Archiv der Kategorie: Loop Tiara Diadem

Diamant Loop Diadem, Diademe, diadema, diademes,tiara,tiaras,royaltiaras,Loop Tiara, Looptiaras,circlet of diamonds, Schlaufen Diadem, Schlaufen Tiara, Diamant Zirkel, Royal Jewellery & Aristocratic Jewels Jewelry

Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara| Royal Jewel History, Diadem Circlet

Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara| Royal Jewel History ,Diadem Circlet
Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara| Royal Jewel History ,Diadem Circlet
Princess Ragnhild of Norway| Royal Boucheron Pearl and Diamond Loop Tiara|Circlet Diadem
Princess Ingeborg of Sweden | Royal Boucheron Pearl and Diamond Loop Tiara| Circlet Diadem
Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara| Royal Jewel History ,Diadem Circlet
Princess Margarethe of Denmark |Prinzessin Margarethe von Dänemark| Royal Jewels Tiara
Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway | Royal Boucheron Loop Pearl and Diamond Tiara| Royal Jewel History ,Diadem Circlet Prinsessen Ingrid Alexandras tale under gallamiddagen på Slottet i anledning feiringen av prinsessens 18-årsdag
Norway Tiaras - Royals Royal Tiara Royal Family of Norway - 18th birthday Gala Princess Ingrid Alexandra | great-great grandmother.
18th Birthday Gala for Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway and the Royal Family of Norway| The Norwegian Princess wore her birthday gift, the pearl and diamond Tiara of her great-great grandmother.
Heirs of the Throne and Crown Princesses of the Future Second row from the left: HRH Princess Catharina-Amalia of the Netherlands and HRH Princess Elisabeth of Belgium. In front from the left: HRH Princess Estelle of Sweden, HRH Princess Ingrid Alexandra and HRH Prince Charles of Luxembourg. Photo: Lise Åserud, NTB
Heirs of the Throne and Crown Princesses of the Future, Second row from the left: HRH Princess Catharina-Amalia of the Netherlands and HRH Princess Elisabeth of Belgium. In front from the left: HRH Princess Estelle of Sweden, HRH Princess Ingrid Alexandra and HRH Prince Charles of Luxembourg. Photo: Lise Åserud, NTB
Royal Family of Norway - 18th birthday Gala Princess Ingrid Alexandra Norway Tiaras - Royals Royal Tiara Royal Family of Norway - 18th birthday Gala Princess Ingrid Alexandra
Royal Family of Norway – 18th birthday Gala Princess Ingrid Alexandra

Duchess Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin| Princess of Preussen| Pearl & Diamond Tiara and Brooch| Wedding Gift From Princess Marianne of Preussen

Prinzessin Alexandrine von Preußen 1842–1906 genannt „Addy“ Herzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin

https:/Königlich und Kaiserliche Hochzeitsgeschenk an die Prinzessin Alexandrine von Preussen, Herzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin Alexandrine von Preußen (1842–1906) genannt „Addy“ Herzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin n/mecklenburg-schwerin/alexandrine-pearls-tiara-marianne-oranien-nassau-niederlande-netherlands.htm
Duchess Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin| Princess of Preussen| Pearl & Diamond Tiara and Brooch| Wedding Gift From Princess Marianne of Preussen|| Königlich und Kaiserliche Hochzeitsgeschenk an die Prinzessin Alexandrine von Preussen, Herzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin Alexandrine von Preußen (1842–1906) genannt „Addy“ Herzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Königlich und Kaiserliche Hochzeitsgeschenk an die Prinzessin Alexandrine von Preussen, Herzogin von Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Duchess Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin| Princess of Preussen| Pearl & Diamond Tiara and Brooch| Wedding Gift From Princess Marianne of Preussen

Perlen Tropfen Diadem Famous Pearl Treasure – Princess Marianne of the Netherlands – Prinzessin Albrecht – Princess Albert| Prinzessin Marianne von Oranien-Nassau Perlen Diadem Diademe | Tiara, left to her daughter Princess Alexandrine

