Archiv der Kategorie: Royal Jewellery | Royal Jewels

Royal Jewels, royal jewel, royals, royalty

Clover Sapphire and Diamond Necklace Parure| Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria |Empress of Prussia

Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland

Shamrock Sapphire Diamond Necklace and Pendants | Empress Auguste Victoria Prussia | Royal Jewels | Germany

 Clovertiara Clover leaf Shamrock Trefoils Kleeblatt Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland Clovertiara Clover leaf Shamrock Trefoils
Saphir Diamant Halsband Saphiranhängern| Saphir Kleeblatt Saphir Collier mit ovalen Saphircabochons |Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Preussen | Königliche Juwelen| Deutschland Clovertiara Clover leaf Shamrock Trefoils
Die Geschichte zum königlichen Schmuck der Kaiserin….

Die Brosche mittig ist aus einem Cluster, des Colliers gefertigt und hat einen großen Cabochon.

Im Gegensatz zu der Brosche die von Kaiserin getragen wird und einen facettierten großen Saphir als Zentrum hat.

Ruby Jewels Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna | Duchess of Edinburgh | Fürstin Hohenlohe

Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna | Romanov Juwel und die Geschichte der Hochzeit in english | Duchess Edinburgh Saxe-Coburg The Imperial and Royal Wedding| Ruby Parure
Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna | Romanov Juwel und die Geschichte der Hochzeit in english | Duchess Edinburgh Saxe-Coburg The Imperial and Royal Wedding| Ruby Parure

Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrowna of Russia | Duchess of Edingburgh|Romanov I MPORTANT SUITE OF RUBY AND DIAMOND JEWELLERY

Fürstin Margarita zu Hohenlohe Langenburg, geb Prinzessin von Griechenland und Dänemark trug diese Garnitur noch in den 60er Jahren zu glanzvollen Events.
Fürstin Margarita, Princess of Greece and Denmark wearing the Romanov Ruby Parure

Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna | Romanov Juwel und die Geschichte der Hochzeit in english | Duchess Edinburgh Saxe-Coburg The Imperial and Royal Wedding| Ruby Parure

he Romanovs were believed to be superstitous about the blood-red colour of rubies, evidently Tsar Alexander II had none of these reservations. He gave this suite to his favourite child an only daughter, a monumental tiara in the form of stylized lotus flowers centred with the finest Burmes rubies, made by the court jewellers, Bolin. Part of a fairy tale rubin diamond suite More details in english:

Also part of the set is the magnificent russian ruby and diamond necklace, by Bolin. Designed as an alternating band of cushion-shaped rubies, old european and old mine-cut diamonds with diamond and pear-shaped ruby , all Burmese orgin,scrolled spacers on 46 cm.
Duchess of Edinburg|Romanov Rubine der Grossfürstin Marie Alexandrowna| Imperial Romanov Ruby Necklace, Ruby Tiara Ruby Brooches Jewellry

Die Rubin-Tiara von Bolin im Detail |Romanov Ruby Parure Jewellery |The Imperial Ruby-Tiara made by Bolin

Imperiale Collier mit Romanov Rubinen und Diamanten |Duchess of Edinburg|Saxe-Coburg-Gotha The magnificent Burmese Ruby Parure with the matching necklace Romanov

Die Sterne mit Romanov Rubine und Diamanten Imperial Jewels History|
Romanov Diamond Ruby Stars| Duchess of Edinburgh Duchess of Saxe-Coburg

Diamond and Ruby Stars Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrowna of Russia,

daughter of the Tsar Alexander II of Russia, married the Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and Saxe Coburg Gotha, son of Queen Victoria.
Diamond and Ruby Stars Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrowna of Russia,
daughter of the Tsar Alexander II of Russia, married the Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and Saxe Coburg Gotha, son of Queen Victoria.

