Archiv der Kategorie: Chaumet | Maison Chaumet

Chaumet haute joaillerie, bijoux, the house of Chaumet, Chaumet Paris, Chaumet tiara,
chaumet devante de corsage, chaumet jewelry, workshop chaumet, atelier chaumet, Place Vendome, Chaumet parure, Nitot, Nitot Paris, Marie-Étienne Nitot was a French jeweller, the official jeweller to the Emperor Napoleon,
Maison Chaumet is a French jewelry house that was founded in Paris in 1780 by Marie-Etienne Nitot. Over the centuries, Chaumet has become known for its exquisite jewelry designs and has created pieces for some of the most famous and influential figures in history.

One of Chaumet’s most famous clients was the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Nitot became Napoleon’s official jeweler in 1802, and he created a number of iconic pieces for the emperor, including the famous coronation crown, which was made of gold and set with diamonds.

Chaumet also created jewelry for many other members of European royalty, i was a fan of the company’s tiaras and brooches. In addition to working with royalty, Chaumet has also designed pieces for celebrities and socialites

One of Chaumet’s most distinctive design elements is its use of natural motifs, such as flowers, leaves, and vines. These organic shapes are often incorporated into the company’s jewelry designs, along with diamonds, pearls, and other precious gems.

The company is also known for its historic archives, which include thousands of design sketches, photographs, and other documents that offer a unique glimpse into the history of jewelry design.

Youssupov | Jusupov Jewel Collection| Russian Imperial Jewelry

Royal Imperial Jusupov Emerald – Diamond – Stomacher | Jussupow Imperialer Smaragd Brustschmuck

Important Ruby – Diamond – Necklace |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Rubin Diamant Kette

Ruby Stomacher Devante de Corsage - Romanov Jewels - Yussupov Jewellery

Ruby – Diamond – Necklace |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Rubin Diamant Kette

Jusupov Romanov Jewels| Royal Imperial Russia Chaumet Ruby Bowknot Devant de Corsage

Chaumet Diamants Bleu Aigrette| Blue Diamonds Devante de Corsage|Yusupov Boucheron Stomacher | Bows and Ribbon Russian Imperial Court Jewelry|Youssoupoff Treasure

Chaumet Emerald Diamond Tiara | |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Smaragd Diamant Diadem Bandeau von Chaumet

Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau Tiara | | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Royal Imperial Rubin Diamant Stirnband

Tiara Royal Imperial Jusupov
his diamond and ruby tiara in the Louis XV style was a wedding gift to Princess Irina. It is believed that Chaumet used stones from some old-fashioned pieces from the Yusupov collection to create jewelry commissioned by Prince Felix in 1914. The tiara was broken in 1925 by the Bolsheviks

 Emerald - Diamond - Stomacher | Jussupow Imperialer Smaragd Brustschmuck
Important Ruby - Diamond - Necklace |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Rubin Diamant Kette
Ruby - Diamond - Necklace |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Rubin Diamant Kette
Jusupov | Royal Imperial Russia Chaumet Ruby Bowknot Devant de Corsage
Chaumet Diamants Bleu Aigrette| Blue Diamonds Devante de Corsage|Yusupov Boucheron Stomacher | Bows and Ribbon Russian Imperial Court Jewelry|Youssoupoff Treasure
Chaumet Emerald Diamond Tiara | |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Smaragd Diamant Diadem Bandeau von Chaumet
Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau | | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Royal Imperial Rubin Diamant Stirnband
Queen Marie Antoinette's Diamond Drops Earrings France | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|| Königin Marie-Antoinette's Diamanttropfen
Sapphire - Diamond Coronet | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Saphir Diamant Krönchen - Diadem in Weissgold
Princess Irina`s Wedding Tiara | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov| Hochzeits Diadem mit Brillanten und graviertem Bergkristall
LA PELEGRINA and the Black Azra Pearl |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Die PELEGRINA Perle und die schwarze Azra Perle
Youssoupoff La Pelegrina | Imperial Russia | History Famous Pearl
Diamond flower Tiara Anna| Queen Marie Antoinette's Diamond Earrings | Marjorie Merriweather Post| Eleanor Close Barzin Berkassy | Important Royal Jewels



