Archiv der Kategorie: Royal Jewellery | Royal Jewels

Royal Jewels, royal jewel, royals, royalty

Marie Sophie of Wittelsbach Duchess in Bavaria Royal Wedding|Queen of Naples Two Sicilies Jewelry Presents|Royal Bourbon Marriage Gift Jewelry Presents|Royal Italy Marriage Gift

The story of the sister of Empress Sisi of Austria,

 Marie Sophie of Wittelsbach Duchess in Bavaria Royal Wedding|Queen of Naples Two Sicilies Jewelry Presents|Royal Bourbon Marriage Gift Jewelry Presents|Royal Italy Marriage Gift
Marie Sophie von Wittelsbach Herzogin in Bayern, Königliche Hochzeit|Königin Marie von Neapel-Sizilien Juwelen und Schmuck|Royal Bourbon Marriage Gift Jewelry Presents|Royal Italy Marriage Gift  Marie Sophie, wearing a brocade dress with a long white velvet train, adorned with lace and a crown of diamonds holding her veil,italian royal tiaras
Marie Sophie von Wittelsbach Herzogin in Bayern, Königliche Hochzeit|Königin Marie von Neapel-Sizilien Juwelen und Schmuck|Royal Bourbon Marriage Gift Jewelry Presents|Royal Italy Marriage Gift

Die standesamtliche Trauung findet am 9. Januar 1859 in München statt, wobei Prinz Luitpold von Bayern, der spätere Regent, den Bräutigam vertritt.

Die kirchliche Vermählung in proxi, wurde um 20 Uhr abends in der Kapelle des königlichen Schlosses in München gefeiert. Prinz Luitpold, der Bruder von König Maximilian, vertrat den Bräutigam.

Auch diesmal war die Liturgie komplex und mühsam. Während die Menschen auf dem Platz vor der Kirche das Ereignis mit Musik, Gesang und Fackelumzügen feierten, schritt Herzogin Marie Sophie in einem Brokatkleid mit langer weißer Samt-Schleppe, verziert mit Spitze und einer Diamantkrone, die ihren Schleier hält, zum Altar am Arm ihres Bruders Ludwig.

Am 13. Januar 1859 fuhr Maria mit dem Zug über Leipzig und Prag nach Wien – wo sie bei ihrer Schwester Kaiserin Elisabeth übernachtete – und weiter nach Triest, mit der Jacht Le Fulminant wird sie nach Bari gebracht. Dort wurde sie von ihrem Schwiegervater König Ferdinand II. empfangen, der bereits schwer erkrankt ist.

Wie auch vom Herzog von Kalabrien, seine neun Halbgeschwister und Königin Maria Theresia, die zweite Frau des Königs, die die Familie, einschließlich des Kronprinzen, ihren Stiefsohn, mit Autorität führt und seine ultrakonservativen Ideen durchsetzt.

Der Herzog von Kalabrien ist ein unbedeutender junger Mann, der sich nur für Werke der Frömmigkeit und besonders für das Leben der Heiligen interessiert und kein Deutsch spricht, während seine bayerische Verlobte kein Italienisch spricht. Da er an Phimose leidet, kann er seine Ehe nicht vollziehen. Das ungleiche Paar versteht sich von Anfang an nicht besonders gut und die junge Frau, mit einer eher komplizierten Familie, ist gelangweilt.

Herzogin Marie sehr unzufrieden mit ihrem Eheleben (die Ehe wurde nicht vollzogen) kommt, wie ihre Schwester, die Kaiserin, die ebenso unglücklich ist wie sie, so oft wie möglich nach Possenhofen, um die Atmosphäre und das Miteinander ihrer verlorenen Kindheit so gut wie möglich wiederherzustellen. Herzog Max wird dieser Klagen bald überdrüssig und schickt seine Prinzessinnen zurück zu ihren Männern. Herzogin Ludovica vertraute er an, dass, auch wenn ihre Schwiegersöhne nicht perfekt waren, ihre Töchter keine leichten Ehefrauen sind. Zu romantisch, zu frei, fiel es diesen jungen Frauen der damaligen Zeit schwer, sich einer Welt anzupassen, in der Etikette und Bildung an erster Stelle standen.