Rubin Diamant Collier aus der Romanov Rubin Parure der Grossfürstin Marie Alexandrowna| Duchess of Edinburgh

Königliche Juwelen und Imperiale Schmuck Geschenke zur Hochzeit für Prinzessin Alexandra von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, Herzogin zu Sachsen| Fürstin Hohenlohe-Langenburg

Royal Wedding Gifts & Presents | Jewels of Alexandra Princess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha| Princess of Hohenlohe – Langenburg

Fürstenhaus Hohenlohe Royaler Schmuck und Juwelen | Royal Jewel History >>

Almandine Diamond Diadem Tiara |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Empress Alexandra's diamond diadem almandine tiara Almandine Diamond Diadem Tiara |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna
diademe Kreuter & Co Imperial Tiara - diademe Kreuter & Co
Empress Alexandra’s diamond diadem almandine tiara

Almandine Diamond Diadem Tiara |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

Pink Kunzit Diamond Diadem Tiara |Jewels Tobolsk| Imperial Personal property of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna

 the kunzit pink Topases diamond tiara romanov empress russia kreuter hanau workshop, romanov tiaras, topaz tiaras
The Kunzit diamond Tiara, pink Topazes diamond tiara

Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy | Duchess of Genoa | Egalantine Diamond Tiara Diadem

Königlicher Schmuck und Juwelen der Herzogin von Genua Prinzessin Adelaide von Savoy Genua| Hochzeit Vermählung

Prinzessin Adelaide von Savoyen Genua| Egalantine Diamant Blüten Tiara Diadem |Musy| Hochzeit Vermählung

Eglantine Diamond Tiara | Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy| Musy| Duchess of Genoa

 Italian royal tiaras: Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy | Duchess of Genoa | Egalantine Diamond Tiara Diadem, Hochzeit im Königshaus Wittelsbach Principessa Maria Adelaide Savoia Genova Principe Leoe Massimo Arsoli

Königlicher Schmuck und Juwelen der Herzogin von Genua Prinzessin Adelaide von Savoy Genua| Hochzeit Vermählung
Prinzessin Adelaide von Savoyen Genua| Egalantine Diamant Blüten Tiara Diadem |Musy| Hochzeit Vermählung
Eglantine Diamond Tiara | Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy| Musy| Duchess of Genoa
Italian royal tiaras: Principessa Maria Adelaide di Savoia Duchessa di Genova | Musy

Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy | Duchess of Genoa | Eglantine Diamond Tiara Diadem

Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy | Duchess of Genoa | Egalantine Diamond Tiara Diadem

Königlicher Schmuck und Juwelen der Herzogin von Genua Prinzessin Adelaide von Savoy Genua| Hochzeit Vermählung

 Italian royal tiaras: Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy | Duchess of Genoa | Eglantine Diamond Tiara Diadem
Königlicher Schmuck und Juwelen der Herzogin von Genua Prinzessin Adelaide von Savoy Genua| Hochzeit Vermählung
Prinzessin Adelaide von Savoyen Genua| Egalantine Diamant Blüten Tiara Diadem |Musy| Hochzeit Vermählung
Eglantine Diamond Tiara | Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy| Musy| Duchess of Genoa
Italian royal tiaras: Musy Diamond Tiara |Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy | Duchess of Genoa | Eglantine Diamond Tiara Diadem

Prinzessin Adelaide von Savoyen Genua| Egalantine Diamant Blüten Tiara Diadem |Musy| Hochzeit Vermählung

Eglantine Diamond Tiara | Princess Adelaide Genoa Savoy Arsoli | Royal Jewels of Italy| Musy| Duchess of Genoa

Diamond Tiara Archduchess Maria Immaculata of Austria | Royal Wedding Gifts | Jewels Wuerttemberg

Archduchess Maria Immakulata of Austria - Duchess of Württemberg, Herzogin von Wurttemberg, Pearls and Diamond Tiara Diadem Royal Tiaras History  Vienna 1900: An Imperial and Royal Collection
Archduchess Maria Immakulata of Austria – Duchess of Württemberg, Herzogin von Wurttemberg, Pearls and Diamond Tiara Diadem Royal Tiaras History Diamonds