Diamond and Pearl Loop Tiara|Princess Eulalia of Orleans | Infanta of Spain| Royal Jewel History

Infanta Eulalia of Spain – Important Royal Jewellery

Infanta Eulalia Pearl and Diamond Loop Diadem Royal Tiara Princess of Orleans Duchess of Galliera -joyas marie de las mercedes dona Eulalia Eulalie Spanish royalty realeza Infanta Eulalia once owned $5,000,000 in jewels, which she had inherited from her mother. t the jewel box went astray in Madrid in 1935.  royaljewellery  europeanroyalfamily  casareal
Infanta Eulalia Pearl and Diamond Loop Diadem Royal Tiara Princess of Orleans Duchess of Galliera -joyas marie de las mercedes dona Eulalia Eulalie Spanish Royalty

A Pearl & Diamond Loop Tiara – similar to the pearl tiara in the bottom, which was worn by Princess Eulalia of Spain, on a Kokoshnik tiara frame.

The diamond riviere is a wedding gift of her mother Queen Isabella II of Spain.

Ruby diamond set of jewels of star motif | Star Tiara |Infanta Eulalia of Spain| Royal Jewelry
Ruby diamond set of jewels of star motif |Spain| Royal Jewelry

The Infanta Eulalia of Spain married her first cousin Antonio de Orléans y de Borbón, Infante of Spain and Duke of Galliera in 1886, shortly after the death of her brother King Alfonso XII.
She was compensated with magnificent jewels. Among the many wedding gifts she received were

A ruby and diamond set of jewels of star motif, very popular at the time, from her fiancé.
Seven of the 10 stars are setted with 386 diamonds, in each centre of the star is an large ruby and build the tiara, three more stars are made as brooches from 140 brillants and also one centered ruby. The parure included another brooch like a double-star made with diamonds and rubiers, have a look at the sketch above.

some more of her jewel collection:

Infanta Eulalias splendid Necklace | Princess of Orleans Royal Jewels Spain

The splendid Pearl and Diamond Necklace of the Infanta Eulalia of Spain|Royal Jewels Marzo
The splendid Pearl and Diamond Necklace of the Infanta Eulalia of Spain

In 1886 the Spanish princess H.R.H. the Infanta Doña Eulalia of Spain married her first cousin Antonio de Orléans y de Borbón, Infante of Spain and Duke of Galliera of political reasons.
She was compensated with magnificent jewels, this fabulous necklace was the present from her godparents and parents-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Montpensier. The jewel contains 639 brilliants and 334 pearls in eight strands from which hang 40 other pearls of greater size.
Together with another wedding gift, an amazing tiara, both pieces were exhibited in the premises of Marzo in Madrid in 1886.

Infanta Eulalias Ruby Star Tiara and Jewel Set | Princess of Orleans Wedding present of the Duke of Galliera

The Pearl and Diamond Tiara|Infanta Eulalia of Spain|Royal Wedding Gift  Infanta Eulalia's high diamond tiara diadem spanish royals- princess orleans- famous jewels and jewellery- Infanta Eulalia once owned $5,000,000 in jewels, which she had inherited from her mother. It is said that the jewel box went astray in Madrid in 1935. Queen regnant of Spain, her father a Spanish Duke royaljewellery  crownjewels #diamondsareforever  europeanroyalfamily  casareal
The Pearl and Diamond Tiara|Infanta Eulalia of Spain|Royal Wedding Gift Infanta Eulalia’s high diamond tiara

Infanta Eulalia Tiara | Royal Pearl and Diamond high Diadem Jewels

Anastasia Princess of Greece-Denmark|Famous PEAR SHAPED DIAMONDS – First Version TIARA DIADEM Royal Jewels History Pearls

Anastasia Princess of Greece-Denmark|Famous Pearls Pearl strings Pearl necklace |Marriage Royal Jewels History Pearls
Anastasia Princess of Greece-Denmark| Diadem Famous Diamond Tiara|Nancy Leeds |Royal Jewels History Diamonds

Anastasia Princess of Greece-Denmark| Diadem Famous Diamond Tiara|Nancy Leeds |Royal Jewels History Diamonds