All Lovers Knot`s Pearl Tiara Diadem | Five Loversknot Tiaras| the famous Pearl Tiara | Royal Jewel History
Youssupov - Lover Knot´s Pearl Tiara | | Loversknot Tiara Pearl Diadem| Lovers knots| Youssoupff Tropfen-Perlen Diadem mit dem Liebesknoten Ornament
Louis XV style Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau Tiara | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Royal Imperial

Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau Jusupov TIara | Ruby Parure Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Royal Imperial

Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau Jusupov TIara | Ruby Parure Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Royal Imperial  Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau Jusupov TIara | Ruby Parure Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Royal Imperial
Ruby Diamond Chaumet Bandeau Jusupov TIara | Ruby Parure Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Royal Imperial

Queen Marie Antoinette’s Diamond Drops Earrings France | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|| Königin Marie-Antoinette’s Diamanttropfen

Sapphire – Diamond Coronet | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov|Saphir Diamant Krönchen – Diadem in Weissgold

Princess Irina`s Wedding Tiara | Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov| Hochzeits Diadem mit Brillanten und graviertem Bergkristall

LA PELEGRINA and the Black Azra Pearl |Imperial Royal Jewel History Jusupov | Die PELEGRINA Perle und die schwarze Azra Perle

Youssoupoff La Pelegrina | Imperial Russia | History Famous Pearl

Diamond flower Tiara Anna| Queen Marie Antoinette’s Diamond Earrings | Marjorie Merriweather Post| Eleanor Close Barzin Berkassy | Important Royal Jewels


All Lovers Knot`s Pearl Tiara Diadem | Five Loversknot Tiaras| the famous Pearl Tiara | Royal Jewel History

Youssupov – Lover Knot´s Pearl Tiara | | Loversknot Tiara Pearl Diadem| Lovers knots| Youssoupff Tropfen-Perlen Diadem mit dem Liebesknoten Ornament

HÉLÈNE D’ORLÉANS| DUCHESSE D’AOSTA| Royal Imperial Jewels History

Duchess Helene of Aoste Diamond Tiara| Imperial Jewels France Orleans | Wedding Presents Royal Marriage Gifts

 Italian royal tiaras: Princess Helene of Orleans HÉLÈNE  D'ORLÉANS| DUCHESSE D'AOSTA| Royal  Imperial Jewels History Emerald tiara Duc de Aumale Corbeille de Marriage Trousseau royal jewels royaltiara
THE PRESENTS of the House of ORLEANS HOUSE given to Princess Helene from
the Duc d'Aumale have chosen for the Royal bride.
A matching tiara with square emeralds also forming, together with diamond scrolls, the tiara is made around 1850