Marie verliebt sich in einen jungen Päpstlichen Zuaven, von dem man lange glaubte, er sei ein junger belgischer Aristokrat (als er noch Franzose war), Emmanuel de Lavaysse, mit dem sie bald schwanger ist. Ihre Familie versteckt sie in einem Kloster in Augsburg, hier bringt Sie diskret ein kleines Mädchen, Daisy de Lavaysse, zur Welt.

Felix Emmanuel de Lavaysse, einem Offizier der Päpstlichen Garde, der von Papst Pius IX. zum Ehrenritter der Königin ernannt worden war. Er war ihre einzige und große Liebe. Seine Schwester Mathilde war seine Komplizin und Vertraute gewesen.

Von ihrer leiblichen Tochter, Daisy de Lavaysse, ist neuerdings bekannt, dass sie vor allem in der Familie väterlicherseits im Südwesten Frankreichs aufgewachsen ist. In Verbindung mit der Familie des Comte de Gineste dans le Tarn, hielt sich das verborgene Kind lange auf dem Schloss von Garrevaques bei Revel auf. Sie stirbt vor ihrer Mutter, als diese zum großen Erstaunen der Presse an der Beerdigung ihrer Tochter in Paris teilnimmt. Die Ururenkelin des Grafen von Gineste, enthüllte die wahre Identität von Daisy und dass die Königin von Neapel ihre Beziehung zu diesem verborgenen Kind nie abgebrochen hatte.

Zum Dank hinterlässt, die Königin von Sizilien dem Kloster ein Kleid. Das Kleid der Königin ist Teil Bayerischen Landesausstellung 2021 „Götterdämmerung II – Die letzten Monarchen“ in Regensburg.

Marie Sophie of Wittelsbach Duchess in Bavaria Royal Wedding|Queen of Naples Two Sicilies Jewelry Presents|Royal Bourbon Marriage Gift Jewelry Presents|Royal Italy Marriage Gift

Marie Sophie von Wittelsbach Herzogin in Bayern, Königliche Hochzeit|Königin Marie von Neapel-Sizilien Juwelen und Schmuck|Royal Bourbon Marriage Gift Jewelry Presents|Royal Italy Marriage Gift

Ribbon and Bow diamond Pearl brooches and Bracelet| Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Some wedding gifts are in the picture above from:

A diamond and scroll cluster bracelet from the Countess and two ladies of Fitzwilliam

A diamond watch from Alice de Rothschild – on a three ribbon bow, twelve diamonds between

Diamond Pearl Pendant – brooch stutted with large black pearls from Lord and Lady Rothschild

Town of Swansea diamond crescent brooch

Ribbon and Bow diamond Pearl brooches and Bracelet| Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Some wedding gifts are in the picture above from:

A diamond and scroll cluster bracelet from the Countess and two ladies of Fitzwilliam
A diamond watch from Alice de Rothschild - on a three ribbon bow, twelve diamonds between
Diamond Pearl Pendant - brooch stutted with large black pearls from Lord and Lady Rothschild

Town of Swansea diamond crescent brooch

A deputation from Swansea, consisting of the Ma
Ribbon and Bow diamond Pearl brooches and Bracelet| Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England
Some wedding gifts are in the picture above from:
A diamond and scroll cluster bracelet from the Countess and two ladies of Fitzwilliam
A diamond watch from Alice de Rothschild – on a three ribbon bow, twelve diamonds between
Diamond Pearl Pendant – brooch stutted with large black pearls from Lord and Lady Rothschild
Town of Swansea diamond crescent brooch

Caduceusbrooch with diamond and pearls |Duchess of Portland Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Caduceus diamond pearl brooch|Duchess of Portland Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Caduceus diamond pearl brooch|Duchess of Portland Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England   queenmaryweddinggifts  caduceusbrooches  portlandcaduceusbrooch  britishroyaljewels Caduceus
Caduceusbrooch | diamond pearl brooch|Duchess of Portland Present Royal Wedding Gifts| Royal Jewels Queen Mary England