When Duchess Sophie of Württemberg weds Maximilien d’Andigné

in 2018 October 20th at lake Tegernsee,

Koechert Tiara with pearls and Diamonds Imperial Austria| Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Koechert Tiara with Turquoise Diamonds Imperial Austria| Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Duchess Sophie of Wurtemberg Hochzeit Vermählung Wedding Marriage Count Maximilien of Andigne
Duchess Sophie of Wurtemberg Hochzeit Vermählung Wedding Marriage Count Maximilien of Andigne

she wore the altered Diamond Tiara from Archduchess Maria Immaculata Raineria of Austria.
Once a wedding gift the her,  made by Köchert.

In 1900 the tiara was made for her imperial  trousseau, it could be setted with turquoises or opals, as well as pearls and added with diamonds –

instead of the gems.

The imperial marriage present was given to the Archduchess Maria Raineria Immaculata when she weds  Robert Duke of Wuerttemberg.
The couple has no children so she left the tiara to the  Dukes of Wurtemberg more about the history>>

When I prepared the two magazin side, about Archduchess Maria Immaculata Rainera, Duchess of Württemberg  in 2009 – I missed a clear picture of the details of the nice tiara. Now we had a wonderful closeup.


Imperiales Türkis und Diamanten Diadem der Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Wuerttemberg | Württemberg Deutschland
Koechert Tiara with Turquoise Diamonds Imperial Austria| Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Herzogin Sophie| Hochzeit Tiara Württemberg Deutschland | Imperiales Köchert Diamanten Diadem Herzogin Maria Immaculata von Wuerttemberg
Duchess Sophie | Royal Wedding Diamond Tiara without the Turquoise | Imperial Austria| Köchert | Duchess Robert of Wuertemberg
Gold Geschenk des Zaren an seine Tochter Olga Königin von Württemberg |Imperial buckle of gold with gems of Queen Wurtemberg
Königin Olga und ihr herrlicher Perlenschmuck Königlicher Perlen | Royal Perl Collection of Queen Olga of Wurtemberg


Diamant Brillant Diadem der Großherzogin Hilda von Baden aus Vitrine verschwunden!

Diamant Diadem der Grossherzogin Hilda von Baden | Diamond Tiara of Grandduchess of Bade
Garland Diamant Diadem der Grossherzogin Hilda von Baden | Garland  Diamond Tiara of Grandduchess of Baden Grand Duchess Hilda of Baden’s Diamond Kokoshnik Tiara

Das wertvolle Diadem gehörte der letzten amtierenden Großherzogin Hilda von Baden, geborene von Nassau (1864 - 1952), der Frau des Großherzogs Friedrich II. von Baden (1857-1928), der bis zur Abschaffung der Monarchie im Jahr 1918 im Karlsruher Schloss residierte.
Stilistisch weist die Goldschmiedearbeit laut dem Museum Elemente des Klassizismus auf. Gold und Platin bilden einen Rahmen mit zwei Stegen, in den Girlanden und gegenläufige Wellenlinien eingepasst sind. Diese sind  „à jour“ (nur am Rand, ohne Bodenplatte) gefassten Brillanten besetzt. Die Mitte wird von einer Raute mit einem Brillanten betont.
Die fein ziselierte Fassung ist mit 457 Altschliff-Brillanten und 225 Diamanten mit einem Totalgewicht von ca. 75 Karat besetzt. Die größten elf Steine wiegen zusätzlich ca. 15 Karat, davon der mittlere ca. 5 Karat. mehr zu der Historie Diadem>>

Es ist nicht bekannt, zu welchem Anlass das Diadem für die Großherzogin Hilda von Baden angefertigt wurde. Möglicherweise wurde es zum Regierungsantritt Friedrichs II. – des letzten badischen Großherzogs – im Jahr 1907 in Auftrag gegeben. Die aus Hessen stammende Großherzogin Hilda starb 1952 im südbadischen Badenweiler. Der jetzige Wert wird auf 1,2 Millionen € geschätzt.