 “aigrette”, è costituita da una base composta da due strisce diamantate che si incrociano in un grande diamante quadrato centrale, da cui parte un elementi floreale di diamanti, dove a sua volta escono 5 ramoscelli fogliati, di cui quello centrale e i due laterali hanno all’apice 3 grandi diamanti a goccia, mentre gli altri due hanno due diamanti più piccoli sempre a goccia.
Questa fu realizzata dalle gioiellerie Chaumet nel 1895 su commissione del Principe Luigi Filippo Roberto d’Orléans, Duca d’Orléeans, Pretendente al trono francese e fratello di Hélène, il quale la regalò appunto alla sorella in occasione del suo matrimonio con il Principe Emanuele Filiberto, II Duca d’Aosta.
Non si sa esattamente che fine abbia fatto questo gioiello, Hélène lo indossava soprattutto nei primi anni di matrimonio, ma molti sostengono che possa essere stato donato nel 1915 all’allora Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri Antonio Salandra, insieme con altri gioielli della Famiglia Reale Italiana per aiutare il popolo italiano durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale.
"Aigrette", besteht aus einer Basis aus zwei Rautenstreifen, die sich in einer großen zentralen quadratischen Raute kreuzen, von der ein florales Rautenelement ausgeht, aus dem wiederum 5 Blattzweige hervorgehen, von denen der mittlere und die beiden seitlichen Zweige haben an der Spitze 3 große birnenförmige Diamanten, während die anderen beiden zwei kleinere birnenförmige Diamanten haben.
Dieser wurde 1895 von den Juwelieren Chaumet im Auftrag von Prinz Louis Philippe Roberto d'Orléans, Herzog von Orléans, Anwärter auf den französischen Thron und Bruder von Hélène, angefertigt, der ihn seiner Schwester anlässlich ihrer Hochzeit mit Prinz Emanuele Filiberto schenkte ., II. Herzog von Aosta.
Es ist nicht genau bekannt, was mit diesem Schmuckstück passiert ist, Hélène trug es besonders in den ersten Ehejahren, aber viele argumentieren, dass es möglicherweise 1915 zusammen mit anderen Schmuckstücken dem damaligen Präsidenten des Ministerrates Antonio Salandra geschenkt wurde die italienische Königsfamilie, um dem italienischen Volk während des Ersten Weltkriegs zu helfen.
Italian royal tiaras:THE PRESENTS of the House of ORLEANS HOUSE given to Princess Helene from
the Duc d’Aumale have chosen for the Royal bride.
A matching tiara with square emeralds also forming, together with diamond scrolls, the tiara is made around 1850.

Duchess Helene of Aoste Diamond Choker Bandeau Tiara|Imperial Jewel France |Wedding Countess Olympia of Arco-Zinneberg Princess Napoleon

More about the famous corbeille de marriage of Princess Helene of Orleans, Duchess of Aosta

Hélène of Orléans Duchess of Aoste Emerald and Diamond Scroll Tiara – Imperial Diadem from the Duc d’Aumale|Princes s of Orleans France Jewelry Presents|Royal Marriage Gift

Princess Maria Pia of Bourbon-Sicily | Orleans Braganza|Jewels Imperial Brazil

La princesse Luis d’Orléans-Bragance née Maria Pia de Bourbon Siciles 1878-1973

⁣⁣⁣⁣Diamond Bow and Ribbon Swag Diamond Tiara | Chaumet

An imperial wedding celebration took place on November 3 and 4 at Cannes in 1903.

The newlywed, Prince Dom Luiz of Orleans and Braganza, the second son of Prince Gaston Count of Eu and Crown Princess Dona Ysabel of Brazil, is a grandson of Pedro II. Emperor of Brazil⁣⁣⁣⁣
Princess Maria de Grazia known as Princess Maria Pia of Bourbon-Sicily, is the granddaughter of two Austrian archduchesses; for the mother of the Count of Caserta, Teresa Queen of both Sicily, was a daughter of the glorious Archduke Charles and sister of Archduke Albrecht, the mother of the Countess of Caserta, Maria Jsabella Countess of Trapani, the eldest sister of Archduke Ferdinand IV Grand Duke of Tuscany.⁣⁣⁣⁣

The celebrations began on the 3rd of November with the civil wedding by the Maire of Cannes, the Duke of Chartres and Prince Dom Pedro of Orleans and Braganza were present for the groom and their brothers, the Duke of Calabria and Infante Don Carlos of Spain for the bride.

The bride was gifted with a diamond tiara from Archduke and Archduchess Rainer, ( the generous childless pair Archduke Rainer of Austria 1827-1913 wife Archduchess Marie of Austria the couple was probably the most popular amongst the Habsburg family )with swags of diamond, on top with bow and ribbons – a cluster was set above on each garland. Other precious presents see in the link.⁣⁣⁣⁣
In the afternoon, a tea was served at the Grand Hotel by the Count and Countess of Eu: the Duke of Chartres, the Princes Dom Pedro and Dom Antonio of Orleans and Braganza, the Count and Countess of Caserta the Duke of Calabria Jnfant Don Carlos of Spain Princess Louise of France, Prince and Princess Johann Georg of Saxony, Grand Duchess Mother Anastasia Michailowna of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and so on….