This enormous pear shaped diamonds are later used as pendant of her Diamond Loop Tiara….this was her first version:

Diamond and Pearl Cartier Tiara|Loop Tiara | Princess Anastasia of Greece| Royal Historic Jewelry

Pearl and Diamond Cartier Tiara of Princess Anastasia of Greece Diamond and Pearl Loop Cartier Tiara|Royal Greek Jewel History| Princess Anastasia of Greece
Above, a Diamond loop tiara, worn by Princess Anastasia of Greece, made for her by Cartier in 1913 when she was Mrs. Leeds. The pear-shaped diamonds in this magnificent jewels weighed 70,16 ct, the pendant pearls 221 gr. , she wore it together with a valuable string of pearls and bracelets. This tiara is similar to the loop tiara of Grand Duchess Vladimir, now in the possession of Queen Elisabeth II.
Pearl and Diamond Cartier Tiara of Princess Anastasia of Greece Diamond and Pearl Loop Cartier Tiara|Royal Greek Jewel History| Princess Anastasia of Greece
Above, a Diamond loop tiara, worn by Princess Anastasia of Greece, made for her by Cartier in 1913 when she was Mrs. Leeds. The pear-shaped diamonds in this magnificent jewels weighed 70,16 ct, the pendant pearls 221 gr. , she wore it together with a valuable string of pearls and bracelets. This tiara is similar to the loop tiara of Grand Duchess Vladimir, now in the possession of Queen Elisabeth II.

Cartier Loop Diadem der Prinzessin Anastasia von Griechenland| Königlicher Schmuck und die Historie

Prinzessin Anastasia| Nancy Leeds stories of jewels| Royal Jewel History|Petit-Point Platin Bandeau von Cartier 1912

Diamond Tiara|Diamond bow stomacher Diamond Chain Royal Wedding| Princess Anastasia of Greece| Royal Historic Jewelry

Diamond Chain, Diamond Bow Brooch, Diamond Diadem |Anastasia Princess of Greece-Denmark|Royal Wedding Nancy Leeds – Diamond Tiara|Marriage Royal Jewels History

Anastasia Princess of Greece-Denmark|Famous Pearls Pearl strings Pearl necklace |Marriage Royal Jewels History Pearls

Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo Herzogin von Aosta | Königin von Spanien|Perlen und Diamant Diadem| Italian royal tiaras

Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo della Cisterna 1847-1876 war Königin von Spanien (1870–1873) und Herzogin von Aosta (1867–1876).

Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo wurde in Paris als älteste Tochter von Carlo Emmanuele dal Pozzo, 5. Fürst von Cisterna, und dessen Gemahlin Louise Caroline Ghislaine, Gräfin von Mérode, geboren. Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters 1864 erbte sie dessen Titel und wurde so Fürstin von Cisterna und Belriguardo, Marchesa von Voghera und Gräfin von Ponderano.

 Italian royal tiaras Diamond Pearl Tiara Duchess d'Aosta Maria Vittoria dal Pozza della Cisterna|Savoy Royal Jewels Italy |Royal Marriage Gift
Diamond Pearl Tiara Duchess d’Aosta Maria Vittoria dal Pozza della Cisterna|Savoy Royal Jewels Italy |Royal Marriage Gift

Am 30. Mai 1867 heiratete sie in Turin Amadeus, Herzog von Aosta den zweiten Sohn des italienischen Königs Viktor Emmanuels II. mehr dazu:

Hochzeitszeremonien von Prinz Amédée von Italien und Maria Vittoria dal Pozza della Cisterna| Herzog und Herzogin von Aosta

Als ihr Gemahl am 16. November 1870 zum spanischen König gewählt wurde, avancierte sie zur spanischen Königin. Sie widmete sich vor allem wohltätigen Projekten. Ihr Gatte dankte bereits 2 Jahre später, am 11. Februar 1873, ab.