Nachtrag vom Nov. 2020 -die Ermittlungen sind mittlerweile eingestellt, die Tiara  ist wohl für immer verloren.

Grand Duchess Hilda – Garland Brilliant Tiara stolen!

In April, the amazing diamond tiara of the last Grand Duchess Hilda of Baden is stolen from the Museum in Karlsruhe  – the jewel of €1,2 Mio. is missing since 28th of April. The ornate tiara was stolen from a locked cabinet in the museum’s throne room. … history of the tiara>>

The French Crown Ruby Parure | Imperial Royal Jewels |Chaumet

The French Crown Ruby Parure | Imperial Royal Jewels |Chaumet
The French Crown Ruby Parure | Imperial Royal Jewels |Chaumet

The French Crown Ruby Parure | Imperial Royal Jewels |Chaumet

Royal ruby jewelry the most intriguing jewels in the world are pieces formerly in the

Imperial French Crown Jewels Ruby Rubies Parure Suite | Imperatrice Empress Kaiserin
Imperial French Crown Jewels Ruby Rubies Parure Suite Comb Kamm | Imperatrice Empress Kaiserin

collection of the French Crown Jewels.

Nearly all the jewels were sold during an auction the French government conducted in 1887, and only a few of them survive in original condition. Several of the larger items were broken up before the auction . Others have been dismantled in the years since, and a number of the diamonds have been recut.

Several of the jewels that survived are matching pieces set with rubies and diamonds, originally part of a sumptuous parure  suite that Napoleon bought in 1810. The histories of these pieces are as rich as the rubies .

Famous Diamonds | Tigers Eye | Ornement de turban L’Oeil du Tigre

Famous, Important Diamond | Eye of the Tiger |Aigrette Maharaja Digvijaysinhji, son of the Maharaja Ranjitsinhji of Nawanagar Cartier: the «Tiger Eye», an exceptional cognac-coloured diamond mounted in a turban ornament
Famous, Important Diamond | Eye of the Tiger |Aigrette Maharaja Digvijaysinhji, son of the Maharaja Ranjitsinhji of Nawanagar Cartier: the «Tiger Eye», an exceptional cognac-coloured
diamond mounted in a turban ornament

Nice to see it again, we have made a website of the important diamond on the Royal Magazin – in 2006…. now on display  at the Grand Palais Paris:


Les joyaux de la collection Al-Thani au Grand Palais

Ornement de turban L’œil du Tigre Cartier Londres, 1937 – Diamant Oeil du Tigre de 61,50 carats et diamants sur platine

From the Great Mughals to the Maharajas -The exhibition repositions Indian jewellery traditions within the rich and complex cultures of the courts where they first originated, demonstrating how the profusion of stones and precious metals in the subcontinent led to the development of a sophisticated ornamental culture. Entering first in a Royal Treasury, visitors will find themselves surrounded by an exceptional group of dynastic gems, among which are the celebrated Agra, Idol’s Eye and Arcot II diamonds, all originating in India’s celebrated Golconda diamond mines. These are complimented by emeralds and spinels, some engraved with the names and titles of the rulers who owned them.

Shown through over two hundred and seventy exceptional pieces from The Al Thani Collection, together with major works on loan from

prestigious institutions and private collections.