More about the history:

Princess Maria Pia of Bourbon-Sicily | Orleans Braganza| Imperial Brazil

Charlotte Casiraghi | Royal Wedding Jewels| Grimaldi Provence Hochzeit

Royal Wedding Grimaldi|CHAUMET Reed Brooch|Wedding Jewelry Charlotte Casiraghi
Royal Wedding Grimaldi| Diamond Flower Spray Brooch|Wedding Jewelry Charlotte Casiraghi

Charlotte Casiraghi und Dimitri Rassam haben noch einmal „Ja“ gesagt, aber diesmal vor Gott, am  Samstag den 29. Juni 2019 in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence.

Nach einer ersten zivilen Trauung in Monaco heirateten Charlotte Casiraghi und Dimitri Rassam religiös am Samstag in Saint-Rémy de Provence, wie die beiden vom Fürstenpalast veröffentlichten Fotos des Paares belegen.

Die 32-jährige Charlotte und der 37-jährige Filmproduzent haben in der Abtei Sainte-Marie de Pierredon geheiratet.
An der Zeremonie nahmen ihr  Onkel, Prinz Albert II. von Monaco, Charlotte Casiraghis Mutter, Prinzessin Caroline, ihre Brüder Andrea und Pierre und ihre Frauen, ihre Halbschwester Alexandra von Hannover sowie die Mutter der Schauspielerin Dimitri Rassam Carole Bouquet,teil.

Die Wahl von Saint-Rémy de Provence war für Charlotte eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Nach dem Unfalltod ihres Vaters Stefano, als sie erst vier Jahre alt war, lebten sie und ihre Brüder in dieser Stadt. Um der Zeremonie einen blumigen Touch zu verleihen, wurden den handverlesenen Gästen  die traditionellen gebundenen Lavendelsträuße angeboten.

Die Enkelin der Schauspielerin Grace Kelly, Charlotte Casiraghi, hat zwei Kinder, Raphaël Elmaleh, geboren 2013, Sohn von Gad Elmaleh und Balthazar Rassam, geboren 2018.

Mehr zu dem historischen Schmuck:

Moore history of that jewelry:

Royal Wedding Grimaldi| Diamond Flower Spray Corsage Ornament| Demi Parure |Wedding Jewelry Charlotte Casiraghi

Princess Caroline of Monaco | Grimaldi Ornament de Corsage with Roses,Flowers and Leaves |Royal Diamond Demi Parure | Jewels



Eglantine Jasmine Flower Diamond Tiara Diadem |Duchess of Bedford Marchioness of Tavistock Historic Jewels

Queen of Naples Caroline Bonaparte Tiara Chaumet wild Roses
Queen of Naples Caroline Bonaparte Tiara Chaumet wild Roses





The story behind the important diamond tiara:

Tiara Caroline Bonaparte Reine of Naples| Diadem with diamond briar roses and jasmine flowers |Imperial Jewels

Karoline Murat Königin von Neapel | Eglantine Tiara | Wilde Rosen mit Rosenknopsen und Jasminblätter

Diamant Diadem History | Bonaparte Imperialer Schmuck

Duchess of Bedford | Diamond Eglantine Diadem with briar roses and jasmine flowers | Jewels Nobel History

Bedford Eglantine Diamant Diadem | Royal Imperial Jewelry |Familienschmuck der Herzogin von Bedford

Princess Alicia de Borbón-Parma Sapphire Diamond Parure | Sapphire Tiara Sapphire Necklace Sapphire Brooch Sapphire Bracelet Sapphire Earrings made by Chaumet | Infanta Alicia | Calabria

From hidden Treasures & History of Royal Jewels | The story of

Sapphire Diamond Parure Tiara Necklace Brooch Bracelet Earrings made by Chaumet for Princess Alicia Bourbon Parma Duchess of Calabria in Art deco Style
Sapphire Diamond Parure Tiara Necklace Brooch Bracelet Earrings made by Chaumet for Princess Alicia Bourbon Parma Duchess of Calabria in Art deco Style

:Sapphire Diamond Parure Tiara Necklace Brooch Bracelet Earrings made by Chaumet for Princess Alicia Bourbon Parma Duchess of Calabria in Art deco Style

Alicia, Duchess of Calabria, wearing the Chaumet sapphire parure.