Diamond Pearl Tiara Duchess d’Aosta Maria Vittoria dal Pozza della Cisterna|Savoy Royal Jewels Italy |Royal Marriage Gift

Diamond Pearl Tiara Necklace Duchess d’Aosta Maria Vittoria dal Pozza della Cisterna| Queen of Spain |Savoy Jewels Italy|Royal Wedding Present

Italian royal tiaras Diamond Pearl Tiara Necklace Duchess d'Aosta Maria Vittoria dal Pozza della Cisterna| Queen of Spain |Savoy Jewels Italy|Royal Wedding Present
Diamond Pearl Tiara Necklace Duchess d’Aosta Maria Vittoria dal Pozza della Cisterna| Queen of Spain |Savoy Jewels Italy|Royal Wedding Present

Im Frühjahr wird diese prachtvolle Tiara, welche sich seit Generationen im Besitz der königlichen Familie von Italien befindet, die Auktion „Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels“ bei Sotheby’s am 11. Mai 2021 in Genf anführen. Verwurzelt mit der glanzvollen Geschichte des Hauses Savoyen, das zu den ältesten Herrscherhäusern der Welt zählt, ist das mit Naturperlen und Diamanten besetzte Prunkstück eine der bedeutendsten Diademe, welches in den letzten Jahren auf dem Markt gekommen ist. Die Tiara ist geschätzt auf $ 1 Million bis 1.5 Millionen (CHF 930.000-1.395.000)


Duchess Helene of Aoste Diamond Tiara| Imperial Jewels France Orleans | Wedding Presents Royal Marriage Gifts
Duchess Helene of Aoste Diamond Choker Bandeau Tiara|Imperial Jewel France |Wedding Countess Olympia of Arco-Zinneberg Princess Napoleon
Duchess Helene of Aoste Emerald and Diamond Necklace – from the Duc d’Aosta| France Imperial Jewels |Princess of Orleans Presents Wedding |Royal Marriage Gift
Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste Emerald and Diamond Scroll Tiara – Imperial Diadem from the Duc d’Aumale|Princes s of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift
Starry diamond Crown – with stars and high sprays of diamonds| Royal tiara from King and Queen of Italy|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift
Fleur de Lys of diamonds| Giglio Royal head Ornament or Brooch from the Ladies of Florence|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift
Necklace of diamonds and emeralds| Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift
Aigrette of diamonds and emeralds Diadem Chaumet|Royal Imperial head Ornament from the Duc d’Orléans|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift
Brooch Caduceus winged Hermes Stick of diamond rubies and pearls |Royal Wedding present the Prince and Princess of Wales, Duke-Duchess of York, Maud,Victoria of Wales|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift
Pearl and Diamond Ornament Brooch Devante de Corsage|Royal Imperial Jewel from the Duchess of Montpensier|Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Diamond Lattice Tiara |Royal Imperial Jewel |Elena Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Large Emerald Brooch with Diamonds|Royal Wedding present from the Duc de Aosta|Elena of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Diamond Crescent Ornament Brooch Devante de Corsage Diamond Stars|Royal Imperial Jewel |Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Important Necklace of 35 very fine pearls| Royal Imperial Turquoise Feather Aigrette|Elena of Orléans Duchess of Aosta |Princess of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift



Anne Duchess Aosta | Duc de Aoste – Royal Diamond Tiara | Italy Historic Jewels

Anne Herzogin von Aosta | Royal Jewel History Diadem Lovanov Rostov


Royal and Imperial Jewels of Italy | Elena of Montenegro Queen of Italy | Diamond Ivy Leaf Stomacher Tiara Diadem

Princess Maria Pia Diadem |Princess Maria Gabriella Royal and Imperial Jewels of Italy | Diamond Ivy Leaf Stomacher Tiara Diadem

Diamonds | Royal and Imperial Crown Jewels of Bulgaria | Giovanna of Bulgaria | Diamond Ivy Leaf Tiara Diadem

Juwelen und Schmuck der Tsaritsa von Bulgarien | Queen Consort Margarita of Bulgaria | Diamond Ivy Leaf Tiara Diadem

Prinzess Giovanna of Italy |Queen Ioanna|Bulgaria Royal Imperial Koechert Diamond Tiara

Diamond Ruby Emerald Fleur de Lys Crown of Marie Louise of Bulgaria| History Crown Jewels

Herzogin Luise von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld| Duchess Louise Wedding Jewels Royal History

Duchess Louise of Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld, Mother of Prince Albert the consort of Queen Victoria, in her silver wedding gown, when she married in 1817.