Caduceusbrooch winged Hermes Stick of diamond rubies and pearls |Royal Wedding present the Prince and Princess of Wales, Duke-Duchess of York, Maud,Victoria of Wales|Hélène of Orléans Duchess Princess Helene of OrleansJewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

The royal wedding gift of the Prince of Wales, Alexandra the Princess of Wales, Mary the Duchess of York, Princess Maud of Wales, Princess Victoria of Wales

Caduceusbrooch Princess Helene of Orleans Brooch Caduceus winged Hermes Stick of diamond rubies and pearls |Royal Wedding present the Prince and Princess of Wales, Duke-Duchess of York, Maud,Victoria of Wales|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift Caudceus Brooch wingedbrooch
Brooch Caduceus winged Hermes Stick of diamond rubies and pearls |Royal Wedding present the Prince and Princess of Wales, Duke-Duchess of York, Maud,Victoria of Wales|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Brooch Caduceus winged Hermes Stick of diamond rubies and pearls |Royal Wedding present the Prince and Princess of Wales, Duke-Duchess of York, Maud, Victoria of Wales|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Brooch Crown of a large single diamond in the center and diamond setting|Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Important jewels from the wedding gift list: Baroness Nathaniel Rotschild

Princess Helene of Orleans Brooch Crown of a large single diamond in the center and diamond setting|Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d'Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift   Italian royal tiaras
Brooch Crown of a large single diamond in the center and diamond setting|Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift Baroness Nathaniel Rotschild

Brooch Crown of a large single diamond in the center and diamond setting|Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Fleur de Lys of diamonds| Giglio Royal head Ornament from the Ladies of Florence| Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Learn more about the imperial wedding gifts Princess Helene of Orleans

Princess Helene of Orleans Fleur de Lys of diamonds| Giglio lily,Bourbon lily,lilies,bourbon lilies, Royal head Ornament from the Ladies of Florence|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift This is not a Bourbon Lily - it's different. It is the sign of Florence - the Giglio.
Fleur de Lys of diamonds| Giglio Royal head Ornament from the Ladies of Florence|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Fleur de Lys of diamonds| Giglio Royal head Ornament from the Ladies of Florence|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

This is not a Bourbon Lily – it’s different. It is the sign of Florence – the Giglio.

Irene Duchess de Aoste | Fleur de Lys diamond Brooch – Royal Diamond Tiara Jewels

Fleur de Lys of diamonds| Giglio Royal head Ornament from the Ladies of Florence|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans  left to her daughter in law,  Duchess Irene of Aoste, nee Princess of Greece. She  wore the diamond fleur de lys brooch often, as well she lent it to her sister, Princess Helene of Greece, later the Queen Mother of Romania. 
After her death she left it to her sister, so it is worn by Queen Anna of Romania and now from Princess Margaretha of Romania.
Fleur de Lys of diamonds| Giglio Royal head Ornament from the Ladies of Florence|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans

Fleur de Lys of diamonds| Giglio Royal head Ornament from the Ladies of Florence to Hélène of Orléans, Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans left to her daughter-in-law, Duchess Irene of Aoste, née Princess of Greece. She wore the diamond fleur de lys brooch often, as well she lent it to her sister, Princess Helene of Greece, later the Queen Mother of Romania.

Aosta Tiara- Ireni Duchess de Aoste | Royal Diamond Tiara Jewels

this tiara which was auctioned in 1979 was the gift of Queen Victoria to her eldest daughter, the Princess Royal, upon her marriage to Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia in 1858

Irene rini  Princess of Greece married in 1939 Duke Aimone di Savoia (1900-1948), Duke of Spoleto, 4th Duke of Aosta, later King Tomislav II of Croatia, member of the House of Savoy.

Above she wears a diamond tiara onced owned by her mother Sophie, the Queen of Greece, born a Princess of Prussia.