Princess Eugenie of Greece wedding|Prince Radziwill| Marriage gifts

Radziwill Diamant Tiara with 7 pear shaped diamonds wedding gift to Archduchess Renata Princess of Radziwill
Radziwill Diamant Tiara with 7 pear shaped diamonds wedding gift to Archduchess Renata Princess of Radziwill

The civil ceremony of the wedding of Princes Eugenie of Greece, cousin of King George of Greece and of the Duchess of Kent, to Prince Dominique Radziwill of Poland took place at the Town Hall of the 16th Arrondissement in Paris the religious ceremony happening two ays later at the Church of St. Louis des Invalides>>

The bride, who met Prince Dominique only three months ago at the wedding of the Crown Prince Paul, was given away by her father, Prince George of Greece.

Standesamtliche Trauung von Prinzessin Eugenie von Griechenland - Dänemark mit dem Prinzen Radziwill|Civil Marriage
Standesamtliche Trauung von Prinzessin Eugenie von Griechenland – Dänemark mit dem Prinzen Radziwill|Civil Marriage

Princess Eugenie of Greece was the daughter of Prince George, uncle of King George of the Hellenes. Her engagement  to Prince Dominique Radziwill, the son of Prince Jerome Radziwill and the Archduchess Renee Marie of Austria.
It is only recently that the Greek Royal Family gathered to celebrate the wedding of her cousin,  The wedding took place at the Chapel of 5 St Louis des Invalides  of Prince Dominique Radziwill , son Of Prince Jerome Radziwill and of the late Archduchess Renata Maria of Austria , to Princess Eugenie of Greece , daughter of Prince George of Greece and Princess George .

The witnesses for the bride, who is a first cousin of the Duchess of Kent, were Prince Valdemar of Denmark, her great-uncle , and her father and for the bridegroom, Prince Jerome Radziwill, his father , and Archduke Charles Albert of Hapsburg,
The congregation included Princess Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma , Prince and Princess Rene of Bourbon-Parma, Princess Alex of Denmark , Grand Duke Dimitri, Princess Margaret of Denmark , Princess Alexandra of Greece, Prince Eric of Denmark, Prince and Princess Vigo of Denmark. Prince Bertil of Sweden, and members of the Diplomatic Corps.


Queen Olga of Greece Diamond and Pearl Devant de Corsage| Royal Historic Jewelry

Jewels Princess Marie Bonaparte | Diamand and Pearl Devant de Corsage| Royal Historic Jewelry

Sapphire Parure Princess Eugenie of Greece | Princess Torre e Tasso| Royal Historic Jewelry

Princess Marie Bonaparte’s Cartier Diamond Olive Wreath Cartier Diamond Tiara| Trousseau Princess Marie Bonaparte| Royal Historic Jewelry  Trousseau Greek Royal Family Bonaparte olive leaf tiara - cartier tiaras
Princess Marie Bonaparte’s Cartier Diamond Olive Wreath Cartier Diamond Tiara| Trousseau Princess Marie Bonaparte| Royal Historic Jewelry Trousseau

Princess Marie Bonaparte’s Cartier Diamond Olive Wreath Cartier Diamond Tiara| Trousseau Princess Marie Bonaparte| Royal Historic Jewelry