„……this afternoon there was great court and dinner.

During the festivities the bridal jewelry of the Duchess Louise was also on public display…. and a poem was written about it. … The princess’s bridal trousseau, whose value is estimated at 100 000 Thlr., was on public display in the castle on the 16th and 17th. Of rare beauty was the massive silver toilet with its golden contents, the velvet and silk richly embroidered dresses, the linen etc………….“

„The magnificent bridal jewelry, which was recently added by the princess aunt Grand Duchess Anna Feodorovna with a splendid brilliant necklace, was particularly outstanding.“

It could be the diamond belt and the border of diamond loops along the neckline. One counts, 17 entwined diamond rings and the other with 15 entwined smaller diamond ornaments.

An example of this, in the picture the link band of seven intertwined rings, set with approx. 722 diamonds in different historical cuts, as Peruzzi cut diamonds, Mazarin, pear shaped. Originally probably part of a tiara, which is also indicated by the mounting holes in the setting, which was sold a few years ago from a German ducal estate.

We see on the portrait of the Duchess Louise:
a diamond necklace with 9 drop pearls is still remarkable, as are the diamond and pearl earrings each with 3 large drop pearls. In addition, a diamond diadem of 14 visibly upright diamond ears and a diamond and pearl comb, behind it.

More history:

Louise Duchess von Sachsen-Coburg Saalfeld| Royal Wedding Gift, Loop Tiara Necklace, Diamond Circlet Ornament |Royal Jewel History
Duchess Dorothea Luise Pauline Charlotte Frederike Auguste of Saxony, Countess of Pölzig and Beiersdorf, née Princess of Saxony Gotha-Altenburg, divorced Duchess of Saxony-Coburg-Saalfeld


LOOP TIARA | Diamond Loop Diadem | Circlet Tiaras || Diamant Schlaufen Diadem

Romania Queen Marie diamond circlet loop tiara , diamond circlet , worn on the coronation of the tsar
Romania Queen Marie diamond circlet loop tiara , diamond circlet , worn on the coronation of the tsar, Tsar Nicholas’ coronation in 1896.

Loop Cartier Diadem der Prinzessin Anastasia von Griechenland

Loop Diamond and Pearl Cartier Tiara|Royal Greek Jewel History| Princess Anastasia of Greece

Diamond and Pearl Loop Cartier Tiara| Princess Anastasia of Greece| Royal Historic Jewelry

Loop Cartier Diadem der Prinzessin Anastasia von Griechenland

Queen Marie of Romania| Royal Wedding Gift Duke of Coburg | Princess Marie of Edinburgh| Loop Tiara |Royal Circlet Diamond Tiara

Imperial Jewelry of Grand Duchess Marie| Duchess of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, wife of ALFRED Ernest Albert Prince of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Edinburgh, and Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

Faberge Pearl Diamond Tiara|Circlet Loop Diadem| Imperial Romanov Jewel History

Marie Grand Duchess of Russia, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland, Duchess of Edinburgh and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

Diamond Loop Tiara Sultan Abdul Hamid|Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia| Royal Jewel History Hohenzollern | Kaiserhaus

Kronprinzessin Cecilie von Preussen| Diamant Diadem Hochzeitsgeschenk des Sultan Abtdul Hamid

Queen Victoria Eugenie Aquamarine Parure|Diamond Loop Tiara| Spain Royal Jewels

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Loop Tiara | Diamond Loop Diadem| Circlet Aquamarine Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain Torlonia
Loop Tiara | Diamond Loop Diadem| Circlet Aquamarine Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain Torlonia  Picture: Archive Ursula Butschal

Kronprinzessin Cecilie von Preussen| Crownprincess Cecilie of Prussia Hohenzollern| Faberge Tiara

Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia |FABERGE Diamond Tiara wedding gift from Anastasia Mikhailovna Romanov Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin | German Empire Jewelry

click for more history!

