapers was reported to build a bracelet or bangle with the diamonds.
The brooch with two half-moon and three emerald-cut diamonds valued at £3700 for mounting in a bar brooch. See the picture above for the brooch and the casket on display.
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Bar Brooch - first seen in 2019 worn, later worn by Queen Camilla in 2023, Queen Elizabeth's Bar Brooches
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Bar Brooch first seen when she met the High Commissioner of Grenada at Buckingham Palace, October 2019