Princess Marie Bonaparte’s Cartier Pearl and Diamond Bandeau, Tiara greek royal jewels history,royaltiaras,diademe,tiare,diademas,cartier tiara
Princess Marie Bonaparte’s Cartier Pearl and Diamond Bandeau – Princess Radziwill wedding tiara, Bridal jewels

Princess Marie Bonaparte’s Cartier Pearl and Diamond Bandeau Olive Leaf Branch Tiara | Pearl and Diamond Comp/Brooch| Royal Historic Jewels

Diamond Pear-shaped Tiara | Wedding Diadem Princess Radziwill | Royal Marriage Princess Eugenie of Greece

Radziwill Diamond Pear-shaped Tiara | Wedding Diadem Princess Marie Dolores Radziwill | Royal Marriage Archduchess Renata

Standesamtliche Trauung von Prinzessin Eugenie von Griechenland – Dänemark mit dem Prinzen Radziwill|Civil Marriage

Fürstliche Brautsoiree Juni 1885 |Schmuck und Juwelen|Vermählung der Prinzessin Elisabeth Radziwill und Graf Roman Potocki

Queen Olga of Greece Emerald Jewels | Royal Historic Jewelry |Smaragd Schmuck der griechischen Königin

Diamond and Pearl Cartier Tiara| Princess Anastasia of Greece| Royal Historic Jewelry

Prinzessin Anastasia | Royal Jewel History|Petit-Point Platin Bandeau von Cartier 1912


Erzherzogin Renata von Österreich| Chaumet DiamantTiara | Hochzeit Prinzessin Radziwill | Royal Imperial Jewels History
Archduchess Renata of Habsburg|Royal Imperial Wedding Gifts Tiara Ruby Diamond Diadem Archduchess Marie Therese | Marriage Princess Radziwill | Poland Royal Jewels
Archduchess Renata of Habsburg|Royal Imperial Wedding Gifts Tiara Ruby Diamond Diadem Archduchess Marie Therese | Marriage Princess Radziwill | Poland Royal Jewels

Archduchess Renata of Habsburg| Chaumet Diamond Swag Tiara | Wedding Princess Radziwill | Royal Imperial Jewels

Erzherzogin Renata von Österreich| Chaumet DiamantTiara | Hochzeit Prinzessin Radziwill | Royal Imperial Jewels History

Archduchess Renata of Habsburg|Royal Imperial Wedding Gifts Tiara Ruby Diamond Diadem Archduchess Marie Therese | Marriage Princess Radziwill | Poland Royal Jewels

Superbe diadème en diamants Archiduchesse Renata de Habsburg | Cadeaux Royale Princesse Radziwill | Corbeille de mariage Royal Imperial Jewels

Valkyrie Cartier Diamond Tiara| Important Noble Jewels | Mary Duchess of Roxburghe | Jewel History

Valkyrie Cartier Diamond Tiara| Important Noble Jewels | Mary Duchess of Roxburghe | Jewel History
Valkyrie Cartier Diamond Tiara| Important Noble Jewels | Mary Duchess of Roxburghe | Jewel History

……on angel wings!!

from the dream to fly, myhts and jewels which are high in fashion in the 19th century…..

Diamond mercury wings | bird feathers Aigrette with diamonds | royal winged tiara | royal dove wing diadem:


Valkyrie Cartier Diamond Tiara| Important Noble Jewels | Mary Duchess of Roxburghe | Historic Jewelry

CHAUMET Diamond Wings Tiara Brooches| Wedding Gift Jewels| Royal Marriage Presents | Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain

Valkyrie’s Wings and diamond bird wings|Westminster Jewels|Feather Tiara and Brooch by Chaumet

Princess Royal Mary | Diamond Feather brooches | Bird Feather Jewel

Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia | Diamond feather Aigrette | Imperial Jewels | Wings

Queen Alexandra of Great Britain and Irland | Royal Diamond Wings and Feather Aigrette

Queen Maud of Norway Royal Jewels | Aigrette with Ruby and Diamonds

Princess Caroline of Monaco | Diamond Wings | Chaumet Brooch – Diadem | Devante de Corsage
Princess Caroline of Monaco | Princess of Hannover | Chaumet Diamond Wings