Royal & Imperial Sapphires |Saphir Historische Safire

Royal Jewels - Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires
Royal Jewels – Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires||Habsburg Saphir Parure und Diadem| Hochzeitsgeschenk des Kaisers Franz an seine Tochter Marie-Louise

Royal & Imperial Sapphires | Jewels Jewelry | Saphir Schmuck Historische Safire

Jewel history in the older part of the Royal Magazin, with some updates:

Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Imperial Austrian Bourbon Piacenza TiaraRoyal Jewels - Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires
Marie-Louise of Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Imperial Austrian Bourbon Piacenza Tiara Royal Jewels – Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires

Sapphire Parure of the Marie-Louise Empress of France, Archduchess of Austria | Imperial Habsburg

Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Empress Marie Louise Sapphires

Saphir Schmuck der Kaiserin Marie-Louise | Sapphire Parure of the Marie-Louise Empress of France

Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Imperial Austrian Bourbon Piacenza TiaraRoyal Jewels - Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires
Habsburg Sapphires Parure with Diamonds, Fleur de Lys Brooches, Stomacher, Necklace | Imperial Austrian Bourbon Piacenza TiaraRoyal Jewels – Sapphire and diamond necklace that belonged to Empress Marie-Louise of France (1791-1847), the second wife of Napoleon I important sapphires

Sapphire Parure for the Imperial and Royal Court | Chaumet:

Lanckoronski sapphires stomacher

Royal Imperial Sapphires, historic Sapphires, history sapphires,sapphire tiara, sapphire brooch, sapphire parure, sapphire corsage, sapphire devante de corsage, sapphire stomacher, sapphire chaumet, sapphires in history, sapphires brooch, sapphires necklace, sapphires diademe, royal tiaras

Lanckoronski Sapphires brooch

Royal Imperial Sapphires, historic Sapphires, history sapphires,sapphire tiara, sapphire brooch, sapphire parure, sapphire corsage, sapphire devante de corsage, sapphire stomacher, sapphire chaumet, sapphires in history, sapphires brooch, sapphires necklace, sapphires diademe, royal tiaras
Royal Imperial Sapphires, historic Sapphires

Lanckoronski Sapphires tiara and necklace

Frankreich | France Saphires joyaux de Couronne |


Les saphirs de la famille d’Orléans

 Empress Josephine’s Sapphire Parure

Sapphire Diamant Parure Crown Jewels of France


Bonaparte Sapphires Jewelery | Mellerio

Sapphire and Diamond Parure of Princess Eugenie of Greece

Sapphires Brooch Mellerio | Royal Jewels | Princess Bonaparte

Marchioness of Cambridge | Teck Jewels Lady Margaret Grosvenor| Royal Wedding Gift and Marriage Presents

Teck Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Present Diamond Pearl Bracelets - Choker | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Teck Jewels | Wedding Gift Present Diamond Pearl Tiara | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Teck Jewels | Wedding Gift Present from the Citizens of Chester 
 margaretgrosvenor  adolphusofteck  britishroyalfamily  westminster  royalwedding  queenmary  victorianroyals  maryofteck
Marriage of Lady Margaret Grosvenor to Prince Adolphus Diamond Pearl Tiara | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Teck Jewels | Wedding Gift Present from the Citizens of Chester

1894 Royal Wedding at Chester at the private chapel of the Duke of Westminster, the bride:

Margaret Evelyn Cambridge, Marchioness of Cambridge 1873 –  1929

was the sixth child and third daughter of the 1st Duke of Westminster and the wife of the 1st Marquess of Cambridge.
She was known before her marriage as The Lady Margaret Grosvenor, and after it she was also known as Princess Adolphus of Teck and later The Duchess of Teck.

Teck Jewels | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Gold Bracelet Wedding Gift Present

Diamond Pearl Bracelets – Choker | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Teck Jewels | Marriage  Present

Diamond Pearl Tiara | Lady Mary Grosvenor | Marchioness of Cambridge | Teck Jewels | Wedding Gift Present fromthe Citizens of Chester

The ball at Eaton having been abandoned in consequence of the morning in Court circles. Owing to the death of the Czar, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Fife are not present at the wedding.