According to Christies, this tiara which was auctioned in 1979 was the gift of Queen Victoria to her eldest daughter, the Princess Royal, upon her marriage to Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia in 1858.

Ireni Duchess de Aoste | Royal Diamond Tiara Jewels

Irene (Irini) Princess of Greece married in 1939 Duke Aimone di Savoia (1900-1948), Duke of Spoleto, 4th Duke of Aosta, later King Tomislav II of Croatia, member of the House of Savoy.

Above she wears a diamond tiara onced owned by her mother Sophie, the Queen of Greece, born a Princess of Prussia.

According to Christies, this tiara which was auctioned in 1979 was the gift of Queen Victoria to her eldest daughter, the Princess Royal, upon her marriage to Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia in 1858.

royalhistory casasavoia aosta royalbiography  royalfamily italianroyalfamily queenvictoria
Ireni Duchess de Aoste | Royal Diamond Tiara Jewels Irene Princess of Greece married in 1939 Duke Aimone di Savoia , Duke of Spoleto, 4th Duke of Aosta

After her death she left it to her sister, so it is worn by Queen Anna of Romania and now from Princess Margaretha of Romania.

Necklace of diamonds and emeralds| Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Find out more about the royal imperial corbeille de mariage

Princess Helene of Orleans  Necklace of diamonds and emeralds| Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d'Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift Corbeille de mariage, cadeau
Princess Helene of Orleans
Necklace of diamonds and emeralds| Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Necklace of diamonds and emeralds| Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift


Above in the picture, we see Hélène Duchess of Aosta, wearing the necklace of diamonds and emeralds, as collier or part of it as hair ornament, presented from her father the Duke of Orleans, Count of Paris on the occassion of her marriage in 1895….find more items of her cadeau

Chaumet Aigrette Diadem HÉLÈNE D’ORLÉANS| DUCHESSE D’AOSTA| Royal Imperial Jewels History

 Italian royal tiaras Princess Helene of Orleans  Aigrette of diamonds and emeralds Diadem Chaumet|Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d'Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift
Italian royal tiaras: Princess Helene of Orleans Chaumet Aigrette Diadem Emeralds Bandeau HÉLÈNE D’ORLÉANS| DUCHESSE D’AOSTA| Royal Imperial Jewels History

More about the Royal Wedding gift:

Aigrette of diamonds and emeralds Diadem Chaumet|Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift


Above we see Hélène Duchess of Aosta, wearing her favorite collier de chien, a pearl necklace with small ornaments of diamonds with sapphire and rubies, the gift from the Duke of Chatres, is of 13 string of pearls.

Two-headed tsar’s eagle the Order of Saint Andrew all in Diamonds with a eight carat Diamond |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

From the list of Tobolsk:

6. Tsar’s diamond emblem with big diamonds 8 carats 22,000

Alexandra Fyodorovna’s Order of Saint Andrew all details, as the wings and the crown are setted in diamonds with an 8 carat diamond as center.

Two-headed tsar's eagle the Order of Saint Andrew all in Diamonds with a eight carat Diamond |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna
Two-headed tsar’s eagle the Order of Saint Andrew all in Diamonds with a eight carat Diamond |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

„For Faith and Loyalty“ an crowned black double-headed eagle bearing a St. Andrew’s Cross with St. Andrew crucified upon it; on the arms of the saltire were the Latin letters ‚SAPR‘ (‚St. Andrew, Patron of Russia‘) The Tsarina wore it as a pendant on the collar above.

Princess Kira Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany

Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland

Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Empress Auguste Victoria Prussia | Royal Jewels | Germany

Princess Kira Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany Clover leaf Trefoils Shamrock Kleeblatt
Princess Kira Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany Designed as Clover leaf Trefoils Shamrock Kleeblatt

Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Grand Duchess Kira wearing Empress Auguste Victoria of Prussia Royal Jewels | Germany

Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Großfürstin Kira mit den Juwelen der Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland

Grand Duchess Kira|Clover Sapphire Diamond Parure Sapphire Necklace Sapphire Brooch|Kaiserin Auguste Victoria von Preussen|Imperial Royal Hohenzollern-Prussia