Beatrice Borromeo Cashiragi Wedding Jewels| Royal Diamond Eagle Wings | Chaumet

Diamond Wing Diadem | Royal Wedding Gift | Victoria Melita Grand Duchess of Hesse
Duke of Teck wedding present | diamond brooch in shape of two wings with cornelian heart centret| Marchioness of Cambridge| 
Valkyrie's Wings and diamond wings Tiara and Brooch made by chaumet
Valkyrie’s Wings and diamond wings Tiara and Brooch made by chaumet

THE HENCKEL-DONNERSMARCK DIAMONDS | Famous yellow diamonds history

One of Europe’s richest men, the handsome and charismatic 22-year-old Prussian industrialist and mining magnate was immediately captivated by La Païva’s seductive charms, extraordinary mind and business acumen. Their relationship was the talk of Paris high society and in 1871, the two were married.
Witness to one of the Great Love Stories of the 19th Century.
These historical diamonds were part of the celebrated jewellery collection of “La Païva”, one of the most famous 19th-century courtesans in Paris and a leading figure of contemporary cultural and artistic society find out more about the story of this important jewels and see it as tiara:

The Donnersmarck Diamonds |Tiara with yellow Diamonds | Jewels European Princely Family Donnersmarck
la Paivas yellow diamond Tiara Diadem | The Donnersmarck Diamonds |Tiara | Jewels European Princely Family
la Paivas yellow diamond Tiara Diadem | The Donnersmarck Diamonds |Tiara | Jewels European Princely Familie
The Henckel-Donnersmarck Diamonds cushion 102.54 cts pear-shaped 82.47 cts |Famous Yellow Fancy Diamonds
La Paiva | Das Wasserfall Diadem von Chaumet | Waterfall of Diamonds Tiara
Schmuck und Juwelen der Familie Henckel-Donnersmarck | Jewels of the Princely Family
Chaumet Diamant Eidechsen Royaler Schmuck Juwelen | CHAUMET Royal Jewels| Pair of Diamond Lizards
Diamond Tiara Countess Henckel-Donnersmarck
Boucheron Diamant Diadem | Henckel-Donnersmarck | Diamond Necklace -Tiara made by Boucheron
Die Smaragde der La Paiva | Necklace | The Emeralds of La Paiva Countess Henckel-Donnersmarck
Smaragd Diadem der Fürstin Henckel-Donnersmarck | Famous Emerald and Diamond Tiara
Die Perlen der Paiva |Imperial Royal Gems and Pearls History| Empress Eugenies Pearls onced owned by La Paiva

Die prachtvollen Donnersmarck Diamanten – Zeugnis einer der großartigsten Liebesgeschichten des 19. Jahrhunderts – Zur Auktion am 15. November 2017 bei Sotheby’s in Genf

The French Crown Ruby Parure | Imperial Royal Jewels |Chaumet

The French Crown Ruby Parure | Imperial Royal Jewels |Chaumet
The French Crown Ruby Parure | Imperial Royal Jewels |Chaumet

The French Crown Ruby Parure | Imperial Royal Jewels |Chaumet

Royal ruby jewelry the most intriguing jewels in the world are pieces formerly in the

Imperial French Crown Jewels Ruby Rubies Parure Suite | Imperatrice Empress Kaiserin
Imperial French Crown Jewels Ruby Rubies Parure Suite Comb Kamm | Imperatrice Empress Kaiserin

collection of the French Crown Jewels.

Nearly all the jewels were sold during an auction the French government conducted in 1887, and only a few of them survive in original condition. Several of the larger items were broken up before the auction . Others have been dismantled in the years since, and a number of the diamonds have been recut.

Several of the jewels that survived are matching pieces set with rubies and diamonds, originally part of a sumptuous parure  suite that Napoleon bought in 1810. The histories of these pieces are as rich as the rubies .