Faberge Tiara Wedding gift from Anastasia Michaelovna to her daughter Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia
Faberge Tiara Wedding gift from Anastasia Michaelovna to her daughter Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia
The story behind the Royal Jewellery:
Kronprinzessin Cecilie von Preussen| Diamant Halskette Hochzeitsgeschenk von Grossfürst Michael Nikolajewitsch Romanow
Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia | Diamond necklace wedding gift from Grand Duke Michael Nikolayevich Romanov | German Empire Jewelry History

Diamond Loop Tiara Sultan Abdul Hamid|Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia| Royal Jewel History Hohenzollern | Kaiserhaus

Kronprinzessin Cecilie von Preussen| Diamant Diadem Hochzeitsgeschenk des Sultan Abdul Hamid



Royaler Schmuck und Kaiserliche Juwelen des Hauses Hohenzollern – Preussen | Royal Jewellery and Imperial Treasures of Prussian Kings and Queens
Königliche Rubinschmuck der Königin Ludovika von Preussen | Royal Ruby-Parure Queen Elisabeth Ludovika of Prussia
Royale Diamant Mäander-Tiara Kronprinzessin Cecilie | Royal Diamond Greek Key Mäander-Tiara of the Prussian Crown Princess
Diamant Mäander-Tiara Kronprinzessin Cecilie | Royal Diamond Greek Key Mäander-Tiara of the Prussian Crown Princess
Königlich Preussische Saphir-Diamant-Perlen-Parure |Preussen | Royal The Sapphire-Pearl-Diamond Parure of the Prussian Queen
Kronprinzessin Cecilie und das Saphir-Aigrette|Kaiserhaus Preussen Hohenzollern| Sapphire Head Jewel of the Prussian Crown-Princess
Kronprinzessin Cecilie und ihr Saphir-Tropfen |Imperial Jewel History|Crownprincess Cecilies Sapphire Pendant
Diamant Faberge-Kokoschnik der Kronprinzessin Cecilie | Royal Imperial Jewelry| Crownprincess Cecilies Faberge Tiara
Diamond bridal tiara of the of Prussian Imperial Princess Marie-Cecilie Prncess Kira Princess | Die Mäander-Tiara der Kronprinzessin als Braut-Tiara
Wedding Kira Grand Duchess of Russia and Prince Louis-Ferdinand of Prussia | Die Hochzeit von Prinz Louis-Ferdinand von Preussen und Grossfürstin Kira



Princess Sophia of Prussia | Crown Princess of the Hellenes | Queen of Greece

Princess Sophia of Prussia | Crown Princess of the Hellenes
Princess Sophia of Prussia | Crown Princess of the Hellenes

Wedding Princess Sophia of Prussia | Queen Consort of the Hellenes| Greece Royal Jewels | Marriage gifts and presents

The Crown Princess of the Hellenes got priceless jewels from her imperial family – interesting details about an Turquoise Parure with tiara, necklace, chocker, bracelets, stomacher, brooches…..

 Queen Sofia of Greece's circle tiara - C Diamond Elements, loop Diamond tiara made by Kreuter Hanau. - a wedding gift from King Humbert of Italy handed to the Emperor a splendid tiara of diamonds as a wedding present for Princess Sophie - described it as a magnificent specimen of Italian workmanship - probably the "C" tiara which is pictured below and later worne by Princess Irene of Greece, daughter of Queen Friederike of Greece.

MerkeKing Humbert of Italy handed to the Emperor a splendid tiara of diamonds as a wedding present for Princess Sophie – described it as a magnificent specimen of Italian workmanship – probably the „C“ tiara which is pictured above and later worn by Princess Katherine of Greece and Denmark, Queen Sofía (born Princess Sophia of Greece and Denmark and later owned by Princess Irene of Greece, daughter of Queen Friederike of Greece.

At least seen on the infanta Elena of Spain









